Margoth B.G

Margoth B.G

Higher power of the universe!

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!

Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.

Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.

Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.

DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.

Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias! Margoth.

my life

my life

Thursday, March 25

Language, English and Writing.


In 1999, South African authorJ.M. Coetzee published the novel Disgrace. The book is full of different characters that are going through transitions. South Africa at this time was also going through transitions dealing with the end of apartheid and the ramifications that come with it. David Lurie, the main character of the novel goes through a few changes througout the novel, His attitude towards women, his relationship with his daughter and his attitude towards animals.
   In the beginning of the novel David's attitude towards woman is that he thinks of them just as objects and he dehumanizes them.
He is in control when dealing with his daughter. He treats animals with no compassion, that they exist just for food..
Just like his country David starts going through changes. As he is loses his job and takes residence in the countryside some events happen that cause him to change. When he and his daughter, Lucy are victimized and their dogs shot, his eyes and heart opened up.  He saw how everything was low key in the country and how everyone treated each other.  He had time to lok beyond the outside of an animal or woman and see what's inside.  The aftermath of his duaghters rape and how she wanted to deal with it on her terms not his made him lose control of her. His daughters helper and neighbor, Petrus took the side of the boy who raped Davids daughter.  Petrus was also black and was granted more power due to apartheid.  He volunteered to help out a friend of Lucy, Bev Shaw who  also worked with the areas animals, by euthanizing and treating them.  David also found himself learning to treat these animals with respect.  He grew a fondness with Bev Shaw, a fumpy lady in her middle age years and ended up sleeping with her.
    Davids character became more relaxed, and more accepting whereas before he would be in total control of his life.  Now he has learned to accept things the way they are and let go. He no longer treated women as mere objects.  He learned to treat them with respect.  He accepted that he would not be able to change his daughter and her actions.  He learned that animals have a souls and are more than just another part of our diet.  He learned compassion.  He learned to be accepting of himself being without a job and content not being in control of his life, just like the citizens of his country South Africa dealing with the aftermath of apartheid.
This is just a rough draft  It is short and I will add examples from the book and expand on it.
Is the structure ok?  Do the parts of his character need to be separated?  If you can show me where or should they be together in one paragraph?  Thanks

Engl 110

The rape of his daughter makes him change.
         David Lurie is the main character in the novel of the Desgrace, written by J.M. Coetzee in 1999. The novel is in Cape Town, base in the post-apartheid South Africa, when the domination of blacks by whites was present around 1948, when the  racial segregation and institutionalized  of the black race are displacer  for political, social and economic reasons, whites took what is not theirs by force. The story of David, a white man with Douches descent that lives in George the rest of his family still lives in Europe. He is a professor of modern languages, in good health, clear mind, wise, does not want people to think or reflect on him. He is been disconnected from others with his French language. A cold calculating man (p 2) his temperament is fixed and living within his income, temperament, means emotional, and designs that will be happy as the last day of his death (p 2) He is married twice, has a daughter. He has no desire to get emotionally involved with anyone. David comes to the opposite sex (and harm women) as objects to satisfy his sexual urges, and has to go through a transformation unconscious, making changes set of middle-aged man obstinate in his ways in life and in his views on women, lives of animals and comments on women is just speechless.
Starting with Soraya, a woman of religion (Muslim) works with a service for men sexually pleasures. David describes her as an exotic woman, she is slim and tall, and describes one-body honey Browne "luxe et voluptuousness" (pg 35), who takes pleasure in your pleasure, and he thinks the affection has grown in it for her. To some extent, he believes his affection is reciprocated he is a regular customer of her. Melanie is his student from George and is a kind of exotic. She is also the minority, although whites as less and must be the minority group. He convince Melanie to have intimate sexual intercourse, David is a rare man disconnected from all others and is interested in exotic girls. These examples show that he wants the whole aspect of the relationship to his sexual advantage the objects of his sexual pleasures. Then on (Chapter # 6-7) David treats or at least tries to treat Melanie as another student, after he is been with her sexual intimidate. She feels completely comfortable in this situation. That is the reason is not allow this kind of relationship between a student and a teacher, yet he thinks he did nothing wrong, even though he is the teacher and she is the student? This man is in the position of power over her and this is not acceptable. David makes a comment about the game that a woman has the beauty of life forever oh (pg 123-124), and the sheep are to be eaten. He had to resign his teaching job due to these accusations, of breaking the rules at the university by having this king of relationships, he has to leave, but he thinks this is not a big problem.
David was forced to abandon his teaching, because the rules at school. He has no job, has no more than his superiority to others is to make it look the same as untouchable. After all this, he decided to visit his daughter who lives on the farm. About his daughter, her name is Lucy a lesbian, and the name of her partner is Helen. Lucy lives in the country, with other people and with other seniors who make the lives of farmers, living a simple life different from his father. She is in the mud of the earth. There is a big difference both David so far I think that animals do not have souls like humans her father comments. Lucy did not criticize these comments. David when he met Lucy neighbor Petrus is, David knew that Petrus is not honest and that he is hiding something against his daughter and as a parent must stay with her daughter to protect her.
Petrus is the result of force that way to survive and David does not understand that Petrus is because society and people like him do well. David also met Mrs. Bev Shaw, another neighbor who is much older than Lucy is. His impression of this woman was very negative, David thought Bev Shaw is one of the ugliest women to consider in your life, and never think to relate to her sexually. He continued to being more or less indifferent to animals. "(P143). Had compassion is not emotional, is arrogant and removed. They thought of him as not having social skills, but the change has not been completed. Once there, David and Lucy is the victim of a violent crime and sexual assault. David thinks this is his misfortune "(109). Begins to understand the shame that a woman must feel after being raped and used the way it was not until his daughter Lucy is raped, only then will the change of perspective. Before the rape of Lucy never had to question his life until today. He is learning now not to be indifferent, but to care for the dogs and goats. That dogs can smell your thoughts,  the smell of shame  David now have empathy for animals, for example, when he thought of nothing but benefit. Now analyze sheep and dogs. When a sheep past because of old age? On (pg 123) sheep’s are not owners themselves are not themselves, are not masters of their lives. They are used every drop of them. Consumed his flesh, his bones be crushed poultry feed, which of them do not leak anything, except maybe the gallbladder, that no one will eat. It is in this transition, the dogs see the resemblance of him. As if, anyone is attracted. (P. 133-135) after the rape, Lucy tells her father, you tell the police, what happen to you and I will tell them what happen to me. The difference of opinions, to understand how you feel between, and her father are a contrast. Lucy is the practice, David is very philosophical, and now he wants to fight for her rights, but Lucy realizes that the country is moving in a different direction and is open to change. Now roles are changing, for example, David wanted to keep his private affairs as a secret, and now Lucy says this is my life and I do not want to get involved. Somehow, I feel that history and this is the story of David. Lucy showing the heat down personally feels his side. They wanted to demonstrate control over it (p. 158) that had marked. Come for me. She is paying a price for living in that part of the world. She will relinquish its control, in order to have a price. Lucy pulls the knife this is what David did other women. Now Lucy is on the opposite side of what his father did with other women. David looks defeated.
Now the work begins helping Mrs. Bev Shaw, his work is set to sleep help animals that are no longer useful for farmers. Bev Shaw is old and not very desirable or female, according to him, and he could not even think to be intimate with her. David ended up working with her in the veterinary clinic, where the animal put to sleep longer needed; your job is like dog man. David did not like animals, until you have to live with her daughter. Finally,  the scene of Bev Shaw surprised seduction with how things have changed and you are looking for? "In the afternoon, after a call from her." Can we meet in the clinic "(p150)? This is what I am going to have to get used to; He is referring to Ms. Shaw.
         David is trying to hold on to something you know that at any time going to lose now. The opera is filling his life now, and is more realistic for him. (p 185), this is not what he imagined life. Operation and gives control dogs. The opera is taking over his life and had Teresa change the character of a normal woman or young exotic not proven that he is trying to accept women are what they are. This is not what I want to do, but this is less as a compromise. Petrus, David Lucy each go in every part of the transformations occurring pinch Lucy, Peturs and David. If this people that rape if she goes around doing this kind of things men raping and leaving other seeds and transform procreation. I guess life has been deleted and so is Lucy move your belongings. When the three men come and take by force what they believe is theirs. The country is changing, the culture is changing, everything is changing, he needs to change and he is  realizing that people  that he has to apologize is to women, at the same time women (Lucy) keep trying to let go as is to South Africa. At the same time with the dogs has to go he is so attached to them  and feel he is going to go. The new idea of ​​the new South Africa. Animals do not have souls of the old South Africa. Is young and does not know for the future. The old game of David will be like African men who raped and Lucy’s baby in her womb,  the cause of this violation will be the new life, hope, or solution for a new South Africa.

Book Disgrace written by J.M. Coetzee in 1999.