Margoth B.G

Margoth B.G

Higher power of the universe!

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!

Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.

Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.

Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.

DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.

Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias! Margoth.

my life

my life

Thursday, March 14

My food vs GMO's

Researchers have found a ‘striking’ 

new side effect from eating fast food

This story and its headline have been been updated, with "alarming" being changed to "striking." See below for more details.
Critics of the fast-food industry have long warned about the perils of our addiction to processed food. Big Macs and Whoppers might taste good, but put too many of them in your body and it will expand as Violet Beauregard's did in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (although maybe not quite as fast). The evidence is decades in the making. The rise of processed food, after all, has coincided with an alarming growth in the size of our collective gut.
But there might be some new powerful ammunition for those who could do without the food the fast-food industry serves.
Researchers at George Washington University have linked fast-food consumption to the presence of potentially harmful chemicals, a connection they argue could have "great public health significance." Specifically, the team found that people who eat fast food tend to have significantly higher levels of certain phthalates, which are commonly used in consumer products such as soap and makeup to make them less brittle but have been linked to a number of adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of infertilityespecially among males.
The danger, the researchers believe, isn't necessarily a result of the food itself, but rather the process by which the food is prepared. The findings were published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a journal funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Eat butter every day and other government dietary advice we no longer follow

Play Video1:47
The United States government once considered butter and margarine as one of seven food groups to consume daily. Look back at other advice that, sadly, is no longer a part of the USDA's dietary guidelines. (Jayne W. Orenstein/The Washington Post)
"We're not trying to create paranoia or anxiety, but I do think our findings are alarming," said one of the study's authors, Ami Zota, an assistant professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University. "It's not every day that you conduct a study where the results are this strong."
(Update: A few hours after publication, Zota called to say that in reading her quote she felt that the word "alarming" was too strong a word to use to describe her findings. Rather, she said "striking" was more appropriate, because it conveys the magnitude of the findings without assigning a sense of urgency.)
Fast-food nation
In order to gauge how fast food affects the presence of certain non-natural chemicals, the team analyzed data for nearly 9,000 people. The data was collected as part of federal nutrition surveys conducted between 2003 and 2010. The surveys included detailed information about the participants' diets, including what each had eaten in the last 24 hours. They also contained the results of urine samples taken at the same time, which allowed the researchers to measure the levels of three separate chemicals.
For the purpose of the study, any food eaten at or from restaurants without waiters or waitresses was considered fast food. Everything else — food eaten at sit-down restaurants and bars or purchased from supermarkets and vending machines — was not.
The first thing the researchers found was that roughly one-third of the participants said they had eaten some form of fast food over the course of the day leading up to the urine sample collection. That proportion, high as it might seem, is actually in line with government estimates. In fact, more than a third of all children and adolescents living in the country still eat some form of fast food on any given day, a number that hasn't budged in decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The second thing the researchers found is that those participants who said they had eaten fast food in the last 24 hours tended to have much higher levels of two separate phthalates — DEHP and DiNP. People who reported eating only a little fast food had DEHP levels that were 15.5 percent higher and DiNP levels that were 25 percent higher than those who said they had eaten none. For people who reported eating a sizable amount, the increase was 24 percent and 39 percent, respectively.
And the connection held true even after the researchers adjusted for various factors about the participants' habits and backgrounds that might have contributed to the association between fast-food consumption and phthalate levels.
"We looked at it in so many different ways, and the effect still remains," said Zota.
The problem with these chemicals
There is little consensus on the harms of phthalates, which are widely used in commerce and give materials such as food packaging added flexibility, except that exposure to them "is widespread." But there is growing concern that the chemicals could pose a variety of risks, particularly when observed in the sort of levels seen in the study.
"There's a vast amount of scientific evidence suggesting certain phthalates can contribute to several adverse health effects," said Zota.
A 2012 study found a strong association between the presence of DEHP and diabetes. A 2013 study found that exposure to the industrial chemical can increase the risk of various allergic diseases in children. And a 2016 study concluded that it can also negatively affect child behavior.
While there is less evidence that DiNP is problematic, some recent research suggests it very well could be. A study undertaken last year, for instance, found that exposure to the phthalate was associated with higher blood pressure.
For these reasons, many governments have moved to limit exposure to the industrial chemicals. Japan disallowed the use of vinyl gloves in food preparation for fear that their use was compromising health. The European Union, which limits the use of the chemical, has been nudging manufacturers to replace it. And the United States restricted its use in toys. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services warned that DEHP is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen."
To fear or not to fear
The reason people who eat fast food seem to have much higher levels of potentially harmful industrial chemicals is unclear. But it's easy enough to guess: the sheer amount of processing that goes into food served at quick-service restaurants.
The more machinery, plastic, conveyor belts, and various forms of processing equipment that food touches, the more likely the food is to contain higher levels of phthalates. And fast food tends to touch a good deal more of these things than, say, the food one purchases at a local farmers market.
"I really hope this study helps raise public awareness about the exposure problems associated with our industrialized food system," said Zota.
Considering the prevalence of packaged food — and widespread exposure to phthalates (they can be detected in more than 98 percent of the population, per the CDC) — however,  the takeaway isn't necessarily that fast food is toxic. Fast food, after all, isn't the only culprit here. Nor are less healthful things in general.
"It’s not fair to say, 'Oh, these exposures only happen if you eat unhealthy foods,'" Leo Trasande, an associate professor of pediatrics, environmental medicine and population health at New York University, told Bloomberg.
Anything that's gone through some form of processing or industrial packaging is vulnerable.
Still, given the new study's findings, it certainly seems as though eating fast food is more toxic than avoiding it, and not for the obvious reasons. Perhaps that's something many would have expected to hear, but it doesn't make it any less true.
"Traditional fast food was never meant to be daily fare, and it shouldn’t be," said Marion Nestle, who is the Paulette Goddard professor of nutrition and food Studies at New York University. "It’s too high in calories and salt and, as we now know, the chemicals that get into our food supply through industrial food production."
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The Benefits of Flour

Some time ago, I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the
boiling water to see if the corn was ready. I missed and my hand
went into the boiling water....!!

A friend of mine, who was a Vietnam vet, came into the house as I
was screaming & asked me if I had some plain old flour...

I pulled out a bag and he stuck my hand in it. He told me to keep my
hand in the flour for 10 minutes.

He said that in Vietnam, there was a guy on fire and in their panic,
 they threw a bag of flour all over him to put the fire out...Well,
it not only put the fire out, but he never even had a blister!!!!

Long story short, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 min.,
pulled it out and did not even have a red mark or a blister &
absolutely NO PAIN.

Now, I keep a bag of flour in the fridge and every time I burn
myself. *Cold flour feels even better than room temperature flour.

I use the flour and have never ever had even a red spot/burn mark,
or a blister!

I even burnt my tongue once, put the flour on it for about 10
minutes .... the pain was gone and no burn.
Try it . . . Experience a miracle!

Keep a bag of flour in your fridge and you will be happy you did!
Flour has heat absorbent property and also has a strong antioxidant
property, thus it helps in burn patients if applied within 15 minutes.

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit
from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others"
Choosing whole grains
Eat whole grains rather than refined grains as often as possible. Examples of whole grains include:
  1. Barley
  2. Brown rice
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Bulgur (cracked wheat)
  5. Millet
  6. Oatmeal
  7. Popcorn
  8. Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers
  9. Wild rice

It's not always easy to tell which grains are in a particular product, especially bread. For instance, a brown bread isn't necessarily whole wheat — the color may come from added coloring. If you're not sure something has whole grains, check the product label or the Nutrition Facts panel. Look for the word "whole" on the package, and make sure whole grains appear among the first items in the ingredient list.
How to enjoy more whole grains in your diet
Try these tips to add more whole grains to your meals and snacks:
  1. Enjoy breakfasts that include whole-grain cereals, such as bran flakes, shredded wheat or oatmeal.
  2. Substitute whole-wheat toast or whole-grain bagels for plain. Substitute low-fat bran muffins for pastries.
  3. Make sandwiches using whole-grain breads or rolls. Swap out white-flour tortillas with whole-wheat versions.
  4. Replace white rice with kasha, brown rice, wild rice or bulgur.
  5. Feature wild rice or barley in soups, stews, casseroles and salads.
  6. Add whole grains, such as cooked brown rice or whole-grain bread crumbs, to ground meat or poultry for extra body.
  7. Use rolled oats or crushed bran cereal in recipes instead of dry bread crumbs.

Eating a variety of whole grains not only ensures that you get more health-promoting nutrients but also helps make your meals and snacks more interesting.  

Largest international study into safety of GM food launched by Russian NGO (The Guardian)

Originally published by the Guardian
by John Vidal
November 11, 2014
Photo: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg
A Russian group working with scientists is set to launch what they call the world’s largest and most comprehensive long-term health study on a GM food.
The $25m three-year experiment will involve scientists testing thousands of rats which will be fed differing diets of a Monsanto GM maize and the world’s most widely-used herbicide which it it is engineered to be grown with.
The organisers of the Factor GMO [genetically modified organism] study, announced in London on Tuesday and due to start fully next year, say it will investigate the long-term health effects of a diet of a GM maize developed by US seed and chemical company Monsanto.
“It will answer the question: is this GM food, and associated pesticide, safe for human health?” said Elena Sharoykina, a campaigner and co-founder of the Russian national association for genetic safety (Nags), the co-ordinator of the experiment. 
According to the Nags, the experiment will try to establish whether the GM maize and its associated herbicide cause cancers, reduce fertility or cause birth defects. The scientists also want to know whether the mixture of chemicals present in Roundup (Monsanto’s tradename for its glyphosate herbicide) are more or less toxic than its active ingredient glyphosate.
Farmers, governments, scientists and consumers around the world have been involved in an intense debate since GM foods were introduced in 1994. But while there have been many thousands of studies conducted, mostly by GM companies, which show that there is no health risk, government regulators have not required evidence of long-term safety and deep mistrust has built between different “sides”.
“We would clearly support well-conducted, hypothesis-driven science. If the science is conducted according to OECD guidelines and shows that there are hazards with a particular event, then the public will understand that,” said Prof Huw Jones, senior research scientist at Rothamsted Research, which specialises in agricultural research and is the only research institute in the UK currently carrying out a GM crop trial. Oxana Sinitsyna, deputy science director at the Sysin research institute of human ecology and environmental health which is part of the Russian ministry of health, one of the three scientists on the Factor GMO study’s review board, said: “The scale and format of this research project will allow us to create a really objective and comprehensive data set on the mechanics of the impacts of a GM diet on the health of living organisms over the long term.
“From a scientific point of view the ‘Factor GMO’ project is highly ambitious, which makes it very interesting, for both the public and for the scientists involved.”
Bruce Blumberg, another board member, who is a biology professor at the University of California, Irvine, said: “The cultivation of herbicide resistant crops is widespread in the US, and the use of the herbicides to which these crops are resistant has increased many-fold in the decades since they were introduced. There is a notable lack of published, peer-reviewed data on their safety, as well as data on the safety of the increased use of herbicides with which they are grown.”
The planned study will have no input from the biotech industry or the anti-GM movement, said Sharoykina.“Comprehensive scientific safety studies on GMOs and their related pesticides are long overdue. All previous studies caused controversy for various reasons: choice of animal, insufficient statistics, duration of tests, research parameters, and researchers’ connections to the anti-GMO movement or the biotech industry.
“This study is intended to remedy the situation. The project organisers have considered all of the points of disagreement and distrust surrounding this subject.” She added that Nags would not have any involvement in the scientific process.
Most of the $25m has been raised, say the organisers, but the names of sponsors and funders will not be revealed until the experiment starts fully next year.
Fiorella Belpoggi, a cancer specialist with the Ramazzini insistute in Italy and a board member of the study said: “This is not at all an anti-GM study. We are being neutral. We don’t know if it’s good or bad. Maybe in the future I will be a cheerleader with Monsanto. But I want science to find out”.
The experiment, which will be conducted in western Europe and Russia, was cautiously welcomed by both GM sceptics and proponents of the technology. However, Monsanto did not respond to invitations for an interview.
Karl Haro von Mogel, a public research geneticist in Madison, said on the Biofortified website: “If they conduct the study and publish it in the peer-reviewed literature, it can make a contribution to the existing literature. They frame the need for this study by saying that ‘there has never been a scientific study that is comprehensive enough to give them a clear answer regarding the safety for human health of any one GM food – until now’. The study has not been done yet, so this is putting the cart before the horse.”
Doug Parr, chief scientist at Greenpeace UK, said: “There is still scientific uncertainty regarding what effects GM crops could have on the environment and the health of consumers, especially in the long term. If this is a well-designed, transparent and accountable study, then hopefully it can help to fill some of the major gaps in our knowledge of the impacts of GM glyphosate resistant maize and glyphosate on health.”
Peter Melchett, policy director with the Soil Association, said: “I welcome this. It has been a scientific fraud that no scientific study like this has been done in the past.”
Monsanto was contacted for a response but did not reply. In the past it has claimed that trillions of meals have been eaten by consumers without ill effects.
The announcement of the experiment came as British anti-GM campaignersdelivered a letter to Downing street signed by US environment groups representing over 50m people, as well as celebrities including Susan Sarandon, Daryl Hannah and Robert Kennedy. The letter warns Britain that the intensive growing of GM crops has caused major environmental problems in the US. 
“GM crops have never delivered on their promises to increase yields and profits or to decrease pesticide use. In fact, they have done the opposite with the cost of growing GM crops now greater than conventional crops in the US and pesticide use 24% higher amongst GM farmers than non-GM farmers planting the same crops”, says the letter which was delivered by former Labour environment minister Michael Meacher and Tory MP Zac Goldsmith.
Separately on Tuesday, MEPs voted to allow national bans on GM food crops for environmental reasons.

New on GMO-Compass

09 April 2014Update
Global GM Planting 2013
25 September 2013New
The Queen of Beans
07 May 2013New
GMO Compass
18 July 2012New
21 January 2011New
Spain: Bt maize keeps going
02 August 2010Update
Imprint - GMO Compass
26 March 2010New
Enviropig makes its début
05 March 2010New
GM potatoes: BASF at work
05 February 2010New
Italian court gives GM go-ahead
04 February 2010New
Older News

What are GMOs?

GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

Why should we be concerned about GMOs?

Human Health Risks: More and more studies point to the idea that there’s grave cause for concern about the health effects of consuming GMOs and the chemicals they are sprayed with, including food allergies, irritable bowels, organ damage, cancer
Environmental Risks: Seventy-two percent of US GMO crops are engineered to tolerate a certain type of herbicide. But the weeds that these herbicides used to kill are coming back bigger and stronger, creating herbicide-resistant “superweeds” that require greater quantities of more toxic pesticides to eradicate.
The Risk To Farmers In Developing Countries: Every three minutes, a farmer commits suicide in India due to meet rising debts, a phenomenon that has been steadily rising since the 1970s. While the causes behind the farmers’ crushing debt and resultant suicides are complex—ranging from unfair government floor prices for cotton to international trade agreements skewed in favor of other countries—GM seeds do appear to play a role.
The Risk to Organic Farmers: Even when a farmer isn’t growing GM crops, contamination can easily occur—through seed mixing or pollen drift from neighboring GM fields. While this contamination is troubling for those of us who wish to avoid GMOs, it can be an economic disaster for organic and family farmers.

What crops are commonly genetically modified?

More and more foods and products are being genetically engineered or contain genetically engineered ingredients. Here are eight of the most common to look out for. If a product contains these ingredients and is not labeled non-GMO Verified or Organic Certified, there’s a good chance  it contains GMOs:
  1. Alfalfa
  2. Canola
  3. Corn
  4. Cotton
  5. Papaya
  6. Soy
  7. Sugar Beets
  8. Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash
ALSO high-risk: animal products (milk, meat, eggs, honey, etc.) because of contamination in feed.
What product ingredients commonly contain genetically engineered crops?

Amino Acids, Aspartame, Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin C, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Ethanol, Flavorings (“natural” and “artificial”), High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Lactic Acid, Maltodextrins, Molasses, Monosodium Glutamate, Sucrose, Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), Xanthan Gum, Vitamins, Yeast Products.
How can we avoid GMOs?

There are several choices you can make when buying groceries and eating out to try and avoid GMOS.
  1. Look for the Non-GMO Project label.
  2. Buy organic certified produce and packaged foods.
  3. Avoid high-risk ingredients.
  4. Be wary of non-GMO claims that lack certification.
  5. Avoid processed foods.
  6. Watch out for restaurants.
  7. Buy and plant your own organic seeds.


What is GMO?

Agricultural Crops That Have a Risk of Being GMO

GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
For consumers, it can be difficult to stay up-to-date on food ingredients that are at-risk of being genetically modified, as the list of at-risk agricultural ingredients is frequently changing. As part of the Non-GMO Project’s commitment to informed consumer choice, we work diligently to maintain an accurate list of risk ingredients.
Agricultural products are segmented into two groups: (1) those that are high-risk of being GMO because they are currently in commercial production, and (2) those that have a monitored risk because suspected or known incidents of contamination have occurred and/or the crops have genetically modified relatives in commercial production with which cross-pollination (and consequently contamination) is possible. For more information on the Non-GMO Project’s testing and verification of risk ingredients and processed foods, please see the Non-GMO Project Standard.
High-Risk Crops (in commercial production; ingredients derived from these must be tested every time prior to use in Non-GMO Project Verified products (as of December 2011):
  • Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
  • Canola (approx. 90% of U.S. crop)
  • Corn (approx. 88% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Cotton (approx. 90% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
  • Soy (approx. 94% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Sugar Beets (approx. 95% of U.S. crop in 2010)
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)
ALSO high-risk: animal products (milk, meat, eggs, honey, etc.) because of contamination in feed.
Monitored Crops (those for which suspected or known incidents of contamination have occurred, and those crops which have genetically modified relatives in commercial production with which cross-pollination is possible; we test regularly to assess risk, and move to “High-Risk” category for ongoing testing if we see contamination):
  • Beta vulgaris (e.g., chard, table beets)
  • Brassica napa (e.g., rutabaga, Siberian kale)
  • Brassica rapa (e.g., bok choy, mizuna, Chinese cabbage, turnip, rapini, tatsoi)
  • Curcubita (acorn squash, delicata squash, patty pan)
  • Flax
  • Rice
  • Wheat
Common Ingredients Derived from GMO Risk Crops
Amino Acids, Aspartame, Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin C, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Ethanol, Flavorings (“natural” and “artificial”), High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Lactic Acid, Maltodextrins, Molasses, Monosodium Glutamate, Sucrose, Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), Xanthan Gum, Vitamins, Yeast Products.
You may also be wondering about…
  • Tomatoes: In 1994, genetically modified Flavr Savr tomatoes became the first commercially produced GMOs. They were brought out of production just a few years later, in 1997, due to problems with flavor and ability to hold up in shipping. There are no genetically engineered tomatoes in commercial production, and tomatoes are considered “low-risk” by the Non-GMO Project Standard.  
  • Potatoes: Genetically modified NewLeaf potatoes were introduced by Monsanto in 1996. Due to consumer rejection by several fast-food chains and chip makers, the product was never successful and was discontinued in the spring of 2001. There are no genetically engineered potatoes in commercial production, and potatoes are considered “low-risk” by the Non-GMO Project Standard. 
  • Salmon: A company called AquaBounty is currently petitioning the FDA to approve its genetically engineered variety of salmon, which has met with fierce consumer resistance. Find out more here.
  • Pigs: A genetically engineered variety of pig, called Enviropig was developed by scientists at the University of Guelph, with research starting in 1995 and government approval sought beginning in 2009. In 2012 the University announced an end to the Enviropig program, and the pigs themselves were euthanized in June 2012. 

GMO Education

What is a GMO?

A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Because this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as "transgenic" organisms.
This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same. Read more.

Frosted Flakes
Where are they?

In your food! First introduced into the food supply in the mid-1990s, GMOs are now present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US. While they are banned as food ingredients in Europe and elsewhere, the FDA does not even require the labeling of GMOs in food ingredient lists.
Although there have been attempts to increase nutritional benefits or productivity, the two main traits that have been added to date are herbicide tolerance and the ability of the plant to produce its own pesticide. These results have no health benefit, only economic benefit.

What foods are GM?

Currently commercialized GM crops in the U.S. include soy (94%), cotton (90%), canola (90%), sugar beets (95%), corn (88%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), zucchini and yellow squash (over 24,000 acres).
Products derived from the above, including oils from all four, soy protein, soy lecithin, cornstarch, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup among others. There are also many "invisible ingredients," derived from GM crops that are not obviously from corn or soy. Read more

Why should you care?

Rat IntestinesGenetically modified foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals.  The effects on humans of consuming these new combinations of proteins produced in GMOs are unknown and have not been studied. See more under GMO Health Risks.
Crops such as Bt cotton produce pesticides inside the plant. This kills or deters insects, saving the farmer from having to spray pesticides. The plants themselves are toxic, and not just to insects. Farmers in India, who let their sheep graze on Bt cotton plants after the harvest, saw thousands of sheep die!
Herbicide tolerance lets the farmer spray weed-killer directly on the crop without killing it. Comparative studies on the toxic residues in foods from such crops have not yet been done.

Pollen from GM crops can contaminate nearby crops of the same type, except for soy, which does not cross-pollinate. In fact, virtually all heritage varieties of corn in Mexico (the origin of all corn) have been found to have some contamination. Canola and cotton also cross-pollinate. The long-term effects on the environment could be disastrous. See more under Environmental Dangers.


A jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty, or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction.
Active judge
A judge in the full-time service of the court. Compare to senior judge.
Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
The federal agency responsible for collecting court statistics, administering the federal courts' budget, and performing many other administrative and programmatic functions, under the direction and supervision of the Judicial Conference of the United States.
A term used to describe evidence that may be considered by a jury or judge in civil and criminal cases.
Adversary proceeding
A lawsuit arising in or related to a bankruptcy case that begins by filing a complaint with the court, that is, a "trial" that takes place
within the context of a bankruptcy case.
A written or printed statement made under oath.
In the practice of the court of appeals, it means that the court of appeals has concluded that the lower court decision is correct and will stand as rendered by the lower court.
Alternate juror
A juror selected in the same manner as a regular juror who hears all the evidence but does not help decide the case unless called on to replace a regular juror.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
A procedure for settling a dispute outside the courtroom. Most forms of ADR are not binding, and involve referral of the case to a neutral party such as an arbitrator or mediator.
Amicus curiae
Latin for "friend of the court." It is advice formally offered to the court in a brief filed by an entity interested in, but not a party to, the case.
The formal written statement by a defendant in a civil case that responds to a complaint, articulating the grounds for defense.
A request made after a trial by a party that has lost on one or more issues that a higher court review the decision to determine if it was correct. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the "appellant;" the other party is the "appellee."
The party who appeals a district court's decision, usually seeking reversal of that decision.
About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgment of a lower court (trial court) or tribunal. For example, the U.S. circuit courts of appeals review the decisions of the U.S. district courts.
The party who opposes an appellant's appeal, and who seeks to persuade the appeals court to affirm the district court's decision.
A proceeding in which a criminal defendant is brought into court, told of the charges in an indictment or information, and asked to plead guilty or not guilty.
Article III judge
A federal judge who is appointed for life, during "good behavior," under Article III of the Constitution. Article III judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
Property of all kinds, including real and personal, tangible and intangible.
An agreement to continue performing duties under a contract or lease.
Automatic stay
An injunction that automatically stops lawsuits, foreclosures, garnishments, and most collection activities against the debtor the moment a bankruptcy petition is filed.

The Protection Of The Environment  IS  ALSO YOUR (HUMANS)

Protection and Safety 
AMAZING!!!  Nothing has changed.  Senator Charles Grassley from Iowa states “there's no need to protect children in the field.”  He introduced a bill to preserve the rights of the American Farmer.  I'm disgusted by his inhumane disregard of child labor and treatment of field workers.

California Regulator Eyes Tracking of Fracking Chemicals.                                        Two more articles indicating movement toward the regulation of fracking.


žChildren as young as five years to 17 yrs. Old
ž90% of cocoa farms in West Africa (Primarily Ivory Coast use child labor
žOnly 15% children receiving any wage at all
žWorking conditions:
žSunrise to Sunset
žThey use dangerous Machetes to cut the cocoa pods of the cocoa trees
žGiven Corn Mash (the cheapest of foods)
žLock inside a small shed at night with 25 other children only with a small hole for air.
žBeaten if they are deemed slow with bicycle chain
    Middlemen: advocacy is done on the farmer's behalf by the businesses and organizations agree to pay an above market price for the products. The extra money make lasting improvements in their communities, by going towards schools, hospitals.
Creating better wage conditions
   Sourcing: Fair trade organizations  try to help the farmer/ producer by increasing their knowledge and teaching skills
  In order for fair pricing to work, therehas to be international regulations and standards by which farms will comply, to become  Slave-Free Chocolate


As a reminder, here are some best practices to protect your safety:


As a reminder, here are some best practices to protect your safety:

·         Always be aware of your surroundings
·         Store valuables in your car trunk or locked in the glove box
·         Tuck away cables and cords to electronic equipment so as to give no indication that expensive devices may be in the vehicle (i.e. lap tops, cell phones, GPS units)
·         Avoid being distracted by telephone calls/emails while walking or wearing headsets that impair your ability to detect and respond to potentially dangerous situations
·         Avoid poorly lit streets, driveways or taking shortcuts through areas that obscure your view.
·         Follow pedestrian detour signage, especially in construction zones.
·         Avoid being stopped by individuals—just keep walking. Never give personal information to strangers.
·         Try not to walk alone, especially at night. Walk in groups or call Security Services at for a security escort.
·         At night, carry a flashlight to assist in illuminating your way.
·         Carry few valuables. Hold your purse or laptop case close to your body and in front of you.
·         Always report suspicious persons or activities to call 9-1-1 if you see a crime in progress.,country&displayColumn=created&displayCount=1

A monoamine substance that is formed from tryptophan and found in many animal tissues, including the intestine andcentral nervous system. In the brain, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter that is involved in the control of painperception, the sleep-wake cycle, and mood. Serotonin is also produced in some bacteria and plants.

an amine, C10H12N20, that occurs esp. in blood and nervous tissue and functions as a vasoconstrictor andneurotransmitter.
[1948; sero- + tone or ton (ic) + -in1]
An organic compound, C10H12N2O, formed from tryptophan and found in animal and human tissue, especially thebrain, blood serum, and gastric mucous membranes, and active as a neurotransmitter and in vasoconstriction,stimulation of the smooth muscles, and regulation of cyclic body processes.

[sero- + ton(e) + -in.]
serotonin (ˌsɛrəˈtəʊnɪn
1. (Biochemistry) a compound that occurs in the brain, intestines, and blood platelets and acts as a neurotransmitter,as well as inducing vasoconstriction and contraction of smooth muscle; 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)
[from sero- + ton(ic) + -in]

monoamine /mono·amine/ (mon″o-ah-mēn´) an amine containing one amino group, e.g., serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
An amine compound containing one amino group, especially a compound that functions as a neurotransmitter.
monoamine /mono·amine/ (mon″o-ah-mēn´) an amine containing one amino group, e.g., serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

mon·o·am·ine (m, -
An amine compound containing one amino group, especially a compound that functions as a neurotransmitter.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
an amine containing one amine group.

monoamine A class of molecules that contain one amino group connected to an aromatic ring by a two-carbon chain. The physiologically important monoamines derive from aromaticamino acids—phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan—and the thyroid hormones by the action of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase enzymes. They include neurotransmitters andneuromodulators, in particular catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine) and tryptamines (serotonin and melatonin).

monoamine [mon″o-am´ēn]
an amine containing only one amino group.
monoamine oxidase (MAO) a copper-containing enzyme that deaminates monoamines such as dopamineepinephrinenorepinephrine, and serotonin. See also monoamine oxidase inhibitor.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. ©

an amine containing only one amino group.
monoamine oxidase
a cuproprotein enzyme that deaminates monoamines such as serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, tyramine and tryptamine. Called also MAO.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
substances that inhibit the activity of monoamine oxidase, increasing catecholamine and serotonin levels in the brain; they are used as antidepressants and antihypertensives. Called alsoMAO inhibitors.

Pharmacology A class of hormones or neurotransmitters–eg, catecholamines–dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and indoleamines–serotonin, melatonin, which have 1 amine. SeeCatecholamine.

mon·o·am·ine (mon'ō-am'ēn, -in), Although this word is correctly stressed on the second-last syllable, U.S. usage often stresses it on the last syllable.
A molecule containing one amine group.
Synonym(s): monamine.

1200 calories meal plan
3-4 egg whites                                                                                                  
small low carb tortilla                                                                                                     
1/4 cup salsa                                                                                                     
low fat cheese 1/2 oz                                                                                                    
1/2 cooked oatmeal (one minute ok)                                                                                                     
add 1/2 2- egg whites, 6 almonds or 2 walnuts                                                                                                   
protein shake with 10-15 barries                                                                                                              
8oz plain nonfat greek yogurt fabe with 10-15 berries, 6 almonds                                                                                                             
1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese with 10-12 berries, 6 almonds                                                                                                    
2 c green salad, an veggies,                                                                                                        
3 oz tuna, white fish or lean poultry                                                                                                        
home made oil and vinegar 1tbs                                                                                                              
1/3 c brown rice,(oatmeal, courcous, quinoa ok)                                                                                                              
4oz lean poultry/fish, 2 cervings of veggies                                                                                                         
one slic low carb bread or tortilla                                                                                                              
4 oz chickenor wite fish, green veggies (mastard ok)                                                                                                      
3-4 OZ PUNLTRY, 2 CUPS VEGGIES, 6 ALMONDS                                                                                                
3 SNACKS PER DAY:                                                                                                        
ALL SNACKS SHOULD INCLUDE PROTEIN AND CARB OR JUST PROTEIN                                                                                                    
Light cheese stick with small fruit                                                                                                             
3 oz chicken tenderloin or fish with 1 serving of veggies                                                                                                
3 oz tuna plain with veggies                                                                                                        
last meal be:                                                                                                     
1/2 nonfat Greek yogurt with 1/2 scoop  fiber 6 almonds                                                                                                               
1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese.

VS.  my food of the day :-)

2 eggs                                                                                                  
hash brown 

dark chocolate 
chines food
 tamaleas (lol)

tacos (lol)
ok, water (today)
Yoga before class....

Healthy Cooking

Need a comfort-food meal to turn your winter blues around? Luckily, chowder doesn't have to be heavy or fattening to be delicious. This recipe is light, creamy, full of veggies and contains heart-healthy salmon. Plus, this hearty weeknight dish can be made in just one pot and takes less than 30 minutes to prepare!
Get the recipe now »Steamy salmon chowder
  • 1 teaspoon oil, olive
  • 1/2 cup(s) celery
  • 1 clove(s) garlic
  • 1 can(s) broth, chicken, fat-free, less sodium
(15 ounces)
  • 2 1/2 cup(s) hash brown potatoes with peppers and onion, frozen
  • 1 cup(s) peas and carrots, frozen
  • 1/2 teaspoon dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper, black ground
  • 6 ounce(s) fish, salmon, canned
or pouched, pink, (bones removed)
  • 1 can(s) milk, fat-free evaporated
(12 ounces)
  • 1 can(s) corn, cream-style, no-salt-added
(14 3/4 ounces)
Serves 8
In a large saucepan over medium heat, saute olive oil and celery for about 10 minutes. Add the garlic and saute for another minute.
Add the chicken broth, hash browns, peas, carrots, dill and pepper and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are done but not overcooked.
Add the salmon, separating it into pieces with a fork. Stir in the evaporated milk and corn and cook until heated through.

70 Jello Shot Recipes

1. *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager.

 2. *MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 oz tequila, 4 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm.

 (substitue watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita)

 3. *RUM & COKE boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum

 4. *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn't as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ.

 5. *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can.

 6. *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka

 7. *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up)

 8. *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup plain vodka, 1/2 cup chambord)

 9. *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum)

 10. *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin)

 11. *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka)

 12. *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka)

 13. *FRUIT PUNCH* (boil 1 cups water, add mixed fruit jello, 1/2 cup blueberry vodka, 1/2 cup raspberry vodka)

 14. *WATERMELON* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello,1 cup watermelon vodka)

 15. *BEER* (boil 1 cups water, add strawberry jello, add 1 cup any malt liquor)

 16. *CARIBBEAN* (boil 1 cup water, add strawberry-banana jello, Cruzan banana rum

 17. *CHERRY COLA* (boil 1 cup coke, add cherry jello, 1 cup cold cola, 1/2 cup amaretto, 1/2 cup spiced rum)

 18. *DREAMSICLE* (boil 1 1/3 cup water & 2/3 cup OJ, add orange jello, 1 cup vanilla vodka 1/2 cup raspberry or berry vodka, 1/2 cup KeKe Beach Key Lime Cream Liqueur)

 19. *LIME IN THE COCONUT* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1 cup Malibu Coconut Rum)

 20. *RED HOTS* (boil 2 cups water, add jello, 1/2 cup cold water, 2 cups Cinnamon Schnapps)

 21. **SEX ON THE BEACH** boil 1 cup cranberry juice, add 3 oz pkg orange jello, 3 oz peach schnapps, 5 oz vodka

 22. ***SOUR APPLE*** (in microwavable container, mix 1 small box sour apple jello, 1 pkg knox gelatin and 1 tbs sugar. Stir in 1 cup Mt. Dew and mix well. Microwave on high for 1 min. Stir until powder is dissolved. Mix 2 cups vodka & 3/4 cup Captain Morgan Coconut Rum. mix well and let sit 1 min. pour into cups and refrigerate.)

 23. *SQUIRM* (boil 2 1/4 cup water, add 3 small pkgs any flavor jello, 2 cups vodka, 3/4 cup ice cold water. add 1 gummy worm to each shot before firm.

 24. *CARIBOU LOU* (1/2 cup boiling water 1/2 cup pineapple juice boiled, add pineapple jello, 1/2 cup Malibu Rum, 1/2 cup Triplesec)

 25. *JOLLY RANCHER* (boil 1 cup water, add melon jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup apple pucker)

 26. *PURPLE PEOPLE EATER* (boil 1 cup water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup watermelon pucker)

 27. *BAHAMA MAMA* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1/2 cup Malibu rum, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)

 28. *COSMOPOLITAN* (boil 1 cup water with a splash of lime juice, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)

 29. *CHERRY BOMB* (boil 1 cup redbull, add cherry jello, 1 cup vodka and drop in one maraschino cherry, step up before firmed.)

 30. *BLUE FIRECRACKER* (boil 1 cup water, add berry blue jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)

 31. *WHITE LIGHTNING* (boil 1 cup water, add pina colada jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)

 32. *FUZZY NAVEL* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz orange jello, 2 oz vodka, 6 oz peach schnapps

 33. *RED HEADED SLUT* boil 1 cup water, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup peach schnapps, 1/2 cup jager

 34. *MOJITO* (1 cup boiling water, 3 oz box lime jello, 6 oz white rum, 2 oz cold water. top with mint leaves chopped and crushed. (or substitue mint leaves with a splash of mint extract in the the boiling water.)

 35. *STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz package wild strawberry jello, 6 oz white rum, 1 oz sweet & sour or margarita mix.

 36. *DEVILS KISS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Goldschlager, and 1/4 cup of Bacardi-151. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups. if you double up the Knox Gelatin in this one you can eliminate the cup serve these up as jigglers!!

 37. *ANKLE BREAKER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Lime Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of 151 Rum, and 1/4 cup of Cherry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 38. *FIRECRACKER 2* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin , and 1/3 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/3 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cup

 39. **KOMANIWANALAYA** 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello and 1 box of Cranberry Jello (both 3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Amaretto, and 1/2 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 40. *RAIN MAIN* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Bacardi 151, and 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups

 41. *ADAM AND EVE* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Brandy, and 1/4 cup of Pomogranate Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Gin. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 42. *ALABAMA SLAMMER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until everything is completely dissolved and then add 1/3 cup of coldwater. Next, add 1/3 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin. Mix throuroughly until everything is well combined and the carefully pour into jello shot cups. Chill for 3 to 4 hours and serve.

 43. *ALL NIGHTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cherry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water and 1/2 cup of Watermelon Vodka. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 44. *APPLE PIE* 1 1/2 cups ofboiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Light Rum, 1/2 cup of Sweet Vermouth, 1/4 cup of Apple Brandy and 1/4 cup ofGrenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 45. *BANANA BOAT* 1 cup of water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum , and 1/4 cup of Banana Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 46. *BANANA SPLIT 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Strawberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup ofBanana Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Creme de Cacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 47. *BAT OUT OF HELL* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir for at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Red Bull, 1/4 cup of Rumand 1/4 Blue Curacao. Stir until well combined and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 48. *BERMUDA TRIANGLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/4 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot

 49. *BLACK CAT* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Raspberry Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Black Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and wait until the liquid is about room temperature before pouring into jello shot cups.

 50. *BLACK WIDOW* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Grape Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 3/4 cup of Blackberry Vodka and 1/8 teaspoon of Ginger Powder. Stir well and cool slightly before pouring into jello shot cups. For a schnazzy garnish, drop a singleblackberry in each cup before chilling

 51. *COUGH DROP* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 3 oz package of Strawberry Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Jagermeister. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 52. *CRYPTINI* 1 cup of HotCoffee. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/3 cup of Iced Coffee, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup of Kahlua. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.

 53. *FRENCH TICKLER* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Cinnamon Schnappsand 1/2 cup of Vodka. Stir well and wait until the liquid has a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 54. *HARVEY WALLBANGER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/4 cup ofGalliano. Stir well until completely combined and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.

 55. *JUICY FRUIT* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup ofMelon Liqueur and 1/3 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool

 56. *JAGERMASTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Amaretto, and a just a splash of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 57. *JAGERMONSTER* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water , 1/2 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 58. *LETHAL INJECTION* 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and 1 package ofPineapple Jello (3 oz) and stir at least 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water followed by 1/4 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum, 1/4 cup of Dark Rum and 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring intojello shot cups.

 59. *LONG ISLAND ICED TEA* and measure 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Cola and 1/2 cup of cold water. Now get ready to add the alcohol - 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/2 cup of LightRum, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/2 cup of Tequila. Stir until everything is well combined and let it cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 60. *NINJA TURTLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Gin, and 1/4 cup of Blue Curacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 61. *PAIN KILLER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Dark Rum, 1/3 cup ofCoconut Rum and 1/3 cup of Orange Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 62. *PIXIE STIX* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/4 cup of Blackberry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 63. *RED SILK PANTIES* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 64. *KINKY MALIBU BARBIE* Boil 1 cup water, add peach jello, 1/2 cup Kinky Liquer, 1/2 cup Malibu Coconut Rum.

 65. *KILLER KOOLAID* 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 3/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka, 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/4 cup of Rum, 1/4 cup of Chambord and 1/4 cup of Triple Sec. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 66. *BROKEN HEART* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 67. *SCOOBY SNACKS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur, and 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum . Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 68. *TIJUANA TAXI* 2 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages ofLemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved.Next, add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Tequila, 1/4 cup of Blue Caracao and 1/4 cup of Tropical Fruit Schnapps. Stir until completely combined and give it a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.

 69. *RUMMY BEARS* 1 cup boiling water, add any random flavor jello and 1 cup berry vodka, 1 gummy bear in the center of each shot.

 70. *WOOWOO* 2 cups boiling water, add 3 pkgs grape jello, 3 pkgs cranberry/raspberry jello, 3 pkgs strawberry jello, 3 cups vodka, 3 cups peach schnapps, 1 can grape juice concentrate and 1 can cran-raspberry juice concentrate (both undiluted!)

70 Jello Shot Recipes 

1. *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager.
 2. *MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 oz tequila, 4 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm.
 (substitue watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita)
 3. *RUM & COKE boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum
 4. *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn't as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ.
 5. *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can.
 6. *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka
 7. *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up)
 8. *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup plain vodka, 1/2 cup chambord)
 9. *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum)
 10. *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin)
 11. *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka)
 12. *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka)
 13. *FRUIT PUNCH* (boil 1 cups water, add mixed fruit jello, 1/2 cup blueberry vodka, 1/2 cup raspberry vodka)
 14. *WATERMELON* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello,1 cup watermelon vodka)
 15. *BEER* (boil 1 cups water, add strawberry jello, add 1 cup any malt liquor)
 16. *CARIBBEAN* (boil 1 cup water, add strawberry-banana jello, Cruzan banana rum
 17. *CHERRY COLA* (boil 1 cup coke, add cherry jello, 1 cup cold cola, 1/2 cup amaretto, 1/2 cup spiced rum)
 18. *DREAMSICLE* (boil 1 1/3 cup water & 2/3 cup OJ, add orange jello, 1 cup vanilla vodka 1/2 cup raspberry or berry vodka, 1/2 cup KeKe Beach Key Lime Cream Liqueur)
 19. *LIME IN THE COCONUT* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1 cup Malibu Coconut Rum)
 20. *RED HOTS* (boil 2 cups water, add jello, 1/2 cup cold water, 2 cups Cinnamon Schnapps)
 21. **SEX ON THE BEACH** boil 1 cup cranberry juice, add 3 oz pkg orange jello, 3 oz peach schnapps, 5 oz vodka
 22. ***SOUR APPLE*** (in microwavable container, mix 1 small box sour apple jello, 1 pkg knox gelatin and 1 tbs sugar. Stir in 1 cup Mt. Dew and mix well. Microwave on high for 1 min. Stir until powder is dissolved. Mix 2 cups vodka & 3/4 cup Captain Morgan Coconut Rum. mix well and let sit 1 min. pour into cups and refrigerate.)
 23. *SQUIRM* (boil 2 1/4 cup water, add 3 small pkgs any flavor jello, 2 cups vodka, 3/4 cup ice cold water. add 1 gummy worm to each shot before firm.
 24. *CARIBOU LOU* (1/2 cup boiling water 1/2 cup pineapple juice boiled, add pineapple jello, 1/2 cup Malibu Rum, 1/2 cup Triplesec)
 25. *JOLLY RANCHER* (boil 1 cup water, add melon jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup apple pucker)
 26. *PURPLE PEOPLE EATER* (boil 1 cup water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup watermelon pucker)
 27. *BAHAMA MAMA* (boil 1 cup water, add watermelon jello, 1/2 cup Malibu rum, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)
 28. *COSMOPOLITAN* (boil 1 cup water with a splash of lime juice, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)
 29. *CHERRY BOMB* (boil 1 cup redbull, add cherry jello, 1 cup vodka and drop in one maraschino cherry, step up before firmed.)
 30. *BLUE FIRECRACKER* (boil 1 cup water, add berry blue jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup peach schnapps)
 31. *WHITE LIGHTNING* (boil 1 cup water, add pina colada jello, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup triple sec)
 32. *FUZZY NAVEL* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz orange jello, 2 oz vodka, 6 oz peach schnapps
 33. *RED HEADED SLUT* boil 1 cup water, add cranberry jello, 1/2 cup peach schnapps, 1/2 cup jager
 34. *MOJITO* (1 cup boiling water, 3 oz box lime jello, 6 oz white rum, 2 oz cold water. top with mint leaves chopped and crushed. (or substitue mint leaves with a splash of mint extract in the the boiling water.)
 35. *STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI* (boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz package wild strawberry jello, 6 oz white rum, 1 oz sweet & sour or margarita mix.
 36. *DEVILS KISS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Goldschlager, and 1/4 cup of Bacardi-151. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups. if you double up the Knox Gelatin in this one you can eliminate the cup serve these up as jigglers!!
 37. *ANKLE BREAKER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 envelope of Lime Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of 151 Rum, and 1/4 cup of Cherry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 38. *FIRECRACKER 2* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin , and 1/3 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/3 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cup
 39. **KOMANIWANALAYA** 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello and 1 box of Cranberry Jello (both 3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Amaretto, and 1/2 cup of 151 Rum. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 40. *RAIN MAIN* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Bacardi 151, and 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups
 41. *ADAM AND EVE* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Brandy, and 1/4 cup of Pomogranate Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Gin. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 42. *ALABAMA SLAMMER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until everything is completely dissolved and then add 1/3 cup of coldwater. Next, add 1/3 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/3 cup of Sloe Gin. Mix throuroughly until everything is well combined and the carefully pour into jello shot cups. Chill for 3 to 4 hours and serve.
 43. *ALL NIGHTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cherry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water and 1/2 cup of Watermelon Vodka. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 44. *APPLE PIE* 1 1/2 cups ofboiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Light Rum, 1/2 cup of Sweet Vermouth, 1/4 cup of Apple Brandy and 1/4 cup ofGrenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 45. *BANANA BOAT* 1 cup of water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum , and 1/4 cup of Banana Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 46. *BANANA SPLIT 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Strawberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup ofBanana Liqueur and 1/4 cup of Creme de Cacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 47. *BAT OUT OF HELL* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir for at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Red Bull, 1/4 cup of Rumand 1/4 Blue Curacao. Stir until well combined and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 48. *BERMUDA TRIANGLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum and 1/4 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot
 49. *BLACK CAT* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Raspberry Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Black Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and wait until the liquid is about room temperature before pouring into jello shot cups.
 50. *BLACK WIDOW* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Grape Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 3/4 cup of Blackberry Vodka and 1/8 teaspoon of Ginger Powder. Stir well and cool slightly before pouring into jello shot cups. For a schnazzy garnish, drop a singleblackberry in each cup before chilling
 51. *COUGH DROP* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 3 oz package of Strawberry Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Jagermeister. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 52. *CRYPTINI* 1 cup of HotCoffee. Dissolve 1 envelope of Knox Gelatin and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/3 cup of Iced Coffee, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup of Kahlua. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.
 53. *FRENCH TICKLER* 1 cup of boilingwater. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Cinnamon Schnappsand 1/2 cup of Vodka. Stir well and wait until the liquid has a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 54. *HARVEY WALLBANGER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/4 cup ofGalliano. Stir well until completely combined and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring into jello shot cups.
 55. *JUICY FRUIT* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Vodka, and 1/3 cup ofMelon Liqueur and 1/3 cup of Peach Schnapps. Stir well and cool
 56. *JAGERMASTER* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Amaretto, and a just a splash of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 57. *JAGERMONSTER* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water , 1/2 cup of Jagermeister, and 1/4 cup of Grenadine. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 58. *LETHAL INJECTION* 2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 1 package of Orange Jello (3 oz) and 1 package ofPineapple Jello (3 oz) and stir at least 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of cold water followed by 1/4 cup of Amaretto, 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum, 1/4 cup of Dark Rum and 1/4 cup of Spiced Rum. Stir well and wait until the liquid has cooled before pouring intojello shot cups.
 59. *LONG ISLAND ICED TEA* and measure 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages of Lemon Jello (3 oz) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of Cola and 1/2 cup of cold water. Now get ready to add the alcohol - 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/2 cup of LightRum, 1/2 cup of Vodka and 1/2 cup of Tequila. Stir until everything is well combined and let it cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 60. *NINJA TURTLE* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Orange Jello and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Gin, and 1/4 cup of Blue Curacao. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 61. *PAIN KILLER* 3/4 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of cold water, 1/3 cup of Dark Rum, 1/3 cup ofCoconut Rum and 1/3 cup of Orange Liqueur. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 62. *PIXIE STIX* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Lemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort, and 1/4 cup of Blackberry Brandy. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 63. *RED SILK PANTIES* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup ofPeach Schnapps. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 64. *KINKY MALIBU BARBIE* Boil 1 cup water, add peach jello, 1/2 cup Kinky Liquer, 1/2 cup Malibu Coconut Rum.
 65. *KILLER KOOL AID* 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Dissolve 2 boxes of Cranberry Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 3/4 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Vodka, 1/2 cup of Gin, 1/4 cup of Rum, 1/4 cup of Chambord and 1/4 cup of Triple Sec. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 66. *BROKEN HEART* 1 cup of boiling water . Dissolve 1 package of of Orange Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Vodka, and 1/4 cup of Chambord. Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 67. *SCOOBY SNACKS* 1 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 1 box of Pineapple Jello (3 oz size) and stir until fully dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/4 cup of Melon Liqueur, and 1/4 cup of Coconut Rum . Stir well and cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 68. *TIJUANA TAXI* 2 cup of boiling water. Dissolve 2 packages ofLemon Jello (3 oz size) and stir at least 2 minutes until fully dissolved.Next, add 1 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Tequila, 1/4 cup of Blue Caracao and 1/4 cup of Tropical Fruit Schnapps. Stir until completely combined and give it a chance to cool before pouring into jello shot cups.
 69. *RUMMY BEARS* 1 cup boiling water, add any random flavor jello and 1 cup berry vodka, 1 gummy bear in the center of each shot.
 70. *WOOWOO* 2 cups boiling water, add 3 pkgs grape jello, 3 pkgs cranberry/raspberry jello, 3 pkgs strawberry jello, 3 cups vodka, 3 cups peach schnapps, 1 can grape juice concentrate and 1 can cran-raspberry juice concentrate (both undiluted!)

Stock your pantry with these healthy items

Making smart food choices is easy when you're prepared.

Having healthy go-to options at home is essential for weight-loss success. Keep these smart choices on hand for fast and flavorful meals and snacks.
Fruits and vegetables
  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Pre-cut fresh vegetables
  • Salad in a bag
  • Frozen fruits
  • Frozen vegetables (no sauce)
  • Frozen chopped onion and green peppers
  • Canned fruits (packed in their own juice or water)
  • Dried fruit
  • Low-sodium, low-fat pasta; pizza and tomato sauces
  • Canned diced tomatoes
  • 100 percent fruit juice, including calcium-fortified (but limit juice intake to 4 ounces a day)

  • Fat-free or 1 percent milk
  • Low-fat or fat-free yogurt
  • Low-fat or fat-free cheese
  • Frozen yogurt or fruit sorbet

Whole grains
  • Whole-grain breakfast cereal
  • Rice: brown (regular and instant), wild, blends
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole-grain bread
  • Whole-grain pita bread
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Whole-grain crackers
  • Low-fat microwave popcorn

  • Low-fat refried beans
  • Black, kidney or navy beans
  • Low-sodium water-packed tuna
  • Other fish with omega-3 fatty acids
  • Skinless white-meat poultry
  • Soy cheese
  • Tofu
  • Dry-roasted nuts
  • Individually frozen skinless chicken breasts
  • Individually frozen salmon, cod or other fish
  • Frozen shrimp or scallops
  • Frozen vegetable burgers

Cooking staples
  • Fresh garlic and onions
  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Red wine and/or balsamic vinegar
  • Fat-free cooking spray

As you can see, eating well at home doesn't require expensive or unusual ingredients, and you certainly don't have to be a master chef. Whole-wheat pasta tossed with loads of veggies, salads, and whole-grain wraps or quesadillas are all easy meal options. You can even put together a snack plate and include your favorite raw veggies, nuts and healthy dips, like hummus.

8 solutions to healthy-eating roadblocks

Don't like to cook? Can't resist junk food? Use practical strategies to overcome your biggest healthy-eating challenges.

Life doesn't follow a perfectly smooth course. You will inevitably run into obstacles on the journey to healthy eating. It's how you respond that makes the difference. For long-term success, you'll need strategies in place to solve problems as they arise. The first step is to identify and define potential roadblocks and brainstorm solutions. Identify the barriers most likely to get in your way and plan ahead how you'll face those challenges.
Roadblock: "I don't have time to make healthy meals."
Healthy detours: If you use smart cooking strategies, creating a healthy meal doesn't have to take too much time. Planning ahead is a great time-saver.
For example, shop for several meals at one time, or prepare foods over the weekend and then freeze meal-sized portions to reheat during the week. You can also keep it simple with a fresh salad and low-calorie dressing, a whole-grain roll and a piece of fruit, or a healthy sandwich, soup or entree from a deli or grocery store.
Roadblock: "I don't like vegetables and fruits."
Healthy detours: You don't need to like all fresh vegetables and fruits. Just find some that you enjoy. Experiment by sampling produce you've never eaten before. Add fruits or veggies to your favorite recipes, or replace meat with vegetables when possible. Experiment with new ways to prepare produce, such as grilling pineapple or lightly cooking vegetables if you don't like them raw.
Roadblock: “I don't like to cook.”
Healthy detours: Not interested in becoming a gourmet chef? No problem. Many cookbooks offer recipes for quick and easy healthy meals. Or you can use creative shortcuts that don't require a lot of cooking, such as prepackaged vegetables and lean meats. Also, remember that cooking is a skill: The more you practice, the better you will become.
Roadblock: "My family doesn't like to try new things, and it's too much work to make two different meals."
Healthy detours: You're right — you don't want to fall into the trap of making the "good" food for the family and the "diet" food for yourself. So instead, ask for your family's input — and help — on healthy foods they'd like to try, which may make them more willing to experiment.
Take it slow, and make a few small changes each week. You may be able to make some dishes healthier and tastier and your family won't even realize it. If you have a favorite dish that you don't want to abandon, prepare it with a different cooking method, such as baking rather than frying.
Roadblock: "I can't resist junk food!"
Healthy detours: As you prepare your healthy-eating plan, ask yourself how you can fit the occasional treat into the plan without derailing your overall weight-loss efforts. If you give up all your favorite foods, you'll feel deprived, which decreases your chances of successful weight management. Give yourself permission to eat them on occasion and in moderation. Find a happy medium for high-calorie foods. Could you take the kids out for ice-cream cones once a week or buy a small bag of chips for the Sunday-afternoon football game? That's better than buying a gallon of ice cream for your freezer, where it causes constant temptation.
You can also try healthier versions of your favorite snack foods, such as baked, rather than regular, potato chips. In addition, eat healthy foods before having your treat. It can help you eat less of your favorite treats.
Roadblock: "When eating out, I like to eat large portions of my favorite foods, not something healthy."
Healthy detours: It's OK to occasionally have your favorite foods if you do it healthfully. For example, when at a restaurant, eat half of your favorite meal and save the other half for the next day. Or, if you know you'll be eating extra calories, increase your exercise for the day. Explore ways to make your favorite dish healthier. If your meal contains a rich sauce, for instance, ask for it on the side so that you can control how much of it you eat. If you dine out often, however, it's best to make healthy choices part of your routine. You don't want a large indulgence to cancel out all your good efforts.
Roadblock: "I don't eat breakfast because I'm not hungry in the morning."
Healthy detours: Research shows that eating breakfast helps people better manage their weight, in part because it helps keep them from feeling ravenous and overeating later in the day. So, even if you're not hungry, try to eat a little something in the morning. Start gradually by planning to have breakfast twice a week and then work toward eating breakfast every day. Keep foods on hand that you can take with you on busy days, such as apples, bananas, whole-grain bagels and low-fat yogurt in single-serving containers.
Roadblock: "Keeping food records — measuring food, keeping track and figuring out calories — takes too much work."
Healthy detours: Losing weight does take time and effort. That will gradually lessen as you get used to knowing what serving sizes should look like and how many calories you should have each day. But, initially, keeping detailed records will help you work toward your main goal: reaching a healthy weight. Make these initial steps easier on yourself by keeping your food record and serving-sizes chart handy and logging your entries after each meal instead of at day's end.