Margoth B.G

Margoth B.G

Higher power of the universe!

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!

Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.

Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.

Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.

DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.

Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias! Margoth.

my life

my life

Wednesday, December 29

man and woman (Human Behavior)


En La Luz de Dios que Yo Soy.

Con El amor de Dios que Yo Soy.

Por El Poder de Dios que Yo Soy.

En el corazón de Dios que Yo Soy.

En la Inteligencia Divina Yo Soy morando en medio de la infinita abundancia. La abundancia de Dios es mi fuente constante y permanente. El Río de la Vida siempre fluir en perfecta armonía y yo fluyo en comunión con la vida. Grandes logros y reconocimientos vienen a mí a través de vías inesperadas y Dios activa mi abundancia interna de múltiples formas bendiciendo mi presente.

Ahora abro mi mente y mi cuerpo para recibir mi bien, abro mis sentidos para reconocer todo lo que Dios me regala cada día. Expando mi capacidad de respuesta ante todo lo bueno y todo lo bello que Dios manifiesta en mi aquí-ahora. Con Dios como mi Fuente, todo me es dado y Yo Soy bendiciendo mi existencia y la de los demás.

Confío en mi presente y mis pensamientos del pasado o futuro están en perfecta armonía y son siempre un escalón que me ayuda a crecer. Tengo ahora la certeza de que todas mis necesidades son cubiertas y transformadas en mi mayor bien. Por el poder de mi convicción, junto con mi propósito y mis constantes y perfectas acciones profundizo y fortalezco mi relación con Dios, y en mi presente se pone de manifiesto constante y permanente mi abundancia. Acepto que estando en la mente de Dios me elevo en todo momento a la Verdad Superior. Mi mente está tranquila y se mueve en comunión con el plan divino que Dios tiene para mi.

A partir de este día y en adelante doy libremente  lo que soy pues esta en mi la certeza de que la vida me da a mí todo lo bueno y bello en abundancia. Bendiciones llegan de maneras previstas e inesperadas. Dios me provee en formas maravillosas. Yo Soy la/el que Yo Soy, Dios conmigo, en abundancia, en paz, en armonía y en el bienestar más elevado. El amor de Dios que es en mi, me da fe y seguridad para continuar. Hecho esta, aquí-ahora. Amén.


Canalización de Uriel Arcángel a Patricia Tanus :: Ausra :: 12.11.2012 ::

Metafísica · libro duodécimo · Λ · 1069a-1076a



16 de enero de 2008.

            ¿Qué deseáis Vos decirme hoy, Señor, para que yo hable a todos Vuestros hijos?

            Nada es más importante que lo que Yo introduzco en cada corazón a la escucha. Como la compuerta que se abre en caso de necesidad, hoy Yo abro la Compuerta del Cielo. Cuando tú dices: “que por bondad hacia aquél y aquellos que quieren ayudar a Dios en Sus informaciones, Yo estoy dispuesto a manteneros informados del estado en que se encuentran ciertas cosas”, hija Mía, es necesario situar cada cosa en su tiempo. Y el tiempo que llega es un tiempo en el que todo será muy difícil de comprender, porque las celadas del Maligno no dejarán de encontrarse por todas partes, creando a veces una confusión tal, que vosotros creeréis que soy Yo quien os indica un camino o que os pido alguna cosa. Desconfiad, porque muchos serán engañados.
            Estad atentos a todo y pensad que Dios no os pedirá jamás lo imposible. Hoy, el Maligno complicará todos los caminos.
            Cuando Yo quiera abrir un canal para hablarte, tú lo sabrás, pero no fuerces nada porque Yo no estoy en nada que Me resista y que no pueda abrirse más que a la fuerza: por el oído, nada viene de Mí. Por esto debes prestar mucha atención: a partir de ahora, será en las visiones interiores que Yo te hablaré y tú lo sabrás, a causa de Mi Amor en ti y por Mis hijos atentos.
            Muchos países se quieren reunir, para llevaros a la ruina, sobre todo contra el País de Mi Santo Nacimiento, porque es desnudándolo completamente, que ellos se lo apropiarán enteramente. Jacob-Israel lo sabe bien y está en vías de desplegar su Escalera y, esta vez, lanzándola él mismo de la Tierra al Cielo.
            Creed ciertamente que lo invisible está más activo que nunca. Los maliciosos no ganarán la batalla contra el Señor, aunque hoy sean muy numerosos. Yo vigilo y vigiláis todos Conmigo. Hija Mía, continúa escribiendo para Mí. Yo te hablo para Israel así como para cada país que quiera la Paz.
            No es con presentes como se puede ganar su causa. Sólo Dios es el Señor de todas las Naciones.  Los regalos son como las monedas, que siempre tienen dos caras. Así el regalo, está ahí para reclamar algo a cambio, puede que no siempre del mismo valor, pero siempre tiene peso para exigir una compensación.
            Así, comprar su tranquilidad, comprar la Paz, es como quien quiere comprar el viento: él se escapa y no puede tener ningún valor, jamás se le conocerá ni el peso, ni el precio. Israel quiere comprar su Paz y, de este modo, termina por ofrecer también el Don de Dios a su hermano, que está en situación crítica, inestable y peligrosa.
            Dios quiere recordar una vez más que Jacob lleva, en adelante, el nombre de Israel y que Sólo Dios puede ofrecerle esa Paz. Después de que él luchó con el Ángel de Dios, Dios le llamó Israel y este combate actual, con la Paz en la mira, no es más que una promesa.
            De hecho, es un combate espiritual, que se terminará antes de haber comenzado, porque he ahí la Aurora que llega con el Día del Eterno. Ese brazo extendido para ofrecer lo que no pertenece más a Jacob, puesto que él es Israel, Dios le torcerá el brazo, antes de continuar partiendo una vez más el Don de Dios. Israel no puede, en ningún caso, ser como las otras Naciones: Dios le pide que no luche más contra El (Núm 6, 22-27).
            Sólo el Eterno puede darte Su Paz, al reconocer, ante todas las Naciones, el Verdadero Nombre de Dios, que es Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Es el Cristo Universal, Don del Padre. Para el Mundo cristiano, el Mundo judío y en breve, todas las Naciones, será lo mismo. No hay más que un Solo Dios Único y Verdadero, que Se llama Yeshoua y se escribe Y H Sh W H: Y (Padre) – H (Espíritu Santo) – Sh (Naturaleza Humana del Hijo) – W (Naturaleza Divina del Hijo) – H (Espíritu Santo).
            Hija Mía, sigue escribiendo. No se puede decir que Dios esté en la política. Pero Dios puede confundir, o destruir en un segundo, todas las estratagemas del mundo si el Equilibrio del mundo depende de ello. Por eso, el Señor pide a cada uno estar vigilante en todo. Y lo que se prepara a vuestro alrededor no debe, en ningún caso, permitiros ser indiferentes y no ser desconfiados. Sin querer hacer referencia a todo cuanto ha sido ya dicho y anunciado, vosotros debéis permanecer despiertos.
            En el Cielo, los Centinelas de Dios, que ven todo, están en trance de persuadiros de que vale más un hombre advertido que un hombre adormecido. Y ellos están tan cerca de vosotros, que están listos para señalaros el camino que debéis emprender y deciros que debéis desconfiar de aquellos que están en alto riesgo, como el antiguo Imperio de los Zares con casi todos los países de Oriente y el Imperio Chino y algunos otros, justo a su lado. Ellos también Me van a entender.
            Mas Yo os lo repito: la Paz sólo puede venir de Dios y advertid a los Países que deseen la Paz, que permanezcan unidos entre ellos y con Dios. Yo soy el Dios de la Victoria en la Paz.
            Y ahora, Me dirijo al Espíritu bélico: si este Espíritu se escapa de este grupo para comenzar la guerra atómica contra todos los Países que sólo desean la Paz, ese fuego, que será encendido por este espíritu maligno, sólo será por un instante muy corto, pero no habrá ningún vencedor. No habrá ni siquiera un semblante de ser humano, ni siquiera un hombre de pie con el único sustento de sus huesos, para enterrar a sus hermanos o a sus enemigos, porque no habrá nada que enterrar. El arma nuclear habrá transformado toda la Tierra en partículas y no se sabrá si es de las piedras o de los huesos, esa ceniza que ya no se podrá llamar más Tierra.
            Para que todos comprendan, tanto los Buenos como los menos Buenos, Yo Mismo les pondré esto a la vista, este mismo mensaje: ¡a quién serviría esta guerra, porque todos vosotros tenéis esta bomba destructiva! Ah, si tuvieseis guardado en vosotros, en vuestras células primitivas, la Inteligencia de Dios, prenda única, reservada para este tiempo único, a fin de escoger, con toda la inteligencia divina, esta única respuesta a todos vuestros problemas actuales, porque todos vosotros estáis al borde del abismo.
            Entonces, ¿quién tendrá razón?: ¿la guerra o la Paz?. ¿A quién escogeréis?: ¿a Dios o al Maligno? Vosotros sabéis, vosotros ya estáis cerca de Mí, preparados para reencontrarMe, si reencontráis vuestra Inteligencia Primitiva, la que Dios puso en vosotros para descubrirla justo a tiempo.
            Cada uno sabrá entonces que Yo no estoy lejos de vosotros y que Yo soy el Dios Único que os ama tal como sois, pues, viniendo a Mí, vosotros Me reconoceréis, porque Yo estoy en cada uno.
            Y así, la Omega será el fin de esta incomprensión total que ha subsistido hasta el presente, porque entonces vendréis de haber vivido esta frase clave: Buscad y encontraréis.
            Dios es Paz, Amor, Perdón y hoy se hace tarde y para cada uno de Mis hijos, Yo Me dejo encontrar. Yo vengo a descubriros la Inteligencia Divina que Yo he puesto en cada uno de vosotros y vengo a encender la Tierra entera con el Soplo del Espíritu Santo, del Fuego Divino, que habitará en todos los corazones con el Fuego de Mi Divino Sagrado Corazón, que se consume de Amor por todos Mis hijos de Amor.
            La Bestia estúpida del Mundo, que vive en los cerebros que la han acogido y alimentado, ella que está hecha de orgullo, de vanidad, de envidia y celos, siente su muerte próxima. Tal como el espíritu del Mal y el espíritu de este Tiempo, que es su acólito, están en vías de agonizar, porque Mi Tiempo de Amor y de Paz les acaba de ser anunciado, y ellos ya lo sienten.
JESUS Vencedor del Mundo
†  †  †

Nota:   este Mensaje de JESUS hace eco de aquél que El dictó a JNSR el 10 de agosto de 1990, en “Testigos de la Cruz – Mensajes de Vida”, Vol.1:
            “la Oración debe elevarse como un MURO, entre el Mal y vosotros los que rezáis. Ese MURO debe ser levantado para proteger a todos los Países que van a ser invadidos. Decid a todos que una Oración es más eficaz que una bomba ATOMICA. El incienso de vuestras Oraciones es más PODEROSO que los dispositivos más perfeccionados puestos en funcionamiento, para destruir a la Humanidad, por esos Hombres que ya no tienen nada de humano.
            Yo no les dejaré actuar hasta la catástrofe que están planeando; ellos llevarán a su tumba sus máquinas infernales con todo lo que ellas contienen, incluso su propio cadáver. Si JESUS no interviniese, no existiría ni siquiera un brote de hierba verde sobre vuestro Planeta así degradado. Pero, todavía por un Tiempo, el Hombre tiene la palabra y su palabra es: Muerte.
            ¿Cuándo iréis todos vosotros a comprender que el rechazo a amar y servir a vuestro Dios Único y Verdadero, ha conducido a vuestro Mundo a este extremo? No, todavía no… Entonces, Yo dejaré actuar a este Tiempo que terminará en Miedo y Destrucción… Yo intervendré antes de que la Humanidad se pierda para siempre. Porque así es el Hombre: él se cree capaz de detener el Flagelo de la Muerte, replicando con la Muerte”.

De la inteligencia suprema

Tenemos que resolver algunas cuestiones relativas a la inteligencia{487}. La inteligencia es, al parecer, la más divina de las cosas que conocemos. Mas para serlo efectivamente, ¿cuál debe ser su estado habitual? Esto presenta dificultades. Si la inteligencia no pensase nada, si fuera como un hombre dormido, ¿dónde estaría su dignidad?{488} Y si piensa, pero su pensamiento depende de otro principio, no siendo entonces su esencia el pensamiento, sino un simple poder de pensar, no puede ser la mejor esencia, porque lo que le da su valor es el pensar. Finalmente, ya sea su esencia la inteligencia, o ya sea el pensamiento, ¿qué piensa? Porque o se piensa a sí misma, o piensa algún otro objeto. Y si piensa otro objeto, o es éste siempre el mismo, o varía. ¿Importa que el objeto del pensamiento sea el bien, o lo primero que ocurra? O mejor, ¿no sería un absurdo [345] que tales y cuales cosas fuesen objeto del pensamiento? Es claro que piensa lo más divino y excelente que existe, y que no muda el objeto, porque mudar sería pasar de lo mejor a lo peor, sería ya un movimiento. Y por lo pronto, si no fuese el pensamiento, y sí sólo una simple potencia, es probable que la continuidad del pensamiento fuera para ella una fatiga. Además, es evidente que habría algo más excelente que el pensamiento, a saber: lo que es pensado, porque el pensar y el pensamiento pertenecerían a la inteligencia, aun en el acto mismo de pensar en lo más despreciable.

Esto es lo que es preciso evitar (en efecto, hay cosas que es preciso no ver, más bien que verlas); pues de no ser así, el pensamiento no sería lo más excelente que hay. La inteligencia se piensa a sí misma, puesto que es lo más excelente que hay, y el pensamiento es el pensamiento del pensamiento. La ciencia, la sensación, la opinión, el razonamiento tienen, por lo contrario, un objeto diferente de sí mismos; no se ocupan de sí mismos sino de paso. Por otra parte, si pensar fuese diferente de ser pensado, ¿cuál de los dos constituiría la excelencia del pensamiento? Porque el pensamiento y el objeto del pensamiento no tienen la misma esencia. ¿O acaso en ciertos casos la ciencia es la cosa misma? En las ciencias creadoras la esencia independiente de la materia y la forma determinada, la noción y el pensamiento en las ciencias teóricas, son el objeto mismo de la ciencia. Respecto a los seres inmateriales, lo que es pensado no tiene una existencia diferente de lo que piensa; hay con ellos identidad, y el pensamiento es uno con lo que es pensado.

Resta que examinar una dificultad, a saber: si el objeto del pensamiento es compuesto, en cuyo caso la inteligencia mudaría, porque recorrería las partes del conjunto, o si todo lo que no tiene materia es indivisible. Sucede eternamente con el pensamiento lo que con la inteligencia humana, con toda inteligencia cuyos objetos son compuestos, en algunos instantes fugitivos. Porque la inteligencia humana no se apodera siempre sucesivamente del bien, sino que se apodera en un instante indivisible de su bien supremo. Pero su objeto no es ella misma, mientras que el pensamiento eterno, que también se apodera de su objeto en un instante indivisible, se piensa a sí mismo durante la eternidad.
Las doce reglas de oro para vivir  en pareja.

  • "Every morning is good news, every child that is born is good news, every just man is good news, every singer is good news, because every singer is one less soldier."
  • "I like the sun, Alice, and doves, a good cigar, a Spanish guitar, jumping walls, and opening windows, and when a woman cries. I like wine as much as flowers, and rabbits, but not tractors, homemade bread and Dolores' voice, and the sea wetting my feet. I like to always be lying on the sand, or chasing Manuela on a bicycle, or all the time to see the stars with Maria in the hayfield. I'm not from here, I'm not from there, I have no age, nor future, and being happy is my color of identity."
  • "Once I asked my uncle what was the difference between a white woman's breasts and a black woman's breasts, and he said: there is only one difference: a white woman's breasts comes out in Playboy magazine, and a black woman's breast comes out in National Geographic -- From 'Lo Cortés No Quita Lo Valiente'"
  • "I'm amazed to form part of this amazing universe and I'm proud of the hunger that keeps me awake. Because when man is full he falls asleep."
  • "May God want for man to be able to be a child again to understand that he is mistaken if he thinks he can find happiness with a checkbook."
  • "I don't waste time taking care of myself. Life is beautiful danger. From the danger of love, my mother had seven kids. If she had guarded herself against my father and his fervor, a singer would be missing from tonight's meeting."
  • "My poor boss thinks that I'm the poor one."
  • "This is a new day to begin again, to look for the angel that appears in our dreams, to sing, to laugh, to be happy again. In this new day I will leave the mirror, and try to finally be a good man. I will walk with my face to the sun, and I will fly with the moon."
  • "Forgive me Lord but sometimes I get tired of being a citizen. The city tires me, the offices, my family and the economy. Forgive me Lord, I am tired of this hell, this mediocre market where everyone has a price. Forgive me Lord but I will go with you through your mountains, your seas, and your rivers. Forgive me Lord but sometimes I think you have something better than this for me. Forgive me Lord, I don't want to be a citizen, I want to be a man, Lord, like you created me."
  • "I am my own inventor because that is the task with which God has trusted me. God, or the Devil because they are the same thing. The Devil is a pseudonym that God uses when he has to create something of morally doubtful character, in order to not tarnish his good name, he uses the pseudonym."
  • "The poor man that walks through this borrowed life without a song, in addition to being poor is a ghost, and in addition to being a ghost, is nothing."
  • "We are crossing through life on the train of death seeing how progress is putting an end to people."
  • "And God created woman and she said 'My Lord, if Mary conceived without sin, couldn't I sin without conceiving?'"
  • "I stop in San Francisco where there's always something to hear, at least when Krishnamurti is nearby, he who knows that the fundamental revolution is to revolutionize one's self. I stop in Crete where there is always something to love."
  • I raise my voice in Italy and I am silent in India, because I am and I live in the present, because I am made of dreams, of emptiness, of wine, and of wheat, they call me MAN. It's true that I am dust, but sacred dust I am, even though you know that when I say I am, I am saying you are, invincible, unnameable. Highest Lord, don't worry about our daily bread because that is up to us, that's why we are men, but don't leave us without our nightly dream because without it we are nothing, we who are perhaps only a dream that you dream."
  • "If I am a thief, it's because of private property."

1. Sin ti también me iría bien: Somos dos adultos que nos sostenemos sobre nuestros propios pies, no dos niños buscando a sus padres. Sin ti también me iría bien, pero me alegra el corazón que sea contigo y que estemos juntos. 
2. Te quiero por ti mismo... bueno a pesar de ti mismo: Es un regalo enorme amar las sombras del otro, su ego, sus dificultades y ser compasivos con ello, porque eso significa que somos capaces de reconocer al otro miembro de la relación en su realidad más sombreada. La pareja es un campo de crecimiento en el que se van limando las asperezas del ego gracias a que el amor compartido es capaz de soportarlas. 
3. Siento el deseo espontáneo de que seas feliz: La pareja no está pensada para darnos la felicidad, aunque si sabemos conjugar todas sus dimensiones experimentamos algo que se acerca a la dicha. Sentimos que pertenecemos a algo, que hemos creado una intimidad, un vínculo, y que construimos caminos de vida. 
4. Mejor me preparo para ser pareja: El exceso de «yo» y de individualidad por encima del sentido del «nosotros» convierte la pareja en un campo increíble de libertad y al mismo tiempo nos expone a más y más soledad e incertidumbre. Las dos cosas al mismo tiempo. Si quieres tener pareja, trabaja en tu interior para encontrar tu propio tono y manera para ser compañero o compañera, y lo demás se te dará por añadidura. 
5. Mejor dame lo que me mantiene en el mismo rango que tú: La pareja es una relación de igualdad en la que hay que procurar que haya un intercambio de equilibro y justicia para preservar la paridad de rango. Dar mucho puede generar en el otro un sentimiento de deuda y empequeñecerlo. Mejor dar lo que el otro puede devolver de alguna manera, puesto que con el intercambio fértil crece la felicidad. 

6. Dame lo que tienes y eres y yo puedo compensar para mantener en mí dignidad: Cuando alguien en una relación lo pide todo del otro, debemos sospechar dos cosas: la primera, que esa persona es un niño y, la segunda, que esa persona sin duda no va a tomar y apreciar lo que se le da, porque está anclada en un guión de insatisfacción que se nutre de demanda, la cual, aunque sea atendida, no satisface. Mejor el intercambio positivo y gratificante al negativo e hiriente. 
7. Ojalá sea fácil: Algunas relaciones discurren con fluidez y facilidad, no chirrían. Son el resultado del encuentro de dos naturalezas que armonizan sin grandes desencajes. Otras veces, todo es difícil, a pesar del amor. Cuando una relación es intensa y emocional, a menudo llega a ser desvitalizante. De hecho, las grandes turbulencias emocionales y los juegos psicológicos desgastantes y fatales tienen que ver con reminiscencias de heridas infantiles y viejos anhelos no colmados. 
8. Cooperamos: Demasiados siglos de lucha y sufrimiento entre hombres y mujeres nos convocan a una reconciliación:Es maravilloso cuando en la pareja ambos sienten adentro, de verdad, de corazón, que no hay mejor ni peor y que caminan juntos. No uno por arriba y otro por abajo, no uno por delante y otro por detrás. Cooperan. Son compañeros, amigos, hermanos, amantes y socios. Uno y uno son más que dos. En lo más profundo las mujeres se suelen sentir mejores que los hombres —según mis estadísticas—, pero las más inteligentes se encargan de que sus parejas no lo noten. 
9. Reímos y lloramos juntos y juntos nos abrimos a la alegría y el dolor: Las parejas enfrentan en su proceso vital asuntos que en algún momento duelen: hijos que no vienen, abortos, muertes o enfermedades de seres queridos, vaivenes económicos y existenciales…. Son asuntos que ponen a prueba la capacidad de aguante de la pareja y que o bien la fortalecen o bien la derrumban y ponen en ella resentimientos y millas de distancia. 
10. Que dure lo que dure: Entrar en el amor de pareja significa también hacerse candidato al dolor de un posible final. Hoy en día se habla de monogamia secuencial, esto es, de que, estadísticamente, cabe esperar que tengamos entre tres y cuatro parejas a lo largo de nuestra vida, con el consiguiente estrés y tránsitos emocionales complejos que ello conlleva. Cuando no hay un contrato institucional de por medio, tenemos una oportunidad de crear a la pareja cada día, a nuestra manera, y de vivir lo que nos permite. Si llega el final, aprendemos el lenguaje del dolor, la ligereza y el desapego, para luego volver de nuevo al carril del amor y de la vida. 
11.  Primero nosotros, antes que nuestras familias de origen y que nuestros hijos en común: Conviene saber que el amor se desarrolla mejor en universos de relación ordenados: que los padres sean padres y que los hijos sean hijos, que la pareja que se ha creado (que puede incluir a hijos de anteriores relaciones) tenga prioridad frente a parejas anteriores o frente a las familias de origen. Que el pasado sea honrado y labre un buen presente y un buen futuro. Algunas personas dan más importancia a los hijos en común que a los anteriores, lo cual acaba creando malestar en todos. Al mismo tiempo, una pareja posterior debe saber que tiene más posibilidades de ocupar un buen lugar si asume que los hijos de su pareja estaban antes y respeta su prioridad. 

12. Cada día te veo y te reconozco de nuevo: Algunas parejas no se relacionan con la persona que tienen al lado, sino con las imágenesinterior de   que se han ido formando de esa persona a lo largo del tiempo. Viven en el pasado y se olvidan de actualizarse cada día. Para evitarlo, ayuda, y mucho, abrir la percepción a cada instante nuevo y no dar a la otra persona por supuesta. El otro se ilumina cuando le reconocemos y le descubrimos como nuevo, y de este modo también nosotros nos volvemos nuevos y jóvenes.

9 Types Of Personalities People Really Hate
There are countless personality tests available on the Internet, and the Myers-Briggs test is perhaps the most accurate and sought-after one at the moment. Nonetheless, while some people are able to make themselves naturally pleasant, others are rather repulsive in the eyes of others – and most of the time, it all comes down to their personality type. Everybody loves optimists and nobody dislikes narcissists, and if you are curious to find out more about the personality types people dislike the most, then here are some of them:
1. The ENFP Personality Type
The ENFP Personality is very common amongst extremely successful people – and this is precisely why so many people dislike it. It often happens that those who do not manage to overcome their condition or to make the best of their potential try to bring down those who have managed to make a name and a reputation for themselves. People with ENFP personality (which stands for extroversion, intuition, feeling and perception) are driven, enthusiastic and extremely creative – and they account for less than 5% of the population.
2. The Antisocial Personality Disorder
This type of personality is actually classified as a disorder – the ASPD, or the antisocial personality disorder, is one of the most dreaded ones. Having said that, antisocial people are likely to act recklessly, they tend to behave in ways that others may find bothersome, uncomfortable or even offensive in certain situations, and they generally have a hard time socializing with people. They tend to get bored very quickly and they feel comfortable alone – as a matter of fact, being on their own is their comfort zone, this is why being around other people (and especially in a large crowd) may stress or irritate them.
3. Histrionic People
This is yet another type of personality disorder that does not appeal to many people – those with histrionic personality disorder tend to always be in the spotlight, and they feel rather uncomfortable when they are not the center of attention. Moreover, those who suffer from HPD also tend to entertain those around them, and they always strive to be the soul of the party. Easily influenced by those around them, histrionic people always rely on the approval and validation of those around them, and they often tend to be either overly emotional or very dramatic – this is one of the many reasons why the histrionic personality is one of the most hated ones.
4. Temperamental People
People who have a temperamental personality are generally very hard to manage, as their mood tends to change dramatically, all of a sudden. Temperamental people are sometimes very irrational and they allow themselves to be driven by impulses, instead of taking their time to think things through rationally.
5. Narcissistic People
Another personality disorder is the NPD, or the narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists are rather common these days – they think very highly of themselves, in spite of having a very low self-esteem and self-confidence, and they constantly rely on the comments/appreciation of their friends, family and acquaintances to validate their worth and to recognize their needs. They also feel very resentful when it comes to other people’s success, and they feel like they are undervalued/underappreciated by those around them. Selfish and self-centered, narcissists often think they are a “rare breed” and they strive to stand out from the crowd at all costs.
6. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
OCPD, or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, is an underdiagnosed condition that affects a great segment of the population – as a matter of fact, 1% of the people are believed to suffer from OCPD. The tell-tale signs of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are rather obvious, as these people have a constant desire of keeping everything in perfect order, to be in control of everything and to expect something disastrous to happen if things are not in perfect order. People with OCPD always worry too much and they set unrealistically high standards, not just for themselves but also for those around them – nonetheless, it is essential to make the difference between the OPCD, which is a type of personality, and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), as the latter refers to a form of behavior, as opposed to a type of personality.
7. Anxious People
The full name for this is AVD, or avoidant personality disorder – these people tend to avoid work-related activities and to live rather isolated or secluded lives. People with avoidant personality disorder are constantly scared about being rejected, they are hypersensitive to criticism and disapproval and they always worry too much, especially about things that most people would consider normal. Lonely and reluctant to try new activities or to gain new sets of skills, people with avoidant personality disorder are constantly afraid of embarrassing themselves or being shamed by others, this is why they would rather spend time alone than with other people. The deep and intense fear of rejection that people with anxious/avoidant personality disorder feel makes them avoid friendships and intimate relationships, and this certainly takes its toll on their connections with everybody.
8. Humorless People
Nobody likes people who lack humor and who take life too seriously. In some cases, they may come off as very smart and utterly professional, which certainly benefits them work-wise. However, people tend to dislike those who never laugh, who are always uptight and who never make jokes – humor always makes people better!
9. Dependent People

Lastly, another type of personality that does not appeal to the masses is the dependent personality disorder. People who always rely on somebody else for aid and support are often regarded as very weak, as they act like they are nothing but a “body extension” of somebody else. That somebody serves as their pillar, their “savior” that always has a solution for everything. These people are needy and clingy – not just in their intimate relationships, but also in their personal life, as they constantly turn their faces to others for help. We come into this world alone, and we will leave it the exact same way – it is essential to be independent and self-sufficient to a certain extent. Dependent people who always need somebody by their side are very off-putting, from every point of view.

Why Men And Women Think Differently. This Guy Nails It.

ex Drive: How Do Men and Women Compare?

Experts say men score higher in libido, while women's sex drive is more "fluid."
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
Birds do it, bees do it, and men do it any old time. But women will only do it if the candles are scented just right -- and their partner has done the dishes first. A stereotype, sure, but is it true? Do men really have stronger sex drives than women?
Well, yes, they do. Study after study shows that men's sex drives are not only stronger than women's, but much more straightforward. The sources of women's libidos, by contrast, are much harder to pin down.
It's common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire. But women also appear to be heavily influenced by social and cultural factors as well.
"Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context," says Edward O. Laumann, PhD. He is a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and lead author of a major survey of sexual practices, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States.   
Here are seven patterns of men's and women's sex drives that researchers have found. Bear in mind that people may vary from these norms. 

1. Men think more about sex.

The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day, reports Laumann. Only about one-quarter of women say they think about it that frequently. As men and women age, each fantasize less, but men still fantasize about twice as often.
In a survey of studies comparing male and female sex drives, Roy Baumeister, a social psychologist at Florida State University, found that men reported more spontaneous sexual arousal and had more frequent and varied fantasies.

2. Men seek sex more avidly.

"Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it," Baumeister concludes after reviewing several surveys of men and women. This isn't just true of heterosexuals, he says; gay men also have sex more often than lesbians at all stages of the relationship. Men also say they want more sex partners in their lifetime, and are more interested in casual sex. 
Men are more likely to seek sex even when it's frowned upon or even outlawed:
  • About two-thirds say they masturbate, even though about half also say they feel guilty about it, Laumann says. By contrast, about 40% of women say they masturbate, and the frequency of masturbationis smaller among women.
  • Prostitution is still mostly a phenomenon of men seeking sex with women, rather than the other way around.
  • Nuns do a better job of fulfilling their vows of chastity than priests. Baumeister cites a survey of several hundred clergy in which 62% of priests admitted to sexual activity, compared to 49% of nuns. The men reported more partners on average than the women.

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Further Reading:

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It's no secret that men and women have always had difficulty fully understanding each other. But no one puts it better than International marriage speaker and comedian Mark Gungor:

Painful Authenticity: 35 Honest Personal Stories, Fears & Facts You Don’t Know About Me
Written by SCOTT October 23, 2013
I do handstands at night
“Be honestly and unapologetically you. Because you being uniquely you will allow the people you interact with to feel comfortable being uniquely them – perhaps for the first time in their lives. There is no more authentic way to connect and no greater gift to give.”
 – Scott Dinsmore
An Important Note on Respect: Today I’m going to take a leap of faith – and share some things with you that I’ve never shared in public.
While a few were fun to write, many of them were not easy for me to publish. I hope they give you a little better feel for the real side of Scott Dinsmore and Live Your Legend. I know that this post is pretty in-depth (I didn’t want to hold anything back), so if you’re pressed for time, please just read the below intro and then the heading of each of the 35 points below. That will take about 3 minutes. You can come back for the rest later.
This is me being me. All I ask is that you be yourself in return. Please share one story or little-known fact about yourself in the comments.
Now for the fun…

Being Yourself Frees Others to do the Same

Last night Chelsea and I had a delicious three-course and four-hour Greek meal at Kokkari, our favorite restaurant in San Francisco. We were treated by two very gracious and really entertaining LYL and Connect with Anyone members, Brandon and Virginia, who were visiting from Toronto.
I thought the meal might last an hour or two, but we actually totally hit it off and had a blast. Crazy how many things we all had in common.
At about hour three, Brandon looked over at me and said “You know Scott, I was really nervous before our meal, but it’s amazing how comfortable this has been and how real you actually are.”
I looked at him and laughed wondering what he expected…
But it got me thinking.

So much of the public world of entrepreneurs, authors, CEO’s and leaders is masked by a huge coat of bullsh*t.

People seem to want to put off this image like they’re perfect. And it’s often out of fear that the people who respect them won’t love them anymore if they show their true colors.
So they paint a false picture and do a huge disservice to everyone who looks up to them and to the world as a whole. By putting up this front, they create these expectations that are impossible to meet. It’s not fair and it’s downright selfish.


But I’ve realized that for the most part, the public image of LYL and Scott Dinsmore almost only showcases the positive. (but certainly not entirely, just have a look at Full Disclosure: 12 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Be An Entrepreneur – The story no one tells)
So today I wanted to share a bit more of myself. Some of the good, the bad, the funny and the ugly things about my life and past in a effort to bring us all closer together.
I’m hoping that it will allow you to feel a little more comfortable in sharing who you actually are with our community.
Because when you show who you really are to someone else, it often encourages them to be themselves as well. And sadly, in a world of false images and representations, many people have never gotten the chance to be uniquely who they actually are.
There is no greater gift you can give.
And as it turns out, there is no other way to genuinely connect with those around you.

Authenticity is at the heart of all things successful.

It’s the foundation of a bestseller.
The heart of an inspiring speech.
The core of a business out to change the world.
It’s also the most powerful way to connect as a writer.
And given that nearly 4,000 of you have joined our Start A Blog Challenge, I could not think of any better timing.

It’s so easy today to puff out our chest and act like we have it all figured out.

We only post the best things on Facebook and Twitter, only write blog entries about our crazy experiences, and when we’re out, we try to look our best. Then no one (except maybe those closest to us) gets to see what happens when we get home some nights and lay awake terrified. Only a very few see that we can’t sleep because we don’t know how we’re going to make something work.


So this is how simple it is – be who you are. Not who you want to be or who you think you should be.
Just tell and share your stories and watch what happens.
I’ll go first.
So now it’s time to get real.
You ready?
Here goes…
Special thanks to my good friends Corbett Barr and Lissa Rankin who have recently inspired a new level of authenticity into the way I live and show up in the world (and a big thanks to all the friends and mentors online and off who constantly hold me to that higher standard – you know who you are).  

35 Honest Stories, Fears & Facts I Kinda Wish You Didn’t Know About Me

1. I’m late. Way more than I’d like to be.

And I can’t stand it. I just always try to do things right up until the last minute, and I notoriously underestimate how long everything will take. I’d like to say that I’m incredibly optimistic about what I can accomplish in a day, but if I’m honest, I know that being late hurts me and others. Especially my wife Chelsea, who deals with it way more often than she should have to. It’s something I work on a lot and the past year has gotten better, but I have a long way to go.

2. I love “Chick Flicks”.

I own a copy of The Notebook and watch Love Actually and The Holiday every year. I’m usually the one twisting Chelsea’s arm to watch these instead of the other way around. Growing up with a sister four years my senior will do that to you. I know just about every word in Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Thanks Kristen!

3. I’m terrible at pretty much every sport involving a ball. 

I never played sports as a kid and always rebelled against them. As a result, I could not throw a football or kick a soccer ball to save my life. A golf ball is the only one I can manage – if you can even count that. But I love volleyball and I’m slowly improving my skills. Very slowly.

4. I do handstands on the street when I’ve had too much to drink (and when I haven’t). 

See the picture above – that’s me playing in Thailand. I love handstands. Especially on grass and beaches. They might be my single favorite physical activity. Anytime I see grass, I’m up on my hands walking around. And when I’ve had a few drinks, I’ve been known to go vertical on the sidewalk outside a bar, restaurant or club. I’m also pretty damn good at them (although Chelsea will tell you my form is terrible) and can walk for minutes on end.

5. I was a rebellious disaster of a child – and even saw a child psychologist a few times.

His name was Barum and he tried to get me to throw a Nerf basketball with him just like you see in the movies (bad idea – read about me and ball sports). Today my parents will tell you that I was just a little “mischievous,” but I put them through way more hell than any parents should have to deal with. We still can’t figure out what caused me to turn around, but it happened sometime between 8th grade and high school. Maybe it was that two-week Outward Bound backpacking adventure I was sent on.

6. I love pastel-colored clothing. My favorite pants are white, pink and mint julep green.

And I’m obsessed with linen. It’s the ultimate leisure clothing. I’m wearing all linen in the handstand picture at the top. And here’s a little sample from “Pink Out” – a rosé wine tasting event Chelsea and I attend in SF each year. They encourage everyone to wear pink. My Pink Panthers made for the perfect pant – I know they look white but they are very light pink micro-corduroys. Btw, if anyone else likes a little flare, you gotta check out Bonobos online men’s clothing. That link will get you $25 off. Their stuff is so fun – been buying from Andy and his team since they were selling out of their apartment.
I love pink Bonobos pants
Yes, I am wearing more pink than my wife…

7. I am a terrible speller. Like awful. 

In fact, I just tried to look up how to spell “mischievous” and Google couldn’t even figure out what I was looking for because I was spelling it with a “G”. Thank God for spell check and Cherilyn, my editor!

8. I’m sometimes not as good of a manager as I want to be or as fair to the people I work with as I’d like, but I’m learning.

I always thought I’d run a business with me as the only employee. I wanted to keep it simple. But in the past year, I’ve realized how crucial the right talented people are to the future of the Live Your Legend movement. I’m so grateful to have the team I do, but I know I have so much to learn about management. It’s a constant evolution and I thank them for being patient.

9. I can’t stand seeing people waste their potential.

I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating. I so badly want to do something to help them, but I know it’s useless until someone decides they want to operate on a higher level. At times this leads to some uncomfortable, intense and heated conversations.

10. I can be really stubborn. 

Goes with the point above. When I’m dead set on a idea, it’s very hard for me to get myself to let up. This can be frustrating for those close to me.

11. My wife Chelsea is far and away the best thing that’s ever happened to my life. 

I managed to marry up in a such a huge way. She makes everything better. She’s unbelievably selfless and loving. She’s obsessed with cooking delicious vegan food (check out her Creamy Vegan Roasted Tomato and Eggplant Sauce Pasta or herPeanut Butter & Chia Jam Thumbprint Cookies on her site Food-Life Balance). She’s my best friend and we seriously have the most amazing life together. She’s also myChief Balance Officer. Her calm, balance and chill approach to life is the best medicine in the world. Our wedding was easily the best day of my life. Here’s a short trailer from the big day…
Don’t see a video? Click here

12. I’m obsessed with eating and often eat when I’m not hungry.

I read and learn a ton about food, nutrition, health and overall well-being, and most days I eat a super healthy plant-based vegan diet. But from time to time I still find myself emotional eating and consuming sweets and things I know don’t belong in my body. It feels like I can’t stop eating because I love putting food in my mouth. Seriously – I think I have an issue with it. Maybe that’s why I’m so crazy about fitness and eating only plants. It’s pretty tough to O.D. on salad.
Chelsea and I also happen to have food-focused lives. She cooks amazing meals for her recipe blog The Simple Kitchen (which is a pretty nice side benefit for me, the taste-tester..). And when we travel, it’s not uncommon for us to be talking about dinner while we’re having lunch. When I travel and go to events, what’s going to be eaten is often front of mind. I’m actually a bit concerned that eventually it’s going to catch up with me…

13. I fail often and I failed for four years straight. 

The blog I ran before Live Your Legend was called Reading For Your Success. I wrote personal development book reviews for four years straight, while it grew by exactly zero percent. The only real people paying attention were Chelsea and my mom and dad. It was very frustrating, but it allowed me to find my voice. And for Live Your Legend to become what it is today. I fail at things all the time. Earlier this year I thought I could start a stand-up desk business with a friend “on the side.” Who was I kidding? I’ve come to embrace failure as part of the never ending life of experiments and learning. Now it’s kinda fun.

14. I’m scared that I’ll always live in the shadow of my parents’ success. 

I was fortunate to be born into a incredibly supportive and close family. My parents are some of my best friends and mentors in the world. My father was also quite successful in his business endeavors. For years I tried to follow in his footsteps, which was brutally hard on me. It wasn’t until I found my own path with Live Your Legend that I really felt like I could be myself.
But to this day, I know there are lots of people who think things like, “Oh sure, Scott’s successful because he had that easy start from his family.” A number of them have even said it straight to my face. It used to hurt me. And it’s very possible that no matter what I build or achieve, that some people will always say things like that. The difference now is that I know that’s not in my control, and I no longer care about what they think.
I built Live Your Legend from scratch, over the past 7+ years with zero outside investment (it took me $67 to start) and no special family connections. I knew nobody in the space when I started. I’m damn proud of what it’s turned into. People can say that I was one of the “lucky ones,” but I’ve worked my face off to build what I’ve built. The only family help I’ve had is their undying encouragement and some really fun brainstorming with dad – my Chief Strategist. That’s been priceless. Here’s a sneak peak a the possible Dinsmore family Christmas card candidate for this year (a tad over-staged I know, and yes, that’s me wearing white pants and linen…)
The wonderful Dinsmore family

15. Sometimes I feel like email runs my life.

For the life of me, I cannot seem to get ahead of my email box. My personal email has 51 unread emails in it, and it’s Monday morning (it had nearly zero yesterday). Not to mention LYL email that has well over 200 – but thankfully my team does an awesome job of handling the LYL part. I’ve tried so many things to handle email in a smoother way, but it’s been this crazy beast. I’m getting better, but I’m still not at all proud of how much time I spend buried in Gmail.

16. Sometimes my inspiring friends make me feel small. 

There is no more powerful life hack in the history of the world than hanging around the people doing the things and living the lives you dream of living. I’m grateful for the friends and mentors I hang with on a daily basis. And while for the most part they inspire possibility, sometimes being around them and hearing all their big progress and projects makes me feel small. Like I should be doing more. Continuing to focus on my internal yardstick has helped a lot.

17. I have a very limiting belief that if I don’t over prepare, I will fail.

I constantly over prepare. I rehearsed my TEDx talk for 12 hours straight the day before (not to mention the days prior). I so wish I could have just spent three hours and have been okay with it, but I just can’t get myself to do that. Most articles I write take over seven hours, despite trying to to keep them to a couple hours every single week. It’s been a blessing and a curse.

18. I’m more extreme with things than I’d like to be. And sometimes it gets me hurt.  

This is something my parents and Chelsea are always a little concerned about. I like extremes. Or better put – I really only seem to be able to operate on extremes. I only have two levels: Absolutely everything I have, or nothing at all. It’s exhausting. It’s pour 400 hours into building a product or spend zero. Run an ultra marathon or stick to walking. Eat fried foods and sweets or do nothing but veggies. Instead of doing a casual CrossFit class, I push myself to win. Last year that resulted in an impinged shoulder and partially torn hamstring. It took me nine months to recover. I’d love to be more casual with some of the things I do.

19. I don’t always do the things I’m supposed to do. 

I read and learn a ton about health, performance and optimal living. And just because I know how to live a strong, healthy, powerful life doesn’t mean I do all of it. I screw up all the time.

19b. I have been arrested in high school and put in jail for the day – but the charges were later dropped…

I’m adding this late and have no idea how I left it out because it was a hell of a story!
I grew up in an outdoors family and some friends and I were out at a private property of our families and shooting shotguns at tin cans and targets when the police showed up in full force, guns drawn (3 cars and 5 men) and yelling through a megaphone ,”Put your weapons down, put your hands up and slowly walk towards the gate.” They thought there was some type of a shoot out going on. It was like we were in a movie and it was terrifying. They took me to jail, and my friends had to get a $10k bail bond to bail me out. It took like 12 hours. Longest 12 hours ever…
All the charges were later dropped since we were indeed on private property, well outside of city limits and not actually causing any trouble, but it was a total mess. Thanks for reminding me in the comments below Paul. :)

20. I love Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And I get my ass kicked a lot.

I don’t think there’s anything that makes me feel more alive. I was on a competition team for nearly six years. I actually did pretty well, too. But I stopped because I didn’t want to deal with the injuries. Three weeks ago I decided to drop into an academy near my house. It was the most invigorating two hours I can remember having. The next week I got a bruised rib in class and I haven’t been back since. If I could only dial down the intensity to 50%…

21. I have pretty much zero rhythm, but I’m not afraid to (break) dance. And sometimes my pants split open…

As a child, my friends always made fun of me for looking like a scarecrow on a dance floor. Then I moved to Spain and realized no one knew I was embarrassed to bust a move. So I told everyone that I loved to dance. They believed me and actually thought I was decent. Now Chelsea and I love to get down. In fact at a wedding last weekend I danced so hard that the butt of my pants blew wide open – and I didn’t even realize until I got home. Now that’s how you dance your ass off (here’s proof).
Sometimes we even watch YouTube videos to learn the latest music video moves – like how to shuffle. We even took a series of breakdancing classes earlier this year. It wasn’t pretty, but what the hell – here’s a short video of me in action…

Don’t see a video? Click here

22. I can sing every word to the musicals RENT and Wicked. 

I’ve seen RENT about a dozen times. I freaking love it. Wicked is the same. In fact, I like a ton of musicals. There are a few tracks from each on my “Inspire Me” mix on my iPhone. And on special party nights I’ve been known to belt it out with friends at the top of our lungs during the wee hours of the morning.

23. I can do the splits. 

This is hard for a guy to explain, but I’ve always been kind of obsessed with flexibility. One time it lead to a slight muscle tear. My wife being a yoga teacher doesn’t hurt, or I guess it did that one time ;). Yoga teaches often tell me “you’re very open for a guy.” I take that with pride.

24. I’ve done some things I’d never do again – like running with the bulls.

We started from the most aggressive point on the course – right at “dead man’s corner” where we thought we’d have the best chance of running into the arena with the bulls. It worked. It was also the single highest moment of panic of my life. I would not have done it if I knew the type of chaos involved. But I’m happy to have the story to tell…
Running with the bulls

25. I used to be a tour guide throughout Spain, Morocco and Portugal.

When I lived in Sevilla, I was a tour guide on the weekends for my friends Eric and Jorge’s tour business, DiscoverSevilla. I can’t tell you the feeling of power I felt from holding a silly clipboard at the front of a tour bus.

26. I wish I was closer with my childhood and high school friends. 

I had some very close and fun friendships as I was growing up. And while some of them are still in my life in a big way, there are lot of those relationships that I really miss. It’s just that in the past years as I’ve learned more about myself and pursued a path true to me, I’ve had less and less in common with them. It’s driven us apart. I wish it hadn’t.

27. I like feeding ducks.

There’s a pond near my house at the Palace of Fine Arts. It’s so mellow and tranquil to head down there with some bread crumbs. I wish I did it way more often.

28. I love rosemary.

Every morning I go on a walk or run and pick a sprig from the same bush. Every time I pass a plant, I have to pick some. It immediately calms me down.

29. I have the musical tastes of a 13-year-old girl.

And I’m proud of it. Last month I was in the 3rd row at a Taylor Swift concert. It was freakin’ awesome. Three years ago I took my wife and parents to our first Taylor concert, and dad sent me an email the next day saying it was the best performance of his life. And between you and me, I’m trying to get Taylor to do a short Living Legends interview for our audience – so if you happen to know her, let me know!
I also have Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus and Christina Aguilera music videos on my iPhone and on my “Inspire Me” mix. In fact Party in the USA was the last song played at my wedding.
I really enjoy the music, but I also love how most musicians are so fully living their dreams. And some, like Taylor, still take their job as role model very seriously.

30. I’m really scared of getting old.

I turned 31 this year, and it’s been kind of tough realizing that I’m not a total beginner anymore. That adds a lot of pressure. I’m also really scared of the people older than me – especially my parents – eventually dying. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them right now.

31. I’m kinda terrified of public speaking – at least the build up to it. And a lot of things make me nervous. 

But I absolutely love it. Nothing feels more rewarding than stepping on a stage and doing my best to address and inspire a crowd. I love the feeling I get from being on stage, but the build up is absolutely brutal. Lately I’ve gotten a better handle on it, but the stress and anxiety that’s led up to some of my past few talks has been no fun at all. I’m learning how to cover the details without creating a pile of stress.

32. I feel rushed way more often than I’d like. 

I’m not sure why, but so often I feel like I don’t have enough time to do the things I need to do. Even though I plan my week very carefully and do get important things done, I almost always feel like I haven’t done all I wanted to do. It’s really unsettling. And the crazy thing is that I’ll sometimes feel rushed even when I sit down early Monday morning with 10 hours ahead to spend time on projects. It makes no sense and it’s something that I’m constantly working to improve, which brings me to…

33. I am constantly battling and dealing with stress – and it’s brutal. 

Anxiety too. With all that’s happened in the past few years, I’ve begun to feel intense pressure to deliver on a never-ending rising standard. It’s exhausting. And the on-and-off stress and anxiety that sometimes come with it has been incredibly hard to deal with. And massively frustrating. On the outside (and much of the inside) I have all I could ever ask for. A family, wife and friends who love me. A business and purpose I deeply believe in that more than covers my financial needs. An incredibly healthy body and the freedom to do things I want to do with the people I want to do them with when I want to do them. Yet for the past six months or so, there has been this level of stress that’s been taking a lot of the fun out of things and I just can’t get my head around it.
The last few weeks have actually been the most stress free I’ve had in months as I finally decided to draw a line in the sand and do something about it. Last Friday, I spent four hours in the garden at Green Gulch Zen Center with my good friend Lissa Rankin. That investment was incredibly helpful, and while the stress is far from totally solved, I’m very confident that I’ll figure this out. It’s my top priority.
Update: After writing this, I got a lot more serious about finding a solution. I tried dozens and dozens of things and for the past three months the stress and anxiety have totally gone away. I think a lot was at play and I plan to write a full article on my Stress Management Campaign sometime soon.

34. I meditate for 20 minutes almost every morning.

I’ve been doing this since I took a Transcendental Meditation course a little over a year ago. It’s helped a lot and it’s one of the best steps I’m taking to calm the mind and soothe the stress. I’ve come to love my morning practice (most the time).  😉

35. I don’t know what I’m doing a lot of the time.

This business and movement has grown so fast that a lot of the time I don’t have a clue what to do next. I just do my best to surround myself with inspiring people who have been there and stay true to my beliefs and values. I wish I could say that I’m steering the ship, but honestly, I tend to just hold on tight to see where it takes me.

I have no idea how you’ll respond to this list.

I’m nervous writing this right now. Flat-out scared, in fact.


I hope he’s right.
And to be honest, that felt really really good to share with you all.
I hope you’ll continue to accept me for who I am. Because that’s the only person I’m willing to be for all of you.
And I hope you’ll hold yourself to the same standard.
Now please, join me and share something about yourself in the comments.
I’d rather not have to do this alone.
Here’s to being you and inspiring others to be them,