Margoth B.G

Margoth B.G

Higher power of the universe!

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!

Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.

Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.

Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.

DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.

Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias! Margoth.

my life

my life

Thursday, October 27


“How do I change?
If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labor.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.”
― Og Mandino

 MY LIFE IS NOT THE END I WANT !!! IS THE AGONY !!! PROBLEM TO KILL ME , I WANT TO FINISH !! So often we misinterpret we want to do. Your actions is the problem, and I hate it, but not to a person who does not want to see again ! is your actions that do not want to see , remember this! misinterpreted words makes my mind misunderstand my wishes. I love my life!

Las Mejores Reflexiones

Sin ti también puedo ser feliz
Muchas veces nos preguntamos si podemos ser felices a pesar de tantos sufrimientos y de tanta deslealtad por parte de aquellos que en su momento fueron parte importante en nuestras vidas…
En momentos así vienen a nosotros los recuerdos, aquellos que tanto duelen, en los que ves pasar el tiempo y piensas que jamás volverás a ser feliz, o que jamás volverás a amar como lo hiciste aquella vez.
Gracias a Dios, siempre hay vendas de amor para curar nuestras heridas. El amor, si bien es lo más hermoso también puede llegar a ser el dolor más profundo en tú corazón. Hay que saber levantarse, hay que preparar la mente para una nueva vida, ya no puedes estar pensando qué será tu vida sin esa persona, debes enfrentarte a esos fantasmas que aparecen cuando piensas que ya se han ido.
Siempre pasa lo mismo:
Vuelves a caminar por el pasillo del dolor.
vuelves a no querer saber nada de la vida…
No sigas con eso, levántate, mira tu espejo y dime si acaso no ves en ti a alguien mucho más valiente que eso, a alguien con más decisión para hacer las cosas de forma diferente, alguien que está dispueto a empezar una nueva vida, a quererse más y a tener más confianza en lo que hace… Mírate al espejo y convéncete de que vas a salir adelante a pesar de los obstáculos que la vida te presente.
Claro que puedes volver a ser feliz sin esa persona, no es el centro de tu universo. Seguro que en tu vida hay más personas dispuestas a hacerte feliz, y puede que incluso estén los hijos, los padres, la familia, los amigos que de por sí son ángeles que Dios te envía para recoger los pedazos que han quedado esparcidos por el camino...
Ya puedes levantarte con la seguridad de que si no fue fiel, y si no te respetó, no se merece nada de ti.
¿Mendigar amor? No, migajas no, tú te mereces todo, no trozos o los pedazos que te quiera dar. Respétate, se fuerte, no será la única mala experiencia que tengas en la vida, habrá muchas más, pero ya tendrás preparación para lo que venga, ya eres de hierro pero con el corazón blando para volver amar, o simplemente para dar amor a los que te rodean.
Una buena mañana, un buen día cuando esa persona te busque ya no serás la misma persona. Serás una bella persona que se ha reforzado de los dolores que puede causar la vida y un mal amor. Estarás mucho mejor, sabrás entregar tu corazón a quien se lo merece y no al primero que llega.
Mientras la tristeza se va de tu vida, refúgiate en el amor de tus hijos, de tus padres y de tus amigos quienes son tan importantes que sin pedirte nada, lo dan todo.
No lo dudes, puedes volver a ser feliz y estar muy bien.
Cuando te pregunten con la mirada bien altiva podrás decir:
“Sin ti puedo ser feliz, y lo soy”.
Con esas sencillas palabras habrás ganado la batalla sin necesidad de decir nada más.
Debes mantenerte firme en tus propósitos de vida, busca la manera de ser feliz, pide a Dios que te ayude en tus aflicciones y verás que mañana será un mejor día y podrás volver a retomar tu vida.
Crece como persona, ayuda a quien necesite de ti… eso te hará útil, y con el sólo hecho de ayudar a los demás ya verás que todo va a ir muy bien en tu vida, y repite hasta que te canses:
“Sin ti soy mejor persona,
y lo mejor de todo es que puedo ser feliz sin tener que estar a tu lado”.
La vida es demasiado bella para dejarla pasar sin haberla disfrutado.
NO ES MI VIDA LA  QUE QUIERO ACABAR!!!   ES EL AGONIA!!!  EL PROBLEMA QUE ME MATA, QUE QUIERO TERMINAR!!. Muchas vezes interpretamos mal que queremos hacer: Tus acciones es el problema,  y lo detesto, mas  no a tu persona a la  que no quiera volver a ver! es a tus acciones las que no quiero volver a ver, recuerda esto !!
 palabras mal interpretadas, hace que mi mente interprete mal mis deseos. I love my life!

When life sucks and you feel like shit

Life can be rough sometimes, and most people, at one time or another, feel like shit. This can mean different things for different people. It might include feeling sad, angry, stressed out, or fed up. It might also be a sense of not feeling like yourself or feeling physically sick.

Why you might feel like shit

Sometimes it is difficult to work out why you are feeling shitty.  Identifying the factors that are contributing to this feeling might help you to work out how to deal with it. Remember —it’s just a feeling and it’s likely to pass.
Some reasons you might feel shitty:
  • You’ve experienced one or several tough or stressful events;
  • People around you are experiencing tough times. It’s not uncommon for other people’s unhappiness to influence how you’re feeling. This could be because it is hard to see people you care about feeling sad, or because of the way they’re coping with their emotions, they are difficult to be around.
Not being able to identify the reason for how you are feeling is not uncommon.  Factors that might contribute to feeling shitty include:
Psychological factors
  • Stress or anxiety—Stress can come from many different sources, like pressures at school, work or home from parents, teachers and sometimes your friends, or even your own expectations;
  • Grief or loss—This can include the death of a loved one, or the end of a relationship or friendship;
  • Depression and other mental illnesses.
Social factors
  • Family problems, like parents going through a divorce or fighting, or transitioning to a step family;
  • Problems at school or work, like bullying or violence;
  • Relationship or friendship problems, like breaking up or fighting with a boyfriend or girlfriend;
  • Moving into a new house;
  • Starting at a new school or job;
  • Living with someone with a mental or physical illness or disease;
  • Feeling bored or uninspired, like over school or summer vacation.
Physical or biological factors might also influence your feelings and reactions as well as how you think about yourself and the world around you. Physical factors might include:
  • Not eating well;
  • Not getting enough exercise;
  • Not getting enough sleep;
  • Using drugs or alcohol;
  • Being sick, or fighting off illness, which can make you feel run down and not well;
  • Chronic illness or other medical conditions;
  • Hormonal changes, especially for women during their menstrual cycles. This may happen a few days before you get your period and you may not make the connection immediately.

What to do if you’re feeling like shit

When you’re feeling shitty, you might have the urge to lash out at someone, even if they had nothing to do with your feelings. Here are some ideas that might stop you from blowing up and help you get to a happier place.
Get informed. Once you figure out what might be causing you to feel shitty, you can do something about it. On the ReachOut site, you’ll find tons of info on different issues, including depression, family and relationships. You’ll also find suggestions on how to manage your feelings and where you can get help.
Talk to someone. Talking to someone you feel comfortable with, like a friend, teacher, parent or counselor, can be a great way of expressing your feelings. These people might also be able to help you identify why you are feeling shitty and work out strategies for dealing with it.
Chill out. Sometimes getting some space away from what is making you feel this way or a change of scenery can be helpful. This might include going for a walk or listening to your favorite music, reading a book, going to the movies, or whatever works for you.
Express your feelings. Writing down your feelings or keeping a journal can be a great way of understanding your current emotions in a particular situation. It can also help you come up with alternative solutions to problems.
Express your feelings in a way that won’t cause bodily damage to yourself or another person.  Try yelling or crying into a pillow, dancing round the room to loud music or punching a pillow.
Post in the forums. You can also share your struggle anonymously in the ReachOut forums here in a non-judgmental space and get support from others who have been where you are and gotten through it.
Get creative. Find things to do to distract yourself from feeling shitty and that get you thinking creatively. This can include drawing a picture, writing a poem, or playing a game. Even though you might not feel like it at first, even a little creativity might be enough to shift your mood.
Take care of yourself. Feeling shitty may be your body telling you it needs to take time out, and pushing yourself physically might just make things worse. Take time out to spoil yourself by doing something that you usually enjoy. Even though you might not feel like it, exercising and eating well can help. Getting plenty of sleep is important, too.
Exercise helps stimulate hormones like endorphins, which help you feel better about yourself. If you haven’t done a lot of exercise before, it might be a good idea to start doing something small a couple of times each week, such as a 15-minute walk or two or three laps in a pool. Visiting your doctor for a regular check up can be a way to make sure there you don’t have any physical health problems.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. Try not to use alcohol or other drugs (including lots of caffeine or other energy-boosting drinks) in the hopes of feeling better. The feeling is usually temporary and the side effects often make you feel worse.

If you need someone to talk to now

Try calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or the Your Life Your Voice at 1-800-448-3000, run by Boys Town (for everyone).. Both hotlines have trained volunteers ready to listen 24/7.


La Felicidad es muna elección que puedo hacer en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Mis pensamientos son los que me hacen sentir feliz o desgraciado, no mis circunstancias. Sé capaz de cambiarte a ti mismo, y el mundo cambiará contigo.Recuerda que lo único que puedes controlar en el mundo son tus pensamientos.

El Cuerpo :

 Mis sentimientos son influenciados por mi postura. Una postura adecuada genera una disposición feliz. Es importante también que hagas ejercicio, éste nos libera del estrés y genera la secreción de endorfinas, que hacen que nos sintamos bien. Mira siempre hacia arriba y solo podrás reír, pues no conozco a nadie que haya podido llorar en esa postura.
El Momento: La felicidad no esta en los años, meses, en las semanas, ni siquiera en los días. Solo se la puede encontrar en los momentos. "Hoy es el mañana de ayer"... además la vida siempre tiene derecho a sorprendernos, así que aprende a vivir el presente sin ninguno de los traumas del pasado ni las expectativas del futuro. Recuerda que la Felicidad no es una meta, sino un trayecto. Disfruta de cada momento como si en él se combinaran tu pasado,tu presente y tu futuro.
Nuestra Propia Imagen:Debo aprender a amarme a mi mismo como soy. Creer en mi mismo da resultados. Cuanto más te conozcas, mayor será tu ventaja con respecto a los demás.

 Hammarshold decía:

 "El camino más difícil es el camino al interior"... pero, al menos una vez en la vida, debemos recorrerlo.Las Metas: ¿Sabes cuál es la diferencia entre un sueño y una meta? Una meta es un sueño con una fecha concreta para convertirse en realidad. Un sueño es solo un sueño, algo que esta fuera de la realidad... así que atrévete a soñar, pero atrévete también a lograr que esos sueños se hagan realidad!. "Apunta hacia la Luna, pues aunque te equivoques, llegarás a las estrellas..." Y cuando te pongas una meta difícil o creas que tienes un sueño imposible, recuerda que el éxito es solo la recompensa, pues lo que vale es el esfuerzo.
El Humor:La sonrisa es muy importante para mejorar la autoestima. Cuando sonreímos, aunque no sintamos nada, nuestro cerebro lo entiende como una señal que todo va bien y manda un mensaje al sistema nervioso central para que libere una sustancia llamada beta-endorfina, que da a la mente una respuesta positiva. Dicen que una sonrisa cuesta menos que la electricidad, pero que da más luz. Además, con cada sonrisa siembras una esperanza.
El Perdón: Mientras tengas resentimientos y odios, será imposible ser feliz. Lo maravilloso del perdón no es que libera al otro de su eventual culpa, sino que te libera a ti de un sufrimiento.
Dar: Uno de los verdaderos secretos para ser feliz es aprender a dar, sin esperar nada a cambio. Las leyes de la energía te devolverán con creces lo que des. Si das odio, recibirás odio, pero si das amor, recibirás invariablemente amor. Solo el que aprende a dar está en camino descubrir la verdadera felicidad.
Las Relaciones:La sinergia es unir fuerzas y caminar juntos para conseguir cosas. Siempre que dos o más personas se unen en un espíritu de colaboración y respeto, la sinergia se manifiesta en forma natural. Entiende a las personas que te rodean, quiere a tus amigos como son, sin intentar cambiarlos, porque cuando te sientas mal, el verdadero amigo estará allí para apoyarte y brindarte todo su amor. Así que cultiva tus amistades, ellas nos son gratis!. La amistad, al igual que la mayoría de los sentimientos, debe fluir de manera natural.
La Fe: La fe crea confianza, nos da paz mental y libera al alma de sus dudas, las preocupaciones, la ansiedad y el miedo. Pero no te asustes cuando dudes, pues bien decía Miguel de Unamuno: Fe que no duda es fe muerta". Dicen que el hombre llega a ser sabio cuando aprende a reír de si mismo. 

Ríe, ríe alegremente... y el mundo reirá contigo!!!

How To Find
The Meaning Of Life 

1 Find out how inquisitive and trusting you are. Many people find religious belief systems more than adequate to fill their lives with meaning. Being a "True Believer", however, will only result in giving up your identity for the idadopted concept of self conflicts with the true self. If you are inquisitive and trusting of your own intelligence, the first step is to find your true self. Self revelation is not for the squeamish. Take the time to let go of societal and personal preconceptions, letting your identity entity of the collective. Conflicts and mid-life crisis inevitably arise when the emerge without construct.
2 Let go of language. The universe was here before Humans and certainly before language, and requires no pedantic explanation. Words are not things or actions. They are vibrations of the air molecules or squiggles on a page. Mistaking words for reality is the mistake that puts politicians in office and sells all of the products, religions, and systems of government on the planet. Saying "Tree" is no more a tree than saying "I love you" means that someone loves you. To perceive reality as it is, one must accept that words are a vehicle for the transference of our perception of reality, not reality itself.
3 To bring meaning to your life, you must be able to perceive it without language. The fragility of language will undermine your search.
4 Seek without purpose. The universe will unfold and become clear when you seek knowledge without prejudice. Knowledge is not a destination, but a journey. Human knowledge is also imperfect. But don't despair, we know enough to come to firm conclusions. A 'fact' can only mean 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.' I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms. Work with what you can know, not what you can imagine.
5 Know that the universe is under no obligation to conform to your expectations. It is what it is whether or not you exist.

6 Know that your life in civilization is a construct, not a law of nature. Our lives and the way we live them are human constructs of what we think is the best way to live. It is littered with over 6000 years of myth, superstition, and dogma. Don't confuse the truth with the things you do to survive. Society doesn't, and very often won't make sense.
7 Understanding yourself, the universe, and your place in society, it will be easy to find meaning because you will determine what is meaningful. You will be able to separate the noise of language and society from the true sound of yourself. Define for yourself what brings meaning to your existence. Your meaning will be different from everyone else. You will know your life is meaningful because you will not fear death, getting old,or the various travails all of us encounter. Your destiny, your reason for being here will be apparent every waking hour. Contentment and bliss will follow.

8 Find how you fit into this life, you are a piece of the puzzle, most of us live a life of imagination and when reality hits us we become disappointed and you lose the meaning of life. Start to see life in a bigger picture and know that the small things you do now fits into the bigger picture. For example if you want to save some amount of money, all you have to do is break down to how much you want to save in a day, one day at a time and in a number of years, you will save the money you wanted. Tips Meditation is a great exercise for seeing things clearly as long as you don't get caught up in the technique. Many people think they're meditating when all they're doing is performing a ritual.
9. Watch what you put in your mind. Television, mass media, and modern music can be detrimental to the process of discovery. Initially, question everything. This will sharpen your intellectual and observational skills as well as irritating everyone closest to you. You will know your meaning of life is substantial when you can defend it to others. Open dialogue about the meaning of life is a valuable shortcut to the process. Most people are comfortable with their world-view, and uncomfortable trying to justify it. Don't force your new meaning of life on others. It will only serve to place barriers between you and those around you. But don't be afraid to explain your meaning of life to others.
10. Remember that many people in society today lack the capacity for free-thought, and still more lack the ability to think outside of the societal bubble that they may be living in. Your self-awareness could be viewed as strange or rebellious to some, don't share your views with everyone you meet.
I am proud because I choose to validate myself—who I am, who I’ve been, and who I will be.
Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." This is very true. But the unlived life is not worth examining!

  1. 1.Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

    2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

    3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

    4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.

    5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

    6. Was learning cursive really necessary?

    7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

    8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

    9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind-of tired.

    10. Bad decisions make good stories.

    11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

    12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.

    13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.

    14. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

    15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

    16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Light than Kay.

    7. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

    18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

    19. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?

    20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front.

    21. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.

    22. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time.

    23. The first testicular guard, the "Cup," was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.

    Update: Our first question when loss happens is, "What can I do and what should I say?" I felt this too, I still feel it, but I acted anyway and hoped that my words and actions would be inspired by compassion, forgiveness, and love. Like many of you, I was too far away to support in person, and that helplessness overwhelmed me. I finally acted and started this fund. I responded to one clear and immediate need, funeral expenses. What was generated was more than enough and a clear desire to do more. I could change the goal number, but there's something about how we are exceeding all expectations, how we are rising to meet this horrible loss and tragedy and overcome it, how we are connecting to find the ways to heal and let love, courage and faith be larger than loss. If you feel compelled to give though the "goal" has been met, give anyway. If you feel compelled to reach out to the family or to the friends though the time to do it seems to have passed, do it. If you feel compelled to share the GoFund, do it, and if you feel compelled to continue creating opportunities for connection and healing, do it. We all know the ache of loss never leaves, but what feels like a permanent break can become a healing we never imagined. It's hard to explain, but anyone who has survived loss may know what I'm trying to say. The Humboldt community is already continuing this simple act, all but one of Joseph's children live here. I'm not as close geographically to Joseph's oldest son, but it feels like his community is doing the same. We are gathering together to support each other through our loss, but to go one step further, to find a way to be there for his children for the years to come. Hearts and minds are coming together to find a way to appropriately use the funds that are above and beyond expectations. And to the unseen and unheard givers and doers, thank you as well. I don't know if we'll ever know the extent of the web of support that happened and continues to happened. It felt like love died, but now I know it didn't.
Our hearts are broken, my friend Amanda Waters lost her husband Joseph Waters. Until I go and hold her family in my arms, I'll help with funeral expenses. Please consider donating too. Love you Amanda, Joseph, and family.

Cómo Encontrarte a Ti Mismo en Menos de un Minuto

català / castellano
como encontrarte a ti misma¿Te has planteado alguna vez qué distancia hay entre tú y tu pie?
Si lo has hecho, te habrás dado cuenta de que no es una pregunta absurda porque, efectivamente, hay una distancia. Y si no lo has hecho, te propongo que lo hagas ahora. ¿Verdad que no es cero? De hecho, es muy posible que ahora mismo tengas la pantalla del ordenador más cerca de ti que tu pie.
Una vez hecha esta primera reflexión, de ella se deriva otra que también es muy interesante: ¿desde dónde mides la distancia entre una cosa cualquiera, ya sea una pantalla o un pie, y tú? Es decir, ¿dónde está el punto de referencia cuando hablas de ti? En definitiva: ¿dónde estás tú?
Resolver esta cuestión es muy importante de cara a tu felicidad, porque una de las claves del crecimiento personal y espiritual es conocerte a ti mismo. Pero, antes de poder conocerte, tienes que encontrarte. Debes saber DONDE estás. No puedes conocer algo que no sabes dónde está, ¿verdad?
Lo que hoy quiero proponerte es precisamente un pequeño ejercicio para localizar este punto: el centro de tu existencia, el punto desde donde percibes todo lo que te rodea, y de donde sale todo lo que haces. Un punto, a la vez muy pequeño y muy grande, que en realidad, es lo que eres tú.

Para empezar, fíjate en un objeto cualquiera y pregúntate dónde se encuentra el punto desde el que lo estás observando. ¿Está en tu mano? No, ¿verdad? ¿En la barriga? Tampoco.
Para facilitarlo un poco, mira primero a qué a altura está. ¿Se encuentra por encima del cuello o por debajo? Por encima, ¿verdad? ¿Por encima de la nariz o por debajo? Y respecto a la frente, ¿se encuentra por encima o por debajo? Si vas haciendo este ejercicio, verás que está a la altura de los ojos.
Ahora toca localizarlo en el eje horizontal. Esto es más fácil, solo tienes que mirar si está desplazado hacia la derecha o hacia la izquierda. Enseguida verás que está centrado, ¿verdad?
Así pues, haciendo este sencillo ejercicio de observar desde qué punto de tu cuerpo percibes la realidad, puedes ver que este punto se encuentra en el eje central de tu cuerpo, a la altura de los ojos.
Para acabar de situarlo en tres dimensiones, faltaría encontrar a qué profundidad se encuentra. Pero esto es un poco más difícil, y no es casualidad que sea así. Te lo dejo como deberes ;).

Después de Encontrarte a Ti Mismo, Conócete

zen habits : breathe

Feeling Down? 7 Ways to Pick Yourself Back Up!

From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a little depressed. Maybe we are feeling overwhelmed, or feel bad because we’re not doing well with our goals. There are many reasons for feeling down, and I’m not qualified to discuss all of them, their implications, or clinical treatment. What I can talk about are some things that have worked for me.
Feeling a little depressed can interfere with achieving our goals. We know we should be doing something, but we just don’t feel like doing anything. This can last for a long time if you don’t head it off as soon as possible and take action. Here are some of the things that work best for me:
  1. Make a list. Sometimes we are depressed simply because we are overwhelmed with all the things we have to do that we haven’t gotten around to doing. You might be into GTD, but sometimes every GTDer falls behind with his system, and sometimes you just don’t have the energy to do so. So all the “stuff” that’s in our head can overwhelm us. Start simply by picking up a piece of paper and a pen, and making a list of the most pressing things you have to do. Sometimes it’s work stuff, sometimes it’s stuff around the house that’s bothering us, sometimes it’s goal tasks, or a combination of these and more. Simply making a list can be a big relief — you’re getting things under control. You can see, right in front of you, what you need to do, and that alone can pick up your mood.
  2. Take action. You’ve made a list, and you still feel overwhelmed? Well, get started on the first thing you need to do. Is it a big task? Break it down and just do the smallest task, something just to get you started. Once you get started, once you get into action, you’ll feel better. Trust me. You might still feel overwhelmed, but at least you’re doing something. And once you start doing something, you’ve got momentum, and that feels much better than lying around feeling sorry for yourself.
  3. Exercise. I know, you might not be in the mood for exercise. But just do it! Taking a walk, going for a run, going to the gym, whatever it is you do for exercise — get out and do it now! You don’t need to do a real hard workout, but the simple act of exercise can lift your mood immediately. Just do it!
  4. Shower and groom yourself. Laying around in your underwear, smelling bad, is not going to do you any good. Simply showering, and feeling clean, can do wonders for your mood. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, shave, do whatever it is that you need to do to feel clean and good about yourself. Instant pick me up!
  5. Get out of the house and do something. Sometimes, if you stay home lying around, feeling depressed, just getting out (after showering and grooming) will change your mood. Staying home all the time can really get you down, and you may not realize this until you go out and do something. Preferably something on your list (see No. 1).
  6. Play some lively music. I like Brown Eyed Girl, the Kinks, the Ramones, or an upbeat Beatles tune, but you might have your own brand of feel-good music. Whatever it is, crank it up, and let yourself move to the beat. It may just be what the doctor ordered.
  7. Talk about it. Got a significant other, best friend, family member, co-worker you can talk to? Bend their ear. That’s what they’re their for. If you don’t, there are hotlines, or professionals, you can talk to. And then there’s always online forums. These are great places to find someone to talk to. Getting things off your chest makes a big difference, and can be a huge lift. It can also help you work out the reasons you’re feeling down.
See also:

Lo más interesante de este ejercicio es ver que hay un punto en tu cuerpo desde el cual lo percibes todo. Fíjate que no sólo percibes desde aquí todo lo que hay a tu alrededor (los objetos, las otras personas, etc), sino también lo que hay en tu interior: las diferentes partes de tu cuerpo, tus pensamientos y tus sentimientos.
Y no solo eso, sino que también es desde este punto desde donde sale todo lo que tú haces: es en este punto donde se generan las decisiones que hacen que actúes de una manera o de otra. Es decir, toda tu vida, tanto lo que haces como lo que percibes, pasa por ese punto. Es tu centro, y tu vida.
Ahora que ya sabes dónde estás, el siguiente paso es descubrir el inmenso poder creativo que tiene este pequeño punto. Obsérvalo, juega con él, pregúntale cosas. Si quieres conocerte a ti mismo, debes conocer este punto.

No sigas a un amor que te hizo sufrir, un amor que un día se
olvidó de ti y lo peor, un amor que un día se fue de ti!!! No
confíes en alguien que te dijo: 'te lo juro', 'que lloró', y luego, te
reemplazó sin ningún dolor. Recuerda: 'Quien se va sin ser echado,
vuelve sin ser llamado'. Esta noche, justo a la media noche tu amor
verdadero se va a dar cuenta de que te AMA!!! ...
♥♥'Si algun día, despertaras en un cuarto rojo con las puertas y ventanas cerradas, NO TE ASUSTES!! que estas dentro de mi coraz

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!
Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.
Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.
Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.
DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.
Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias!   Margoth.