Bach Flower Remedies
Bach flower remedies were introduced in the 1930s by Edward Bach, M.D., (1886-1936) a British physician, who developed what he called a "theory of types" by which he divided people into seven groups based on their reactions to illness. He listed these types as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, oversensitivity, lack of interest in present circumstances, despondency, and over-concern for others. Dr. Bach believed that negative moods and emotions were responsible for the breakdown in health that leads to illness and determined that treatment had to address patients' emotional and mental states. He devised 38 wild flower essences, or remedies, for treatment for these negative moods and emotions. More floral remedies have since been added by Dr. Bach's followers. Proponents of flower remedies reportedly maintain that their mode of action does not depend on molecular or pharmacological mechanisms but on the subtle energy that is transmitted from the flowers to this remedy.
A study by Edzard Ernst, a professor of complementary medicine at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in England, published in August 2010 in the Swiss Medical Weekly, reported that present day followers of Bach flower remedies use the remedies for treatment of anxiety, stress, depression, lack of confidence, emotional and physical trauma, cancer and HIV/AIDS. However, Prof. Ernst noted that no studies have confirmed that the remedies have any effects that differ from those of placebo. Bach flower remedies are available for treatment of children and animals, as well as for adults.
Flower essences may be used by homeopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, herbalists, and Bach flower practitioners. Consumers can buy Bach essences for self care, along with other types of flower essences available at health food stores and online. In choosing a Bach flower essence consumers would have to know which particular emotional state they are trying to treat, or they can find out by responding to questionnaires available online at sites that sell the remedies.
If you're a recovering alcoholic or otherwise wish to avoid alcohol, you should be aware that Bach remedies contain diluted brandy. Individuals with emotional problems or serious medical conditions may be harmed if they substitute Bach flower remedies for conventional medical treatment or proven psychological approaches.
No. However, the Bach Centre in England certifies practitioners from all walks of life who have taken all three levels of Bach Centre-approved training. These individuals are listed on the Bach Centre website Specialized courses are available for homeopaths.
Certified practitioners are listed on the Bach Centre website.
Any form of treatment can be used with Bach Flower remedies. Individuals with serious medical or emotional conditions should not rely on Bach flower remedies alone for treatment.
Dr. Weil views Bach flower remedies as harmless. He is not aware of any good studies to support the efficacy of Bach remedies or other brands of flower essence, but he knows that many people enjoy using them and that they appear to be free of side effects.
•Dr Bach’s original ‘rescue’ formula is available in shops ready-mixed. The traditional formula – the only premixed combination remedy recommended by the Bach Centre – contains Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens and Cherry Plum, and its purpose is to help in times of crisis and emergency.
1. Understand what flower essences are, how they are made and how they can affect one’s emotional and body-mind health.
2. Begin using the method to select flower essences for personal usage.
3. Know how to use flower essences as an oral preparation and by other methods: environmental sprays, baths, lotion and/or oil carriers etc.
4. Know how to care for flower essences, where to access additional resources for ordering and further knowledge about flower essences.

2. Begin using the method to select flower essences for personal usage.
3. Know how to use flower essences as an oral preparation and by other methods: environmental sprays, baths, lotion and/or oil carriers etc.
4. Know how to care for flower essences, where to access additional resources for ordering and further knowledge about flower essences.
The past is not equal to the future.
Found out yourself:
I believe the human is the most powerful of the world.
What changes is the ability to act!
The ability to act! Changes:
What is the outcome?
The outcome is to resolve something.
Let your brain know what:
Face any Fear:
Take action!
Flexibility is power, if you see what you want you are doing is not working then do (different) something else.
It may take as many times.
What you want: ….take action, desire to know what you are getting into pay attention.
Welcome to frustration! Commit and follow through.
I am about to learn something:
Affirmations work:
They are direct communication with the soul of the mind. The soul of the mind with its eternal knowledge and wisdom always recognizes and resonates with the TRUTH!
and spiritual
Practice to know the TRUTH or the True
1. Ask questions, silently or out loud
2. Say from your heart, in your own words to your words to your own higher power, and in any version that you like to “hit it, GOD!'
3. Be willing to accept the first response you get.
Family: my choice
Social life
Love and embrace GOD “NO one but me is or ever will be my God-Center”
Never forfeit my free will, my mind, or my common sense to anyone! They are precious gifts, giving to me by a loving, generous GOD who should always be the first and last place I turn for answers.
All day and all night, throughout my life, may you and the other white entities of this world find each other and walk together safe and unharmed through the negatively of the dark side as you make your way home.
Knowledge is power!
The more afraid we are of something, the more we owe it to ourselves to learn about it. The more we learn about it, the more confidence we will be and we will have facing it and beating it.
I am following my chart!
My blue print!
All faith in yourself and God SUCCESS
Having a happy healthy spirit is the greatest sense of security will ever experience, because it is the one mark of success no one can ever take away from me!
This one’s too big for me, God. You handle it”.
In sights
1. Meaningful coincidences and take seriously
2. Institutes our awareness as something real
3. New view of life. Pure energy that responds to how everything works everything
4. Human tendency to steal energy form other humans by controlling them! We can connect with the higher sources.
5. The universe can provide with all we needs. To the universe we can open up, and the universe give us energy we do not need to steal from other human kind.
6. Day dreams can come to reality or true! “When a thought comes, we must ask why?
Why did this particular thought come now?
How does it relate to my life questions?
8 If It is negative daydreams, or thoughts fear images, it should be halted as soon as they come. Then another image, one with good outcome, should be willed think the mind. Soon negative images will almost never happen.
Your intuition will be about positive things, when negative images come after that, the manuscripts say they should be taken very seriously, and not followed.
9. *Pray in for the rest of my life to be said*
10. “I want the archetypes to surround me I do not want to be besieged by dark entities”
11. It Is My Own Thought, My Own Mind Working, Then let That Be Raised Clean. If It Is Coming From Outside Myself, Let the Archetypes Come”Associations:
Pain and pleasure how we create: association creates some power associates.
What do you want in your life?
Feeling happy! That is what I want!
I want happiness in my life! I am happy! I am energetic!
Power = use not just knowledge!
Power is to use!
Change anything
Leverage; interrupt the patter negative and link to new.
Change the believes! That is negative!
I change and link to change and create a new believes to the better!
Feel the consequences to change!
Identify the new believe. Youth is power knowledge is power any generalization and believes is power!
Anything that is a statement is power! Link massage changes positive
I = knowledge!
Condition myself over and over again say to myself I have the power!
I am the power!
Past does not = the FUTURE!
Learn from the past! There is always a way!

Step two= neuron social believes
To past and experience, and in the present see how it is.
See and feel you’re self-working this way.
I am my power
I have more money than the one I will ever need
I have more money than the one I will ever need! I am the power of myself.
I feel younger, more excited in life! I helped a lot of people! I invested and earned lots of money to help the people around me. I am the best to be around and I touch everything is power! And I am so happy.
I am very confident of myself
Do the decision to manage the emotions! Change a behavior you change by changing how you feel!. The things that we do in the state of how you feel at the moment. Be on a great state of mind! Learn to manage your state of mind. Do the decision to manage the emotions!
CONTROL THE MENTAL: break the patter of who I am!!
70 Jello Shot Recipes
1. *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager.
2. *MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 oz tequila, 4 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm.
(substitue watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita)
3. *RUM & COKE boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum
4. *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn't as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ.
5. *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can.
6. *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka
7. *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up)
8. *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup plain vodka, 1/2 cup chambord)
9. *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum)
10. *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin)
11. *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka)
12. *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka)
13. *FRUIT PUNCH* (boil 1 cups water, add mixed fruit jello, 1/2 cup blueberry vodka, 1/2 cup raspberry vodka)
14. *WATERMELON* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello,1 cup watermelon vodka)
15. *BEER* (boil 1 cups water, add strawberry jello, add 1 cup any malt liquor)
16. *CARIBBEAN* (boil 1 cup water, add strawberry-banana jello, Cruzan banana rum
17. *CHERRY COLA* (boil 1 cup coke, add cherry jello, 1 cup cold cola, 1/2 cup amaretto, 1/2 cup spiced rum)
18. *DREAMSICLE* (boil 1 1/3 cup water & 2/3 cup OJ, add orange jello, 1 cup vanilla vodka 1/2 cup raspberry or berry vodka, 1/2 cup KeKe Beach Key Lime Cream Liqueur)
19. *LIME IN THE COCONUT* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1 cup Malibu Coconut Rum)
20. *RED HOTS* (boil 2 cups water, add jello, 1/2 cup cold water, 2 cups Cinnamon Schnapps)
21. **SEX ON THE BEACH** boil 1 cup cranberry juice, add 3 oz pkg orange jello, 3 oz peach schnapps, 5 oz vodka
22. ***SOUR APPLE*** (in microwavable container, mix 1 small box sour apple jello, 1 pkg knox gelatin and 1 tbs sugar. Stir in 1 cup Mt. Dew and mix well. Microwave on high for 1 min. Stir until powder is dissolved. Mix 2 cups vodka & 3/4 cup Captain Morgan Coconut Rum. mix well and let sit 1 min. pour into cups and refrigerate.)
23. *SQUIRM* (boil 2 1/4 cup water, add 3 small pkgs any flavor jello, 2 cups vodka, 3/4 cup ice cold water. add 1 gummy worm to each shot before firm.
24. *CARIBOU LOU* (1/2 cup boiling water 1/2 cup pineapple juice boiled, add pineapple jello, 1/2 cup Malibu Rum, 1/2 cup Triplesec)
25. *JOLLY RANCHER* (boil 1 cup water, add melon jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup apple pucker)
26. *PURPLE PEOPLE EATER* (boil 1 cup water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup watermelon pucker)
27. *BAHAMA MAMA* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1/2 cup Malibu rum, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)
28. *COSMOPOLITAN* (boil 1 cup water with a splash of lime juice, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)
29. *CHERRY BOMB* (boil 1 cup redbull, add cherry jello, 1 cup vodka and drop in one maraschino cherry, step up before firmed.)
30. *BLUE FIRECRACKER* (boil 1 cup water, add berry blue jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)
31. *WHITE LIGHTNING* (boil 1 cup water, add pina colada jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)
32. *FUZZY NAVEL* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz orange jello, 2 oz vodka, 6 oz peach schnapps
33. *RED HEADED SLUT* boil 1 cup water, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup peach schnapps, 1/2 cup jager
34. *MOJITO* (1 cup boiling water, 3 oz box lime jello, 6 oz white rum, 2 oz cold water. top with mint leaves chopped and crushed. (or substitue mint leaves with a splash of mint extract in the the boiling water.)
35. *STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz package wild strawberry jello, 6 oz white rum, 1 oz sweet & sour or margarita mix.
36. *DEVILS KISS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Goldschlager, and 1/4 cup of Bacardi-151. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups. if you double up the Knox Gelatin in this one you can eliminate the cup serve these up as jigglers!!
37. *ANKLE BREAKER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Lime Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of 151 Rum, and 1/4 cup of Cherry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
38. *FIRECRACKER 2* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin , and 1/3 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/3 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cup
39. **KOMANIWANALAYA** 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello and 1 box of Cranberry Jello (both 3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Amaretto, and 1/2 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
40. *RAIN MAIN* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Bacardi 151, and 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups
41. *ADAM AND EVE* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Brandy, and 1/4 cup of Pomogranate Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Gin. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
42. *ALABAMA SLAMMER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until everything is completely dissolved and then add 1/3 cup of coldwater. Next, add 1/3 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin. Mix throuroughly until everything is well combined and the carefully pour into jello shot cups. Chill for 3 to 4 hours and serve.
43. *ALL NIGHTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cherry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water and 1/2 cup of Watermelon Vodka. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
44. *APPLE PIE* 1 1/2 cups ofboiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Light Rum, 1/2 cup of Sweet Vermouth, 1/4 cup of Apple Brandy and 1/4 cup ofGrenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
45. *BANANA BOAT* 1 cup of water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum , and 1/4 cup of Banana Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
46. *BANANA SPLIT 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Strawberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup ofBanana Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Creme de Cacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
47. *BAT OUT OF HELL* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir for at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Red Bull, 1/4 cup of Rumand 1/4 Blue Curacao. Stir until well combined and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
48. *BERMUDA TRIANGLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/4 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot
49. *BLACK CAT* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Raspberry Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Black Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and wait until the liquid is about room temperature before pouring into jello shot cups.
50. *BLACK WIDOW* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Grape Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 3/4 cup of Blackberry Vodka and 1/8 teaspoon of Ginger Powder. Stir well and cool slightly before pouring into jello shot cups. For a schnazzy garnish, drop a singleblackberry in each cup before chilling
51. *COUGH DROP* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 3 oz package of Strawberry Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Jagermeister. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
52. *CRYPTINI* 1 cup of HotCoffee. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/3 cup of Iced Coffee, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup of Kahlua. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.
53. *FRENCH TICKLER* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Cinnamon Schnappsand 1/2 cup of Vodka. Stir well and wait until the liquid has a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
54. *HARVEY WALLBANGER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/4 cup ofGalliano. Stir well until completely combined and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.
55. *JUICY FRUIT* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup ofMelon Liqueur and 1/3 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool
56. *JAGERMASTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Amaretto, and a just a splash of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
57. *JAGERMONSTER* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water , 1/2 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
58. *LETHAL INJECTION* 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and 1 package ofPineapple Jello (3 oz) and stir at least 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water followed by 1/4 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum, 1/4 cup of Dark Rum and 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring intojello shot cups.
59. *LONG ISLAND ICED TEA* and measure 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Cola and 1/2 cup of cold water. Now get ready to add the alcohol - 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/2 cup of LightRum, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/2 cup of Tequila. Stir until everything is well combined and let it cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
60. *NINJA TURTLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Gin, and 1/4 cup of Blue Curacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
61. *PAIN KILLER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Dark Rum, 1/3 cup ofCoconut Rum and 1/3 cup of Orange Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
62. *PIXIE STIX* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/4 cup of Blackberry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
63. *RED SILK PANTIES* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup ofPeach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
64. *KINKY MALIBU BARBIE* Boil 1 cup water, add peach jello, 1/2 cup Kinky Liquer, 1/2 cup Malibu Coconut Rum.
65. *KILLER KOOL AID* 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 3/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka, 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/4 cup of Rum, 1/4 cup of Chambord and 1/4 cup of Triple Sec. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
66. *BROKEN HEART* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
67. *SCOOBY SNACKS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur, and 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum . Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
68. *TIJUANA TAXI* 2 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages ofLemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved.Next, add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Tequila, 1/4 cup of Blue Caracao and 1/4 cup of Tropical Fruit Schnapps. Stir until completely combined and give it a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
69. *RUMMY BEARS* 1 cup boiling water, add any random flavor jello and 1 cup berry vodka, 1 gummy bear in the center of each shot.
70. *WOOWOO* 2 cups boiling water, add 3 pkgs grape jello, 3 pkgs cranberry/raspberry jello, 3 pkgs strawberry jello, 3 cups vodka, 3 cups peach schnapps, 1 can grape juice concentrate and 1 can cran-raspberry juice concentrate (both undiluted!)
Simple Peanut Butter Fudge
3 cups of sugar
2/3 cup of milk
1 stick margarine
12 ounces of peanut butter
7 1/2 ounces of marshmallow fluff (spread)
2 teaspoons of vanilla
This makes a "13 x 9" pan full. You can double this - double ingredients and change cooking time to 11 minutes>
Put milk, margarine, and sugar in a large pan (one you could cook a ham in), turn to high and stir - never stop stirring until done. When bubbles start, turn down to medium and cook exactly 5 minutes from the start of bubbling - still stirring.
Remove from heat. Add vanilla, peanut butter and marshmallow spread into pan. Stir until mixed. I then place the pan in the sink with cold water it in to speed this part up - beat with mixer. Continue beating until its consistency is like peanut butter. Put into buttered pan and refrigerate.
You can add nuts or other things if you like. You can also use crunchy peanut butter.
Manage my state: understand what you want feeling state changes physical body controlling our mental focus. State of emotions ADULT TRUTH
12 tall jelly (12-ounce) canning jars with lid and rings
2 bags of Epsom Salts, 4 pounds each (approximately 16 cups)
4 lb kosher salt (approximately 6 cups is needed, buy two boxes and cook with the rest)
1/2 teaspoon glycerin, divided
16 drops eucalyptus peppermint essential oil
15 drops red colorant
Empty one bag of Epsom Salts into large mixing bowl. Add 3 cups kosher salt, stir well. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon glycerin and eight drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix well. In second large mixing bowl, empty one bag of Epsom Salts, and add 3 cups ko sher salt. Stir well. Add 1/4 teaspoon glycerin, eight drops of eucalyptus essential oil, and red colorant. Stir until completely blended. Color should be even. Using a 1/2 cup measuring cup and fill canning jars at an angle, layer salts in jars, alternating white and colored mixtures.
Homemade Foamy Hand Soap
One of the ways I save money is by making my own foamy hand soap.
Here is what you will need:
• Empty foamy hand soap bottle
• dish soap or any liquid soap or body wash
Simply add 2 tablespoons of soap to the bottle fill with water and give it a little shake!
One of my favorite soaps to use is the Dawn Hand Renewal dish soap (pictured above). It comes in several scents and it moisturizes your hands. I also like to use the Palmolive Lavender Dish soap, Ivory dish soap, Johnson's Baby Wash, Suave Shampoo, Dove Body Wash, Olay Body Wash and Bath & Body Works Body Wash. You can use any kind of liquid soap or body wash.
This is a great way to use up that last little bit of body wash or shampoo in the bottom of the bottle. You could even use the men's body wash to make a more masculine scented hand soap.
Homemade lip gloss
Kool-Aid packets
container for lip gloss storage (use a small empty spice container, or any small jar will work)
Put a cup of Vaseline into a small microwavable bowl
Heat until it is easy to stir, about 30 secs. Be carful not to let it turn to liquid. (The Vaseline in the very bottom may liquefy, but the key is to just get it warm enough to stir.) Sprinkle Kool-Aid into Vaeline & Stir. Transfer to container & enjoy!
Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair
When it comes to healthy hair, it’s not just what you put on your tresses that counts -- it’s what you put in your body, too.
By Elizabeth B. Krieger
Reviewed by Victoria Barbosa, MD
WebMD Feature
Better-looking hair can start at your next meal.
"Just like every other part of your body, the cells and processes that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet," says New York nutritionist Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, author of The Beauty Diet.
It can take longer to notice changes (both good or bad!) in your hair than in your skin. For example, "just one week with a poor diet can yield acne flare-ups or dry, sallow skin within days," says New York City dermatologist Cybele Fishman, MD, "but with hair, it can take a few months for a nutritional deficiency or the effects of a crash diet to show up."
The nutrients you eat today help fortify the hair follicle -- from which each strand is born -- and the scalp that surrounds it. "Healthier follicles? Healthier hair. Healthier scalp? Healthier hair!" Drayer says.
Of course, there's more to your hair than what you eat. Smoking, hormonal imbalances, and not enough sleep can also affect how your hair looks and feels. No magic nutrient can make up for those concerns.
Still, you have a lot more leverage than you might think. If you eat a balanced, varied, protein-rich diet that focuses on the following 10 foods, you'll be giving your hair the TLC it needs and deserves.
1. Salmon
Besides being rich in protein and vitamin D (both are key to strong hair) the omega-3 fatty acids found in this tasty cold-water fish are the true superstar. Your body can't make those fatty acids, which your body needs to grow hair. About 3% of the hair shaft is make up of these fatty acids, Drayer says. Omega-3s are also found in cell membranes in the skin of your scalp, and in the natural oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated.
Other options: If salmon doesn't thrill you, you can also get essential fatty acids from fish like herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel, as well as avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts (see below for more wonderful things about walnuts.)
2. Walnuts
These are the only type of nut that have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They're also rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect your cells from DNA damage. Since your hair rarely gets much shielding from the sun, this is especially great, Drayer says. Too little biotin can lead to hair loss. Walnuts also have copper, a mineral that helps keep your natural hair color rich and lustrous, Fishman says.
Other options: Try using walnut oil in your salad dressing or stir-fry instead of canola or safflower, Fishman says.
3. Oysters
Oysters are rich in zinc, a lack of which can lead to hair loss (even in your eyelashes), as well as a dry, flaky scalp. Three ounces has a whopping 493% of your daily value. You can get some zinc through fortified cereals and whole grain breads, but oysters can boast a good level of protein too. "Remember, hair is about 97% protein," Drayer says. Without enough protein, your body can't replace the hairs that you naturally shed every day and what you do make can be dry, brittle, or weak.
Other options: Get your fill of zinc with nuts, beef, and eggs.
4. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great source of the antioxidant beta carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A. "Basically, every cell of the body cannot function without enough A," Fishman says. It also helps protect and produce the oils that sustain your scalp, and being low on vitamin A can even leave you with itchy, irksome dandruff.
Other options: Carrots, cantaloupe, mangoes, pumpkin, and apricots are all good sources of beta carotene.
5. Eggs
A great source of protein, eggs are loaded with four key minerals: zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. Iron is especially important, because it helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles, and too little iron (anemia) is a major cause of hair loss, particularly in women, Drayer says.
Other options: You can also boost your iron stores with animal sources, including chicken, fish, pork, and beef.
6. Spinach
The iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C in spinach help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating.
Other options: Try similarly nutrient-rich dark, leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and Swiss chard.
7. Lentils
Tiny but mighty, these legumes are teeming with protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, says Fishman, making it a great staple for vegetarian, vegans, and meat eaters.
Other options: Toss other beans such as soybeans (the young ones are called edamame) and kidney beans into your soup or salad.
8. Greek yogurt
Cruise the dairy aisle for low-fat options such as Greek yogurt, which is high in hair-friendly protein, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid -- an ingredient you'll often see on hair care product labels), and vitamin D. Emerging research links vitamin D and hair follicle health, but exactly how that works isn't clear, Fishman says.
Other options: Cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, and skim milk also fit the bill.
9. Blueberries
Exotic super fruits may come and go but when it comes to vitamin C, "It's hard to top this nutrient superhero," Drayer says. C is critical for circulation to the scalp and supports the tiny blood vessels that feed the follicles. Too little C in your diet can lead to hair breakage.
Other options: Kiwis, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and strawberries.
10. Poultry
This everyday entree is extraordinary when it comes to protein, as well as hair-healthy zinc, iron, and B vitamins to keep strands strong and plentiful. Because hair is nearly all protein, "foods rich in protein are literally giving you the building blocks for hair," Drayer says.
Aspen the remedy for any fear whose cause can't
be named. At one end of the spectrum the Aspen fear may be no more than a sense
of foreboding, an uneasy anxiety that something unpleasant or frightening is
going to happen. At the other it can be a real terror, with physical symptoms
such as the hair standing on end.
Sometimes people think of Aspen as a night-time fear, related to
dreams and night terrors. Aspen would certainly be the right remedy if you were
lying awake in the dark scared of something but not knowing what it was. But in
fact Dr Bach said that fear of the dark is a Mimulus fear, since the cause (the dark)
can be named. And nameless Aspen fears are just as likely to occur in full
sunlight as on a dark night.
Centaury for people who find it difficult to say
'no' to others. Centauries are kind, gentle souls and like to help. But
sometimes other more ruthless people take advantage of this, and instead of
being a willing servant the Centaury person ends up the slave of another's
The Centaury remedy doesn't harden us or make
us callous. Instead it supports the development of courage and
self-determination. We are better able to draw a line and make space where we
can be ourselves, free of the desires and commands of
is one of the remedies that Dr Bach grouped together
under the heading Fear. The Cherry Plum fear is very specific: it is the
fear that one is going to lose control of oneself and do something dreadful,
such as injuring others or harming oneself. Fears of going mad and of acting
irrationally are Cherry Plum states.
Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of
control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread
associated with such situations. Think of the fear a small child feels in the
grip of a screaming, irrational tantrum: this too is a Cherry Plum
Cherry Plum is one of the ingredients in Dr Bach's
original crisis
formula, which he
put together for emergency use.
Olive the remedy for tiredness and exhaustion
after an effort of some kind, such as hard physical or mental labour, or the
long struggle against illness.
Olive can be usefully contrasted with Hornbeam, which is the remedy for
tiredness felt before an effort has been made.
The remedy gives us what we need to restore our
strength and the faith we need to continue an effort. We may feel energised; or
we may at last be able to rest properly.
Red chestnut
Rock rose
chestnut the remedy for people who have reached
the limits of endurance. They have explored all avenues and see no way out of
their difficulties. They feel there is nothing left for them but annihilation
and emptiness.
Whereas people in a Gorse state decide to give up when
there are possible solutions untried, the person in a Sweet Chestnut state is
genuinely at the end of the line: theirs is appalling, final
In this extreme state, the remedy helps us
remain masters of our lives, and renews our hope and strength. Sometimes a way
ahead may open even when we expect it least.
White cheshut
is for people who feel resentful and bitter
about the way their lives have gone.
In a Willow state we begrudge others their
success and happiness, and are reluctant to admit when our own lives go well. We
prefer to grumble, and are prone to resentment and
The remedy encourages the rebirth of optimism
and faith. It helps us feel more generous towards others and more aware that
negative thinking can attract the very ill-fortune of which we
cristales y tu signo Astral!
cristales y las piedras siempre han fascinado a las personas. Se sabe que
existían antes que nosotros, la vida nació de ellos. Las piedras transmiten
energía. Su magnetismo nos atrae. Los babilonios las utilizaban para
cuidarse. Cada piedra tenía propiedades que podían mejorar la vida de los
enfermos. Era habitual utilizar los minerales o las piedras como talismanes.
Así se sentían protegidos. Hoy esta medicina es conocida como litoterapia.
Consiste en cuidarse mediante el uso de cristales.
Los colores de los cristales emiten vibraciones que tranquilizan nuestros
dolores. Es necesario saber que la persona posee varios chakras, cada uno con
un color propio. Para desbloquear un chakra hay que usar los cristales que
tienen el mismo color que el chakra. Por ejemplo, el rojo correspondes al
origen, la raíz. El naranja simboliza al chakra de los órganos sexuales, el
amarillo al plexo solar, el rosa está ligado al amor, el azul claro
corresponde a la garganta, el índigo o azul oscuro se corresponde con el
tercer ojo.
simbolismo de los cristales varía según su color.
El rojo, rubí, granate y cornalina son símbolo de energía y vitalidad.
También es el color del fuego y la sangre, y del amor. Puede significar
asimismo cólera, pasión o fuerza. A las personas que les gusta el roja suelen
ser dominantes.
El verde se corresponde con la amazonita, la esmeralda, la
malaquita, etc. El verde está relacionado con el planeta Venus. Los cristales
verdes cuidan la vista. Desarrollan armonía, sabiduría y una visión acertada.
Los mosaicos, el patchwork y lo multicolor aportan la fantasía
esencial que simboliza la evolución perpetua de las cosas.
El blanco es de julio y representa la pureza. El cáncer,
simbolizado por este color, es un ser ingenuo y profundo.
El amarillo es el topacio, el citrino , el ámbar, el berilo
dorado y el crisoberilo, es el color de la felicidad y la alegría. Estas
piedras también pueden simbolizar envidia y celos. El bienestar pasa por tu
influencia hacia los demás también.
El azul, color del zafiro, la turquesa del alga marina es
tranquilizante por defecto. Simboliza el cielo. Es el color de la virtud.
Generalmente, a las personas que les gusta este color les gusta la vida en
familia y la estabilidad.
El Rosa es en octubre, significa el pudor, la retención de uno
mismo por el bien del grupo. El libra posee la esperanza y la paciencia como
principales características.
El azul rey es apasible. Simboliza el lazo entre lo divino y las
leyes humanas y favorece la inteligencia. Es el color del mérito.
Generalmente las personas a las que les gusta este color con mucha dignidad y
profundidad de vida.
El negro, azabache, onyx, morion es el color de la noche, de lo
profundo y de enero. Representa el luto pero también el lado misterioso de la
vida; la voluntad secreta que gana potencia en medio de la discreción...
El azul alcian de febrero es un periodo que representa la
ambición. Su signo Acuario representa el deseo de cambio, la fantasía, el
juicio, el interés por el bien común, y el desprendimiento del ego.
planetas también ejercen influencia sobre las piedras y los minerales.
Marte está vinculado al color rojo y simboliza la fuerza, la
energía, la amistad y la conciencia elevada.
Venus está ligado al color verde y este astro representa los
lazos, los afectos en todos los dominios pero particularmente en el amor
donde representa la potencia del corazón.
Mercurio no está ligado a ningún color en específico porque su
función unificadora se parece a la unión del espectro visible.
La Luna está ligada al color Blanco y representa las emociones,
la inconciencia, la creatividad, la familia, los racimos, la seguridad en el
sentido más amplio y también representa a la madre.
El Sol está ligado al color amarillo. Este astro representa el
ego, la expresión de uno mismo, la afirmación, el destacar sobre los otros,
en todos los dominios. Su vibración desarrolla la expansión de uno mismo a
través de la influencia de los otros.
Júpiter transmite sus vibraciones a la calcedonia y la amatista.
Estos dos cristales representan la espiritualidad, el coraje, el don de
entrega y la salud.
Saturno influye en las energías del jaspe y del zafiro. Estas dos
piedras simbolizan el poder y la fidelidad, la tenacidad y la ambición.
Neptuno simboliza la fución, la disolución, el imaginario, la
creatividad, el misticismo, la compación y el lazo con la universalidad.
signo del zodiaco posee un color característico.
Un piedra que tenga el mismo color que el signo siempre le aportará
beneficios. La noción del color que utilizamos aquí difiere de la utilizada
generalmente en astrología porque la tradición esotérica es a veces diferente
pero no por ello menos verdadera que la astrológica. La fuente es diferente:
los Griegos modificaron las bases de la astrología y su simbolismo en los
colores, según los principios de Ptolomeo y de su gran obra, el Tetrabiblos.
El rojo va con abril, es el comienzo del año astrológico y
simboliza el comienzo de la vida. Su signo Aries simboliza el valor, la
audacia y la iniciativa.
El verde es de mayo y es armonioso. Representa al signo Tauro. La
principal cualidad del signo Tauro es el amor.
El géminis representa todos los colores. La primera cualidad de
este signo es la adaptación y el sentido de difuminación.
El blanco es en julio, representa inocencia y pureza. Su signo
Cáncer es simbolizado por este color y es un ser a la vez ingenuo y profundo.
El blanco se corresponde al ópalo, a las perlas y a los cristales de roche.
El amarillo es en agosto y representa la seducción, el encanto,
la iluminación del Sol. El Leo elegante, se expandirá en el don de si mismo y
en el desarrollo de su poder personal.
azul oscuro es
de Septiembre, su signo Virgo está dotado de un espíritu luminoso y racional.
El rosa es en Octubre, representa la virtud hacia los otros. El
libra simbolizado por este color es un ser a la ves sociable e independiente.
El rosa corresponde al coral, el agata y la azurita.
El rojo está también en noviembre, es un periodo que simboliza el
impulso de transformación. Su signo Escorpio simboliza la energía de lo
profundo y del inconsciente, y el paso de lo inconciente a la acción.
El azul cielo va con diciembre. Representa la creatividad, la fé.
El sagitario representado por este color encontrará el éxito en las
actividades que necesitan mover su espíritu de síntesis.
El negro va con enero, y es un periodo que simboliza la ambición.
Su signo Capricornio simboliza el deseo de evolución interior, la sobriedad y
los sacrificios, el desprendimiento que permite el éxito.
El azul alcian de febrero, también simboliza la ambición. Su
signo Acuario va de la mano con la intención de cambio, la fantasía y la
disciplina, el interés por la colectividad y el desprendimiento del ego.
El plateado va con marzo. Es un periodo que simboliza el
imaginario. Su signo Piscis simboliza la necesidad de hacer parte de un todo,
la golosería y el sacrificio de si mismo, los grandes ideales.
Kool-Aid packets
container for lip gloss storage (use a small empty spice container, or any small jar will work)
Put a cup of Vaseline into a small microwavable bowl
Heat until it is easy to stir, about 30 secs. Be carful not to let it turn to liquid. (The Vaseline in the very bottom may liquefy, but the key is to just get it warm enough to stir.) Sprinkle Kool-Aid into Vaeline & Stir. Transfer to container & enjoy!
cristales y las piedras siempre han fascinado a las personas. Se sabe que
existían antes que nosotros, la vida nació de ellos. Las piedras transmiten
energía. Su magnetismo nos atrae. Los babilonios las utilizaban para
cuidarse. Cada piedra tenía propiedades que podían mejorar la vida de los
enfermos. Era habitual utilizar los minerales o las piedras como talismanes.
Así se sentían protegidos. Hoy esta medicina es conocida como litoterapia.
Consiste en cuidarse mediante el uso de cristales.
Los colores de los cristales emiten vibraciones que tranquilizan nuestros dolores. Es necesario saber que la persona posee varios chakras, cada uno con un color propio. Para desbloquear un chakra hay que usar los cristales que tienen el mismo color que el chakra. Por ejemplo, el rojo correspondes al origen, la raíz. El naranja simboliza al chakra de los órganos sexuales, el amarillo al plexo solar, el rosa está ligado al amor, el azul claro corresponde a la garganta, el índigo o azul oscuro se corresponde con el tercer ojo.
simbolismo de los cristales varía según su color.
El rojo, rubí, granate y cornalina son símbolo de energía y vitalidad. También es el color del fuego y la sangre, y del amor. Puede significar asimismo cólera, pasión o fuerza. A las personas que les gusta el roja suelen ser dominantes. El verde se corresponde con la amazonita, la esmeralda, la malaquita, etc. El verde está relacionado con el planeta Venus. Los cristales verdes cuidan la vista. Desarrollan armonía, sabiduría y una visión acertada. Los mosaicos, el patchwork y lo multicolor aportan la fantasía esencial que simboliza la evolución perpetua de las cosas. El blanco es de julio y representa la pureza. El cáncer, simbolizado por este color, es un ser ingenuo y profundo. El amarillo es el topacio, el citrino , el ámbar, el berilo dorado y el crisoberilo, es el color de la felicidad y la alegría. Estas piedras también pueden simbolizar envidia y celos. El bienestar pasa por tu influencia hacia los demás también. El azul, color del zafiro, la turquesa del alga marina es tranquilizante por defecto. Simboliza el cielo. Es el color de la virtud. Generalmente, a las personas que les gusta este color les gusta la vida en familia y la estabilidad. El Rosa es en octubre, significa el pudor, la retención de uno mismo por el bien del grupo. El libra posee la esperanza y la paciencia como principales características. El azul rey es apasible. Simboliza el lazo entre lo divino y las leyes humanas y favorece la inteligencia. Es el color del mérito. Generalmente las personas a las que les gusta este color con mucha dignidad y profundidad de vida. El negro, azabache, onyx, morion es el color de la noche, de lo profundo y de enero. Representa el luto pero también el lado misterioso de la vida; la voluntad secreta que gana potencia en medio de la discreción... El azul alcian de febrero es un periodo que representa la ambición. Su signo Acuario representa el deseo de cambio, la fantasía, el juicio, el interés por el bien común, y el desprendimiento del ego.
planetas también ejercen influencia sobre las piedras y los minerales.
Marte está vinculado al color rojo y simboliza la fuerza, la energía, la amistad y la conciencia elevada. Venus está ligado al color verde y este astro representa los lazos, los afectos en todos los dominios pero particularmente en el amor donde representa la potencia del corazón. Mercurio no está ligado a ningún color en específico porque su función unificadora se parece a la unión del espectro visible. La Luna está ligada al color Blanco y representa las emociones, la inconciencia, la creatividad, la familia, los racimos, la seguridad en el sentido más amplio y también representa a la madre. El Sol está ligado al color amarillo. Este astro representa el ego, la expresión de uno mismo, la afirmación, el destacar sobre los otros, en todos los dominios. Su vibración desarrolla la expansión de uno mismo a través de la influencia de los otros. Júpiter transmite sus vibraciones a la calcedonia y la amatista. Estos dos cristales representan la espiritualidad, el coraje, el don de entrega y la salud. Saturno influye en las energías del jaspe y del zafiro. Estas dos piedras simbolizan el poder y la fidelidad, la tenacidad y la ambición. Neptuno simboliza la fución, la disolución, el imaginario, la creatividad, el misticismo, la compación y el lazo con la universalidad.
signo del zodiaco posee un color característico.
Un piedra que tenga el mismo color que el signo siempre le aportará beneficios. La noción del color que utilizamos aquí difiere de la utilizada generalmente en astrología porque la tradición esotérica es a veces diferente pero no por ello menos verdadera que la astrológica. La fuente es diferente: los Griegos modificaron las bases de la astrología y su simbolismo en los colores, según los principios de Ptolomeo y de su gran obra, el Tetrabiblos. El rojo va con abril, es el comienzo del año astrológico y simboliza el comienzo de la vida. Su signo Aries simboliza el valor, la audacia y la iniciativa. El verde es de mayo y es armonioso. Representa al signo Tauro. La principal cualidad del signo Tauro es el amor. El géminis representa todos los colores. La primera cualidad de este signo es la adaptación y el sentido de difuminación. El blanco es en julio, representa inocencia y pureza. Su signo Cáncer es simbolizado por este color y es un ser a la vez ingenuo y profundo. El blanco se corresponde al ópalo, a las perlas y a los cristales de roche. El amarillo es en agosto y representa la seducción, el encanto, la iluminación del Sol. El Leo elegante, se expandirá en el don de si mismo y en el desarrollo de su poder personal.
azul oscuro es
de Septiembre, su signo Virgo está dotado de un espíritu luminoso y racional.
El rosa es en Octubre, representa la virtud hacia los otros. El libra simbolizado por este color es un ser a la ves sociable e independiente. El rosa corresponde al coral, el agata y la azurita. El rojo está también en noviembre, es un periodo que simboliza el impulso de transformación. Su signo Escorpio simboliza la energía de lo profundo y del inconsciente, y el paso de lo inconciente a la acción. El azul cielo va con diciembre. Representa la creatividad, la fé. El sagitario representado por este color encontrará el éxito en las actividades que necesitan mover su espíritu de síntesis. El negro va con enero, y es un periodo que simboliza la ambición. Su signo Capricornio simboliza el deseo de evolución interior, la sobriedad y los sacrificios, el desprendimiento que permite el éxito. El azul alcian de febrero, también simboliza la ambición. Su signo Acuario va de la mano con la intención de cambio, la fantasía y la disciplina, el interés por la colectividad y el desprendimiento del ego. El plateado va con marzo. Es un periodo que simboliza el imaginario. Su signo Piscis simboliza la necesidad de hacer parte de un todo, la golosería y el sacrificio de si mismo, los grandes ideales. |