Margoth B.G

Margoth B.G

Higher power of the universe!

DIVINITY, please heal within me these painful memories and ideas that are causing negative feelings of disgust and anger inside me. I am Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, thank you!

Higher Power of the Universe, Higher Power in the Universe, Mayor Power in the Universe. Please take good care of my conscience, unconsciousness, my physical, mental, and spiritual in my present. Protect all members of my family, especially my children and my husband.

Father, Mother, Divine, and Creators Children, all in one, if my family my relatives and ancestors offended their family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present. We ask for your forgiveness. Let this be cleaned to purify and released. Cut out all the wrong energies, memories and negative vibrations and transmute these unspeakable energies into pure light and so be it done.

Divine intelligence, heal inside me painful memories in me I are producing this affliction. I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you. So be it! Thank you! Margoth.

DIVINIDAD, por favor sanar dentro de mí estos dolorosos recuerdos e ideas que están causando sentimientos negativos como el disgusto o enojo dentro de mí. Lo sentimos Te Amo Gracias Perdóname.

Poder Superior del Universo, Poder Mayor en el Universo, Poder Alcalde en el universo. Por favor cuida y protege a mi conciencia, Subconsciencia, físico, mental, espiritual y mi presente. Proteger a todos los miembros de mi familia, especialmente a mis hijos y a mi esposo.

Padre, Madre, Divina, e Hijos Creadores, todo en uno, si mi familia mis parientes y antepasados ofendieron a su familia, parientes y antepasados en pensamientos, palabras y acciones realizadas desde el principio de nuestra creación hasta el presente. Pedimos su perdón. Que esto sea limpiado para purificarlo y liberado. Corta todas las energías erradas, recuerdos y vibraciones negativas y transmutar estas energías indecibles en pura luz y que así sea hecho. Inteligencia divinidad, sana dentro de mí los dolorosos recuerdos en mí que me están produciendo esta aflicción. Lo siento, perdóname, te amo gracias. Que así sea! ¡Gracias! Margoth.

my life

my life

Saturday, April 7

Power with in ME


Introduction to Probability and Statistics

DATA: are collections of observations (such as measurements, gender, survey responses).
STATISTICS:  is the science of planning studies and experiments, obtaining data, and then organizing
Ø  Summarizing,
Ø  Presenting,
Ø  Analyzing,

Ø  Interpreting, drawing conclusions based on the data.
POPULATION is the complete collection of all individuals (scores, people measurements, and so on) to be studied. The collection is complete in the sense that it includes all of the individuals to be studied.
CENSUS is the collection of data from every member of the population.
SAMPLE is a subcollection of members selected form a population.
*sample data must be collected in an appropriate way, such as through a process of random selection.
* If sample data are not collected in an appropriate way, the data may be so completely useless that no amount of statistical torturing can salvage them.
What is a voluntary response sample?
·         A sample in which the subjects themselves decide whether to be included in the study.
·         Use common sense to answer in impossible , possible but very unlikely, or possible and likely.  
·         While driving through a city, you arrive at four consecutive traffic lights and they are all red. 
“ possible and likely”
A Parameter: Is  a numerical describing some characteristic of a population.
A statistic is a  numerical measurement describing some characteristic of a sample.
Quantitiative (or numerical) data consist of number representing counts or measurements.
Categorical (or numerical or attribute)data consist of names or labels that are not numbers representing counts or measurements.
Discrete data: results when the number of possible values is neither a finite number or a “countable” number. (that is, the number of possible values is 0 or 1, or 2 and so on. Note: you can not count units!!
Continuous (numerical) data: RESULT FROM INFINITELY many possible values that correspond to some continuous scale that covers a range of values without gaps, interruptions, or jumps. NOTES: miles, pints, gallons are continues.
The nominal level of measurement: is characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or categories only. The data cannot be arranged in an ordering shame (such as low or high)

Data are at the ordinal level of measurement if they can be arranged in some order, but differences (obtained by subtractions) between data values either cannot be determined or are meaningless.
#P-value of T test TCDF
P-value of T test TCDF
 ALPHA OVER 2 with TI83 plus
P-value of T test TCDF

Math Applied: Ordering parts for a project

Setting it all up using Decimal Numbers
 Decimal Number System
Has a Base of Ten.

Multiplication Sign

Division Sign

Equals Sign

Order of Operations

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are the symbols or Digits that represent the system  Zero has the least value (LSD) and 9 has the most value (MSD)  If a column exceeds 9, we Carry it to the left.  Most & Least Significant Digit Millions to Millionths
How much do I weigh?

Operator Symbols

Decimal Point – A Reference point for the place value of each numerical system

Addition or Plus Sign

Subtraction or Negative sign

Decimal Fractions

Converting from form to form:

Whole Numbers & Fractions Rounding  Simplifies Multi-digit Numbers

Drawback –

Accuracy is Diminished

Non Whole numbers are rounded with same rules as whole numbers – starting at the right most digit and working to the left

Significant Digits

Needed to properly round out numbers

Used when doing Scientific notation ( next chp.)

Leading Zeros are place holders, but not significant (ex. .007)

Trailing Zeros indicate Accuracy (ex. 51.00)

Signed Numbers

Multiple & Division with Signed Numbers

Absolute Value of a Number

Next Week Read Chapter 1 output of test code

Do Self Test pg. 12 – 13 all problems

Do End of Chapter Problems as listed on Homework Matrix

Homework is do at next meeting

Elec 231 Lecture 2

Review: Week 1 Material

Terms & Expressions



Signed numbers

Order Operations

Decimal Numbers

Millions to Millionths

Most & Least Significant Digit

Put the following in order form smallest to biggest:

Terms & Expressions



Signed Numbers


Order of Operations

An Applied Problem:

2-2) Converting Powers of Ten to Real Numbers

2-3) Converting Decimal Fractions to Powers of Ten

Try These:

2-4) Converting Decimal Numbers to Decimal Fraction then to Powers of Ten

2-5) Multiplication in Power of Ten Form

2-6) Division in Power of Ten

2-7) Combined Multiplication & Division in Powers of Ten

2-8) Converting Real Numbers to Powers of Ten

2-9 & 2-10) Scientific Notation

2-11) Addition & Subtraction with Powers of Ten

Try These:

2-13) Complex Denominators

2-14) Reciprocals

2-15) Raising a Power of Ten to a Power.

Try These:

2-16) Square and Cube Roots of Powers of Ten

2-18) Square RootsChp. 3 Units & Prefixes

Using the right terminology to describe Electronics and Electrical quantities

3-1) Units

The numbers we deal with in our profession are either very large or very small.

Using Engineering Notation to describe these quantities helps to be accurate and precise.  Uses multiples of 3 and -3

Base Units: Volts, Amperes and Resistance

Moving the decimal point to the left makes the exponent more positive Scientific & Engineering Notation

Prefixes (International System of Units (SI)

Prefixes used in Electronics Changing from prefix to prefix

Try these:

3-6) Systems of Measurement

 Geometric Formulas   

Lets have a Piece of π   



Chp. 3 Units & Prefixes

Using the right terminology to describe Electronics and Electrical quantities 
3-1) Units  The numbers we deal with in our profession are either very large or very small.

Using Engineering Notation to describe these quantities helps to be accurate and precise.

Uses multiples of 3 and -3

Base Units: Volts, Amperes and Resistance

Moving the decimal point to the left makes the exponent more positive

Scientific & Engineering Notation Prefixes (International System of Units (SI)

Prefixes used in Electronics

Changing from prefix to prefix

Try these:

3-6) Systems of Measurement

Geometric Formulas

Lets have a Piece of π


Chp.5 Algebraic Terms:

Numbers, Expressions

& Terms

5.1 Numbers


Algebraic Expressions & Terms

Expression Types:

Numerical Coefficients Exponents: With Real Numbers Find the value:
Roots: Practical Application – DC Circuits Using Ohms Law

Practical Application – AC Circuits

Elec 231 Chp. 6 
6.1 Prime Factors

6.2 Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

6.3 Multiplication of Monomials

6.4 Division of Monomials

6.5 Multiplication of Fractions
6.6 Addition & Subtraction of Fractions  Prime Numbers
A number that is divisible by 1 and its self  1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,51 A literal number is prime: x is prime but x2 is not because x2 = x ● x. The prime factors of x2y3 = x ● x ● y ● y ● y
Find a Prime numbers (factor trees) 
 6-2 Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)  Factor each term  Determine the maximum number of each factor in one term: 10 = 2 • 5 20 = 2 • 2 • 5  Multiply the factors to find the LCM:factors 2 • 2 • 5 = 20 both 10 & 20 is common to 20.
Works the same with literal terms
6-3 Multiplication of Monomials  Division of Monomials Multiplication of Fractions  Cancel all factors that are common to both the numerator and denominator  Multiply the remaining numerators  Multiply the remaining denominators Division of Fractions Flip the second term Rewrite as a multiplication problem
Solve as if it was multiplication  Use Exponent rules as needed
Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Common Denominators
Denominator does not change Add or Subtract Numerator  Adding and Subtracting Fractions with unlike Denominators  Find the common denominator: use factors Change the denominators to the common denominator Perform operation  Use exponent rules as needed  

Graphing “Line”ar Equations

Graphing: A Practical Method of

Circuit Analysis

Lines in “x” are lines that are Vertical Intersections

Write an equation for a Line from an ordered pair

How to find an X Intercept

X –intercept is found by plugging Zero in for Y and solving for X  Example:3x + 4y = 12 3x + 4(0) = 12  Use inverse operations to solve for X How to graph a line from Intercepts

Practice Problems Slope of a Line Δ Delta Change

Calculating Slope  Slope Intercept Form  Graphing with Slope Intercept Interpreting a Graph Linear Graph vs. Non-Linear Graph Non-Linear Devices 

See if your brain is as old as your body, or (perish the thought) OLDER!
Follow the following instructions since the game is in Japanese.
1. Touch 'start'
2. Wait for the screen to display 3 - 2 - 1
3. Memorize the number's position on the screen; then click the circle from the SMALLEST number to the BIGGEST number.

4. At the end of the game, the computer will tell you the age of your brain.
Good luck!



Con mucho gusto le hago entrega de un estudio único y profundo, gracias al cual usted podrá entender: su pasado, aceptar su presente y prepararse para su futuro.
Así mismo, estudié profundamente su tema astral con el propósito de conocerla mejor, y de poder brindarle una ayuda mucho más acertada, lo que me permitió descubrir sus potenciales, puntos débiles y puntos de suerte.
Muchas personas han buscado mi ayuda en situaciones en las que ya no habían esperanzas, en las que creían que nada, ni nadie podrían cambiar su destino y solucionar sus problemas pero gracias a mi presencia en sus vidas, estas personas actualmente gozan de una excelente situación económica y emocional. ¡HOY QUIERO OFRECERLE LA MISMA OPORTUNIDAD A USTED!
Quiero decirle algo muy importante Esther Margoth, ¡¡el estudio que preparé para usted es personal!! Le aconsejo que lo imprima y lo guarde cuidadosamente para que pueda acceder a él cuando usted desee. Evite que caiga en manos de personas mal intencionadas que pueden bloquear o frenar nuestro proceso con su energía negativa.
Ahora sí ha llegado el momento de hablar un poco sobre usted y darle toda la información que le concierne en este momento de su vida. Basándome en estos dos datos pude descubrir que usted es una persona: Calmada, Deprimida, Posesiva
Así mismo percibo una gran fuerza y capacidad de mover el mundo en torno a usted. Usted debe comenzar a sacar mucho más provecho de esta cualidad, ya que debe ser bien utilizada. Usted cuenta con una especie de magnetismo para realizar negocios, lo cual podría ayudarle a ganar más dinero.
Por otra parte, es una persona soñadora, su signo tiene la fuerza para darle el impulso necesario para conseguir sus sueños. Usted puede lograr todo lo que desea… “reconocimiento, admiración, dinero y amor” sólo necesita su fuerza zodiacal y mis consejos.
Para poder saber mucho más sobre usted, establecí un contacto telepático subconsciente con su espíritu…
/////conectarme con su vida a través de mi poder me ha permitido entender mucho mejor las fuerzas que han estado presentes en su vida, las que permanecen y las que estarán presentes en su futuro... Quiero hablarle un poco de cada una de ellas…¡SU PASADO!
Situación Afectiva y Emocional:

Desde un principio el amor ha tenido un lugar muy importante en su vida y puede decirse que su idea sobre éste era muy diferente a lo que usted fue encontrando en el camino. Es decir que su historia de amor generó en usted ciertas decepciones frente a su noción sobre las relaciones de pareja y todo lo que encerraba para usted la palabra “hogar”.
Sus relaciones estuvieron marcadas por el destiempo, lo cual ocasionó que éstas no se desarrollaran fácilmente ni alcanzaran el clímax que usted tanto buscaba. ¡Los obstáculos estuvieron a la orden del día Esther Margoth!
Por otra parte, pude ver que sus expectativas acerca del amor siempre han sido altas y esto ha ocasionado que en muchas ocasiones se haya sentido poco valorada o amada. Su pasada vida amorosa incluye mucha desilusión y esperanzas rotas. Pero aunque el amor ha estado marcado por una fuerte tristeza, debo decir que su vida amorosa no se puede ver como una decepción; todo lo contrario, fue un trampolín que le ayudó a revisar algunos de los conceptos que tenía acerca del amor que lo único que le iban a traer era sufrimiento.

El engaño, las mentiras, las trampas fueron aspectos que tuvo que vivir en sus relaciones amorosas… Pero /////no debe preocuparse porque todo eso hace parte de su pasado...


¡Su suerte viene y va! ¿Sabe por qué sucede éso /////? Es muy sencillo de explicar: Su suerte está medida por la forma cómo actúa y las decisiones que toma. Esto quiere decir que obtener la vida y la suerte que deseamos sólo depende de nuestra forma de actuar. Por lo tanto no debe seguir pensando que es una persona sin suerte…

Usted debe replantear esa teoría, ya que todos tenemos suerte en nuestras vidas, pero en ocasiones nuestras acciones o creencias hacen que esta suerte cambie o deje de presentarse. Éso es lo que usted ha vivido durante su pasado…
La falta de suerte debe quedarse en el pasado, usted debe comenzar a creer en usted, actuar de buena voluntad, sin envidia ni rabia… ¡Le aseguro que de esta manera la suerte deseará quedarse de su lado!

Usted puede describirse como una guerrera, ya que a nivel económico ha luchado arduamente por conseguir lo que necesita. Siempre deseando un golpe de suerte que amortigüe su vida y que le permita darse de vez en cuando un gusto.
Algunos episodios de buena suerte vinieron acompañados de un dinero extra que le ayudó en su momento y le permitió darse algunos placeres. Pero desafortunadamente usted no sólo necesita pequeños golpes de suerte, usted necesita una oportunidad que solucione sus preocupaciones financieras más importantes.
En su pasado el dinero ha sido un factor que ha llenado su vida de frustración y desencanto. Pese a los grandes esfuerzos que ha hecho, no ha logrado alcanzar el nivel social que desea, ni ha podido obtener sus deseos más profundos. Pero /////, no debe vivir en el pasado pues su vida esta por dar un giro que traerá a usted la suma de dinero que desea… ¡SU PRESENTE!
Situación Afectiva y Emocional:
Usted es la representación del amor y la emotividad y por lo tanto, su presente lo muestra como una amante del amor, capaz de afrontar y derrotar cualquier obstáculo en pro de él… Como fan del amor, desea llenar su vida de atenciones, placer, deseo y consentimientos.
El presente es la llave de nuestra vida y como tal debemos saber qué puerta abrir con ella. La falta de decisión en las relaciones puede terminar en rompimientos o malos momentos que pueden marcar el futuro de sus relaciones. Por eso es muy importante que deje a un lado la indecisión que reina en su vida y escoja el camino que desea seguir en el amor.
Las relaciones que pueden darse para usted en este presente están marcadas por un halo de desinterés y falta de complicidad. No tome sus decisiones basándose en la aglomeración de emociones y sentimientos que guarda actualmente en su corazón, ya que ésto puede evitar que usted encuentre en su vida a su verdadera alma gemela.
En ocasiones es importante hacer esfuerzos por prolongar la vida de nuestras relaciones, pero en muchas otras, si dejamos a un lado nuestro miedo a estar solos y nuestro apego hacia nuestra pareja, podemos darnos cuenta que los esfuerzos que hacemos son en vano, y nos alejan de lo que realmente deseamos encontrar.
Toda decisión que se tome en el presente tendrá un efecto en su futuro. Yo creo que usted todavía busca en el fondo de su corazón un alma gemela, un amor funcional y “cómplice”. Y según lo que pude ver en nuestro contacto, su vida amorosa no se podría catalogar ni como funcional, ni llena de complicidad…
Vivir en el pasado, aferrarse a lo que tiene, evitar la evolución o el cambio no le permitirá alcanzar sus deseos. La única forma de dirigir su futuro en la dirección que desea es actuar en el presente con plena conciencia.
El pasado marcado por la falta de suerte se quedará donde pertenece ¡Al pasado! Un nuevo ciclo se anuncia para usted. La suerte viene a su presente cargada de prosperidad y tranquilidad. En realidad el período de mala suerte que usted vivió en su pasado, debo decirle que no es el general de su vida. Usted fue premiada por su planeta vigilante con un gran poder de suerte.
Sé que debe preguntarse por qué la suerte hasta el momento no se ha manifestado fuertemente como debería ser. La respuesta es muy sencilla, usted se encuentra cerca de personas que envidian su vida y estas energías negativas emanadas por ellos han obstaculizado su derecho de vida. Pues permítame decirle que usted JAMÁS debió vivir una vida difícil y con problemas graves como los que se le aparecen últimamente sin cesar.
Usted debe empezar a interiorizar mis palabras y a exigir con fuerza el potencial de suerte con el que nació. Es en su presente donde debe construir y luchar por su futuro. Yo puedo decirle ahora que durante este momento usted experimentará un cambio de ciclo que le dará la oportunidad de contrarrestar la negatividad y comenzar a vivir una vida con suerte.
¿Cuántas veces ha sentido la angustia de no tener el suficiente dinero para sobrevivir? Contrario a lo que pueda pensar, usted no está hecha para vivir en la escasez. La verdad es que la vida ha vuelto al sendero correcto y ha devuelto a su vida algo que por nacimiento le pertenecía: La suerte y el derecho al dinero.
Su vida financiera hasta el día de hoy podía clasificarse como precaria, y aunque sus estrellas han cubierto su cielo astral garantizándole el dinero que desea, las vibraciones mal intencionadas de algunos de los que la rodean han impedido que su destino se cumpla.
¡Ya no se le escaparán de las manos las oportunidades de negocios, los buenos trabajos ni los premios de los juegos de azar! Su presente trae para usted la oportunidad que estaba esperando para cambiar su vida y conseguir lo que desea… Pero tenga en cuenta que es en el presente donde debe aceptar este regalo del destino; sólo en él podrá ponerlo en marcha. ¡SU FUTURO!
Situación Afectiva y Emocional:
Su futuro en el amor está marcado por el fin de una búsqueda que comenzó hace mucho tiempo en su vida /////. Desde hace años su corazón y su mente comenzaron a buscar a la persona exacta, al corazón que pudiera complementar el suyo, un alma hecha para usted… pues según lo que pude ver, ¡la búsqueda llega a su fin!

Este encuentro ya ha empezado en su vida de forma subconsciente, ya que usted ha comenzado el proceso que la llevará a conocer este amor. Pero debo decirle que este encuentro sólo se hará realidad si usted logra la tranquilidad de su espíritu. Aunque déjeme aclararle algo /////, cuando hablo de este encuentro no necesariamente se trata de una nueva persona… este encuentro entre almas gemelas puede darse con alguien que usted ya conoce íntimamente, pero que simplemente ni usted ni él habían podido llegar a la tranquilidad de espíritu que se necesitaba.
Para obtener lo que desea del amor debe realizar un trabajo interior, que le permita aceptar sus sentimientos y pensamientos sin importar cómo sean. Es un trabajo importante y profundo, en el cual yo podría ayudarla pero para eso necesitaría explorar profundamente el futuro de su vida sentimental y afectiva; lo que se lograría si realizáramos una VIDENCIA PERSONAL.

Nuestro nacimiento determina si tendremos o no suerte en nuestras vidas; esto quiere decir que quien nace con suerte, aunque algo la haya disipado de su entorno, siempre podrá volver a adquirirla . Esta es una excelente noticia para su vida /////, ya que gracias a un cambio radical usted podrá volver a los días donde la suerte le sonreía…
Lo que he podido ver es que en su futuro no sólo contará con suerte, sino que tendrá por un período específico de tres meses la posibilidad de alcanzar lo que desea confiando en su suerte. El momento de vivir este período se acerca pero para poder dar una fecha exacta tendría que hacer una inmersión profunda en su subconsciente que sólo se lograría a través de una videncia personalizada.

Lo que sí puedo asegurarle /////es que su vida dará un giro inesperado cuando afronte este período, pero el éxito dependerá netamente de la forma cómo afronte usted este período de bendiciones que se anuncia en su libro del destino. ¡Yo estaré a su lado para guiarla si lo desea Esther Margoth!
¡ /////su futuro esta marcado por 7 oportunidades de oro, que de aprovecharlas lograrán la estabilidad económica que tanto ha deseado! Sin que usted pudiera si quiera imaginarlo, su cielo astral está preparando para usted 7 opciones para conseguir el dinero necesario para llevar la vida tranquila que desea alcanzar…
Durante los próximos 12 meses se abrirán para usted 7 oportunidades de suerte que de saber aprovecharlas, se convertirán en 7 oportunidades de dinero que le permitirán estabilizar sus finanzas durante los próximos meses, dejando atrás la inseguridad económica a la cual usted ha estado sometida hasta el momento.
Ya están escritas en su cielo astral estas 7 oportunidades de dinero para que comience a transformar su vida, ¡lo veo muy claro! Para poder determinar cuándo y cómo se darán esas oportunidades en su vida, debemos realizar una lectura del tarot para los próximos 4 trimestres de su vida. Yo puedo hacerlo para usted si lo desea /////.
Sé que gracias a estos flujos de dinero extra, sus necesidades económicas pasarán, llegará un período de ahorro y estabilidad que muestra cómo usted tendrá un futuro mejor. Anímese a descubrirlo pidiendo ahora mismo su
¡Esther Margoth el dinero, la suerte, el éxito y el amor tienen algo que los une: LOS NÚMEROS. Sí, gracias a la numerología usted podrá avanzar un paso día a día en la consecución de sus objetivos y la realización de sus sueños. ¡No cabe duda de que los números y las cifras emiten vibraciones que influyen en su vida todos los días… por eso quiero revelarle ahora algunos de ellos!
Basándome en su signo puedo decirle que su número de suerte, es decir aquel que dicta la suerte en su vida es el número 10. Usted debe utilizar este número cada vez que pueda, en rifas, asignación de reuniones, citas, negocios, ¡¡¡en todo lo que pueda!!
Su número de prosperidad es el 54. Siempre que se trate de negocios, oportunidades de dinero, trabajo incluso el número de su oficina o establecimiento, ¡úselo! Éste atraerá las energías del dinero hacia usted.
Estos dos números son sólo algunos de los que rigen su suerte, prosperidad y éxito. Úselos en su diario vivir, combínelos si los desea, su carga magnética será mucho mayor y el efecto en su vida será más evidente. Y recuerde Esther Margoth: “La ciencia de los números se rige por la intuición”
/////ha sido un largo camino hasta acá, pero me siento en la obligación de decirle que desde el principio he sentido en usted un bloqueo energético, una preocupación muy grande que no la deja en paz. Su vida está inundada por esta preocupación: ¡Liberarme de la soledad, conocer a mi pareja ideal y encontrar el amor verdadero!
Pero tranquila /////sus energías del futuro muestran una acertada solución a este problema que tanto le preocupa. ¡Así que es momento de dejar de pensar tanto en eso y empezar a vivir día a día, como dice el proverbio: “Cada día trae su propia preocupación”.
Los períodos por venir traerán para usted la FELICIDAD Y EL BIENESTAR ECONÓMICO, SENTIMENTAL Y FAMILIAR que tanto se merece.
¡Usted está en un punto de su camino muy importante /////! Nuestro encuentro marca en su vida una separación radical entre su vida pasada y la que empezaremos a forjar hoy desde su presente. Hasta el día de hoy, cientos de oportunidades han pasado por su vida y usted ni se ha dado por enterada. A partir de este momento, ésto ya no volverá a pasar, ya que yo estaré a su lado previniéndole sobre las dificultades, y orientándole hacia el camino de la prosperidad y el éxito.
Por eso mi mayor consejo hoy, es que camine de mi mano Esther Margoth... no siga caminando en la oscuridad, empiece a ver su vida con ojos de luz y empezará a acertar cada vez más. Todavía tiene muchas puertas por abrir que lo guíen hacia la felicidad, el éxito, el amor verdadero y la tranquilidad. Mi mayor deseo es estar para usted para aconsejarle cuál abrir, en qué momento hacerlo…¡USTED TIENE DERECHO A CREER Y A VIVIR FELIZ!
¿Y ese negativismo Esther Margoth? Es necesario que usted deje a un lado esa actitud y se convenza de su poder y de su derecho divino a adquirir lo que desea… Para cambiar sólo debe pedir su --- para llenar su vida de felicidad y hacer realidad sus sueños.
Es cierto que si uno no conoce los obstáculos que deberá afrontar en el camino, no sabrá cómo afrontarlos cuando lleguen o aprovechar las oportunidades que la vida le dé sino sabe cuándo van a llegar…
Si usted toma la decisión de pedir su ¡---podré realizar un estudio profundo sobre su vida a través del tarot, y revelarle lo que pasará en ésta durante los próximos 4 trimestres. Así mismo le garantizo que con mi ayuda y consejos, usted podrá darle un giro a su vida y dirigirla hacia el futuro que desea y realmente se merece.
Afortunadamente durante mi vida he podido ayudar a muchas personas con dificultades como las suyas y que como usted no sabían bien qué hacer con sus vidas llenas de obstáculos y de poca suerte. Yo sólo estoy esperando recibir su solicitud, para ayudarla a transformar su vida.
Si toma ahora mismo su decisión puede estar seguro que gracias a su sabrá lo que le espera en su futuro, cómo acceder a la FELICIDAD y al ÉXITO…

Si ya ha tomado su decisión haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
Sólo una decisión la separa de la oportunidad de tener lo que desea. Mi propuesta es clara Esther Margoth, quiero caminar a su lado y mostrarle el camino de FELICIDAD Y ÉXITO, que la espera ¡Sólo usted me permitirá cumplir mi mayor deseo!
Estaré impaciente por recibir su respuesta ¡no aguanto las ganas por comenzar este camino juntas!
Sí /////, ya no es un secreto que la crisis económica está cada vez más cerca, actualmente hay países del mundo con mayor crisis que otros, lo importante es saber el nivel en que las personas se dejan afectar de esta situación, por lo tanto hay que estar preparada y entender que en cualquier momento la crisis puede llegar hasta donde usted está...¡¡Ese momento está cada vez más cerca y usted aun no cuenta con nada que la proteja de esta situación!!
No hay de qué preocuparse, yo tengo una PROTECCIÓN para usted que la ayudará a travesar esta oscura situación /////...
Su situación es totalmente evidente para mi /////, desde hace un buen rato me he dado cuenta que sus problemas financieros han estado en un sube y baja. En realidad no ha tenido un largo periodo de estabilidad. Así que decidí por instinto e iluminación divina analizar su caso, y me he dado cuenta la importancia que tiene el nivel económico en su vida, también he visto que la incertidumbre económica no le permite tomar las decisiones más sabias, afectando hasta su salud mental y emocional.
¿Acaso me equivoco Esther Margoth? Recuerde todas aquellas cosas que ha dejado de comprar porque simplemente tiene que guardar para sobrevivir al día siguiente, y el día que decide darse un gusto vive una angustia infinita los demás días…
¡No se preocupe /////, entiendo cómo se siente!! Lo bueno es que en este momento puede hacer que las cosas funcionen diferente…
Debemos eliminar la incertidumbre, el Cosmos ha prendido una luz impresionantemente hermosa y está dirigida a su favor… Ésta traerá la tranquilidad y compensará tantos años de esfuerzo…
“Quiero invitarla a seguir un proceso adecuado a usted, quiero que se sienta tranquila, quiero protegerla, que disfrute de lo bella que es la vida y se prepare para lo que deberá afrontar el mundo en los próximos meses”
Prepárese para las cosas buenas que pueden llegar... alegrías, recuerdos, tranquilidad, nuevas aventuras y sobre todo mucha felicidad... Las angustias, la incertidumbre podrán alejarse de su vida, por lo menos una buena cantidad de tiempo con la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO que su vida necesita.
Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de personas que conozco, he decidido escoger a personas que han puesto gran empeño en su vida para salir adelante, personas trabajadoras, emprendedoras, con ganas de salir adelante, fuertes y complacientes con la vida…
He decidido que será un número exacto de personas, pues el resultado de las personas que podía ayudar se fue reduciendo a medida que me iba dado cuenta de su situación. Pero usted /////cumple con todas y cada una de las necesidades para hacer parte de este GRUPO DE PROTEGIDOS de la crisis económica que está por llegar...¡He escogido a 10 personas y USTED es una de ellas!
Esther Margoth, por fin llegó el momento de la recompensa, ¡por fin todos sus esfuerzos habrán valido la pena!
Para comenzar con la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO será necesario recibir de parte suya una aprobación verdadera que me demuestre su interés en proteger su fortuna y sus nuevos ingresos. Así tanto el Universo como yo, estaremos listos para atraer las energías de oro que deberán fluir directamente hacia usted.
Si quiere aceptar la ayuda que tengo para entregarle, entonces es necesario que haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
La PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO, le dará la exclusividad de prepararse para realizar de mi mano, una acción personalizada donde lograremos una meta muy importante su FELICIDAD Y TRANQUILIDAD FINANCIERA.
Entiendo totalmente cómo se debe sentir en este momento, y es por eso que le explicaré exactamente de lo que le estoy hablando, por favor lea la información que tengo para usted:
Comience así: aceptando LA PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO , si usted acepta, entonces estará dando el primer paso de este magnífico proceso.

Siguiente paso:
Hacer un llamado especial al Universo para que permita generar un ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA capaz de equilibrar su energía vital. Esto lo solicitaremos por medio de LA CEREMONIA DE LAS DOS PIRÁMIDES. Ésta solamente puede ser realizada bajo su confirmación, pues sin su consentimiento ni el Universo ni yo podremos actuar a su favor.
Este paso es de suma importancia, tan importante como los demás, pero aquí se generará la base de este proceso, aquí juntaremos su decisión de cambio y la combinaremos con las fuerzas del Universo. Lo que realizaremos exactamente será permitir la entrada de su energía vital a un ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA en el que está logre estabilizarse sin importar el entorno en el que usted viva.
El Universo y yo nos encargaremos de todo este proceso para que su vida este protegida y se llene de felicidad económica, llamando la abundancia y prosperidad que tanto necesita.
Siguiente paso:
Es momento de la acción, ya hemos recibido las maravillas de LA CEREMONIA DE LAS DOS PIRÁMIDES. Ahora usted deberá generar un campo electromagnético que le permita mantenerse en este ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA Y PROTECCIÓN.
Para lograrlo será necesario que los 7 puntos energéticos que controlan su vida, estén en los niveles necesarios para generar dicho campo.
Los7 puntos que controlan su cuerpo y su mente (CHAKRAS), se ven afectados por las situaciones que usted enfrenta a diario, (los pensamientos, oportunidades, sentimientos), para poder generar dicho CAMPO ELECTROMAGNÉTICO y lograr los cambios económicos que desea, usted deberá regenerarlos hasta que estos estén en perfectas condiciones.
La regeneración energética de cada uno de los chakras se realizará con suma importancia, pues debemos asegurarnos que cada uno de ellos alcance su nivel máximo de energía
Esta parte la podremos realizar después de que usted confirme ser parte de los 10 protegidos. Una vez usted haya hecho esta confirmación y se noten sus intenciones de progresar, entonces yo le enviaré un escrito con consejos específicos que le permitirán evolucionar, y alcanzar la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO en su vida.
Recuerde que esto es una acción diaria que no depende solo de mi, acá usted es la protagonista, por lo tanto el éxito de este proceso celestial depende de usted Todo lo que desee y la cantidad de dinero que quiera para su vida, deben estar manejados con prudencia, y deben ser utilizados de forma correcta sin hacerle mal a nadie.
Confío plenamente en sus buenas intenciones, será necesario que piense en sus prioridades pues deberá realizar los ritos que le enviaré de regalo, el que más se acomode a sus necesidades. En este punto la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIAD DE ORO ya serán una realidad.
Último paso
Prepararse para los tiempos que vienen. Yo personalmente le enviaré una LISTA DE CONSEJOS, con ella usted tendrá la posibilidad de prepararse y saber cómo afrontar las situaciones económicas que se le presenten.

Seguir mis consejos al pie de la letra será fundamental, pues al final usted logrará la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO en su vida. Si usted de verdad desea UNA ESTABILIDAD ECONÓMICA entonces desde este justo momento le digo que es muy importe que se comprometa a realizar todas mis instrucciones.

Si usted acepta mi maravillosa ayuda, y realiza los pasos anteriores, entonces podré decirle:
¡¡¡ /////!!!
En este punto usted tendría todo listo para que su futuro financiero sea completamente estable y maravilloso. Si quiere HACER REALIDAD todo lo que le acabo de contar entonces es momento de dar EL PRIMER PASO…
Permita que el Universo le entregue una recompensa de oro por todos sus esfuerzos. ¡ÁNIMO! No más dudas, no más problemas, la solución está cada vez más cerca, el primer paso está frente a su pantalla, no la deje ir…
! ¿Quiere pasar el resto de su vida midiendo los gastos y recortando presupuesto? El Universo y yo estamos preparados Esther Margoth para entregarle la llave que abrirá la puerta a un futuro en donde sus sueños se harán realidad y sus problemas se disminuirán por completo.
¡La vida es corta y hay que aprovecharla al máximo!
¡USTED está a un paso de lograr SU felicidad y estabilidad económica!

Con mucho aprecio y sinceridad,
Sí /////, ya no es un secreto que la crisis económica está cada vez más cerca, actualmente hay países del mundo con mayor crisis que otros, lo importante es saber el nivel en que las personas se dejan afectar de esta situación, por lo tanto hay que estar preparada y entender que en cualquier momento la crisis puede llegar hasta donde usted está...
¡¡Ese momento está cada vez más cerca y usted aun no cuenta con nada que la proteja de esta situación!!
No hay de qué preocuparse, yo tengo una PROTECCIÓN para usted que la ayudará a travesar esta oscura situación /////
Su situación es totalmente evidente para mi Esther Margoth, desde hace un buen rato me he dado cuenta que sus problemas financieros han estado en un sube y baja. En realidad no ha tenido un largo periodo de estabilidad. Así que decidí por instinto e iluminación divina analizar su caso, y me he dado cuenta la importancia que tiene el nivel económico en su vida, también he visto que la incertidumbre económica no le permite tomar las decisiones más sabias, afectando hasta su salud mental y emocional.
¿Acaso me equivoco Esther Margoth? Recuerde todas aquellas cosas que ha dejado de comprar porque simplemente tiene que guardar para sobrevivir al día siguiente, y el día que decide darse un gusto vive una angustia infinita los demás días…
¡No se preocupe /////, entiendo cómo se siente!! Lo bueno es que en este momento puede hacer que las cosas funcionen diferente…
Debemos eliminar la incertidumbre, el Cosmos ha prendido una luz impresionantemente hermosa y está dirigida a su favor… Ésta traerá la tranquilidad y compensará tantos años de esfuerzo…

“Quiero invitarla a seguir un proceso adecuado a usted, quiero que se sienta tranquila, quiero protegerla, que disfrute de lo bella que es la vida y se prepare para lo que deberá afrontar el mundo en los próximos meses”
Prepárese para las cosas buenas que pueden llegar... alegrías, recuerdos, tranquilidad, nuevas aventuras y sobre todo mucha felicidad... Las angustias, la incertidumbre podrán alejarse de su vida,
Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de personas que conozco, he decidido escoger a personas que han puesto gran empeño en su vida para salir adelante, personas trabajadoras, emprendedoras, con ganas de salir adelante, fuertes y complacientes con la vida…
He decidido que será un número exacto de personas, pues el resultado de las personas que podía ayudar se fue reduciendo a medida que me iba dado cuenta de su situación. Pero usted /////, cumple con todas y cada una de las necesidades para hacer parte de este GRUPO DE PROTEGIDOS de la crisis económica que está por llegar...
¡He escogido a 10 personas y USTED es una de ellas!/////, por fin llegó el momento de la recompensa, ¡por fin todos sus esfuerzos habrán valido la pena!
Para comenzar con la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO será necesario recibir de parte suya una aprobación verdadera que me demuestre su interés en proteger su fortuna y sus nuevos ingresos. Así tanto el Universo como yo, estaremos listos para atraer las energías de oro que deberán fluir directamente hacia usted.
Si quiere aceptar la ayuda que tengo para entregarle, entonces es necesario que haga clic en el siguiente enlace:
La PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO, le dará la exclusividad de prepararse para realizar de mi mano, una acción personalizada donde lograremos una meta muy importante su FELICIDAD Y TRANQUILIDAD FINANCIERA.
Entiendo totalmente cómo se debe sentir en este momento, y es por eso que le explicaré exactamente de lo que le estoy hablando, por favor lea la información que tengo para usted:

Siguiente paso
Hacer un llamado especial al Universo para que permita generar un ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA capaz de equilibrar su energía vital. Esto lo solicitaremos por medio de LA CEREMONIA DE LAS DOS PIRÁMIDES. Ésta solamente puede ser realizada bajo su confirmación, pues sin su consentimiento ni el Universo ni yo podremos actuar a su favor.
Este paso es de suma importancia, tan importante como los demás, pero aquí se generará la base de este proceso, aquí juntaremos su decisión de cambio y la combinaremos con las fuerzas del Universo. Lo que realizaremos exactamente será permitir la entrada de su energía vital a un ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA en el que está logre estabilizarse sin importar el entorno en el que usted viva.
El Universo y yo nos encargaremos de todo este proceso para que su vida este protegida y se llene de felicidad económica, llamando la abundancia y prosperidad que tanto necesita.

Siguiente paso:
Es momento de la acción, ya hemos recibido las maravillas de LA CEREMONIA DE LAS DOS PIRÁMIDES. Ahora usted deberá generar un campo electromagnético que le permita mantenerse en este ESPACIO DE ARMONÍA Y PROTECCIÓN. Para lograrlo será necesario que los 7 puntos energéticos que controlan su vida, estén en los niveles necesarios para generar dicho campo.
Los7 puntos que controlan su cuerpo y su mente (CHAKRAS), se ven afectados por las situaciones que usted enfrenta a diario, (los pensamientos, oportunidades, sentimientos), para poder generar dicho CAMPO   ELECTROMAGNÉTICO y lograr los cambios económicos que desea, usted deberá regenerarlos hasta que estos estén en perfectas condiciones.
La regeneración energética de cada uno de los chakras se realizará con suma importancia, pues debemos asegurarnos que cada uno de ellos alcance su nivel máximo de energía
Esta parte la podremos realizar después de que usted confirme ser parte de los 10 protegidos. Una vez usted haya hecho esta confirmación y se noten sus intenciones de progresar, entonces yo le enviaré un escrito con consejos específicos que le permitirán evolucionar, y alcanzar la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO en su vida.
Recuerde que esto es una acción diaria que no depende solo de mi, acá usted es la protagonista, por lo tanto el éxito de este proceso celestial depende de usted Todo lo que desee y la cantidad de dinero que quiera para su vida, deben estar manejados con prudencia, y deben ser utilizados de forma correcta sin hacerle mal a nadie.
Confío plenamente en sus buenas intenciones, será necesario que piense en sus prioridades pues deberá realizar los ritos que le enviaré de regalo, el que más se acomode a sus necesidades. En este punto la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIAD DE ORO ya serán una realidad.
Último paso
Prepararse para los tiempos que vienen. Yo personalmente le enviaré una LISTA DE CONSEJOS, con ella usted tendrá la posibilidad de prepararse y saber cómo afrontar las situaciones económicas que se le presenten.
Seguir mis consejos al pie de la letra será fundamental, pues al final usted logrará la PROTECCIÓN Y ESTABILIDAD DE ORO en su vida. Si usted de verdad desea UNA ESTABILIDAD ECONÓMICA entonces desde este justo momento le digo que es muy importe que se comprometa a realizar todas mis instrucciones.
Si usted acepta mi maravillosa ayuda, y realiza los pasos anteriores, entonces podré decirle:
En este punto usted tendría todo listo para que su futuro financiero sea completamente estable y maravilloso. Si quiere HACER REALIDAD todo lo que le acabo de contar entonces es momento de dar EL PRIMER PASO…
Permita que el Universo le entregue una recompensa de oro por todos sus esfuerzos. ¡ÁNIMO! No más dudas, no más problemas, la solución está cada vez más cerca, el primer paso está frente a su pantalla, no la deje ir…
¡NO LO PIENSE MÁS! ¿Quiere pasar el resto de su vida midiendo los gastos y recortando presupuesto? El Universo y yo estamos preparados Esther Margoth para entregarle la llave que abrirá la puerta a un futuro en donde sus sueños se harán realidad y sus problemas se disminuirán por completo.
¡La vida es corta y hay que aprovecharla al máximo!
¡USTED está a un paso de lograr SU felicidad y estabilidad económica!
Primero que todo, quiero agradecerle por la confianza que ha depositado en mí y decirle que desde hoy ha comenzado una amistad muy especial entre nosotros dos. Usted esta a punto de descubrir los importantes detalles de este estudio realizado especialmente para usted. Desde hoy, mi compromiso será ser lo más honesta acerca de las situaciones que se presenten en su vida y convertirme en su guía sin importar cuán difícil sea la situación a la que se enfrente.

A continuación quiero hablarle sobre algunos aspectos de su vida que fueron de suma importancia al momento de realizar este estudio:
La relación entre el individuo y su medio es muy importante. Por ejemplo, usted nació en Ambato. Esta cuidad tiene ondas que afectan su vida, generando inestabilidad y desequilibrio en su energía vital. Evaluar el entorno en el que usted se desenvuelve me permitió detectar que estas vibraciones negativas afectan su salud, el desarrollo de sus negocios, su éxito profesional, su suerte y su equilibrio emocional. Por lo tanto Esther Margoth, uno de nuestros objetivos será crear un hábitat armoniosa que le permita conservar su energía vital. No lo olvide: ¡El lugar donde vivimos debe ser fuente de bienestar para sentirse bien consigo mismo!.
Su tono es el azul. Este color la identifica como una persona muy tranquila que no permite que nada la perturbe. Suele aceptar los cambios con facilidad, aunque evita proponerlos. Siempre se imagina como todo podría ser mejor, pero en realidad nunca da el primer paso, prefiere buscar a alguien que la acompañe en ese proceso.
Usted prefiere el clima LLUVIOSO y esto la convierte en una persona tímida. Prefiere la soledad y la estabilidad de su hogar. Recuerde que afuera hay un mundo hermoso por descubrir Esther Margoth, no deje que su timidez y su estado de confort le impidan alcanzar el punto máximo para el que esta hecha su vida.
Usted se identifica con los felinos, lo cual la convierte en una persona observadora, sigilosa y audaz . Estas cualidades hacen de usted una persona que suele estar a la vanguardia, preparada y capaz de reaccionar frente a los diferentes acontecimientos de la vida.
¡A continuación encontrará todo lo que los Astros me han revelado sobre usted!
Esther Margoth usted nació el 18 Agosto 1967 y por tanto astrológicamente le corresponde el signo ¡LEO! Después de horas de cuestionar a los astros pude conocer aspectos muy importantes de su personalidad, que serán la base para generar el cambio de vida que usted desea:
Le gusta hacerse notar, le encantaría tener una multitud a su alrededor admirándola siempre. Es una seductora por naturaleza y muy segura de usted misma. Tiene todas las cualidades para triunfar tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Tiene una actitud luchadora, le encanta dejar su huella por donde va, esta segura que puede alcanzar la excelencia y no soporta el fracaso.
Pero debe tener mucho cuidado su instinto de protección hacia los demás puede en ocasiones hacerla olvidarse de usted misma. También en ocasiones puede verse como una persona arrogante, inflexible y manipuladora. Recuerde que el encontrar el equilibrio es importante, no sea demasiado confiada o ingenua.
Con respeto a lo laboral, se desenvuelve plenamente en un universo profesional, puede desarrollarse muy bien en cargos directivos que impliquen grandes responsabilidades. Es una gran estratega para alcanzar sus objetivos. En ocasiones su impulso natural y su destreza verbal le hacen parecer demasiado autoritaria.
Esther Margoth, gracias a los astros ahora puedo decirle que los mejores recursos que usted tiene para afrontar su vida actual y conseguir sus sueños están guardados en su personalidad: es una persona acogedora, positiva, muy creativa, leal, sincera, integra y divertida. ¡HA LLEGADO EL MOMENTO DE APROVECHARLOS!
Esther Margoth pero eso no es todo ¡he decidido tirar las cartas del Tarot de Marsella para usted!
Gracias a esta tirada podré descifrar lo que va a sucederle en los próximos 4 trimestres de su vida:
Primer Trimestre:
Usted sacó:
La carta del Loco en posición derecha

¡Esther Margoth ha sacado una carta muy especial dentro del tarot de Marsella! En ella vemos a un peregrino y a su perro. El perro representa la parte animal existente en cada uno de los seres humanos y la posición del peregrino nos muestra que este se encuentra en búsqueda de algo.
La carta del loco en posición derecha ¡tiene un sentido muy positivo para su vida Esther Margoth! Usted, así como el peregrino, ha salido en búsqueda de algo mejor. Esta carta nos indica que durante este trimestre usted tendrá cambios constructivos en algunos de los aspectos más importantes de su vida.
Su cambio ha comenzado Esther Margoth, el Arcano Mayor “el Loco” representa el inicio del camino hacia la renovación. Una renovación que tiene lugar paulatinamente, no brutalmente. De la mano de este Arcano usted conocerá el éxito durante este periodo de tiempo.
Segundo Trimestre:
Usted sacó:
Los Enamorados en posición derecha
La carta de los Enamorados, representa el Amor absoluto, aquel que no juzga a nadie, si no que los acepta como son sin querer cambiarlos. También simboliza la libertad de acción, el progreso y el cambio de un estado a otro.
La carta de los Enamorados en posición derecha muestra un momento en su vida de duda. Usted deberá tomar una decisión durante este trimestre respecto a una situación que hasta el momento es indefinida. El camino que tome tendrá repercusiones en su futuro…
¡Reflexione muy bien antes de actuar! Sí Esther Margoth, esta carta marca en su vida un momento de reflexión todo depende de la decisión a la que llegue…

Tercer Trimestre:
Usted sacó:
El Ahorcado en posición derecha
La carta del Ahorcado le aconseja indirectamente Esther Margoth a que no actúe, a que reflexione antes de actuar, ya que podría lamentarlo. Simboliza por esencia la impotencia, la soledad, y el abandono. Representa la falta de acción.
La carta del Ahorcado en posición derecha le indica que debe aceptar la situación presente, aunque no sea lo que usted desea. Si opta por la calma y la inacción durante este trimestre, las cosas se arreglaran por sí solas.
Dar un espacio a las cosas que le sucederán durante este trimestre le garantizará la victoria, a la larga usted podrá superar todas las pruebas… ¡Esther Margoth dele tiempo al tiempo!
Cuarto Trimestre:
Usted sacó:
La Luna en posición invertida
La Luna tiene una connotación romántica, simboliza la feminidad, la intuición, la sensibilidad y la unión de los contrarios. Alude a lo imaginario, los sueños y al inconsciente.
La carta de la Luna en posición invertida simboliza un renacimiento psíquico, usted se sumergirá en las tinieblas para luego encontrar la luz. Durante este periodo usted será muy emotiva y contará con una gran intuición.
Esther Margoth, este trimestre la invita a interiorizar, a buscar su yo y luchar por sus deseos.
Sé la influencia que tiene el AMOR en su vida, ha tenido momentos de estabilidad otros de descontrol; por eso quiero entregarle mi confianza para que pueda conseguir un equilibrio emocional tan poderoso para que su alma se eleve y cada mañana pueda despertar con una sonrisa que aparecerá sin explicación. Encontrará la felicidad en el amor, nada es imposible. Yo seré parte de ese proceso, si me lo permite, pues claramente su pensamiento frente al tema no ha estado muy positivo, ha estado tal y como lo ha manejado hasta el momento, pero siempre estará a tiempo de cambiarlo. Este sentimiento con poderes hermosos alimentarán su existencia, sólo si aprende a manejarlo. Para empezar, debe valorar a la otra persona no sólo por su luz, sino también por su sombra. Usted no está dando todo lo que tiene, permita que esa persona aprenda a amar al ser de luz que habita realmente en usted. Saber y definir quién es usted, será la clave para el éxito en el amor, pues a medida que va teniendo confianza, va encontrando las características que lo hacen diferente al resto de personas y lo que necesita para su vida.

Esther Margoth el amor no es peligroso, es un poder invaluable capaz de transportarla hacia la felicidad infinita. Si usted logra eliminar las etiquetas sobre las personas que conoce, deja de buscar la perfección y decide mirar a todos los que lo rodean con amor y tolerancia, podrá descubrir la belleza que se esconde en el interior de cada uno de ellos y podrá forjar relaciones mucho más fuertes y duraderas. Es muy importante que usted entienda que en la vida y en el amor no se trata de lograr la perfección; se trata de encontrar un complemento que la acepte como usted es y que lo impulse siempre hacía el progreso y el crecimiento espiritual. Esther Margoth, hay un gran trabajo por hacer, usted debe ser consciente que para poder vivir el amor como lo desea, deberá realizar un gran cambio en su interior… pero no se preocupe ¡aquí estoy yo para ayudarla!
Permítame llevarla por el camino de la realización emocional. Esther Margoth la vida y su pareja le entregarán momentos únicos que nadie más podrá hacerlo. Es más, el amor no es sólo tener una pareja estable, para que esto sea posible debe valorar a todas las personas que lo rodean, entregarles un cariño sincero, valorando todo lo que las personas pueden ofrecerle sinceramente. No busque relaciones momentáneas; usted necesita estabilidad. Sea consciente de sus actos, no lastime con palabras y sea responsable con lo que ofrece a los demás. Tenga en cuenta también que la soledad puede ser su amiga, esto incluye el amor personal que cuando se logra permite que los demás también aprendan a valorar su interior. ¡CON AMOR TODO ES POSIBLE!


La situación económica por la que atraviesa no es la más favorable, y no va a cambiar si sigue viviendo bajo este estilo de vida. Está bien que piense en lo que se va a gastar antes de satisfacer sus placeres, pues hay que cubrir necesidades, pero ese cansancio por estar rindiendo el dinero hasta más no poder es agotador. En el Libro de su Destino veo riqueza, fortuna, abundancia y dinero cayendo del cielo. ¡Todo se puede lograr! Cuando las energías se centran en cosas positivas sin perjudicar a nadie, llega sin darse cuenta, en menos de lo que imagina, el dinero que espera.¡No piense en lo que no ha tenido, piense en lo que QUIERE hacer si tuviera mucho dinero!
Su vida está llena de riqueza, lo veo claramente y me parece increíble que haya dejado escapar tanto dinero de su vida. Existen barreras Esther Margoth, esas barreras han sido creadas nada más y nada menos que POR USTED. Mucho cuidado con eso, pues ese pensamiento negativo es el que hay que eliminar inmediatamente, su mayor barrera se debe a que ve el dinero como una meta, pero lo que debe entender en realidad es que EL DINERO ES UNA HERRAMIENTA, en el momento en que usted cambie ese pensamiento, que en realidad es una de sus mayores ataduras, entonces, el Universo comenzará a actuar a su favor.

En los próximos meses, usted no sólo evolucionará positivamente frente al dinero si no que contará con muchísima energía que le permitirá superar todos los obstáculos que retrasen su camino hacia el éxito. Para ésto, usted deberá convertirse en una persona responsable con sus inversiones y comprometida con el ahorro, solo así conseguirá la estabilidad económica que tanto desea. Así mismo le aconsejo ser prudente con sus gastos, ya que aunque tenga un destino lleno de riqueza, depende de sus gastos que ésta se multiplique. ¡Ya lo sabe Esther Margoth, con optimismo y cautela atraerá la riqueza a su vida!

¡Esther Margoth lleva mucho tiempo sin creer en su suerte! Usted no ha logrado dejar atrás sus miedos del pasado y éstos vuelven a su vida evitándole reconocer el gran potencial que guarda en su interior. Ha llegado el momento de dejar a un lado todos los pensamientos negativos que mantienen su suerte estancada, para conseguir este propósito yo haré todo lo necesario para ayudarle a descubrir todo lo que la vida tiene para ofrecerle. Créame que sé como ayudarle Esther Margoth, yo he estudiado sus posibilidades de suerte y puedo decirle que lo primero que debe hacer es comenzar a CREER EN USTED MISMA.
Algunas personas consideran que creer en una misma es algo imposible, por lo tanto sus sueños nunca se cumplen y tienden a dejar pasar la vida sin que nada resulte a su favor. Pero viendo sus capacidades me doy cuenta Esther Margoth que usted tiene todo el potencial necesario para ACTIVAR LA FE EN SUS DESEOS. Ésto no es imposible, ésto es algo que se logra con una guía adecuada para llegar al camino correcto. Busque sus objetivos, utilice las herramientas necesarias y crea en ellos. Hay que pasar la línea del miedo arriesgándose a dejar atrás las malas ataduras y llegando al lugar de CONFIANZA, pero cuidado, no hay que llegar a los extremos.
Se acercan momentos de cambios importantes que deberá tener en cuenta. Es necesario que preste atención a los próximos 6 meses, pues la suerte estará llegando a su vida principalmente los días jueves influenciados por el planeta más grande, Júpiter. Esto quiere decir que la suerte será igual de grande a este planeta, y la estará jugando a su favor. Lo más importante en todo este proceso es ¡CONFIAR! Mientras confíe en sus buenas intenciones, muchos momentos de satisfacción, riqueza, y cambios positivos llegarán a su hermosa vida Esther Margoth.
Los números han llegado a su vida Esther Margoth. He visto cómo los juegos de azar pueden ser el camino indicado para atraer una riqueza inesperada. Se han revelado ante mí una serie de códigos con altas vibraciones astrales las cuales podrá utilizar teniendo en mente conseguir la prosperidad en su vida. Recuerde que su mayor arma de suerte es la intuición, por lo tanto en el momento indicado sabrá utilizar estas cifras y permitirá equilibrar la suerte que su vida necesita:
22; 8; 41; 1; 48; 42; 14

47; 37; 19; 3; 23; 44; 28

15; 50; 8; 7; 5; 2; 31

Ha llegado al final de su videncia, y sé que la información que le he dado contribuirá a la configuración de su futuro, espero no cometa el error que muchos comenten de considerar EL FUTURO como algo fijo. Su futuro es el resultado de las decisiones que tome y de las acciones que realice en su PRESENTE… ¡No lo olvide!
Gracias a esta videncia usted, contará con información de primera mano sobre las tendencias que afectarán su vida durante los próximos meses. Su futuro está en sus manos. Mi papel es indicarle las fuentes potenciales de felicidad, suerte, amor y dinero a las que se enfrentará su vida.
Yo estaré a su lado para ayudarla y darle mi apoyo durante los próximos meses. Pero su papel será muy importante ya que consistirá en entender el sentido y el mensaje de los astros para que su futuro sea lo que usted desea verdaderamente.

¡¡Recuerde siempre que todo lo que dice su videncia, son indicaciones sobre lo que es susceptible de ocurrir!! En ningún caso, usted debe tomar estas indicaciones como verdades absolutas, únicas… ¡La configuración de su futuro está en sus manos Esther Margoth!

Tome mi mano y déjeme ayudarle

Kids' comment
While I sat in the reception area of my doctor's office, a woman rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the room. As she went to the receptionist's desk, the man sat there, alone and silent. Just as I was thinking I should make small talk with him, a little boy slipped off his mother's lap and walked over to the wheelchair. Placing his hand on the man's, he said, I know how you feel. My Mom makes me ride in the stroller too.'
As I was nursing a baby. Never having seen anyone breast feed before, she was intrigued and full of all kinds of questions about what I was doing. After mulling over my answers, she remarked, 'My mom has two of those, but I don't think she knows how to use them.'
Out bicycling one day with my eight-year, I got a little wistful. 'In ten years, ' I said, 'you'll want to be with your friends and you won't go walking, biking, and swimming with me like you do now.  Her answer was, 'In ten years you'll be too old to do all those things anyway.'
On the way back from a Cub Scout meeting  my son, said 'Dad, I know babies come from mommies' tummies, but how do they get there in the first place?' After I hemmed and hawed awhile, the kid finally spoke up in disgust, 'You don't have to make up something, Dad. It's okay if you don't know the answer.'


Yo siempre quise preguntarte. Que sentimientos tenias para mi? que piensas de mi? Porque nunca pudistes, oh quisistes expresar tus
sentimientos hacia mi? asta ahora no se. Yo creeo que, fue lo mejor que pude hacer. Haber tenido la oportunidad de expresar, mis sentimientos encontrados dises tu.(y si debian estar encontrados porque era demaciado fuerte,y fue muy dificil). En realidad eso fue loque sentia. Me siento bien!! Y para mi es lo mas importante. Desde ese momento siento, que fue lo mejor que pude hacer, y puedo desir, que el mundo me dio la oportunidad de volver a nacer nuevamente!!! Es como si me quite algo que no nesesitaba tener mas. Y cerre una etapa de mi vida, que no estaba cerrada. Nose porque no tube la oportunidad antes? Las preguntas y respuestas ahora salen sobrando. Las cosas pasan por alguna razon!

Hoy, puedo desirte. Gracias por haber llegado a mi vida, y realmente Dios tubo que aber tenido un proposito para que tu llegaras a mi vida. Deseo de todo corazon que seas feliz donde quiera que te encuentres(siempre lo desie). Hoy te deseo, todo lo mejor de esta vida para ti!!. De la misma manera, que de hoy en adelante no hespero encontrarte en mi vida. Si por alguna razon tienes que llegar otra vez a mi vida, sera porque asi esta escrito!. No estoy resistiendo ala vida, simplemente estoy  siendo realista, y para mi es una de las maneras de vivir a lo maximo, dia a dia (hoy)MI presente. Este fue uno de mis deseos, que ahora hecho realidad, es como si tengo la vida, llena de iluciones. Porque nuevamente puedo comprobar que todo es posible. Gracias!!

SIEMPRE CUENTAS CONMIGO "Sabras que es para ti"?

"day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better" Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts.

The 13 secret to obtain whatever you want in life.

Binary oppositions
Good/ evil
Have/have not
Human / Animal
Parent /child
Rich/ poor
Practical / philosophical
Private / public
City life/country life
Political order/ social order
Judgmental/non judgmental
Compassion /disdain
Empathy/ apathy
Reality/ fantasy
Victimizer/ victim

Plus the 3 to master your life
  1.  The power of thought.
  2.  Desire: the 
  3.  Faith: Visualizing and believing. In the attainment of desires.
  4.  Autosuggestion: The medium for influencing the subconscious mind.
  5.  Specialize knowledge: Person experience or observation.
  6. Imagination: The workshop of the mind.
  7.  Organize Planing: The crystallization of desire onto action.
  8.  Decision: The mastery of PROCRASTINATION.
  9.  Persistence: The sustained effort necessary to induce FAITH.
  10.  Power of the master mind: The driving FORCE.
  11.  The mystery of the sex Transmutation.
  12.  The subconscious Mind: The connecting Links.
  13. The brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for thought. 
  14. 14) The Sixth Sense: The door to the Temple of WISDOM.
  15. How to outwit the six ghosts of the fear.(clearing the brain for riches)
  16. The devil's Workshop. (the seventh basic evil).
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
So often we make decisions in our life based on what others want or believe. You got a particular university degree because it’s what your father wanted. You took a certain job because you wanted to make more money to support your family. You didn’t pursue your dreams because someone told you they were foolish.
But what would happen if you lived a life that was true to yourself, and no one else? How would you dress? Where would you work? How would you live? Who would you spend your time with? What would you do if you weren’t afraid of what others would think?
Although there are certainly constraints on all of us, the closer we can come to living that true life, the happier we will be.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
Ware reported that she heard this from almost every single one of her male patients. We often think we have to work 40, 60, 80 hours a week because it’s expected, because we want the promotion or the raise, but is it worth it?
If you were truly honest with yourself, which would be more important: working hard to earn all that money, or having a different lifestyle? With even a few conscious choices, you can tweak your lifestyle to make it possible.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
How often do you bite your tongue to keep the peace? We’re told, “Don’t get so emotional about it,” or “Don’t let your emotions rule you,” but our emotions are our own personal truth. No one can deny how you feel about something.
We cannot control how other people react to us, but we can control how we react. Does that mean you should break down crying in your next board meeting? Maybe not. But if you can take your emotions and channel them into positive change, a productive conversation with someone, or even a lifestyle shift, your emotions—even negative ones—can have a vast positive impact on your life.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
It’s easy to let personal relationships slide (especially if we’re working too much, as in No. 2), but personal connections are what give life meaning—not reports and promotions and pay raises. Not television and video games and all the other time sucks of modern day life.
Who could you reach out to today? Who could you call, or write, or text (if you must) and let them know you’re thinking of them? How would it make you feel? And how would it make them feel? It’s pretty much a no-lose situation.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
There’s so much wisdom tied up in that little statement. Happiness, it turns out, doesn’t have that much to do with the car you drive or the job you have or even the person you spend your life with. Happiness is actually a choice.
It’s the difference between seeing an unexpected event as a setback or an adventure; the difference between being frustrated by a delay or relishing the time alone; the difference between resenting someone for who they aren’t and loving them for who they are.
We don’t have to repeat the mistakes of those who have gone before us. Our happiness, our success, nearly every detail of our lives comes down to choice, and we can choose to live the way we truly want to live, or spend our final days regretting the choices we didn’t make.
I hope that these somber truths help inspire you to make the choices you won’t regret. I have always tried to take the loss of my father when I was a teenager and the loss of my mum when I was a young man as important reminders to not leave happiness for a later date, but make the choices that lead to true success and happiness today.
How can the regrets of the dying help inspire your choices about the way you live your life today? I’d love to hear what you think. Please share your thoughts…

Victoria Camps, catedrática de Filosofía Moral y Política de la Universidad de Barcelona, ha escrito El gobierno de las emociones (Herder) para ayudarnos a entenderlo y a entendernos, partiendo de la hipótesis de que no hay razón práctica sin sentimientos.
 A lo largo de las páginas de este libro analiza cuál es el lugar de las emociones en la ética.
Victoria Camps defiende que la ética no puede prescindir de la parte afectiva o emotiva del ser humano porque una de sus tareas es, precisamente, poner orden, organizar y dotar de sentido a los afectos o las emociones. ¿Para qué? Para aprender a vivir y a convivir mejor.
“También la ética –escribe en su libro Victoria Camps– es una inteligencia emocional. Llevar una vida correcta, conducirse bien en la vida, saber discernir, significan no solo tener un intelecto bien amueblado, sino sentir las emociones adecuadas en cada caso”.
La filósofa ha escrito otros libros recomendables como El malestar de la vida pública, El siglo de las mujeres, Qué hay que enseñar a los hijos, Una vida de calidad: reflexiones sobre bioética, La voluntad de vivir, Hablemos de Dios (junto a Amelia Valcárcel) y Creer en la educación. De emociones y ética hablamos en esta entrevista.

La filosofía, a lo largo del tiempo, ¿ha rehuido o despreciado profundizar en el estudio de las emociones?
La filosofía se ha referido mucho a las emociones, pero con otros nombres: pasiones, sentimientos. Sin embargo, más bien ha tendido a considerarlas negativamente, como algo que había que reprimir para que prevaleciera el juicio racional. Hay excepciones, como las de los tres filósofos que tomo como base de mi libro, El gobierno de las emociones. Son Aristóteles, Spinoza y Hume. No se puede decir que no sean racionalistas, pero consideran que razón y sentimientos se alimentan mutuamente y, además, que son los sentimientos los que motivan el comportamiento y no la razón. Esta última idea me parece sumamente importante para la ética.

¿Los afectos y los sentimientos merman o subvierten de algún modo nuestra capacidad de razonar?
Es cierto que los sentimientos en principio están descontrolados, pueden motivarnos para bien o para mal. El miedo es el mejor ejemplo. Es un sentimiento necesario, pero una persona temerosa de todo es cobarde, no se compromete y no actúa. Por otra parte, hay miedos provocados por creencias infundadas que conviene erradicar. Hay miedos producidos por alguien que quiere manipularnos. Por eso conviene saber qué produce miedo y si es conveniente cultivarlo o no. Meter a todos los sentimientos en el mismo saco, aduciendo que son pasiones que siempre impiden ver con claridad y comportarse en consecuencia, resulta contraproducente.

 ¿Tiene que ver ese prejuicio del sentimiento que obnubila siempre el discernimiento con un enfoque de la vida dominado fundamentalmente por los valores masculinos?
Quizás sí. El pensamiento masculino ha centrado la ética en el valor de la ley y de la justicia, que es un valor importantísimo, pero frío y distante, no cálido. Desde el feminismo se ha puesto de relieve el valor del cuidado, como complementario a la justicia y que procede de sentimientos como la compasión, la solidaridad o incluso la responsabilidad. El único sentimiento vinculable a la ley –ya lo dijo Kant– es el respeto a la ley. Sigue siendo distante y poco comprometido.

Sabemos el gran valor que otorga la psicología a la autoestima de cara a lograr una vida equilibrada y satisfactoria, pero ¿y la filosofía?
La filosofía no suele buscar soluciones prácticas, lo cual no está mal en unos tiempos que tienden a derivar cualquier pregunta hacia respuestas de autoayuda. Lo que sí ha hecho la filosofía es considerar la autoestima (o su equivalente) como un valor moral. Aristóteles, por ejemplo, entiende que la magnanimidad, la grandeza de alma, es la virtud que adorna al hombre virtuoso que se siente orgulloso de ser como es. John Rawls clasifica entre los bienes primarios “las condiciones sociales de la autoestima”, entendiendo que no habrá justicia mientras haya personas que no viven en condiciones de poder quererse a sí mismas por causa de la pobreza, la discriminación o el desprecio de la sociedad hacia ellas.

Asegura usted en su libro, sin embargo, que la autoestima está relacionada con el autogobierno y la libertad de elegir la vida que uno quiere vivir. ¿Estas son conquistas del individuo, más que del grupo o del medio?
Finalmente, son conquistas del individuo, pero el grupo o el medio ayuda. El estado de bienestar, hoy tan amenazado, ha intentado cubrir las necesidades básicas para que la autoestima fuera posible. Los sectores minoritarios y discriminados han tenido que agruparse para ver reconocidos sus derechos en una sociedad que los proclama como universales pero luego excluye a mucha gente. El grupo ayuda a luchar por el reconocimiento, pero quedarse en el reconocimiento de lo que el grupo representa –a las mujeres, a los homosexuales, a los inmigrantes– no es suficiente para cultivar la autoestima, que es un valor individual.

Ser libre no es solo poder elegir entre distintas opciones, matiza usted, sino ser capaz de autogobernarse: elegir una forma de vivir y confiar en poder desarrollarla.
Por lo menos, esa es la definición de la autonomía moral. Entender la libertad como mera capacidad de elegir o decidir indiscriminadamente y sin ponderar el valor y sentido de lo que se elige, o dejándose llevar por inercias y costumbres, es menoscabar el significado moral de la libertad entendiéndola sólo como un derecho –que no es poco–, pero que no incluye obligación de ningún tipo.

Citemos con usted a John Stuart Mill: “Quien deja que el mundo escoja por él su plan de vida no necesita de otra facultad que la de la imitación simiesca. En cambio, quien elige su propio plan pone en juego todas sus facultades”.
Esta cita corrobora la respuesta anterior. Mill no defiende esa libertad llamada “libertad negativa”, sino la que hace de la persona un individuo auténtico, principio de sus elecciones.

Dice usted en su libro: “El individualismo, tan característico de la Modernidad, está poniendo en cuestión la libertad del individuo. Pero el individuo sucumbe por el peso de su propia libertad, abrumado por el deber de decidir por sí mismo y de autorregularse”. ¿Hay que tener valor para ser verdaderamente autónomo, renunciando a la comodidad de que otras personas o poderes decidan por uno?
Efectivamente, es más fácil recibir órdenes o que nos digan cómo hay que ser, que tener que decidirlo por nosotros mismos. Cuando algo funciona mal, pedimos leyes que lo resuelvan. Por otra parte, el individualismo ha hecho perder de vista que los individuos se necesitan unos a otros, lo que ha dado lugar a un concepto de libertad entendida solo como independencia, a sociedades atomizadas donde cada uno va a lo suyo. No es la mejor base para construir “demos”, el punto de partida de las democracias. Ello explica también que es difícil ejercer la libertad y asumir al mismo tiempo las responsabilidades de la vida en común.

Otra frase de su libro: “En el ejercicio de la autonomía reside la dignidad del ser humano que, a diferencia de los animales, puede elegir y elige qué hacer con su vida”.
Así lo vio, al menos, Pico della Mirandola en su Oratio sobre la dignidad del hombre. Y añadió que, al elegir, o nos enaltecemos o nos degradamos. Escoger el mal es parte de la libertad humana.

En nuestra época parece que ya no suscitan admiración pública los modelos de personas virtuosas, como el que nos retrata Aristóteles. ¿Debemos considerar las éticas de la perfección como ideas que están fuera de lugar y de época?
La ética siempre apunta a mejorar lo que hay y, por tanto, a una cierta perfección. Lo que está fuera de lugar es la utopía si ésta se entiende como la descripción del ser o de la sociedad perfecta. No sabemos qué es ser perfecto, solo podemos conocer algunas imperfecciones.

Las emociones más incapacitantes, en su opinión, son las que, como la tristeza, merman la potencia de actuar y desmoralizan al ser humano. El miedo, la vergüenza, la indignación, la culpa pueden bloquear a quien los padece y hacer que su vida se detenga, inhibendo sus deseos y la capacidad de elegir.
Efectivamente, las emociones son necesarias porque sin ellas no hay motivación para actuar. Pero hay emociones inadecuadas, que solo nos inhiben de actuar o nos llevan a actuar erróneamente. El miedo o la vergüenza pueden ser buenos, pero pueden paralizar la acción. Indignarse está bien si el objeto de indignación merece esa reacción, pero puede ser pueril. Conocer el por qué de las emociones y gobernarlas es, a mi juicio, lo que hace la ética.

 ¿Cómo cree usted que deberíamos luchar contra el pesimismo y el miedo en nuestra época? ¿Cuáles son nuestros principales recursos?
Cuando a la filosofía se le pregunta: ¿cómo hacerlo?, nos desarman. La filosofía carece de respuestas prácticas. Por eso no es autoayuda. Entiendo, sin embargo, que el discurso teórico que conecta las emociones con la motivación para actuar es un paso para fijarse en algo más que el discurso racional. Saber que las emociones tristes no nos convienen, pero que es posible luchar contra ellas y superarlas, es el primer paso para no desesperarse. Finalmente, el recurso es la educación, pensar que los sentimientos son educables. Lo que dudo es que haya técnicas para hacerlo aplicándolas a cualquier caso.  El “conócete a ti mismo” es la vía para analizar por qué uno actúa como lo hace

John Rawls clasifica entre los bienes primarios “las condiciones sociales de la autoestima”, entendiendo que no habrá justicia mientras haya personas que no viven en condiciones de poder quererse a sí mismas por causa de la pobreza, la discriminación o el desprecio de la sociedad hacia ellas. 

Asegura usted en su libro, sin embargo, que la autoestima está relacionada con el autogobierno y la libertad de elegir la vida que uno quiere vivir. ¿Estas son conquistas del individuo, más que del grupo o del medio?Finalmente, son conquistas del individuo, pero el grupo o el medio ayuda. El estado de bienestar, hoy tan amenazado, ha intentado cubrir las necesidades básicas para que la autoestima fuera posible. Los sectores minoritarios y discriminados han tenido que agruparse para ver reconocidos sus derechos en una sociedad que los proclama como universales pero luego excluye a mucha gente. El grupo ayuda a luchar por el reconocimiento, pero quedarse en el reconocimiento de lo que el grupo representa –a las mujeres, a los homosexuales, a los inmigrantes– no es suficiente para cultivar la autoestima, que es un valor individual. 

IF you repeat a million times the famous Emil Coue Formula: "day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better" without mixing emotion and faith with words, you will experience no desirable result. Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts 
that have well mixed with emotion or feeling.
Querido MundoQuerido Mundo, la mujer que está leyendo esto es hermosa, elegante y fuerte y la quiero mucho. Ayúdala a vivir su vida al máximo. Por favor promuévela y también sus objetivos para que exceda sus expectativas. Ayúdala a brillar en los lugares más oscuros donde es imposible amar. Protégela siempre.. levántala cuando más te necesite y has que sepa cuando camina a tu lado; Ella estará a salvo siempre.
Meditation daily

(tips to release tension in my body)
Afirmaciones positivas para el amor que más me han gustado y lo comparto contigo para que mejores en tu vida amorosa:- 

Consiente, objetiva, subjetiva inconsciente.  Contacto con el subconsciente, cuando entremos al nivel subconsciente = NOBLE     CON ESE ANGEL vamos actuar utilisen en la mañana en la noche al acostarse muy importante en la segunda parte vamos a entrar completamente al cambio!
 Parte practica: reprogramar nuestra mente para positiva visualización la cual es consciente, nuestro cerebro esta produciendo nuestro objetivo en el nivel mas bajo en el umbral inmediatamente que descendemos al ALFA!

En Zeta vamos a funcionar completamente en nuestro subconsciente y eso llega a 4 cuarto niveles por segundo en el momento que la mente llega a Alfa, todo nuestras funciones llega a rehabilitación personas que han estado con condiciones, cambian en esos niveles mas bajos. La respiración y los niveles mas profundos de la mente, el cuerpo se relaja y ud. visualiza ejemplos:  convertirse en una persona mas positiva en la vida,  perder peso, etc.
Ud. en  la al mañana siéntese con la espalda ligeramente reclinada y ambos pies en le piso 3 respiraciones profundas cuando tienes/quieres hacer contacto entonces hace cerca de la dos de la mañana (madrugada) el subconsciente de ud. al de otra persona y elévese su pensamiento que así sea cambio de cosas negativas en nuestras vidas, la manifestación de algo vean se felices que as mejorado sus trabajo si uds. asi lo desean. etc.

 Puede cambiar la vida de ud. pero no la de la otra persona. Al cambiar ud. combia su mundo y el mundo en que ud. vive.  No importa como y que piensen los demas!!! Es su actitud, y su manera de pensar que controla su vida, y su mundo.  "Cada cabeza es un mundo"! Bueno cada quien vivie en su propio mundo, nadie vive su vida.  Si esta casado, juntado, emparejado  eso no tiene nada que ver. Su vida sigue siendo suya y nadie puede vivir su vida por ud.. 

Photo of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

 18642 Fans

William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. Scholars believe that he died on his fifty-second birthday, coinciding with St George’s Day. It is an interesting idea that English writer is so closely identified with the Patron Saint of England!

At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592 he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of the playing company the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare's private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.

Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the sixteenth century. Next he wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest examples in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights. Many of his plays were published in editions of varying quality and accuracy during his lifetime, and in 1623, two of his former theatrical colleagues published the First Folio, a collected edition of his dramatic works that included all but two of the plays now recognised as Shakespeare's.

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the nineteenth century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the twentieth century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are consistently performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.
According to historians, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets throughout the span of his life. Shakespeare's writing average was 1.5 plays a year since he first started writing in 1589. There have been plays and sonnets attributed to Shakespeare that were not authentically written by the great master of language and literature. 
How To Find
The Meaning Of Life 

1 Find out how inquisitive and trusting you are. Many people find religious belief systems more than adequate to fill their lives with meaning. Being a "True Believer", however, will only result in giving up your identity for the idadopted concept of self conflicts with the true self. If you are inquisitive and trusting of your own intelligence, the first step is to find your true self. Self revelation is not for the squeamish. Take the time to let go of societal and personal preconceptions, letting your identity entity of the collective. Conflicts and mid-life crisis inevitably arise when the emerge without construct.
2 Let go of language. The universe was here before Humans and certainly before language, and requires no pedantic explanation. Words are not things or actions. They are vibrations of the air molecules or squiggles on a page. Mistaking words for reality is the mistake that puts politicians in office and sells all of the products, religions, and systems of government on the planet. Saying "Tree" is no more a tree than saying "I love you" means that someone loves you. To perceive reality as it is, one must accept that words are a vehicle for the transference of our perception of reality, not reality itself.
3 To bring meaning to your life, you must be able to perceive it without language. The fragility of language will undermine your search.
4 Seek without purpose. The universe will unfold and become clear when you seek knowledge without prejudice. Knowledge is not a destination, but a journey. Human knowledge is also imperfect. But don't despair, we know enough to come to firm conclusions. A 'fact' can only mean 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.' I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms. Work with what you can know, not what you can imagine.
5 Know that the universe is under no obligation to conform to your expectations. It is what it is whether or not you exist.

6 Know that your life in civilization is a construct, not a law of nature. Our lives and the way we live them are human constructs of what we think is the best way to live. It is littered with over 6000 years of myth, superstition, and dogma. Don't confuse the truth with the things you do to survive. Society doesn't, and very often won't make sense.
7 Understanding yourself, the universe, and your place in society, it will be easy to find meaning because you will determine what is meaningful. You will be able to separate the noise of language and society from the true sound of yourself. Define for yourself what brings meaning to your existence. Your meaning will be different from everyone else. You will know your life is meaningful because you will not fear death, getting old,or the various travails all of us encounter. Your destiny, your reason for being here will be apparent every waking hour. Contentment and bliss will follow.

8 Find how you fit into this life, you are a piece of the puzzle, most of us live a life of imagination and when reality hits us we become disappointed and you lose the meaning of life. Start to see life in a bigger picture and know that the small things you do now fits into the bigger picture. For example if you want to save some amount of money, all you have to do is break down to how much you want to save in a day, one day at a time and in a number of years, you will save the money you wanted. Tips Meditation is a great exercise for seeing things clearly as long as you don't get caught up in the technique. Many people think they're meditating when all they're doing is performing a ritual.
Watch what you put in your mind. Television, mass media, and modern music can be detrimental to the process of discovery. Initially, question everything. This will sharpen your intellectual and observational skills as well as irritating everyone closest to you. You will know your meaning of life is substantial when you can defend it to others. Open dialogue about the meaning of life is a valuable shortcut to the process. Most people are comfortable with their world-view, and uncomfortable trying to justify it. Don't force your new meaning of life on others. It will only serve to place barriers between you and those around you. But don't be afraid to explain your meaning of life to others.
Remember that many people in society today lack the capacity for free-thought, and still more lack the ability to think outside of the societal bubble that they may be living in. Your self-awareness could be viewed as strange or rebellious to some, don't share your views with everyone you meet.
I am proud because I choose to validate myself—who I am, who I’ve been, and who I will be.
Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." This is very true. But the unlived life is not worth examining!

Quiere que su pareja influya positiva oh negativamente en su vida, es cosa que ud deside.  Si quiere que otros entren en su mundo, es doble trabajo y prepare para trabajar doblemente, y sin control? Cuando el control de su mundo esta sin control se descontrola todo oh si se trabaja por la misma causa, proposito con mas poder y energia " poder colectivo"  puede ser tan poderoso para la meta ya que sera alcansada doblemente, tripelemente mas rapida ya que la llave para el triunfo es trabajada con mas poder!!!

By Lori Deschene
“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Nine years ago my heart was in a million little pieces that formed the basis for a million regrets.
I had my first serious relationship in college, when all my insecurities came to a head. My ex-boyfriend had to juggle multiple roles, from therapist to cheerleader to babysitter.
The whole relationship revolved around holding me up. I realized this soon after it ended—that I spent three years expecting someone else to love me when I didn’t love myself. The guilt and shame kept me single for almost a decade.
I dated, but it was always casual. I’d start getting close to someone and then find a way to sabotage it.
Long after I let go of the man, feelings about the relationship held me back. I was afraid of being vulnerable. I was afraid of being hurt. But mostly I was afraid of hurting someone else again and having to live with that.
If you’ve been holding onto an old relationship, now is the perfect time to let go. Here’s how you can start moving on:
1. Practice releasing regrets.
When a relationship ends, it’s tempting to dwell on what you did wrong or what you could have done differently. This might seem productive—like you can somehow change things by rehashing it. You can’t.
All dwelling does is cause you to suffer. When you start revisiting the past in your head, pull yourself into the moment. Focus on the good things in your current situation: the friends who are there for you and the lessons you’ve learned that will help you with future relationships.
It might help to tell your friends to only let you vent for 10 minutes at a time. That way you’re free to express your feelings, but not drown in them.
2. Work on forgiving yourself.
You might think you made the biggest mistake of your life, and if only you didn’t do it you wouldn’t be in pain right now. Don’t go down that road—there’s nothing good down there!
Instead, keep reminding yourself that you are human. You’re entitled to make mistakes; everyone does. And you will learn from them and use those lessons to improve your life.
Also, keep in mind: if you want to feel love again in the future, the first step is to prepare yourself to give and receive it. You can only do that if you feel love toward yourself; and that means forgiving yourself.
3. Don’t think about any time as lost.
If I looked at that unhealthy relationship or the following decade as time lost, I’d underestimate all the amazing things I did in that time. True, I was single throughout my 20s, but that made it easier to travel and devote myself to different passions.
If you’ve been clinging to the past for a while and now feel you’ve missed out, shift the focus to everything you’ve gained. Maybe you’ve built great friendships or made great progress in your career.
When you focus on the positive, it’s easier to move on because you’ll feel empowered and not victimized (by your ex, by yourself, or by time.) Whatever happened in the past, it prepared you for now—and now is full of opportunities for growth, peace, and happiness.
4. Remember the bad as well as the good.
Brain scientists suggest nearly 20 percent of us suffer from “complicated grief”—a persistent sense of longing for someone we lost with romanticized memories of the relationship. Scientists also suggest this is a biological occurrence; that the longing can have an addictive quality to it, actually rooted in our brain chemistry.
As a result, we tend to remember everything with reverie, as if it was all sunshine and roses. If your ex broke up with you, it may be even more tempting to imagine she or he was perfect and you weren’t.  In all reality, you both have strengths and weaknesses and you both made mistakes.
Remember them now. As I mentioned in the post 40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain, it’s easier to let go of a human than a hero.
5. Reconnect with who you are outside a relationship.
Unless you hop from relationship to relationship, odds are you lived a fulfilling single life before you got into this one. You were strong, satisfied and happy—at least on the whole.
Remember that person now. Reconnect with any people or interests that may have received less attention while you were attached.
The strong, happy, passionate person you were attracted your ex. That person will get you through this loss and attract someone equally amazing in the future when the time is right. Not a sad, depressed, guilt-ridden person clutching to what once was. If you can’t remember who you are, get to know yourself now. What do you love about life?
6. Create separation.
Hope can be a terrible thing if it keeps you stuck in the past. It’s not easy to end all contact when you feel attached to someone. Breaking off the friendship might feel like ruining your chances at knowing love again.
It’s helped me to change my hopes to broader terms. So instead of wanting a specific person to re-enter your life, want love and happiness—whatever that may look like.
You will know love again. You won’t spend the rest of your life alone. In one way or another, you will meet all kinds of people and create all kinds of possibilities for relationships—if you forgive yourself, let go, and open yourself up, that is.
7. Let yourself feel.
Losing a relationship can feel like a mini-death, complete with a grieving process.
First you’re shocked and in denial. You don’t believe it’s over and you hold out hope. Next you feel hurt and guilty. You should have done things differently. If you did you wouldn’t be in this pain.
Then you feel angry and maybe even start bargaining. It would be different if you gave it a second go. You wouldn’t be so insecure, defensive, or demanding.  Then you might feel depressed and lonely as it hits you how much you’ve lost.
Eventually you start accepting what happened and shift your focus from the past to the future.
You have to go through the feelings as they come, but you can help yourself get through them faster. For example, if you’re dwelling in guilt, make forgiving yourself a daily practice. Read books on it, meditate about it or write about it in a journal.
8. Remember the benefits of moving on.
When you let go, you give yourself peace.
Everything about holding on is torturous. You regret, you feel ashamed and guilty, you rehash, you obsess—it’s all an exercise in suffering. The only way to feel peace is to quiet the thoughts that threaten it.
Letting go opens you up to new possibilities.
When you’re holding onto something, you’re less open to giving and receiving anything else.
If you had your arms wrapped around a huge bucket of water, you wouldn’t be able to give anything other than that bucket, or grab anything else that came your way. You might even struggle breathing because you’re clutching something so all-encompassing with so much effort.
You have to give to receive. Give love to get love, share joy to feel joy. It’s only possible if you’re open and receptive.
9. Recognize and replace fearful thoughts.
When you’re holding onto a relationship, it’s usually more about attachment than love. Love wants for the other person’s happiness. Fear wants to hold onto whatever appears to make you happy so you don’t have to feel the alternative.
You might not recognize these types of fearful thoughts because they become habitual. Some examples include: I’ll never feel loved again. I’ll always feel lonely. I am completely powerless. Replace those thoughts with: All pain passes eventually. It will be easier if I help them pass by being mindful. I can’t always control what happens to me, but I can control how I respond to it.
10. Embrace impermanence.
Nothing in life lasts forever. Every experience and relationship eventually runs its course.
The best way to embrace impermanence is to translate it into action. Treat each day as a life unto itself. Appreciate the people in front of you as if it were their last day on earth. Find little things to gain in every moment instead of dwelling on what you lost.
When I feel like clinging to experiences and people, I remind myself the unknown can be a curse or an adventure. It’s up to me whether or not I’m strong and positive enough to see it as the latter.

It took me eight years to work through my feelings about relationships and letting go; but I am happy to report I am 15 months into a healthy relationship, standing firmly on my own two feet. In fact, last night he flew from California to Boston, where I’ve been visiting for the last two weeks, to spend time with me and my family.
I don’t regret the time when I was single, but I know now I could have hurt less and created even more possibilities for myself if I put more effort into completely letting go. I hope you’ll make that choice.

A NEW BEGINNIG IS: I start a new life everyday!

My past does not count if i did not learn from it.

June 10, 1999.
Looking Back and Thanking the Past
The most important thing that one should realize once he is successful is the fact that, despite his success, a person should appreciate the person he was before he achieved his success. Had it not been for the courage and perseverance of that old self, he would not have been in this place right now.

Looking Back and Thanking the Past

A person who is very successful yet denies what he once was is synonymous to denying who he really is. He can never deny the fact that it was his old self who has pushed him to reach the success he has right now. In fact, he should be thankful of his past experiences because, without it, he would not be where he is right now.
One should never be ashamed of his past because it was what molded his character. If ever a successful person denies his past, it is like he is not appreciating his struggles to reach the top. He has forgotten the obstacles and the many problems he faced before he became successful. His success will be hollow because he is only concentrating on the end of his journey, not how he got there.
Also, he should always be thankful to those people who have helped him get to where he is now because, without them, success would be much harder to accomplish. They have been a big part of his success, thus, he should appreciate them, too.
Extending a Helping Hand
A good way to make use of the story of how a successful man reached the top is by sharing his stories with other people who are in the same boat he once were when he was just starting out. Not only can he make others feel good and have more confidence in themselves, but he is also assuring them that, with a lot of hard work and a lot of perseverance, success is theirs also. Plus, he is also giving them the benefit of knowing his past mistakes, and through them, they learn not to commit the same mistakes that he once did.
You will also be teaching them the importance of asking for help when you need it the most and appreciating those people who extended their hands to help you. Through this, they learn the importance of friendship because, after all, successful businesses always have a strong foundation of relationships behind it that helped support it

Persistence is the Key to Success

We have always heard of rags-to-riches stories, of poor men making it big in the industry and earning big bucks. They are not fairy tales, I tell you. In fact, they are very common stories, and they all have something in common - persistence.

The Importance of Working Hard

Their success did not come from sitting on their bottoms the whole day and waiting for the big, fat, red apple to drop. No. In fact, their success came from their sweats and tears and working hard.
Success is also not handed down from one generation to another. You still have to work hard if you want to maintain the success the business already has. Let down your guard for a little bit, and you are at the mercy of other competitors wanting to take the lead from you.
You have to respect what success means if you want to always be on top. Just because you are already earning big bucks does not mean that you have to stop thinking of ways on how to make your company better. Instead, you have to work harder in order to keep your customers and potentially gain new ones. Do not just settle with what you have got. Always aim for something bigger. 

Giving Up or Fighting for It?
It is a given factor that a new company will go through a lot of obstacles and trials before it finally reaches the pinnacle of its success. These obstacle and trials can definitely make one feel hopeless and make him think that his company is doomed to failure. But is this the time to give up the fight and let go? No. One has to explore other possibilities of getting out of the rut. Remember that you are not faced with only one option as there are more for you to choose from if only you let go of the fear and the hopelessness.
When faced with this kind of situation, take it as the perfect opportunity to keep on working much harder than you usually do. Even though you will not see immediate results, it does not mean that it is not there. A lot of patience and a good bit of persistence, and you will soon be on your feet again. Always be determined to become a success, and never waver from this resolution. Stay focused on what you want and how you can achieve this, and you will soon reap the benefits of your success.
Never Lose Focus
Being focused in your business’ vision and mission is one way of being successful. For any new business or company, it is important that their focus should never waver as this will be the only thing that they can hold on to at first through the long road ahead of becoming successful.
Focus and Motivation
If you want to be successful, you should always be focused, and one way of being focused is knowing what motivates you. Take things slowly as success is a step-by-step process. It is not something that you automatically have just because you have opened a new company. So always stay focused on your motivation.
A good motivation is wanting to have your target market know about you, and then focus on how you will achieve this. One way of doing such is by promoting your product and advertising them. Once you have caught your potential target market’s eye, your next motivating factor can be getting your share in the market. To do this, you have to earn the trust of your customers. Deliver what you say about your product and stay focused on how you will get that trust your business so deserves, and before long, customers will know your business’ name and associate it with good service or product.

Staying Focused

Once you have your business up and running and is getting a lot of customers already, you should still stay focused on your goals. The market is always changing. There will always be new trends and new wants and needs, so you have to know how to move with these changes, setting different goals at each turn and staying focused on your goals.
Some people have a hard time doing this because they hate changes. They have a lot of enthusiasm for their new business, but once faced with decisions, they tend to freeze and lose their focus. This tiny gap can mean death to a company, but in any business, you have to know that change is the only thing that is constant. Never let down your guard and let your focus slip. There will be drawbacks, I know, but that should not hinder you in any way. Changes are good. Treat them as your friends, not your enemies, as change can teach you a lot in terms of decision making and business growth.
Remember, it is when you let change negatively affect the way you focus on your goals that will make your path to success more difficult.

Self Esteem and Success

The way you see yourself can really affect your way to success. Your self esteem is very important in achieving success because this will be a big part of your journey towards your goal. This will be one of your saving graces once the going gets tough.

The Person with a High Self Esteem

Self esteem is how you see yourself. It is having confidence in yourself and that you know your abilities and skills and are satisfied with what you have. Self esteem is developed through the many experiences you go through in life. These experiences are what will mold your self esteem, so environment is a big factor to your self esteem.
A person who has a high self esteem is much more motivated than those who have lower self esteems. These are the people who, despite the many obstacles that he will be facing, are strong and know that he can face whatever challenges life throws at him. Once an obstacle is conquered, the person with a high self esteem knows how to appreciate the experience and is proud of himself that he has triumphed over it. These redeeming qualities are the qualities that would bring him much closer to the success that he is aiming for. He believes that he is going to get his dreams and he knows that he will get them in the long run. It will take a while, but he will get there.

The Person with a Low Self Esteem

On the other hand, the person with a low self esteem already has the mentality that he will fail in whatever endeavor he will undertake. This way of thinking is going to be a hindrance to that person’s way to success because not only does he have to conquer obstacles along the way but he has to conquer even his own self and way of thinking, which, to a person with a low self esteem, is going to be a hard process.
The path to success is paved with a lot of hardships, and people like these are going to find it difficult to traverse. How can he achieve success when he does not even believe in himself?

10 Tips on How to Save Money

There comes a time in every person’s life when he encounters financial constraints. Did you have any experiences when you can’t explain where all your money went? The money you worked hard for? Well, you must be having some problems in handling and spending your money. This article may serve as information on how you can improve your spending and saving your money.
Saving money entails discipline, control, and commitment. We may have different strategies in saving money, but the only essential thing is that you save for the rainy days. Here are 10 tips you can use to save money:
Create a budget and concentrate on it.
Budgeting is the core element in saving your money. Try to create a budget for the whole month so that you can assess your expenses and the possible amount of money you can keep.
Keep a list of your expenses.
You can keep a small notebook to track all you expenses for the day and tally it after a month. In this manner, you can make a judgment on how much do you spend each month.
By paying your debts, you can start saving money without any hassles. It will give you an opportunity to create an effective budget.
Prioritize your expenses.
Buy only the things that are necessary. Don’t linger on things that are not important or things that you don’t need for the moment. There will be time to spend for other unnecessary expenses.
Open a bank account.
Banks will become your aid in saving money. This is a very practical decision because you can save money and gain interest from it.
Keep your extra money
You can save your extra change in a container. Before the end of the year, extra changes will become a big amount of money, and you can use it to buy gifts for the holidays.
Save for medical expenses.
Health is the most important priority in your budget. If you have saved for your medical expenses, you will not have any problem when the time comes that you will be hospitalized.
Put your money on retirement savings.
This is saving for your future. As you retire, you can get income from the savings you have made over the years that you have been earning money.
Pack your lunch
You can make great saving when you cook at home. Cooking food at home will lessen your expenses and save those taxes you’re paying for foods on restaurants and food chains.
Cut down on your vices.
One stick will cost you only a small amount, but if you smoke 10 sticks a day or even one to two packs a day, you are burning your money!
Learning from Mistakes
For most of the earlier part of your life, you were probably taught that mistakes are bad, negative. You were probably trained to think that errors are something to avoid at all costs. The tests-and-grades system of education helped reinforce this in the youth, resulting in a widespread misconception about mistakes.
Mistakes aren’t All that Bad
Thomas Edison, after failing to make a working light bulb for the 6,634th time, said that all those previous trials had taught him how not to make a proper light bulb. While Edison’s case is on the extreme side, his insight on his experience is applicable to this day. Errors, according to many great men, can be more than just mere errors. If you put them into proper perspective, they can be learning experiences from which you draw new knowledge and skills.
But They’re Not that Good either
Just because mistakes can be turned into learning experiences doesn’t mean that you should go out and make all the mistakes you can for the sake of learning. Mistakes are okay if, say, you really didn’t know what to do or, like Edison above, you had no guide or clear path to follow so you just had to make your own. If you can preempt a problem and avoid making a mistake, do so. The fact that you can recognize and avert the trouble means that you won’t really have that much left to learn from that particular incident. Besides, it would be foolhardy for you to dive headlong into a sticky situation when you’re aware of and capable of taking a better path. Even Edison would agree to that.
Mistakes from All Over
It’s not just your mistakes that you can turn into personal educational experiences. Watching others do the same or similar things, messing it up, and correcting their mistakes can also be turned into your own little experience. After all, what you’re after is the knowledge and the awareness that the entire mistake-making process gives, not the mistake itself.
If you’re planning to take up an activity but are afraid of making mistakes, try joining a support or an interest group. Find other people with similar interests and activities, people who can give you advice and their own stories and lessons from their own failures. That’s the way to go because you reap the benefits yet spare yourself from the trouble of failing and then consequently making up for it.
You shouldn’t treat mistakes as extremely bad events, but you shouldn’t eagerly anticipate them either. Rather, think of them as part of the educational experience called life.
nada es gratis Pay your debts. Notas para Margoth.


PLAN : State objectives  of the cycle. Make predictions. DEVELOP A PLAN TO CARRY OUT (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN)DO: CARRY OUT THE TEST. DOCUMENT PROBLEMS AND UNEXPECTED OBSERVATIONS. BEGIN ANALYSIS OF THE DATACHECK:  Complete the analysis of the data. Compare the data to predictions. Summarize what was learned.ACT: What changes are to be made. What will be next cycle.


Winfrey wrote in the 1998 book (quote)
“I came from nothing,” Winfrey wrote in the 1998 book “Journey to Beloved.” “No power. No money. Not even my thoughts were my own. I had no free will. No voice. Now, I have the freedom, power, and will to speak to millions every day — having come from nowhere.” Earlier this year, Forbes scored Winfrey’s net worth at $2.7 billion.

* Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
* Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.
* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.
* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
* Never buy a car you can't push.
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on
* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.
* The second mouse gets the cheese.
* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once
* We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.
* A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
The 13 secret to obtain whatever you want in life.

Is this a Jock!
My Time Line of  Life...
            I was born in Ecuador in August 18 1968. Ecuador is a country in South America. My childhood and the early years of my teenager life was  lived in Ecuador. I came to California in 1983 when I was 14 years of age. I Graduated from Aragon High school in San Mateo, California, in 1987. My first son was born in 1989. My first paid job arrives in 1991 as a physician assistant. I got married in 1995 with my husband we were able to get our first investment properties the same year as our marriage in 1995. My second son Luis , was born in 1997 and my third son Andre was born in 2002 . As I moved to this country was not the difficult part. Embracing and adjust to the culture, the language and style of life was the difficult part was really traumatized ! I didn't know what was happening I thought that did not belong here and I didn't understand why it was so difficult for me, I had not been prepare for this huge change that I felt that it was not normal. I thought I was getting  crazy, is not easy to explain and I am sure that people will not get it if they have not gone through my path. This is the reason why, my goal for studying psychology, Social Behavioral  Science and Humanities. I know that life is hard, but I also know that if you try to if you can achieve a purpose.
            I was born August 18 1968 in Ambato Ecuador . Ambato is a city located in the valley of the central Andes of Ecuador. The city is also located below several high mountains. Ambato is the capital of the province of Tungurahua, at an altitude of 2577 meters above sea level. The population is about 200,000  now. Ambato celebrates the festival of fruit and flowers during the carnival in February. Today, the Festival of fruit and flowers is one of the largest in Ecuador . I spent most of my childhood in Santa Luicia La Libertad , a small village in the mountains of Ecuador .  As I mentioned before, great part of my childhood, I spent with my grandmother in the countryside.
            My father he was a cobbler (shoemaker)  and was born in Ecuador . My mother , she was a great homemaker. She died when I was 4 years old, my 4 brothers were also very small. I have no memories of my life with her . Awareness that I didn't I have the feeling of a mother, when my children I want to mother's day happy, I felt that he could not speak i was inexplicable. Unfortunately, the problems come one after the other to my father. My mother  died first, and then to other people with the same problems, they try to survive  themselves stole my belongings father twice; she had no choice but to leave the country to eat . My father has gone through many misfortunes, but always looked forward, despite all the things that happened . He emigrated to California in the 1970s, letting us in the care of my maternal grandmother and my aunts and uncles .
            My grandmother died and we were alone again, for the second time At that time, my father lived in California and married my stepmother (Victoria) . My stepmother is ten years senor of my father, and never had children of her own. She was 50 years old when they married. My mother Victoria ( stepmother ) is a very good person. She looks like she was having a difficult time to itself to adapt to his new life as a married woman. It must have been difficult for her being a mother of five children and without experience. In August of 1982, my father came to us and moved to California. I felt again in a new place, or rather in a place out of place.
            The challenges for a teenager of 14 years  of age coming to a new country, another culture, another language, such as learning to live again. Although I knew that my father was with me, but I never lived with until then, I consider this not only a very difficult phase in my life where I had to adapt to the new environment, not to mention the culture and language. Now I realized  that because  the attention was in this phase of my life, I lost my life as a teenager. I remember my friends in class invited me to dance , etc. However, I could not digest my life. I could not see any boy attractive or much less date them.
            I attended Aragon high in San Mateo; I graduated from Aragon High School in 1987 . I remember that my counselor called me to the office, and she   recommended to think of a vocational career, I had no idea  why she was choosing for me, I follow her advice and took a preparation for certified nurse assistant , as she said. She told me that as soon as finish the program I will get a job! I felt it was a double minority. My ideas were not anything that was living, now know that this is the reason why I felt helplessness and anger with myself , I knew that it was not what I wanted, but I knew very little, I felt that even though I was graduating from high school I still did not know English ingot to defend myself, I know for a fact, but I wanted something more. I wanted a degree in business, have my own business , this way I will not have to       rely on anyone else .
Tried to enter the university after leaving secondary school. I had no financial support or information or moral support, my options were few.
            Somehow I apply to go to community college, I apply to college of San Mateo, not able to complete the semester, when I realized I had drop out of class. I felt totally with no support or  resources of any kind.  I met  the father of my son ( Lalito ); I was pregnant  out of luck and begin to work to survive. That is when I hit bottom. I know that  gave my father more problems than the rest of his children together.  My father said that I was never satisfied with life, and always doing the opposite I remember when I was pregnant with my first child Ii had no money I felt degrade! is a very ugly feeling and emotion that I am, never ceases to check again. I cannot even start with examples, of the things that made me  feel inhuman, for example,  the social worker wanted to control my life. She asked me where I worked, the objects of value they had livestock and for me it was a humiliation that I will never forget . Since then, I promised myself that I would not let anyone alive for me.
            I started working as a medical assistant career . I was not happy and I didn't like my job that I was doing. While I was working, I study in what he wanted to study.  Clear, it was expensive, but I knew I had to do. In 1994 I met my husband, I got married in 1995 6 months after we met. We are now in the 19 years of marriage. We've practically grown up in our ideas together. We began to invest in real estate properties, the same year we married . My second son was born ( Luisito ) in 1997 is the same year that we bought our second investment properties. In 1999, we bought our house in which we live. In 2000, we purchased our third investment property. We try to balance work, and keep our home and our investments , while we try not to spend more money, then what we have earned .
            Today I look back my father continues to be an example of wisdom and respect for the whole family.  After much sacrifice, in accordance with my father has to go to work been an illegal immigrant, traveling many countries and spending many months for this trip to arrive to United States looking for a better life a better place and more stable in many ways, the political and the power does not see what really people have to go through to survive.  It makes me sad and at the same time very mad, and I know that we are not just few humans that struggle for a better life, but is not fair.
            In conclusion, I think that my life was easier, and I have no fear of the future . I know now that nothing is easy. As you can see that it is true that nothing is easy, but it is possible , today I am working hard to my       new goal and I will graduate next year. Despite all the problems and the difficulties that life brought to me, I am thankful for what I have now, and I thank my father for all what he has done for me. I am sure that my father knows how large full that i am by what he had done . He took care of my brothers and sister, as best he could with the only resource that was then and, of course, with the aid of my grandmother and the help of the rest of the family, friends and the people who knew him during his life, what I know now as social capital. The future is unknown life taught me that nothing is forever I only need tree more classes to graduate.  I know it's going to happen, and with that I'm going to better help my community and the people who are going to use my resources, even if are at the basic level. If  I  had known that only the basic of guidelines, there for it is better some guidelines then nothing and I know it will make easier  and  a big difference. In  my time, when I  was without help and resources would have been better used and i have not gone through the phase of my life traumatized, in addition of course of all the problems that a teenager has to go through like the peer pressure, the hormones to name a few issues a teenager has to pass in life. I thought I was getting crazy. This is the reason  am studying mainly psychology ,I know that life is hard, but I also know that if I try it will be  achieved. The future is unknown life taught me that nothing is forever. I am going to finish my three AA degrees:  Psychology, Social Studies and Behavioral Sciences and interdisciplinary studies of the Arts and Humanities, in May 2015. My next goal is to transfer to 4 year university, which I am half way there.

 Example of  numerology 8-18-1967

Your results are as follows: Numbers based on A Birth Date

Life Path Number: 22
Birthday Number: 18
Your Challenges
First Challenge Number: 1
Second Challenge Number: 4
Third Challenge Number: 3
Fourth Challenge Number: 3
Your Pinnacles
First Pinnacle Number: 8
Second Pinnacle Number: 5
Third Pinnacle Number: 4
Fourth Pinnacle Number: 4
Your Periods
First Period Number: 8
Second Period Number: 9
Third Period Number: 5
Your Personal Numbers
Personal Year: 5
Personal Month: 7
Personal Day: 6
Numbers based on your Name
Expression Number: 6
Heart's Desire Number: 6
Personality Number: 9
Balance Number: 2
Subconscious Self Number: 7
Karma Lessons: 3 4 5 7 8
Hidden Passions: 1 9
Cornerstone Letter: e
Capstone Letter: s
First Vowel: e

The first vowel of your first name reveals something of your deeper self. As I explained earlier, the Heart's Desire is a somewhat hidden, but strongly represented, core number in your chart. It is a big part of yourself that you do not reveal easily or indiscriminately, and it is usually recognized only by your relatives and friends. The first vowel of your name is the little window through which you allow the uninitiated a glimpse at your deeper self.
Your First Vowel letter is e

You need plenty of freedom You are physical and passionate and it is possible you will be married more than once. You like to be social and entertain. You are highly perceptive and not easily fooled. You are original and versatile. You are capable of looking at a situation from different perspectives.

Oración a San Miguel
« ¡Arcángel San Miguel!, defiéndenos en la lucha, sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. ¡Reprímale Dios! Pedimos suplicantes; y tú Príncipe de las milicias celestiales, arroja al Infierno, con el divino poder, a Satanás y a los otros malignos espíritus, que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén».
Gloriosísimo príncipe de los ejércitos celestiales, San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en el combate contra los principados y las potestades, contra los caudillos de estas tinieblas del mundo, contra los espíritus malignos esparcidos en los aires (Ef.6,10-I2).
¡Ven en auxilio de los hombres que DIOS hizo a su imagen y semejanza, y rescató a gran precio, de la tiranía del demonio!
A ti, venera la Iglesia como su guardián y patrono. A ti, confió el Señor las almas redimidas para colocarlas en el sitio de la suprema felicidad. Ruega, pues, al DIOS de paz, que aplaste al demonio bajo nuestro pies, quitándole todo poder para retener cautivos a los hombres y hacer daño a la Iglesia.
Pon nuestras oraciones bajo la mirada del Altísimo, a fin de que desciendan cuanto antes sobre nosotros las misericordias del Señor, y sujeta al dragón, aquella antigua serpiente, que es el diablo y Satanás, para precipitarlo encadenado a los abismos, de manera que no pueda nunca más seducir a las naciones.

Vitamin FI loved this and want to share it with you...
Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character? How can I get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me.
With one of them I am polite. I joke with another friend.
I sit down and talk about serious matters with one. With another I laugh a lot. I may have a drink with one. I listen to one friend's problems. Then I listen to another one's advice for me.
My friends are all like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends! They are my friends who understand me better than myself, who support me through good days and bad days. We all pray together and for each other.
Real Age doctors tell us that friends are good for our health. Dr. Oz calls them Vitamins F (for Friends) and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well being. Research shows that people in strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes. If you enjoy Vitamins F constantly you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.
I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamins F!
In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of things and laugh together, and pray for each other in the tough moments.,+HOLMES&tbm=nws
The Chances Your Love Will Last Forever
* Steps The Chances Your Love Will Last Forever 

Find the right person.
In order to build a love that will last an eternity you need the right partner, no surprise there. You will Have Heard the time-worn saying That Opposites Attract, well it's true, They Also Have happen to the worst statistics for break-ups . You want to find someone Who You Have something in common with, you shared Interests That you you you you you start of with a common bond and give you something to work on. If You Have Currently Interests or any shared any common ground, then a aa will to you to start of your relationship With The temporary bond FORMED by infatuation. You do not know who you are going to fall in love with, but Having an notion of what can work match will give you a better chance for a lasting relationship.   Know that you '' '' 'like your partner. You do not just need the right partner, you need to be reliable to like them as well. Your partner has to be your best friend, the one that you '' '' 'can confide in, turn to, and the one Who is always there for you, standing by your side.   Nurture trust. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust. Trust is something that you '' '' 'give freely to your partner, but it is a very fragile thing and if you betray your trust spouses it can take a long time to regain it. If you want your love to last an eternity, then a to to to to start your relationship as you mean to go on by Being totally honest With each other. You need to be totally open and honest With Each Other Which Means sharing your feelings and emotions, Hopes and dreams. In a loving relationship, ,,,,, Although You Can Have Your own private thoughts you do not keep secrets from each other (apart That is for what you are getting them for Their Birthday and Christmas). Being open and honest With each other will bring you much closer together. It Might feel intrusive at first, but what you get from sharing will more than outweigh any discomfort.   Have realistic expectations of your partner and your relationship. You Have to be reliable to accept That the fantasy of an perfect romance that you '' '' 'read acerca in books is not going to happen, so do not waste your life looking for something That does not exist. Accept your partner for WHO They are, the good bits and the irritating ones, after all, That Is the person that you '' '' 'fell in love with. Do not go trying to change your partner into something That They are not, Could you drive them away or change them into Someone who do not love you.   Just as you Have to accept your partner Also you need to accept your relationship for what it is. Again, trying to change it to fit some will destroy something perfect fantasy That Could Have Been Otherwise very special.   Come up with a shared vision of the future, something that you '' '' 'Towards Both can work. This can be Achieved by setting joint goals, where to live, When to start a family , the list is endless. Have a number of goals running at any one time. Every Time That you 'Achieve a goal then a to to to to September a new one. This way you are Both working to and looking to the future. It will give your relationship a sense of permanence and continuity.   Talk. If you do not talk to each other, then a to to to to the next many years however it it it it we are going to be seriously boring. If you do not talk to you then to will start to distance yourself from each other, and the longer it goes on the Further apart will go Until you reach the stage That your relationship breaks up your. Communication connects you, it binds your lives together, it conveys who you are to your partner. Without communication you would know nothing acerca your partner, Their likes and dislike, what They Need, When They need help, and When They just need you. If you want your love to last an eternity You Have to comunicate.   Communicate your love . It's not good Being madly in love with someone if you are incapable of communicating your love to them. If They Do not Know (Which you need to Demonstrate by word and deed) that you '' '' 'love them then a to to to to Why Should They invest any love or emotion in trying to build a relationship with you? The fact that you '' '' 'love and appreciate them needs to be Transmitted to them each and every day, for all eternity. Do not just tell them That you '' '' love them, words are cheap, show them. Hug them, hold them, hold Their hand, touch them, tell them that you '' '' 'love them, leave them cards to find, call them, email them , it does not matter what, just let them know. Do not make this a routine thing, it Will Become meaningless if you do, do it Because You want to, and do not do the same all the time, keep it fresh, exciting and interesting.   Keep your lives interesting by making sure that you '' '' 'do things together. You could Pursue Those Interests shared or find new ones, go on dates, find new things to do, new places to see.   It's not always easy to find the time, so I synchronize schedules. It Does not Have to Be anything elaborate, a walk in the park or going for a coffee can do you the world of good. Tips How to tell That your love will last an eternity? There is no way that you '' '' 'can tell for Un certain, but if you follow the above then a to to to to you've got a chance. The best thing to do, and I know That I keep saying it, is for both of you to commit to creating the best possible relationship that you '' '' 'can. # topic_229

Teach Your Children To Have Good Self Esteem
1 - Teach Them to Work and be Responsible -. I grew up doing jobs each day in my family. I Knew That I HAD to do in Original jobs and I Worked hard at them Were there days Sure That I whined or did not want to do them, but I always did them. I Knew That I wanted my kids to Have any available hard work ethic and to learn to be responsible. Not just for Their Own things, But Also for our household. I have always felt That When You. Teach them to work hard and be responsible, as They Grow up They will be confident in Their abilities and good members of society willing to help others A few years ago I read a book called "The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent "by Marrilee Boyack. It is by far one of the best books I have ever read acerca teaching your kids to be hard workers and be responsible. Another book That I really like is called "The Entitlement Trap" by Richard and Linda Eyre. ! Both books teach Such Great things  
2 - Encourage them but do not push them - I think.: sometimes it is so hard not to push our kids to want to do what we think They Should do This happens usually we we we we Because we want parents them to do What They did as children, or They want to live vicariously-through Them Because They Were not reliable to do it as a child. I was a pretty well rounded child, I clogged, sang, danced, and played sports. A few months back we got a basketball hoop. My boys Were Quickly drawn to it, but my daughter has no desire to play basketball at all. At first I Encouraged her to play with me, but when i Realized she really did not want to I Decided not to push it. She can kick the ball and play soccer, but as far as throwing and shooting a basket, she really does not care. We need to let our kids do What They want to Encourage and support them in and do it !  
3 - Do not be nitpicky -. . No kids are going to be confident if Their parents are always nitpicking Their every move I remember the first day my daughter wanted to do her own hair ... It Looked awful Or the day That my are got himself dressed and was wearing two different kinds and colors of stripes. This is something I had a very hard time with at first. It's Important for kids to learn to do things on Their Own. I so. let them. That does not mean you can not teach them since I have my kids Taught about matching clothes and simple hairstyles They can do if They do not want me to do Their hair. 
 4 - You as a parent need to be self-. confident - Obviously We have to teach by example It Is Such a thing: sometimes hard to not say negative things about yourself, but how in the world are our kids going to Have Confidence and good self esteem If They don 't That Have any parents are showing them how! 
 5 - Listen to, spend time with, and support each child -. This really needs no explanation Each individually kids needs you to spend time with them, listen to them and support them In Their additional activities, school work and everyday life! 
 6 - Teach them to make goals and work hard to Achieve Them -. . I think this is one of the MOST fun things to teach my kids . Whether it is reading a book, running a mile, doing a project We have sat whos down individually With All of our kids (well the older ones) and Their life goals written out them hanging They Have in Their Rooms So They can see them daily and work hard to Achieve them.  
7 - Teach them They can do hard things. - One of the biggest Taught things We have our kids is That They can do hard things Lately esta HAD Become One of our family themes. We say it all the time. My kids just started Track Club-through the summer, it meets eleven week but They Also Encourage the kids to run a marathon-through the summer. So we Have Been running one mile four days a week on top of going to track. Some mornings They whine, and say They do not want to do it, but. I Encourage them nicely. "We can do it, it's just two short laps around the block" And They Do It and by the time we are done They are happy They did it.
 8 - Remember no child is the same - Each of my four children are different. They learn differently, They play differently, And They need to be disciplined differently. Our children are not cookie cutters of each other. They are very very different. Some Might need additional help in school, Some Might need to. little more time with you each day You know your children, look at each of them and see Their needs. 
9 - Always let them know how much you love them - Showing our kids we love them is one of the biggest ways we can teach our kids to Have Confidence and a Good self esteem. Children Who Do not feel shy and nervous around others get loved. They have no sense of Belonging Which Affects How They feel acerca themselves.
 10- Show them you love them by spending good quality and quantity time with them, listen to them, support them and Encourage them. But MOST importantly tell them how much you love them. 10 - Teach them how to learn of Gods love for them. - When a child learns of God and his greatness and Then learns of how someone so great loves them so much, it Helps to give them a sense of Belonging in the world Having esta sense of constant love from one Who is so great Helps them- -through the hard times in life Their Struggling withnegative When They are self talk and Doubt. I think by following in Core 10 steps you will for sure raise confident children with a good self esteem   .
Make sure you tell someone that you are looking for a long- term relationship from the onset  term relationship from the onset. The worst thing to yourself You could do is fall in love with Someone who hits the road three months later Because They're not ready to settle down. You should tell someone you are looking for a relationship after the first few dates (it's a bit desperate to discuss this on the first date!), Or as soon as you know you're interested in esta person.  
Do not be in a rush to commit; . just make sure you're on the same page Both. Let them know that's all you're doing And bear in mind that you '' '' need to use your common sense When sounding out commitment issues; after all, nobody wants to discuss marriage on the second date! 
10 Do some reality checking as you get to know your date better. As the relationship evolves and you're becoming closer, how do you know this That person is "the one"? Love can leave you giddy and can lead you to overlook the. "Little things" that can be rather big whos eleven things you try spending your life together Things to find out before you're ready to declare this person your "ideal mate" include: Are they moody or do they hide things from you You That 'Should reasonably expect to know? Are there money issues? Financial disparity and financial problems can cause you a lot of heartache, so honesty on This point is a must. Do you enjoy spending time together for long periods? How does your date act around his / her own family and your family? Are they respectful, disdainful, interested, switched off? Their responsiveness is an issue for you? Do they seem To have the same mind as you about Having Having kids or not, about pursuing a career, volunteering overseas for about five years? All of These things matter! 

Do not settle for less than ideal! If you discover this is not the right person for you, do not hang on to them or convinces yourself it'll get better or you're too picky Being. You know what you want in a matte (Already you've listed it above). You'll find it too. And When to you do, it will be great! But on the other hand, do not be a perfectionist and demand impossibly high standards of the other person. Try. to appreciate quirks but not settle for someone you will not be happy with Tips If you're very young and / or religious -. before you're intimate, make sure you're Both-committed to a relationship Meet Their family and let. yours meet them hang out with them and Their friends; . invite them to hang out with you and yours It May sound silly to do all of this before you even think about Being intimate, but the way someone behaves in social situations or familial May Realize you make this person is not for you. Listen to your friends' opinions about your new love, but do not take all of them to heart. Hear them, Consider them, keep the ones That are valuable, and discard the rest. Remember friends are only human. They can make errors in judgment and They can Also get jealous. Use your own good judgment and common sense! If you're looking for a woman, look at her mother and check out the mother's relationships With men, and look at her father to see what she will expect from you; . it will tell you everything you need to know. Be aware however it it it I, That Reflect this May not work any staff person With growth May Have Done That her parents ALSO CONSIDER May be. the antithesis of what she factotum factotum factotum factotum believes and wants If you're looking for a guy, look at His Father and His Mother how I Treated etc., and look at His Mother to see what I have Expects from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Again though, this does not always work Reflect growth to any staff person Might Have done. 

When looking at anyone from an abused background, look at How They behave Instead Toward children, pets, people weaker or subordinate to Themselves, stressful situations and Personal Conflicts. Many people from abusive backgrounds Become strong and gentle but many others perpetuate the abuse. If dating a recovered alcoholic or addict, years in recovery is a good benchmark.

If They stick WITH RECOVERY for three or more years, things will usually we we we we only get Better With them. Enjoy your single status for a while. Fretting about it will not change it but getting on With loving your life is guaranteed to bring people into your sphere May WHO prove of interest to you. Think about whether or not you think there is a need for a pre-nuptial agreement. Even the perfect matte can turn out not-so-perfect Circumstances under unforeseeable. In This day and age, you can never be too safe.
Do not be afraid to ask your potential matt to get an HIV test or to Have any available background check. Just be willing to Provide the same information. If you're going to ask someone for this information, be careful When you do it.
Waiting three months and Until You've Already built a trusting, loving relationship Beginning in May to tell them you do not trust them and end a good thing. Asking too early May make you seem a little crazy.
The Appropriate time to ask is at the Moment When you are sure you want to be more-committed to this person than just as a social companion. Never try to change or expect somebody into your ideal. It has never worked!
this is it!
Life is    a Struggle Between good and evil, honest and dishonest loque what works and does not work, positive and negative, love and hate. The POSITIVE people thrive and are happy and are dedicated to doing well and take pleasure in helping others to enjoy of life. The personasNEGATIVAS is discovered Because They fail and are dedicated to doing evil (negative). The negative person is discovered That Is Continually complaining and Criticizing. Always angry acerca something and nothing like as it looks in the mirror loque not you just see. Not to hate, we must have hurt him and avoid it. Someone dreadful disease contagion negativitis and will destroy your life and can not just Suffered sifrutar. a Steve Jobs or Henry Ford or Walt Disney. All titans of Their industries, Understood That They All learning can not be confined to the schoolyard. For in Original men, and the pioneers before them, personal growth is learning how Closely tied to your mind works, and conditioning your psychology for success.
So many of us believe That after a college education the learning stops. But as Jim Rohn eleven said:
  "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." SuccessThat staff is success?  To me, it is the progressive realization of my goals.  What Is Happiness?It is a mindset, a byproduct in the proseo. A positive attitude of mind. Happiness Consist in doing good.  Where to find success and happiness staff?SuccessesThey are People with Organized mind. With true desire to act! I wish (a fiery, intense passion, obsession motivates you to act). Motivation: Create an enabling environment for the computer Concern concern concerned person can see the path to Achieving your goals.The goals, correctilla is important.Life is a game, you need action, with daily planning.  PerseverancePersistenceReceptivityPositive AttitudeBe Decisive ! Action Act. Implement your thoughts. Run your thoughts As DECIDED Achieve, and DECIDED to pay the price Necessary to Achieve your goals.Goals Takes commitment. Goals, planning Their goal in life.  Note:  I Who Knows and does not act is a failure!  "Action is the USE of Knowledge".  A) Decision: The power of decision is something we developed Gradually THROUGHOUT our lives. No one can find loquee can not display. It is the process of learning. (Time)Success is not static, it is dynamicNobody can define your success !!! Do not let it, They would be canceling your inner liberated, "free will"!It is staff, and enjoy every step, On the way to realization of my GOALS!B.) Alternatives: are a direct consequence of your freedom.The byproduct in the process, an action that you '' 'ejecutases.C.) How to Eliminate hatred past experiences.The 4 elements of humanity.Consisting of:PhysicoEmotionalSpiritualMentalBeing "YO" 5 instrumentsMental status Formula 5 instruments to Communicate with the outside world (outside of a person)  Smell Tactical Visual Auditory SenseTechnique Triggers1.) After Being (I) the word, is more important.  The word communication, Which has the information and communicates to the outside world is a winner!Communication HOW we comunicate to ourselves, is Very Important, if we comunicate well.Types orientation-mechanisms for communication.  1.) Duplication Physiologica2.) Approach alejamiento3.) Internal and externa4.) Equality diferencia5.) NO verbal language Carries a high percentage (90%) (Movement of the body) .6.) Need Possibility *  Proper communication is important! *  Only need to comunicate what the person can understand. We think much of loquee we say, to never say everything we Understand / know.Only we must comunicate loquee the person can Understand His MENTAL acurdo situation.A.) Education * you are not your thoughts be careful what you feed your mind *B.) Beliefs: You can only do if you think you can do!* Our environment* Education* Past EventsC.) Results of our past* NEVER BE AFRAID OF FAILURE AND never fail! *• NOTE: NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE!Every thing, cause, and effect (cause all things effect)Everything everything.Life has a price! Accept nothing FREEPay the price! Do not take something That does not belong.If you get something for free, whos paid a higher price. Perhaps you paid With humiliation (s) with your self-esteem lowered.The word free is the Most Expensive word in the dictionary of the universe.Everything in life has a value (a price).This is the universal law of cause and effect.Tips:The Formula for success.* Decide Exactly is loquee want in life?* Decide how much and what is the price?* The loquee is going to sacrifice,* Mentally before you start the process steps displayed That Could things happen and solve the mishap in the path of the road, enjoying the process With optimism, doing everything with wisdom and good intentions.Optimism:. Modify your thoughts in your mind. The concept of self, our conducta.Tú're not loquee you think you are loquee think, that's me loquee you are!The reality is in our mind, and That Is Subjective, Depending on how we Perceive the external world.Your brain needs down timeStep oneMega to do list:Everything you need to do in long and short term.All Things That needs to do down.This will empty your mind.Then take a break for an hour or soStep twodefining your DesiresWrite all the things that you '' '' ever wanted.Everything that desire !!!! Imagine That perfect life that you '' '' want !!!Take a break and go away.Step three.The Fear FactorWrite it down whatever fear you have, and write down so you can empty hour mind. This will bring the fears on to the surface.Take a break and comeback them. Read aloud all Beginning from the first list. Exam fear your entries and think of solutions.Find your solutions Think you on ways to solve.PERSONAL SUCCESS AND PERSONAL SUCCESS TO GET TO THE BEST YOU CAN BE. TO LEAVE THIS WORLD THAT WHEN YOU COME TO FIND loquee (A THIS WORLD)To Me Is Progressive AchievementMy Goals And Enjoying The Process. There is Dynamic Static.The Human Mind Is More Complex And The Amazing Of All Creation Of This Planet Asta Date. Success Has No Correlation I Went Level Of Intelligence. Only Ser Practice And Put Time, Because It's A Process Learning to Succeed, Have To BeReady To Understand The Message.? Self Improvement You Want Be The Most Effective PosibleEl Success Is Created By Self: A Chain Is Made Things Right Time On A Chain nobody can define your success. Is not forced, it is Desired. The process of success is very intimate human being, It's Human Beings staff are free by nature. He and I alone decide what to do With His life. The man can choose someone decide for him, but even then a to to I Decided to choose for The ...People want but fails loquee expected to Achieve much difference loquee want to succeed but expect to fail, and so fails.Anyone Who really wants to live a Successful Life Lived life to Successful needed needed needed regardless of all the bad stuff happens. Because I've DECIDED to be Successful've DECIDED succeed. Determined, motivated, creating the right environment for you like motives, you choose to build ,. and take the path of your choice Only emotion Creates the passion needed to convert simple desire an obsession That Lived minute by minute's your decision loquee motivates you, intensely excited, for only one emotion: is your decision loquee you motiva.Crea the enabling environment for the interested can see the situation Clearly last way and the new way deciding pay the price. Only emotion Creates the passion needed to convert simple desire an obsession That Lived minute by minute.The power of decision is persistenciaPerseverancia: Persistence is one of the factors Which wants success in vidaReceptale: a positive attitude do not take anything for free! to succeed: you need to Have any available burning desire to Achieve your goal to finish your purpose) Personal Success: depends on the person you askMARCH, 2008Advanced abundance money.Knowledge: Important if study at night (and polished) for conocimento is Easier, Understood, Suffers less money to spare all need help from birth ata we die! When can solve the problem (when one does not know Suffers + = the problem1. science is the search for truth. Fear is a tool of man.2. Poverty is a bad habit.3. Who has no money, is Because It has excuses.4. know much does not produce wealth.5. Disease I already! is an enormity!6. gratitis: nothing is free!7. Take off the gratitis, do not take anything for freeFaith is the "external elixir Which Gives Life, power  and action to the impulse of THOUGHTS.  To GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Nothing is impossible for God! Everything is possible!  IDEAS AND CREATIONS FORMED AN IDEA IN YOUR MIND "FORMS IN THE INSIDE of your mind, self, the invisible elixir.My gift to you: The fastest way to create a life on your terms. Books of Napolion Hillttp: // am proud because i choose to validate myself-who I am, who I see Been, and who I will be.   That, I believe, is the deepest kind of self-love. And we all deserve it.
** In many parts of the world, one of the first lessons was Taught That Shaman Weather is working. Learning to Control the weather is an integrated part of a Shaman's training.
** A shaman was expected to call in the rains When needed, and if I Could not, then a to to to I would not get much RESPECT. When I was Taught how to check the weather, the first thing I was Taught was splitting clouds.
 ** It's really a very easy technique and MOST people can do it after practice.
** Go outside and pick out a cloud. Stare at it and take slow deep breaths.
** Do not force the breath, just allow it to be deep and natural.
 * Now send out from your Third Eye (area in the forehead and Between the eyebrows) a beam of white light to cloud.
 ** Visualize (with eyes open) the cloud splitting into two, and mentally or command it to do so Will. IT
** May take afew seconds or minutes, but if this technique is done properly, the cloud will usually we we we we split.
** Once you Have Learned how to do this, you are well on your way to becoming a weather worker, and in the future I May teach you how to bring in the rain, winds, or sun. Just be careful not to jump ahead of yourself.
** Weather is Something That Takes working practice and guidance from an experienced teacher, Because You May end up Causing a flood in your area (grin).
** May the Gods hunder help ya! Blessed Be
MEMORIES  UNO reap what you sow ... One morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless Man Who Looked up slowly ... and Clearly Looked at the Woman Who Seemed accustomed to things. good life. Her coat was new It Seemed I HAD never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others HAD done ...."Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To His surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She Smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes."Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just eaten from dining with the president ... Now go."Broader Became The woman smile even.Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under His arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" Asked the angry man."I tell him to leave me alone" !!Just then a policeman to a meat to. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" Asked the officer .."No problem here, officer, Said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched His head." That's old John, It's been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want With Him? "Asked the officer ..."See That coffee over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while.""Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then I felt strong hands grabbing His arms and Lifted him."Let me go, officer, I did nothing ..""We Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in His ear. "Finally, and With some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the coffee shop and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was Almost noon, Most people HAD Already eaten for lunch and the food group HAD not yet come ...The cafe manager beef over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?And esta man is in trouble? ""This lady here brought` him to eat something," Said the policeman."Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!Old Jack Smiled With His few teeth. "Lady, I Told him. Now, If They will let me go. I did not want to come here from the Beginning."The woman turned to the coffee shop manager and Smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar With Hernandez and Associates Banking firm?, That is two streets?""Of course I know," the manager replied impatiently. "They have Their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms.""And a good amount of money you win With The food supply in in Original weekly meetings?"Asked the lady ..."What does that matter to you?""I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company". "Oh sorry !! Said the manager ...The woman Smiled again .. "I thought This might make a difference in Their treatment."I Told the police, lowest Strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or Perhaps a meal, officer?" "No, thank you, ma'am," replied the officer. "I 'm on duty.""Then, Perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?""Yes, ma'am. That would be better."The cafe manager turned on His heels as Receiving an order. -"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"The officer saw away. He said: "It certainly has put in place," I Said."That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for this. "I sat across the table from His guest to dinner. She stared at him ..."John, do you remember me?"Old Jack Looked at His face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar.""Look John, I'm maybe a little bigger, but look at me," Said Mrs .. "Maybe I look more plump now ... but When You Worked here many years ago I meat here once, and for That very door , starving and cold. "Some tears fell down her cheeks .."Ma'am?" the officer Said I Could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think That Woman Could ever be hungry."I had just graduated from the University of my people," Said the woman. "I had eaten to the city looking for a job but Could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when i left my last few cents and i had run my apartment, I wandered the streets was February-through. It was Nearly cold and starving, then a to to I saw this place and Among the Slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in His eyes the woman continued talking ..."John Greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John Said. "I was behind the service counter. He Approached and Asked if I Could work for something to eat." "You dumped me it was Against company policy."I continued the woman .. "So, you made me the biggest beef sandwich i had ever seen ... Gave me a cup of coffee, and Went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you '' 'meddle in problems . Then When I Looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, That I Knew Then everything would be fine "."So you started your own business?" Said the old John."If I found a job That afternoon. I Worked very hard, and I Went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business Which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and I pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to go and pay a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I'm sure you'll find something for you to do something at the office ".She Smiled. "I think even I Could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live Until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John."Were there tears in the eyes of the elderly. "How do I can thank you? I asked."Do not thank me," the woman replied. "Give glory to God. He brought` me to you."Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman Were arrested and before going every man for himself ... "Thanks for all your help, officer .." Said Ms. Hernandez."On the Contrary," Said the officer, "Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .." .....That God is so great it can cover the whole world With His love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God Takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.Only 1 of 2 things will happen, orWhen you've holds your you fail, or will teach you to fly!That God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can shut That ... And remember to be a blessing to others.    One of the saddest moments of my life, Knowing it would be better to cease to exist and Could not Understand why? an angel Who Did not live on This planet than with pain and sadness, Because there is no reason to stop there !!! It can not be .. yes, I Often Think That life is unfair !!! one of Those many is this. Because !!!!!! god give me the understanding to Understand why?POSITIVE THINKING To: Yvonne Suarez  Maybe not impossible distance. foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you '' 'Gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) Because there are moments in my life are obscure and feel That Difficult it is to live!. I remember you as lloravas carnal With pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva Already happen, do not worry. You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is Very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel That my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, Because You llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People eat into your life for a reason (the supreme power, Because if exite). And also as nothing is forever Have to leave. is the MOST Pure and beautiful That I found. Love is the strongest force the world .... Clearly a Woman Who Seemed accustomed to the finer things in life. Her coat was new It Seemed I HAD never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others HAD done ....
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To His surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She Smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just eaten from dining with the president ... Now go."
The woman smile Broader Became even.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under His arm. "What do you do, ma'am? "Asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman to a meat to. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" Asked the officer ..    "No problem here, officer, Said the woman .. "I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me?" The officer scratched His head. "Yes, Old John, has-been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want With Him?" Asked the officer ...
"See That coffee over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then I felt strong hands grabbing him by the arms and Lifted him up.
"Let me go, officer, II did nothing .."
"Let Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in His ear. "
Finally, and With some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the coffee shop and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. They It was Almost noon, Most people HAD Already eaten lunch and the food group HAD not yet come ...
The cafe manager beef over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And esta man is in trouble? "
"This lady here brought` him to eat something," replied the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Smiled With His Old Jack few teeth. "Lady, I Told You. Now, If They will let me go. I did not want to come here from the Beginning."
The woman turned to the coffee shop manager and Smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar With Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm That is two streets? "
"Of course I know them," replied the manager impatiently. "They have Their weekly in one of my banquet rooms."
"And a lot of money is earned over food supply in weekly meetings in Original?"
 Asked the lady. ..
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company." "Oh sorry !! Told the manager ...
The woman I Smiled again .. "I thought This Could make a difference in Their treatment. "
I Told the police, lowest Strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or Perhaps a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am," replied the officer. "I ' m on duty. "
"Then, Perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better. "
The coffee shop manager turned on His heels as Receiving an order -.
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
.. The officer saw him away And I opined "It certainly has put in place," I Said
. "That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for all this "
I sat across the table from her dinner guest. She stared at him ...
? "John, do you remember me"
Old Jack Looked at His face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so -. I mean, I family find"
"Look John, Perhaps I 'ma little bigger, but look at me, "Said Mrs .." Maybe I look more plump now ... but When You Worked here many years ago I meat here once, and for That very door, cold and starving. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
" Ma 'am? " the officer Said I Could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think That Woman Could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," Said the woman. "I had eaten to the city looking for a job but Could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when i left my last few cents and i had run my apartment, I wandered the streets-through was February. It was Nearly cold and starving, then a to to I saw this place and Among the Slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in His eyes the woman continued talking ...Love is the strongest force the world ... and the pain of a broken heart can be unbearable.ALWAYS. I always wanted to ask? What You Had feelings for me? you think of me? Because you never Could, oh Did you express your feelings for me. not till now I think That was the best I Could do. Having HAD the opportunity to express my feelings tell you. (And if Were to be found Because It was too strong, and it was very Difficult). Actually That was lloque felt. I feel good !! And for me it is MOST important. Since then a to to sorry, That was the best I Could Do, and I can say That the world Gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something That did not need to Have More. And I closed a stage in my life, Which was not locked. Because I do not know I had the opportunity before? The questions and answers are Unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!Today, I can tell you. Thank you for coming into my life, and God really tube Reviews Reviews Reviews having a purpose for Which you came into my life. I sincerely hope you're happy wherever you find (I always wanted). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, That from now on not expect to find in my life. If for some reason you Have to get back to my life, it will be Because it is written!. I'm not resisting life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because I can check again That everything is possible. Thank you !!

If you are in love with A person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person.
If you find Someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, That love meat feel honored and touched your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return.
If you fall for someone, and That person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You will know it in due time.
Remember that you '' 'do not choose to love. YOU CHOOSE TO LOVE YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life.
Feels like it fills you to overflowing, and Then find ways to share it.
Give to the person WHO Gave birth in your life. Give to others Who are poor in spirit. Give it around the world of all forms you can.
You can not deceive you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes Distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything.
Remember this, and keep it in your heart. LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you '' 'stay.
You can only embrace it When it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if I chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. That Be glad it has Entered into your life at some point.
And remember, if you keep your heart open, I will come back to you.
It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, a day to love him, but It Takes a lifetime so you can forget., That jealousy Toward a person Happen When You love her.
Know, That people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.
Sabi as, That people are always defend others MOST needed to defend them.
 Know That the Three most Difficult words to say are: I love you, Sorry and help me, people Who Say They are the ones That really need or feel, and Those That Are MOST need to assess it it it, for They Have Said.
 Know, That Their People Who spend time, to give company to others, or help, are the MOST in need of your help and Your company.
Know, people who wear network are more confident in themselves.
People Who Know That dress in yellow Are Those That Their beauty enjoy more.
People Who Know That dress in black are Those Who want to go unnoticed, And They need your understanding and your help.
That Know When you help someone you back, That help to double.
That the People Who Know MOST need of you, are not They tell you.
Know, it is Easier to say what you feel if you write That if you tell the person in front. Know, That has more value if you say in front.;postID=3668197071785752423;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=linkKnow, That has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and you
Know That if you ask something with great faith, and faith alone That will see the positive side, you will meet things.
Know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really knew you'd not marveling at what you can do With It.
But do not believe everything I tell you, until, I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything That I Told you and that you '' 'can help, give your help, and see that you' '' will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.
ACCOUNTS ALWAYS KNOW ME ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !!! "Someday we will move the world are crazy ... or Already moving" TE PASO If the whole world MESSAGE ... Will Remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I 'm sorry I made you feel bad "," Forgive me, "" I Love You "," I believe you "You You care" and even sometimes "Always love you but I Never Told You. "
1. Attitude Happiness is a choice That can be done anytime and anywhere. My thoughts are what make me happy or unhappy, not my Circumstances. Be able to change yourself, and the world will change you.
Remember That the only thing you can check in the world are your thoughts ..
 2. The Body
  ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.
Carries the risk of Being misunderstood rechasado oh.
Not loving:
Carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!
Not Having money:
runs the risk of Being taken advantage of UNO. And UNO That can not defend and
Have to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to Develop Their talents, and bellesa felicity in the world and create.
Having conocimiemto:
Runs the risk of Being Criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing That ONE is better than others oh The more intelligente That Other.
Having money:
It Involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and just just just thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Not Having conocimiemto:
That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying ITS Seguera Because You can not see Their ignorance.
With bears the risk of dying   .
 Message    Wise What   ?
  My feelings are Influenced by my position. Proper posture Generates a happy disposition.
It también está Important that you '' 'exercise, it frees us from stress and Generates the secretion of endorphins, Which make us feel good. Always look up and you can only laugh, because i know no one WHO has-been reliable to mourn In That position.
  3. The Moment
 Happiness is not in years, months, weeks, even days. Only you can find it in moments. "Today is yesterday's tomorrow" ... plus life always has the right to be surprised, so learn to live the present without any of the traumas of the past or future expectations. Remember That happiness is not a destination but a journey. Enjoy every moment as if it Were combined your past,
your present and your future.
4. Our Own Image
I must learn to love myself as I am. Believing in yourself Gives results. The more you know yourself, the higher your advantage over others.
Hammarshold said: "The most Difficult path is the path within" ... but at Least Once in life, we must travel.
5. Goals
You know what the Difference between a dream and a goal? A goal is a dream with a specific date to become reality. A dream is just a dream, That something is out of touch ... so dare to dream,
But Also Those dare to make dreams come true!. "Aim for the moon, even though mistake Because, get to the stars ..." And Difficult When You put a goal or think you Have an impossible dream, Remember That success is just reward, Because what counts is the effort.
   6. The Humor
The smile is Very Important to improve increase Increase Increase self-esteem. When we smile, but do not feel anything, our brain Sees it as a sign That all is well and SENDS a message to the central nervous system to release the the the a substance called beta-endorphin, Which Gives the mind a positive response. They say a smile costs less than electricity, but Gives more light. And With Every smile sow hope.
7. Forgiveness
While resentments and hatreds Have you, it will be impossible to be happy. The wonderful thing acerca forgiveness is not releasing any other of His guilt, but it frees you from That Suffering.
8. Give
One of the true secrets to be happy is to learn to give without expecting anything in return. The laws of energy will treat you more than what you give. If you give hate, hate you receive, but if you give love, love invariably Receive.
Only He Who learns to give is on track to discover the true happiness
9. Relations
Synergy is joining forces and walking together to get things done. Whenever two or more people come together in a spirit of collaboration and Respect, OCCURS synergy naturally. Understand the people around you, your friends want as They are,
without trying to change them, Because When You feel bad, true friend will be there to support you and give you all her love. So cultivate your friendships, They are free us!. Friendship, like MOST Should feelings flow naturally.
10.La Fe
Faith builds confidence, Gives us peace of mind and frees the soul of His Doubts, worries, anxiety and fear.
But do not panic when in doubt, well said Miguel de Unamuno. Faith No Doubt That faith is dead "They say that wise man Becomes When you learn to laugh at yourself laughs, laughs merrily ... and the world laughs. You!
           ONE    .. reap what you sow   . morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless Man Who Looked slowly and looked ...
"John Greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John Said. "I was behind the service counter. He Approached and Asked if I Could work for something to eat." "You dumped me it was Against company policy." continued the woman .. "So, you made me the largest beef sandwich i had ever seen ... Gave me a cup of coffee, and Went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you '' 'get into trouble. Then When I Looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, That I Knew Then everything would be fine. "" So you started your own business? "Said the old John. "Yes, I found the same work late. I Worked very hard, and I Went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business Which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to make a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I 'm sure you'll find something for you to do something in the office. "She Smiled. "I think even I Could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live Until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John." Were there tears in old man's eyes. "How do I can thank you? I asked." Do not thank me, "the woman replied." Give glory to God. I brought` me to you. "Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman Were arrested and before going every man for himself ..." Thanks for all your help, officer .. "Said Ms. Hernandez." By Otherwise, "the officer Said," Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .. "..... That God is so great it can cover the Entire World With His love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God Takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go. Only 1 of 2 things will happen, or you've holds your When you fail, or will teach you to fly! That God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can shut That. .. And remember to be a blessing to others.


To: Yvonne Suarez
Maybe not impossible distance. foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you '' 'Gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) Because there are moments in my life are obscure and feel That Difficult it is to live!. I remember you as lloravas carnal With pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva Already happen, do not worry.
You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is Very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel That my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, Because You llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People eat into your life for a reason (the supreme power, Because if exite). And also as nothing is forever Have to leave.
It is the MOST Pure and beautiful That I found. Love is the strongest force the world ...  
Love is the strongest force the world ... and  the pain of a broken heart  can be unbearable. 
I always wanted to ask. What Have feelings for me did you? you think of me? Because you never Pudistes, oh quisistes express your  feelings for me? not till now. I creeo That was the best I Could do. Having Had the opportunity to express my feelings dises you. (And If They Should be found Because it was way too strong, and it was very Difficult). Actually That was foulbrood felt. I feel good !! And for me it is MOST important. Since then a to to sorry, That was the best I Could do, and I can desir, the world Gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove nesesitaba Have not something more. And I closed a stage in my life, Which was not locked. Because no opportunity Nose tube before? The questions and answers are Unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!  
Today, I desirte. Thank you for coming into my life, and I really aber tube God had a purpose for Which you came into my life. With all my heart that you '' are happy wherever you find (always desie). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, That from now on Hespero not find you in my life. If for some reason you Have to get back to my life, so will be writing Because esta!. I'm not resisting wing life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because I can check again That everything is possible. Thank you !!
? v = jl_ilig9SmQ & amp; amp; amp; feature = youtube_gdata_player 
ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.
                        no sheet !!
 LOL !!
 it is true:-)
Carries the risk of Being misunderstood rechasado oh.
Not loving:
Carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!
Not Having money:

runs the risk of Being taken advantage of UNO. And UNO That can not defend Themselves and unavailable to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to Develop Their talents, and bellesa felicity in the world and create.
Runs the risk of Being Criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing That ONE is better than others oh The more intelligente That Other.
It Involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and just just just thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Having conocimiemto:
Having money:
Not Having conocimiemto:
That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying ITS Seguera Because You can not see Their ignorance.
With bears the risk of dying   .

Wise Message What?

Know, That jealousy Toward a person Happen When You love her.  
know, That people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.  
know, people always defend the others are Those Who need more than defend.   Know That the Three most Difficult words to say are. I love you, Sorry and help me, people Who Say They are the ones That really need or feel, and Those That Are MOST need to assess it it it, for They Have Said  
know, That Their People Who spend time, to give company to others, or help, are the MOST in need of your help and Your company.  
You Knew That People Who dress in red, are the safest of themselves.  
People Who Know That dress in yellow Are Those That Their beauty enjoy more.
Know That dress in black People Who are Those Who want to go unnoticed, And They need your understanding and your help.  
Know That When you help someone is you back, That help to double.  
That the People Who Know MOST need of you, Are Those That do not tell you.  
know, it's Easier to say what you feel if you write That if you tell the person in front. Know, That has more value if you say in front.  
know, That has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and you Have to pay money.  
You Knew That if you ask something with great faith, and faith alone That will see the positive side, you will meet things.  
know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really Knew you'd not be marveling at what you can do With It.  
But do not believe everything I tell you, until, I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything That I Told you and that you '' 'can help, give your help, and see that you' '' will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.  
ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS KNOW ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !! ! "Someday we will move the world are crazy ... or Already moving" TE PASO MESSAGE ... If the whole world Will Remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I 'm sorry I made ​​you feel bad "," Forgive me, "" I Love You "," I believe you, "You You care" and even sometimes "Always love you but I Never Told You. "

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for Been Here and special time to share this special moment and celebrate this With This now grown up man. This time sharing with me is priceless. I would like to say a few words. Given I thank Mother Nature for the privilege to give me the life of my own, and to trust me with this life. As you know That we are born without knowledge, yet we get the knowledge and the experience in the process of learning and getting the purpose and the path in life. Dear are if I am sorry I hurt you in any form or shape in the process of becoming a mother to you, Because You Were my first child and I was a new mom with no experience. I know you are now a grown up men for the society, but to me That is only in number of years, Because You will always be my baby in my heart, and I will always cherish the memories That I Have When You Were a child . I always remember the phone calls we ended up with I love you That more! and Either you or I would say I LOVE YOU MORE AND MORE AND MORE! AND WE GO BACK FOR AND WITH MORE AND MORE AND MORE !!!!!!!.
Happy birthday my son. With love your MOM.

If You Could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?
I would say 'Act Now': When young, we think 'We have all the time in the world'.
Life is a learning curve and the more we experience, the more we 'evolve'. I do not think we are ever to finished product. So, 'Act Now' Instead of over thinking or trying to get everything 'right'. With Where I am at in personal my 'evolution', I am asking myself "Why did I take so long to initiate A, B or C '. Of course, it's good to plan, to think things through. Sometimes (most times? !.), though, our brain gets in the way Maybe it's better to 'Shoot now - Aim later!'
None of this is news ... but I Have Recently Been thinking about all the time Where in the world 'you've gone - so Act Now are my two words.
ACT humanely.
"I CAN".

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill Gives us a Simple yet powerful statement: "The great leaders of business, industry, and finance, and the great artists, poets, musicians and writers all great Became Because They developed the power of self-motivation . "
Message KNOW HOW MUCH LOVE? If you are in love with A person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person. If you find Someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, feel honored and touched meat That Love your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return. If you fall for someone, and That person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You know what a good time. Remember that you '' 'do not choose to love. YOU CHOOSE TO LOVE YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life. It feels like it fills you to overflowing, and Then find ways to share it. Give it to the person WHO Gave birth in your life. Give to others Who are poor in spirit. Give it around the world of all forms you can. You can not fool you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes Distinguish the difference, but if you look at. your eyes will tell them everything she Remember all this, and keep it in your heart. LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you '' 'stay. You can only embrace it When it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if I chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. That Be glad it has Entered into your life at some point. And remember, if you keep your heart open, I will come back to you. It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, one day for wanting it, but It Takes a lifetime so you can forget.

* Steps The Chances Your Love Will Last Forever   
  Find the right person. In order to build a love that will last an eternity you need the right partner, no surprise there. You will Have Heard the time-worn saying That Opposites Attract, well it's true, They Also Have happen to the worst statistics for break-ups. You want to find someone Who You Have something in common with, you shared Interests That you start of with a common bond and give you something to work on. If you do not have any Interests or any shared common ground, then a you will start of your relationship With The temporary bond FORMED by infatuation. You do not know who you are going to fall in love with, but Having an notion of what can work match will give you a better chance for a lasting relationship. Know that you 'like your partner. You do not just need the right partner, you need to be reliable to like them as well. Your partner has to be your best friend, the one that you 'can confide in, turn to, and the one Who is always there for you, standing by your side. Nurture trust. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust. Trust is something that you 'give freely to your partner, but it is a very fragile thing and if you betray your trust spouses it can take a long time to regain it. If you want your love to last an eternity, then a start your relationship as you mean to go on by Being totally honest With each other. You need to be totally open and honest With Each Other Which Means sharing your feelings and emotions, Hopes and dreams. In a loving relationship,, Although You Can Have Your own private thoughts you do not keep secrets from each other (apart That is for what you are getting them for Their Birthday and Christmas). Being open and honest With each other will bring you much closer together. It Might feel intrusive at first, but what you get from sharing will more than outweigh any discomfort. Have realistic expectations of your partner and your relationship. You Have to be reliable to accept That the fantasy of an perfect romance that you 'acerca read in books is not going to happen, so do not waste your life looking for something That does not exist. Accept your partner for WHO They are, the good bits and the irritating ones, after all, That Is the person that you 'fell in love with. Do not go trying to change your partner into something That They are not, Could you drive them away or change them into Someone who do not love you. Just as you Have to accept your partner Also you need to accept your relationship for what it is. Again, trying to change it to fit some will destroy something perfect fantasy That Could Have Been Otherwise very special. Come up with a shared vision of the future, something that you 'can Both Towards work. This can be Achieved by setting joint goals, where to live, When to start a family, the list is endless. Have a number of goals running at any one time. Every time that you 'Achieve a goal then a September a new one. This way you are Both working to and looking to the future. It will give your relationship a sense of permanence and continuity. Talk. If you do not talk to each other, then a the next many years however we are going to be seriously boring. If you do not talk then a you will start to distance yourself from each other, and the longer it goes on the Further apart will go Until you reach the stage That your relationship breaks up your. Communication connects you, it binds your lives together, it transmite who you are to your partner. Without communication you would know nothing acerca your partner, Their likes and dislike, what They Need, When They need help, and When They just need you. If you want your love to last an eternity You Have to comunicate. Communicate your love. It's not good Being madly in love with someone if you are incapable of communicating your love to them. If They Do not Know (Which you need to Demonstrate by word and deed) that you 'love them then a Why Should They invest any love or emotion in trying to build a relationship with you? The fact that you 'love and appreciate them needs to be Transmitted to them each and every day, for all eternity. Do not just tell them that you 'love them, words are cheap, show them. Hug them, hold them, hold Their hand, touch them, tell them that you 'love them, leave them cards to find, call them, email them, it does not matter what, just let them know. Do not make this a routine thing, it Will Become meaningless if you do, do it Because You want to, and do not do the same all the time, keep it fresh, exciting and interesting. Keep your lives interesting by making sure that you 'do things together. You could Pursue Those Interests shared or find new ones, go on dates, find new things to do, new places to see. It's not always easy to find the time, so I synchronize schedules. It Does not Have to Be anything elaborate, a walk in the park or going for a coffee can do you the world of good. Tips How to tell That your love will last an eternity? There is no way that you 'can tell for Un certain, but if you follow the above then a you've got a chance. The best thing to do, and I know That I keep saying it, is for both of you to commit to creating the best possible relationship that you 'can.
Teach Your Children To Have Good Self Esteem - Teach Them to Work and be Responsible - I grew up doing jobs each day in my family. I Knew That I HAD to do in Original jobs and I Worked hard at them. Were there days Sure That I whined or did not want to do them, but I always did them. I Knew That I wanted my kids to have any available hard work ethic and to learn to be responsible. Not just for Their Own things, But Also for our household. I have always felt That When You teach them to work hard and be responsible, as They Grow up They will be confident in Their abilities and good members of society willing to help others. A few years ago I read a book called "The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent" by Marrilee Boyack. It is by far one of the best books I have ever read acerca teaching your kids to be hard workers and be responsible. Another book That I really like is called "The Entitlement Trap" by Richard and Linda Eyre. Both books teach Such Great things!
 2 - Encourage them but do not push them - I think: sometimes it is so hard not to push our kids to want to do what we think They Should do. This happens Because usually we parents want them to do What They did as children, or They want to live vicariously-through Them Because They Were not reliable to do it as a child. I was a pretty well rounded child, I clogged, sang, danced, and played sports. A few months back we got a basketball hoop. My boys Were Quickly drawn to it, but my daughter has no desire to play basketball at all. At first I Encouraged her to play with me, but when i Realized she really did not want to I Decided not to push it. She can kick the ball and play soccer, but as far as throwing and shooting a basket, she really does not care. We need to let our kids do What They want to do and Encourage and support them in it! 3 - Do not be nitpicky - No kids are going to be confident if Their parents are always nitpicking Their every move. I remember the first day my daughter wanted to do her own hair ... It Looked awful. Or the day That my son got himself dressed and was wearing two different kinds and colors of stripes. This is something I had a very hard time with at first. It's Important for kids to learn to do things on Their Own. So let them. That does not mean you can not teach them. I have since my kids acerca Taught matching clothes and simple hairstyles They can do if They do not want me to do Their hair.
4 - You as a parent need to be self-confident - Obviously We have to teach by example. It Is Such a thing: sometimes hard to not say negative things acerca yourself, but how in the world are our kids going to Have Confidence and good self esteem If They do not have any parents are showing them how That! 5 - Listen to, spend time with, and support each child - This really needs no explanation. Each kids individualmente needs you to spend time with them, listen to them and support them In Their additional activities, school work and everyday life!
6 - Teach them to make goals and work hard to Achieve them - I think this is one of the MOST fun things to teach my kids. Whether it is reading a book, running a mile, doing a project. We have sat down individualmente whos With All of our kids (well the older ones) and written out Their life goals. They Have them hanging in Their Rooms So They can see them daily and work hard to Achieve them.
7 - Teach them They can do hard things - One of the biggest things Taught We have our kids is That They can do hard things. Lately esta HAD Become One of our family themes. We say it all the time. My kids just started Track Club-through the summer, it meets eleven week but They Also Encourage the kids to run a marathon-through the summer. So we Have Been running one mile four days a week on top of going to track. Some mornings They whine, and say They do not want to do it, but I Encourage them nicely. "We can do it, it's just two short laps around the block". And They Do It and by the time we are done They are happy They did it. 8 - Remember no child is the same - Each of my four children are different. They learn differently, They play differently, And They need to be disciplined differently. Our children are not cookie cutters of each other. They are very very different. Some Might need additional help in school, Some Might need a little more time with you each day. You know your children, look at each of them and see Their needs. 9 - Always let them know how much you love them - Showing our kids we love them is one of the biggest ways we can teach our kids to Have Confidence and a Good self esteem. Children Who Do not feel shy and loved get nervous around others. They have no sense of Belonging Which Affects How They feel acerca themselves. 10- Show them you love them by spending good quality and quantity time with them, listen to them, support them and Encourage them. But MOST importantly tell them how much you love them.
10 - Teach them how to learn of Gods love for them - When a child learns of God and his greatness and Then learns of how someone so great loves them so much, it Helps to give them a sense of Belonging in the world. Having esta sense of constant love from one Who is so great Helps them-through the hard times in life Their Struggling withnegative When They are self talk and Doubt. I think by following in Original 10 steps you will for sure raise confident children with a good self esteem .
Make sure you tell someone that you 're looking for a long-term relationship from the onset .  The worst thing to yourself You could do is fall in love with Someone who hits the road three months later Because They're not ready to settle down . You should tell someone you are looking for a relationship after the first few dates (it's a bit desperate to discuss this on the first date!), Or as soon as you know you're interested in esta person. 

Do not be in a rush to commit; just make sure you're on the same page Both. Let them know that's all you're doing. And bear in mind that you 'need to use your common sense When sounding out commitment issues; after all, nobody wants to discuss marriage on the second date! 

10 Do some reality checking as you get to know your date better. As the relationship evolves and you're becoming closer, how do you know esta That person is "the one"? Love can leave you giddy and can lead you to overlook the "little things" that can be rather big whos eleven things you try spending your life together. Things to find out before you're ready to declare esta person your "ideal mate" include: Are they moody or do they hide things from you that you 'Should reasonably expect to know? Are there money issues? Financial disparity and financial problems can cause you a lot of heartache, so honesty on This point is a must. Do you enjoy spending time together for long periods? How does your date act around his / her own family and your family? Are they respectful, disdainful, interested, switched off? Their responsiveness is an issue for you? Do they seem To have the same mind as you acerca Having Having kids or not, acerca pursuing a career, acerca volunteering overseas for five years? All of These things matter! 

Do not settle for less than ideal! If you discover this is not the right person for you, do not hang on to them or convinces yourself it'll get better or you're too picky Being. You know what you want in a mate (Already you've listed it above). You'll find it too. And when to you do, it will be great! But on the other hand, do not be a perfectionist and demand impossibly high standards of the other person. Try to appreciate quirks but not settle for someone you will not be happy with. Tips If you're very young and / or religious - before you're intimate, make sure you're Both-committed to a relationship. Meet Their family and let them meet yours. Hang out with them and Their friends; invite them to hang out with you and yours. It May sound silly to do all of this before you even think acerca Being intimate, but the way someone behaves in social or familial situaciones May Realize you make esta person is not for you. Listen to your friends' opinions acerca your new love, but do not take all of them to heart. Hear them, Consider them, keep the ones That are valuable, and discard the rest. Remember friends are only human. They can make errors in judgment and They can Also get jealous. Use your own good judgment and common sense! If you're looking for a woman, look at her mother and check out the mother's relationships With men, and look at her father to see what she will expect from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Be aware however I, That Reflect esta May not work with any staff person growth May Have Done. That her parents ALSO CONSIDER May be the antithesis of what she factotum believes and wants. If you're looking for a guy, look at His Father and His Mother how I Treated etc., and look at His Mother to see what I have Expects from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Again though, esta does not always work Reflect growth to any staff person Might Have done. 

When looking at anyone from an abused background, look at How They behave Instead Toward children, pets, people weaker or subordinate to Themselves, stressful situaciones and Personal Conflicts. Many people from abusive backgrounds Become strong and gentle but many others perpetuate the abuse. If dating a recovered alcoholic or addict, years in recovery is a good benchmark. 

If They stick WITH RECOVERY for three or more years, things will usually we only get Better With them. Enjoy your single status for a while. Fretting about it will not change it but getting on With loving your life is guaranteed to bring people into your sphere WHO May prove of interest to you. Think about whether or not you think there is a need for a pre-nuptial agreement. Even the perfect matte can turn out not-so-perfect Circumstances under unforeseeable. In This day and age, you can never be too safe.

Do not be afraid to ask your potential matt to get an HIV test or to have any available background check. Just be willing to Provide the same information. If you're going to ask someone for esta information, be careful When you do it. 

Waiting three months and Until You've Already built a trusting, loving relationship Beginning in May to tell them you do not trust them and end a good thing. Asking too early May make you seem a little crazy. 

The Appropriate time to ask is at the Moment When you are sure you want to be more-committed to this person than just as a social companion. Never try to change or expect somebody into your ideal. It has never worked!
this is it!
Life is  a struggle between good and evil, honest and dishonest loque what works and does not work, positive and negative, love and hate. The POSITIVE people thrive and are happy and are dedicated to doing well and take pleasure in helping others to enjoy of life. The personasNEGATIVAS is discovered because they fail and are dedicated to doing evil (negative). The negative person is discovered that is continually complaining and criticizing. Always angry about something and nothing like as it looks in the mirror loque not you just see. Not to hate, we must have him hurt and avoid it. Someone contagion terrible disease negativitis and will destroy your life and can not sifrutar just suffered.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill Gives us a Simple yet powerful statement: "The great leaders of business, industry, and finance, and the great artists, poets, musicians and writers all great Became Because They developed the power of self-motivation . "
Take a Steve Jobs or Walt Disney or Henry Ford. All titans of Their industries, Understood That They All learning can not be confined to the schoolyard. For in Original men, and the pioneers before them, personal growth is Closely tied to learning how your mind works, and conditioning your psychology for success.
So many of us believe That after a college education the learning stops. But as Jim Rohn eleven said: 
  "Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune. " Success
That is personal success?
  To me, it is the progressive realization of my goals.
  What Is Happiness?
It is a mindset, a byproduct in the proseo. A positive mental attitude. Happiness consists in doing good.
  Where to find personal success and happiness?
They are people with organized mind. With true desire to act! Deseo (a fiery, intense passion, obsession motivates you to act).
 Motivation: Create an enabling environment for the person concerned can see the path to achieving your goals.
The goals, correctilla is important.
Life is a game, you need action, with daily planning.
Positive Attitude
Be Decisive
 Action! Act: Implement your ideas. Run your ideas. As decided achieve, and decided to pay the price necessary to achieve your goals.
Goals takes commitment. Goals, planning their goal in life.
  He who knows and does not act is a failure!
  "Action is the USE of Knowledge".
  A) Decision: The power of decision is something we developed
 Gradually throughout our lives.
 No one can find loquee can not display. It is the process of learning. (Time)
Success is not static, it is dynamic
Nobody can define your success !!! Do not let it, they would be canceling your inner liberated, "free will"!
It is personal, and enjoy every step, On the way to realization of my GOALS!
B.) Alternatives: are a direct consequence of your freedom.
The byproduct in the process, an action that you ejecutases.
C.) How to eliminate hatred past experiences.
The 4 elements of humanity.
Consisting of:
Being "YO"
 5 instruments
Formula mental status 5 instruments to communicate with the outside world (outside of a person)
Smell Tactical Visual Auditory Sense
Technique Triggers
1.) After being (I) the word, is more important.
  The word communication, which has the information and communicates to the outside world is a winner!
Communication HOW we communicate to ourselves, is very important, if we communicate well.
Types orientation mechanisms for communication.
  1.) Duplication Physiologica2.) Approach alejamiento3.) Internal and externa4.) Equality diferencia5.) NO verbal language carries a high percentage (90%) (Movement of the body) .6.) Need Possibility *
  Proper communication is important! *
  Only need to communicate what the person can understand. We think much of loquee we say, to never say everything we understand / know.
Only we must communicate loquee the person can understand his MENTAL acurdo situation.
A.) Education * you are not your thoughts be careful what you feed your mind *
B.) Beliefs: You can only do if you think you can do!
* Our environment
* Education
* Past Events
C.) Results of our past
Every thing, cause, and effect (cause all things effect)
Everything everything.
Life has a price! Accept nothing FREE
Pay the price! Do not take something that does not belong.
If you get something for free, actually paid a higher price. Perhaps you paid with humiliation (s) with your self-esteem lowered.
The word free is the most expensive word in the dictionary of the universe.
Everything in life has a value (a price).
This is the universal law of cause and effect.
The formula for success.
* Decide exactly is loquee want in life?
* Decide how much and what is the price?
* The loquee is going to sacrifice,
* Mentally before you start the process steps displayed things that could happen and solve the mishap in the path of the road, enjoying the process with optimism, doing everything with wisdom and good intentions.
Optimism: Modify your thoughts in your mind. The concept of self, our conducta.Tú're not loquee you think you are. Loquee think, that's me loquee you are!
The reality is in our mind, and that is subjective, depending on how we perceive the external world.
Your brain needs down time
Step one
Mega to do list:
Everything you need to do in long and short term.
All Things That needs to do down.
This will empty your mind.
Then take a break for an hour or so
Step two
defining your Desires
Write all the things that you 'ever wanted.
Everything that desire !!!! Imagine That perfect life that you 'want !!!
Take a break and go away.
Step three.
The Fear Factor
Write it down whatever fear you have, and write down so you can empty hour mind. This will bring the fears on to the surface.
Take a break and comeback them. Read aloud all Beginning from the first list. Exam fear your entries and think of solutions.
Find your solutions Think you on ways to solve.
To Me Is Progressive Achievement
My Goals And Enjoying The Process. There is Dynamic Static.
The Human Mind Is More Complex And The Amazing Of All Creation Of This Planet Asta Date. Success Has No Correlation I went Level Of Intelligence. Only Ser Practice And Put Time, Because It's A Process Learning to Succeed, Have To Be
Ready To Understand The Message.
? Self Improvement You Want Be The Most Effective PosibleEl Success Is Created By Self: A Chain Is Made Things Right Time On A Chain nobody can define your success. Is not forced, it is desired. The process of success is very intimate human being, It's personal human beings are free by nature. He and He alone decides what to do with his life. The man can decide someone decides for him, but even then He decides to decide for The ...
People want but fails loquee expected to achieve much difference loquee want to succeed but expect to fail, and so fails.
Anyone who really wants to live a successful life lived a successful life regardless of all the bad stuff happens. Because he has decided to be successful has decided succeed. Determined, motivated, creating the right environment for you like motives, you decide to build, and take the path of your choice. Only emotion creates the passion needed to convert a simple desire an obsession that lived minute by minute's your decision loquee motivates you, intensely excited, for only one emotion: is your decision loquee you motiva.Crea the enabling environment for the interested can see the situation clearly last way and the new way deciding pay the price. Only emotion creates the passion needed to convert a simple desire an obsession that lived minute by minute.
The power of decision is persistenciaPerseverancia: Persistence is one of the factors which wants success in vidaReceptale: a positive attitude do not take anything for free! to succeed: you need to have a burning desire to achieve your goal to finish your purpose) Personal Success: depends on the person you ask
MARCH, 2008
Advanced abundance money.
Knowledge: if important study at night (and polished) for conocimento is easier, understood, suffers less money to spare! all need help from birth ata we die! when can solve the problem (when one does not know suffers + = the problem
1. science is the search for truth. Fear is a tool of man.
2. Poverty is a bad habit.
3. who has no money, is because it has excuses.
4. know much does not produce wealth.
5. Disease I already! is an enormity!
6. gratitis: nothing is free!
7. Take off the gratitis, do not take anything for free
Faith is the "external elixir Which Gives Life, power
and action to the impulse of THOUGHTS.
To GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Nothing is impossible for God! Everything is possible!
IDEAS AND CREATIONS FORMED AN IDEA IN YOUR MIND "FORMS IN THE INSIDE of your mind, self, the invisible elixir.My gift to you: The fastest way to create a life on your terms
From: Books of Napolion Hill
ttp: //
I am proud because i choose to validate myself-who I am, who I ve been, and who I will be.  That, I believe, is the deepest kind of self-love. And we all deserve it.
** In many parts of the world, one of the first lessons was Taught That Shaman Weather is working. Learning to Control the weather is an integrated part of a Shaman's training. ** A shaman was expected to call in the rains When needed, and if I Could not, then a I would not get much RESPECT. When I was Taught how to check the weather, the first thing I was Taught was splitting clouds. ** It's really a very easy technique and MOST people can do it after practice. ** Go outside and pick out a cloud. Stare at it and take slow deep breaths. ** Do not force the breath, just allow it to be deep and natural. * Now send out from your Third Eye (area in the forehead and Between the eyebrows) a beam of white light to cloud. ** Visualize (with eyes open) the cloud splitting into two, and mentally or command it to do so Will. ** IT May take afew seconds or minutes, but if esta technique is done properly, the cloud will usually we split. ** Once you Have Learned how to do esta, you are well on your way to becoming a weather worker, and in the future I May teach you how to bring in the rain, winds, or sun. Just be careful not to jump ahead of yourself. ** Weather is Something That Takes working practice and guidance from an experienced teacher, Because You May end up Causing a flood in your area (grin). ** May the Gods hunder help ya! Blessed Be
  UNO reap what you sow ...
 One morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless man who slowly looked up ... and clearly looked at the woman who seemed accustomed to things
good life. Her coat was new. It seemed he had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others had done ....
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To his surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just come from dining with the president ... Now go."
The woman smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman came. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" asked the officer ..
"No problem here, officer, said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched his head." That's old John, it's been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want with him? "asked the officer ...
"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then he felt strong hands grabbing his arms and lifted him.
"Let me go, officer, I did nothing .."
"We Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in his ear. "
Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the cafeteria and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was almost noon, most people had already eaten lunch and the group for food had not yet come ...
The cafeteria manager came over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And this man is in trouble? "
"This lady brought him here to eat something," said the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Old Jack smiled with his few teeth. "Lady, I told him. Now, if they will let me go. I did not want to come here from the beginning."
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar with Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm that is two streets?"
"Of course I know," replied the manager impatiently. "They have their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms."
"And a good amount of money you win with the food supply in these weekly meetings?"
asked the lady ...
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company". "Oh sorry !! said the manager ...
The woman smiled again .. "I thought this might make a difference in their treatment."
He told the police, who strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or perhaps a meal, officer?" "No, thank you, ma'am," replied the officer. "I'm on duty."
"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better."
The cafeteria manager turned on his heels as receiving an order. -
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
The officer saw away. He said: "It certainly has put in place," he said.
"That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for this. "
He sat across the table from his guest to dinner. She stared at him ...
"John, do you remember me?"
Old Jack looked at his face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar".
"Look John, I'm maybe a little bigger, but look at me," said Mrs .. "Maybe I look more plump now ... but when you worked here many years ago I came here once, and for that very door , starving and cold. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
"Ma'am?" the officer said he could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think that woman could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," the woman said. "I had come to the city looking for a job but could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when I left my last few cents and I had run my apartment, I wandered through the streets was February. It was cold and nearly starving, then I saw this place and among the slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in his eyes the woman continued talking ...
"John greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John said. "I was behind the service counter. He approached and asked if I could work for something to eat." "You told me it was against company policy."
He continued the woman .. "So, you made me the biggest beef sandwich I had ever seen ... gave me a cup of coffee, and went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you meddle in problems. Then when I looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, I knew then that everything would be fine ".
"So you started your own business?" said the old John.
"If I found a job that afternoon. I worked very hard, and I went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and He pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to go and pay a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I'm sure you'll find something for you to do something at the office".
She smiled. "I think even I could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John."
There were tears in the eyes of the elderly. "How do I can thank you? He asked.
"Do not thank me," the woman replied. "Give glory to God. He brought me to you."
Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman were arrested and before going every man for himself ... "Thanks for all your help, officer .." said Ms. Hernandez.
"On the contrary," said the officer, "Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .. ".....
God is so great that it can cover the whole world with his love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.
Only 1 of 2 things will happen, or

he holds you when your you fall, or will teach you to fly!
God closes doors that no man can open and God opens doors that no man can shut ... And remember to be a blessing to others.
One of the saddest moments of my life, knowing it would be better to cease to exist and could not understand why? an angel who did not live on this planet than with pain and sadness, because there is no reason to stop there !!! It can not be .. yes, I often think that life is unfair !!! one of those many is this. because !!!!!! god give me the understanding to understand why?
 To: Yvonne Suarez
  Maybe not impossible distance. Foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. Conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) because there are moments in my life that are obscure and feel it is difficult to live !. I remember you as lloravas with carnal pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva already happen, do not worry.
 You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel that my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, because you llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People come into your life for a reason (the supreme power, because if exite). And also as nothing is forever have to leave.
It is the most pure and beautiful that I found. Love is the strongest force the world ...clearly a woman who seemed accustomed to the finer things in life. Her coat was new. It seemed he had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others had done .... 
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To his surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just come from dining with the president ... Now go."
The woman smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman came. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" asked the officer ..
"No problem here, officer, said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched his head." Yes, Old John, has been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want with him? "asked the officer ...
"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while. "
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then he felt strong hands grabbing him by the arms and lifted him up.
"Let me go, officer, I I did nothing .. "
"Let Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in his ear. "
Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the cafeteria and They sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was almost noon, most people had already eaten lunch and the food group had not yet come ...
The cafeteria manager came over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And this man is in trouble? "
"This lady brought him here to eat something," replied the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Old Jack smiled with his few teeth. "Lady, I told you. Now, if they will let me go. I did not want to come here from the beginning. "
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar with Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm that is two streets?"
"Of course I know them, "replied the manager impatiently." They have their weekly in one of my banquet rooms. "
"And a lot of money is earned over food supply in these weekly meetings?"
asked the lady. ..
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company." "Oh sorry !! told the manager ...
The woman I smiled again .. "I thought this could make a difference in their treatment. "
He told the police, who strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or perhaps a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am, "replied the officer." I'm on duty. "
"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better. "
The cafeteria manager turned on his heels as receiving an order -.
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
The officer saw him away. And he opined. "It certainly has put in place," he said
. "That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for all this "
He sat across the table from her dinner guest. She stared at him ...
"John, do you remember me?"
Old Jack looked at his face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar."
"Look John, perhaps I'm a little bigger, but look at me, "said Mrs .." Maybe I look more plump now ... but when you worked here many years ago I came here once, and for that very door, starving and cold. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
"Ma'am?" the officer said he could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think that woman could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," the woman said. "I had come to the city looking for a job but could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when I left my last few cents and I had run my apartment, I wandered through the streets was February. It was cold and nearly starving, then I saw this place and among the slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in his eyes the woman continued talking ...
Love is the strongest force the world ... and the pain of a broken heart can be unbearable.
ALWAYS: I always wanted to ask. What feelings you had for me? you think of me? Because you never could, oh Did you express your feelings for me? not till now. I think that was the best I could do. Having had the opportunity to express my feelings tell you. (And if were to be found because it was too strong, and it was very difficult). Actually that was lloque felt. I feel good !! And for me it is most important. Since then sorry, that was the best I could do, and I can say that the world gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something that did not need to have more. And I closed a stage in my life, which was not locked. I do not know because I had the opportunity before? The questions and answers are unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!
Today, I can tell you. Thank you for coming into my life, and really God tube having a purpose for which you came into my life. I sincerely hope you're happy wherever you find (I always wanted). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, that from now on not expect to find in my life. If for some reason you have to get back to my life, it will be because it is written !. I'm not resisting life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because again I can check that everything is possible. Thank you !!
  ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.
carries the risk of being misunderstood rechasado oh.
Not loving:
carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!
Not having money:
runs the risk of being taken advantage of UNO. And that UNO can not defend and
have to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to develop their talents, and create bellesa and felicity in the world.
Having conocimiemto:
Runs the risk of being criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing that UNO is better than others oh The more intelligente that Other.
Having money:
It involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Not having conocimiemto:
That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying its Seguera because you can not see their ignorance.
with bears the risk of dying .

If you are in love with a person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person.
If you find someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, honored that love came and touched feel your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return.
If you fall for someone, and that person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You will know it in due time.
Remember that you do not choose to love. LOVE YOU CHOOSE TO YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life.
Feels like it fills you to overflowing, and then find ways to share it.
Give to the person who gave birth in your life. Give to others who are poor in spirit. Dalo around the world of all forms you can.
You can not deceive you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything.
Remember this, and keep it in your heart: LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING. Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you stay.
You can only embrace it when it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if he chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. Be glad that it has entered into your life at some point.
And remember, if you keep your heart open, he will come back to you.
It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, a day to love him, but it takes a lifetime so you can forget.
 Message  Wise What ?

It is the most pure and beautiful that I found. Love is the strongest force the world ...
Love is the strongest force the world ... and  the pain of a broken heart  can be unbearable.
I always wanted to ask. What feelings did you have for me? you think of me? Because you never Pudistes, oh quisistes express your feelings for me? not till now. I creeo that was the best I could do. Having had the opportunity to express my feelings dises you. (And if they should be found because it was way too strong, and it was very difficult). Actually that was foulbrood felt. I feel good !! And for me it is most important. Since then sorry, that was the best I could do, and I can desir, the world gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something not nesesitaba have more. And I closed a stage in my life, which was not locked. Nose tube because no opportunity before? The questions and answers are unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!
Today, I desirte. Thank you for coming into my life, and really I tube aber God had a purpose for which you came into my life. With all my heart that you are happy wherever you find (always desie). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, that from now on Hespero not find you in my life. If for some reason you have to get back to my life, so this will be because writing !. I'm not resisting wing life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because again I can check that everything is possible. Thank you !! v = jl_ilig9SmQ & amp; feature = youtube_gdata_player
ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.
 LOL !!


carries the risk of being misunderstood rechasado oh.

Not loving:

carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!

Not having money:

runs the risk of being taken advantage of UNO. And that UNO can not defend themselves and have to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to develop their talents, and create bellesa and felicity in the world.

Runs the risk of being criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing that UNO is better than others oh The more intelligente that Other.

It involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Having conocimiemto:

Having money:

Not having conocimiemto:

That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying its Seguera because you can not see their ignorance.
with bears the risk of dying .
KNOW HOW MUCH LOVE? If you are in love with a person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person. If you find someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, feel honored that love came and touched your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return. If you fall for someone, and that person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You know what a good time. Remember that you do not choose to love. LOVE YOU CHOOSE TO YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life. It feels like it fills you to overflowing, and then find ways to share it. Give it to the person who gave birth in your life. Give to others who are poor in spirit. Dalo around the world of all forms you can. You can not fool you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything. Remember all this, and keep it in your heart: LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING. Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you stay. You can only embrace it when it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if he chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. Be glad that it has entered into your life at some point. And remember, if you keep your heart open, he will come back to you. It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, one day for wanting it, but it takes a lifetime so you can forget.
Wise What?

Know, that jealousy toward a person happen when you love her.
know, that people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.
know, people always defend the others are those who need more than defend . know that the three most difficult words to say are: I love you, Sorry and help me, people who say they are the ones that really need or feel, and are those that most need to assess, for they have said .
know, that people who spend their time, to give company to others, or help, are the most in need of your help and Your company.
You knew that people who dress in red, are the safest of themselves.
know that people who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty more.
know that people who dress in black are those who want to go unnoticed, and they need your understanding and your help.
know that when you help someone is you back, that help to double.
know that the people who most need of you, are those that do not tell you.
know, it's easier to say what you feel if you write that if you tell the person in front. Know, that has more value if you say in front.
know, that has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and you have to pay money.
You knew that if you ask something with great faith, and that faith alone will see the positive side, you will meet things.
know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really knew not you'd be marveling at what you can do with it.
But do not believe everything I tell you, until I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything that I told you and that you can help, give your help, and see that you will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.
ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS KNOW ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !! ! "Someday we will move the world crazy ... or already are moving" TE PASO MESSAGE ... If the whole world will remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I'm sorry I made ​​you feel bad", "Perdoname", "I Love You", "I believe you," You You care "and even sometimes" Always love you but I never told you. "

·         I would like to take esta opportunity to thank you for Been Here and special time to share this special moment and celebrate esta With This now grown up man. This time sharing with me is priceless. I would like to say a few words. I thank Mother Nature for the Given privilege to give me the life of my own, and to trust me with this life. As you know That we are born without knowledge, yet we get the knowledge and the experience in the process of learning and getting the purpose and the path in life. Dear are if I am sorry I hurt you in any form or shape in the process of becoming a mother to you, Because You Were my first child and I was a new mom with no experience. I know you are a grown up men now for the society, but to me That is only in number of years, Because You will always be my baby in my heart, and I will always cherish the memories That I Have When You Were a child . I always remember the phone calls we ended up That with I love you more! and Either you or I would say I LOVE YOU MORE AND MORE AND MORE! AND WE GO BACK FOR AND WITH MORE AND MORE AND MORE !!!!!!!.
·                        Happy birthday my son. With love your MOM. If You Could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?
I would say 'Act Now': When young, we think 'We have all the time in the world'.
Life is a learning curve and the more we experience, the more we 'evolve'. I do not think we are ever to finished product. So, 'Act Now' Instead of over thinking or trying to get everything 'right'. With Where I am at in personal my 'evolution', I am asking myself "Why did I take so long to initiate A, B or C '. Of course, it's good to plan, to think things through. Sometimes (most times? !.), though, our brain gets in the way Maybe it's better to 'Shoot now - Aim later!'
None of this is news ... but I Have Been Recently thinking acerca Where all the time in the world 'has gone - so Act Now are my two words.
ACT humanely.
"I CAN".
 Steps The Chances Your Love Will Last Forever
Find the right person.
In order to build a love that will last an eternity you need the right partner, no surprise there. You will Have Heard the time-worn saying That Opposites Attract, well it's true, They Also Have happen to the worst statistics for break-ups . You want to find someone Who You Have something in common with, you shared Interests That you you you you you start of with a common bond and give you something to work on. If You Have Currently Interests or any shared any common ground, then a aa will to you to start of your relationship With The temporary bond FORMED by infatuation. You do not know who you are going to fall in love with, but Having an notion of what can work match will give you a better chance for a lasting relationship.   Know that you '' '' 'like your partner. You do not just need the right partner, you need to be reliable to like them as well. Your partner has to be your best friend, the one that you '' '' 'can confide in, turn to, and the one Who is always there for you, standing by your side.   Nurture trust. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust. Trust is something that you '' '' 'give freely to your partner, but it is a very fragile thing and if you betray your trust spouses it can take a long time to regain it. If you want your love to last an eternity, then a to to to to start your relationship as you mean to go on by Being totally honest With each other. You need to be totally open and honest With Each Other Which Means sharing your feelings and emotions, Hopes and dreams. In a loving relationship, ,,,,, Although You Can Have Your own private thoughts you do not keep secrets from each other (apart That is for what you are getting them for Their Birthday and Christmas). Being open and honest With each other will bring you much closer together. It Might feel intrusive at first, but what you get from sharing will more than outweigh any discomfort.   Have realistic expectations of your partner and your relationship. You Have to be reliable to accept That the fantasy of an perfect romance that you '' '' 'read acerca in books is not going to happen, so do not waste your life looking for something That does not exist. Accept your partner for WHO They are, the good bits and the irritating ones, after all, That Is the person that you '' '' 'fell in love with. Do not go trying to change your partner into something That They are not, Could you drive them away or change them into Someone who do not love you.   Just as you Have to accept your partner Also you need to accept your relationship for what it is. Again, trying to change it to fit some will destroy something perfect fantasy That Could Have Been Otherwise very special.   Come up with a shared vision of the future, something that you '' '' 'Towards Both can work. This can be Achieved by setting joint goals, where to live, When to start a family , the list is endless. Have a number of goals running at any one time. Every Time That you 'Achieve a goal then a to to to to September a new one. This way you are Both working to and looking to the future. It will give your relationship a sense of permanence and continuity.   Talk. If you do not talk to each other, then a to to to to the next many years however it it it it we are going to be seriously boring. If you do not talk to you then to will start to distance yourself from each other, and the longer it goes on the Further apart will go Until you reach the stage That your relationship breaks up your. Communication connects you, it binds your lives together, it conveys who you are to your partner. Without communication you would know nothing acerca your partner, Their likes and dislike, what They Need, When They need help, and When They just need you. If you want your love to last an eternity You Have to comunicate.   Communicate your love . It's not good Being madly in love with someone if you are incapable of communicating your love to them. If They Do not Know (Which you need to Demonstrate by word and deed) that you '' '' 'love them then a to to to to Why Should They invest any love or emotion in trying to build a relationship with you? The fact that you '' '' 'love and appreciate them needs to be Transmitted to them each and every day, for all eternity. Do not just tell them That you '' '' love them, words are cheap, show them. Hug them, hold them, hold Their hand, touch them, tell them that you '' '' 'love them, leave them cards to find, call them, email them , it does not matter what, just let them know. Do not make this a routine thing, it Will Become meaningless if you do, do it Because You want to, and do not do the same all the time, keep it fresh, exciting and interesting.   Keep your lives interesting by making sure that you '' '' 'do things together. You could Pursue Those Interests shared or find new ones, go on dates, find new things to do, new places to see.   It's not always easy to find the time, so I synchronize schedules. It Does not Have to Be anything elaborate, a walk in the park or going for a coffee can do you the world of good. Tips How to tell That your love will last an eternity? There is no way that you '' '' 'can tell for Un certain, but if you follow the above then a to to to to you've got a chance. The best thing to do, and I know That I keep saying it, is for both of you to commit to creating the best possible relationship that you '' '' 'can. # topic_229 Your Children To Have Good Self Esteem
1 - Teach Them to Work and be Responsible -. I grew up doing jobs each day in my family. I Knew That I HAD to do in Original jobs and I Worked hard at them Were there days Sure That I whined or did not want to do them, but I always did them. I Knew That I wanted my kids to Have any available hard work ethic and to learn to be responsible. Not just for Their Own things, But Also for our household. I have always felt That When You. Teach them to work hard and be responsible, as They Grow up They will be confident in Their abilities and good members of society willing to help others A few years ago I read a book called "The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent "by Marrilee Boyack. It is by far one of the best books I have ever read acerca teaching your kids to be hard workers and be responsible. Another book That I really like is called "The Entitlement Trap" by Richard and Linda Eyre. ! Both books teach Such Great things  
2 - Encourage them but do not push them - I think.: sometimes it is so hard not to push our kids to want to do what we think They Should do This happens usually we we we we Because we want parents them to do What They did as children, or They want to live vicariously-through Them Because They Were not reliable to do it as a child. I was a pretty well rounded child, I clogged, sang, danced, and played sports. A few months back we got a basketball hoop. My boys Were Quickly drawn to it, but my daughter has no desire to play basketball at all. At first I Encouraged her to play with me, but when i Realized she really did not want to I Decided not to push it. She can kick the ball and play soccer, but as far as throwing and shooting a basket, she really does not care. We need to let our kids do What They want to Encourage and support them in and do it !  
3 - Do not be nitpicky -. . No kids are going to be confident if Their parents are always nitpicking Their every move I remember the first day my daughter wanted to do her own hair ... It Looked awful Or the day That my are got himself dressed and was wearing two different kinds and colors of stripes. This is something I had a very hard time with at first. It's Important for kids to learn to do things on Their Own. I so. let them. That does not mean you can not teach them since I have my kids Taught about matching clothes and simple hairstyles They can do if They do not want me to do Their hair.  
4 - You as a parent need to be self-. confident - Obviously We have to teach by example It Is Such a thing: sometimes hard to not say negative things about yourself, but how in the world are our kids going to Have Confidence and good self esteem If They don 't That Have any parents are showing them how!  
5 - Listen to, spend time with, and support each child -. This really needs no explanation Each individually kids needs you to spend time with them, listen to them and support them In Their additional activities, school work and everyday life!  
6 - Teach them to make goals and work hard to Achieve Them -. . I think this is one of the MOST fun things to teach my kids . Whether it is reading a book, running a mile, doing a project We have sat whos down individually With All of our kids (well the older ones) and Their life goals written out them hanging They Have in Their Rooms So They can see them daily and work hard to Achieve them.  
7 - Teach them They can do hard things. - One of the biggest Taught things We have our kids is That They can do hard things Lately esta HAD Become One of our family themes. We say it all the time. My kids just started Track Club-through the summer, it meets eleven week but They Also Encourage the kids to run a marathon-through the summer. So we Have Been running one mile four days a week on top of going to track. Some mornings They whine, and say They do not want to do it, but. I Encourage them nicely. "We can do it, it's just two short laps around the block" And They Do It and by the time we are done They are happy They did it.  
8 - Remember no child is the same - Each of my four children are different. They learn differently, They play differently, And They need to be disciplined differently. Our children are not cookie cutters of each other. They are very very different. Some Might need additional help in school, Some Might need to. little more time with you each day You know your children, look at each of them and see Their needs. 
9 - Always let them know how much you love them - Showing our kids we love them is one of the biggest ways we can teach our kids to Have Confidence and a Good self esteem. Children Who Do not feel shy and nervous around others get loved. They have no sense of Belonging Which Affects How They feel acerca themselves.   10- Show them you love them by spending good quality and quantity time with them, listen to them, support them and Encourage them. But MOST importantly tell them how much you love them. 10 - Teach them how to learn of Gods love for them. - When a child learns of God and his greatness and Then learns of how someone so great loves them so much, it Helps to give them a sense of Belonging in the world Having esta sense of constant love from one Who is so great Helps them- -through the hard times in life Their Struggling withnegative When They are self talk and Doubt. I think by following in Core
10 steps you will for sure raise confident children with a good self esteem   . sure you tell someone that you are looking for a long- term relationship from the onset  term relationship from the onset. The worst thing to yourself You could do is fall in love with Someone who hits the road three months later Because They're not ready to settle down. You should tell someone you are looking for a relationship after the first few dates (it's a bit desperate to discuss this on the first date!), Or as soon as you know you're interested in esta person.
Do not be in a rush to commit; . just make sure you're on the same page Both. Let them know that's all you're doing And bear in mind that you '' '' need to use your common sense When sounding out commitment issues; after all, nobody wants to discuss marriage on the second date!
10 Do some reality checking as you get to know your date better. As the relationship evolves and you're becoming closer, how do you know this That person is "the one"? Love can leave you giddy and can lead you to overlook the. "Little things" that can be rather big whos eleven things you try spending your life together Things to find out before you're ready to declare this person your "ideal mate" include: Are they moody or do they hide things from you You That 'Should reasonably expect to know? Are there money issues? Financial disparity and financial problems can cause you a lot of heartache, so honesty on This point is a must. Do you enjoy spending time together for long periods? How does your date act around his / her own family and your family? Are they respectful, disdainful, interested, switched off? Their responsiveness is an issue for you? Do they seem To have the same mind as you about Having Having kids or not, about pursuing a career, volunteering overseas for about five years? All of These things matter!
Do not settle for less than ideal! If you discover this is not the right person for you, do not hang on to them or convinces yourself it'll get better or you're too picky Being. You know what you want in a matte (Already you've listed it above). You'll find it too. And When to you do, it will be great! But on the other hand, do not be a perfectionist and demand impossibly high standards of the other person. Try. to appreciate quirks but not settle for someone you will not be happy with Tips If you're very young and / or religious -. before you're intimate, make sure you're Both-committed to a relationship Meet Their family and let. yours meet them hang out with them and Their friends; . invite them to hang out with you and yours It May sound silly to do all of this before you even think about Being intimate, but the way someone behaves in social situations or familial May Realize you make this person is not for you. Listen to your friends' opinions about your new love, but do not take all of them to heart. Hear them, Consider them, keep the ones That are valuable, and discard the rest. Remember friends are only human. They can make errors in judgment and They can Also get jealous. Use your own good judgment and common sense! If you're looking for a woman, look at her mother and check out the mother's relationships With men, and look at her father to see what she will expect from you; . it will tell you everything you need to know. Be aware however it it it I, That Reflect this May not work any staff person With growth May Have Done That her parents ALSO CONSIDER May be. the antithesis of what she factotum factotum factotum factotum believes and wants If you're looking for a guy, look at His Father and His Mother how I Treated etc., and look at His Mother to see what I have Expects from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Again though, this does not always work Reflect growth to any staff person Might Have done.

When looking at anyone from an abused background, look at How They behave Instead Toward children, pets, people weaker or subordinate to Themselves, stressful situations and Personal Conflicts. Many people from abusive backgrounds Become strong and gentle but many others perpetuate the abuse. If dating a recovered alcoholic or addict, years in recovery is a good benchmark.

If They stick WITH RECOVERY for three or more years, things will usually we we we we only get Better With them. Enjoy your single status for a while. Fretting about it will not change it but getting on With loving your life is guaranteed to bring people into your sphere May WHO prove of interest to you. Think about whether or not you think there is a need for a pre-nuptial agreement. Even the perfect matte can turn out not-so-perfect Circumstances under unforeseeable. In This day and age, you can never be too safe.
Do not be afraid to ask your potential matt to get an HIV test or to Have any available background check. Just be willing to Provide the same information. If you're going to ask someone for this information, be careful When you do it.
Waiting three months and Until You've Already built a trusting, loving relationship Beginning in May to tell them you do not trust them and end a good thing. Asking too early May make you seem a little crazy.
The Appropriate time to ask is at the Moment When you are sure you want to be more-committed to this person than just as a social companion. Never try to change or expect somebody into your ideal. It has never worked!
this is it!
Life is    a Struggle Between good and evil, honest and dishonest loque what works and does not work, positive and negative, love and hate. The POSITIVE people thrive and are happy and are dedicated to doing well and take pleasure in helping others to enjoy of life. The personasNEGATIVAS is discovered Because They fail and are dedicated to doing evil (negative). The negative person is discovered That Is Continually complaining and Criticizing. Always angry acerca something and nothing like as it looks in the mirror loque not you just see. Not to hate, we must have hurt him and avoid it. Someone dreadful disease contagion negativitis and will destroy your life and can not just Suffered sifrutar. a Steve Jobs or Henry Ford or Walt Disney. All titans of Their industries, Understood That They All learning can not be confined to the schoolyard. For in Original men, and the pioneers before them, personal growth is learning how Closely tied to your mind works, and conditioning your psychology for success.
So many of us believe That after a college education the learning stops. But as Jim Rohn eleven said:
  "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
  Personal Success
That staff is success?
  To me, it is the progressive realization of my goals.
  What Is Happiness?
It is a mindset, a byproduct in the proseo. A positive attitude of mind. Happiness Consist in doing good.
  Where to find success and happiness staff?
They are People with Organized mind. With true desire to act! I wish (a fiery, intense passion, obsession motivates you to act).
 Motivation: Create an enabling environment for the computer Concern concern concerned person can see the path to Achieving your goals.
The goals, correctilla is important.
Life is a game, you need action, with daily planning.
Positive Attitude
Be Decisive
 ! Action Act. Implement your thoughts. Run your thoughts As DECIDED Achieve, and DECIDED to pay the price Necessary to Achieve your goals.
Goals Takes commitment. Goals, planning Their goal in life.
  I Who Knows and does not act is a failure!
  "Action is the USE of Knowledge".
  A) Decision: The power of decision is something we developed
 Gradually THROUGHOUT our lives.
 No one can find loquee can not display. It is the process of learning. (Time)
Success is not static, it is dynamic
Nobody can define your success !!! Do not let it, They would be canceling your inner liberated, "free will"!
It is staff, and enjoy every step, On the way to realization of my GOALS!
B.) Alternatives: are a direct consequence of your freedom.
The byproduct in the process, an action that you '' 'ejecutases.
C.) How to Eliminate hatred past experiences.
The 4 elements of humanity.
Consisting of:
Being "YO"
 5 instruments
Mental status Formula 5 instruments to Communicate with the outside world (outside of a person)

Smell Tactical Visual Auditory Sense
Technique Triggers
1.) After Being (I) the word, is more important.
  The word communication, Which has the information and communicates to the outside world is a winner!
Communication HOW we comunicate to ourselves, is Very Important, if we comunicate well.
Types orientation-mechanisms for communication.
  1.) Duplication Physiologica2.) Approach alejamiento3.) Internal and externa4.) Equality diferencia5.) NO verbal language Carries a high percentage (90%) (Movement of the body) .6.) Need Possibility *
  Proper communication is important! *
  Only need to comunicate what the person can understand. We think much of loquee we say, to never say everything we Understand / know.
Only we must comunicate loquee the person can Understand His MENTAL acurdo situation.
A.) Education * you are not your thoughts be careful what you feed your mind *
B.) Beliefs: You can only do if you think you can do!
* Our environment
* Education
* Past Events
C.) Results of our past
Every thing, cause, and effect (cause all things effect)
Everything everything.
Life has a price! Accept nothing FREE
Pay the price! Do not take something That does not belong.
If you get something for free, whos paid a higher price. Perhaps you paid With humiliation (s) with your self-esteem lowered.
The word free is the Most Expensive word in the dictionary of the universe.
Everything in life has a value (a price).
This is the universal law of cause and effect.
The Formula for success.
* Decide Exactly is loquee want in life?
* Decide how much and what is the price?
* The loquee is going to sacrifice,
* Mentally before you start the process steps displayed That Could things happen and solve the mishap in the path of the road, enjoying the process With optimism, doing everything with wisdom and good intentions.
Optimism:. Modify your thoughts in your mind. The concept of self, our conducta.Tú're not loquee you think you are loquee think, that's me loquee you are!
The reality is in our mind, and That Is Subjective, Depending on how we Perceive the external world.
Your brain needs down time
Step one
Mega to do list:
Everything you need to do in long and short term.
All Things That needs to do down.
This will empty your mind.
Then take a break for an hour or so
Step two
defining your Desires
Write all the things that you '' '' ever wanted.
Everything that desire !!!! Imagine That perfect life that you '' '' want !!!
Take a break and go away.
Step three.
The Fear Factor
Write it down whatever fear you have, and write down so you can empty hour mind. This will bring the fears on to the surface.
Take a break and comeback them. Read aloud all Beginning from the first list. Exam fear your entries and think of solutions.
Find your solutions Think you on ways to solve.
To Me Is Progressive Achievement
My Goals And Enjoying The Process. There is Dynamic Static.
The Human Mind Is More Complex And The Amazing Of All Creation Of This Planet Asta Date. Success Has No Correlation I Went Level Of Intelligence. Only Ser Practice And Put Time, Because It's A Process Learning to Succeed, Have To Be
Ready To Understand The Message.
? Self Improvement You Want Be The Most Effective PosibleEl Success Is Created By Self: A Chain Is Made Things Right Time On A Chain nobody can define your success. Is not forced, it is Desired. The process of success is very intimate human being, It's Human Beings staff are free by nature. He and I alone decide what to do With His life. The man can choose someone decide for him, but even then a to to I Decided to choose for The ...
People want but fails loquee expected to Achieve much difference loquee want to succeed but expect to fail, and so fails.
Anyone Who really wants to live a Successful Life Lived life to Successful needed needed needed regardless of all the bad stuff happens. Because I've DECIDED to be Successful've DECIDED succeed. Determined, motivated, creating the right environment for you like motives, you choose to build ,. and take the path of your choice Only emotion Creates the passion needed to convert simple desire an obsession That Lived minute by minute's your decision loquee motivates you, intensely excited, for only one emotion: is your decision loquee you motiva.Crea the enabling environment for the interested can see the situation Clearly last way and the new way deciding pay the price. Only emotion Creates the passion needed to convert simple desire an obsession That Lived minute by minute.
The power of decision is persistenciaPerseverancia: Persistence is one of the factors Which wants success in vidaReceptale: a positive attitude do not take anything for free! to succeed: you need to Have any available burning desire to Achieve your goal to finish your purpose) Personal Success: depends on the person you ask
MARCH, 2008
Advanced abundance money.
Knowledge: Important if study at night (and polished) for conocimento is Easier, Understood, Suffers less money to spare all need help from birth ata we die! When can solve the problem (when one does not know Suffers + = the problem
1. science is the search for truth. Fear is a tool of man.
2. Poverty is a bad habit.
3. Who has no money, is Because It has excuses.
4. know much does not produce wealth.
5. Disease I already! is an enormity!
6. gratitis: nothing is free!
7. Take off the gratitis, do not take anything for free
Faith is the "external elixir Which Gives Life, power

and action to the impulse of THOUGHTS.

To GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Nothing is impossible for God! Everything is possible!

IDEAS AND CREATIONS FORMED AN IDEA IN YOUR MIND "FORMS IN THE INSIDE of your mind, self, the invisible elixir.My gift to you: The fastest way to create a life on your terms
From: Books of Napolion Hill
ttp: // am proud because i choose to validate myself-who I am, who I see Been, and who I will be.    That, I believe, is the deepest kind of self-love. And we all deserve it.
** In many parts of the world, one of the first lessons was Taught That Shaman Weather is working. Learning to Control the weather is an integrated part of a Shaman's training. ** A shaman was expected to call in the rains When needed, and if I Could not, then a to to to I would not get much RESPECT. When I was Taught how to check the weather, the first thing I was Taught was splitting clouds. ** It's really a very easy technique and MOST people can do it after practice. ** Go outside and pick out a cloud. Stare at it and take slow deep breaths. ** Do not force the breath, just allow it to be deep and natural. * Now send out from your Third Eye (area in the forehead and Between the eyebrows) a beam of white light to cloud. ** Visualize (with eyes open) the cloud splitting into two, and mentally or command it to do so Will. IT ** May take afew seconds or minutes, but if this technique is done properly, the cloud will usually we we we we split. ** Once you Have Learned how to do this, you are well on your way to becoming a weather worker, and in the future I May teach you how to bring in the rain, winds, or sun. Just be careful not to jump ahead of yourself. ** Weather is Something That Takes working practice and guidance from an experienced teacher, Because You May end up Causing a flood in your area (grin). ** May the Gods hunder help ya! Blessed Be  
  UNO reap what you sow ...
 One morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless Man Who Looked up slowly ... and Clearly Looked at the Woman Who Seemed accustomed to things
. good life. Her coat was new It Seemed I HAD never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others HAD done ....
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To His surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She Smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just eaten from dining with the president ... Now go."
Broader Became The woman smile even.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under His arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" Asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman to a meat to. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" Asked the officer ..
"No problem here, officer, Said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched His head." That's old John, It's been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want With Him? "Asked the officer ...
"See That coffee over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then I felt strong hands grabbing His arms and Lifted him.
"Let me go, officer, I did nothing .."
"We Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in His ear. "
Finally, and With some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the coffee shop and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was Almost noon, Most people HAD Already eaten for lunch and the food group HAD not yet come ...
The cafe manager beef over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And esta man is in trouble? "
"This lady here brought` him to eat something," Said the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Old Jack Smiled With His few teeth. "Lady, I Told him. Now, If They will let me go. I did not want to come here from the Beginning."
The woman turned to the coffee shop manager and Smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar With Hernandez and Associates Banking firm?, That is two streets?"
"Of course I know," the manager replied impatiently. "They have Their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms."
"And a good amount of money you win With The food supply in in Original weekly meetings?"
Asked the lady ...
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company". "Oh sorry !! Said the manager ...
The woman Smiled again .. "I thought This might make a difference in Their treatment."
I Told the police, lowest Strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or Perhaps a meal, officer?" "No, thank you, ma'am," replied the officer. "I 'm on duty."
"Then, Perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better."
The cafe manager turned on His heels as Receiving an order. -
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
The officer saw away. He said: "It certainly has put in place," I Said.
"That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for this. "
I sat across the table from His guest to dinner. She stared at him ...
"John, do you remember me?"
Old Jack Looked at His face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar."
"Look John, I'm maybe a little bigger, but look at me," Said Mrs .. "Maybe I look more plump now ... but When You Worked here many years ago I meat here once, and for That very door , starving and cold. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
"Ma'am?" the officer Said I Could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think That Woman Could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," Said the woman. "I had eaten to the city looking for a job but Could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when i left my last few cents and i had run my apartment, I wandered the streets was February-through. It was Nearly cold and starving, then a to to I saw this place and Among the Slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in His eyes the woman continued talking ...
"John Greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John Said. "I was behind the service counter. He Approached and Asked if I Could work for something to eat." "You dumped me it was Against company policy."
I continued the woman .. "So, you made me the biggest beef sandwich i had ever seen ... Gave me a cup of coffee, and Went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you '' 'meddle in problems . Then When I Looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, That I Knew Then everything would be fine ".
"So you started your own business?" Said the old John.
"If I found a job That afternoon. I Worked very hard, and I Went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business Which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and I pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to go and pay a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I'm sure you'll find something for you to do something at the office ".
She Smiled. "I think even I Could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live Until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John."
Were there tears in the eyes of the elderly. "How do I can thank you? I asked.
"Do not thank me," the woman replied. "Give glory to God. He brought` me to you."
Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman Were arrested and before going every man for himself ... "Thanks for all your help, officer .." Said Ms. Hernandez.
"On the Contrary," Said the officer, "Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .." .....
That God is so great it can cover the whole world With His love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God Takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.
Only 1 of 2 things will happen, or
When you've holds your you fail, or will teach you to fly!
That God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can shut That ... And remember to be a blessing to others.

One of the saddest moments of my life, Knowing it would be better to cease to exist and Could not Understand why? an angel Who Did not live on This planet than with pain and sadness, Because there is no reason to stop there !!! It can not be .. yes, I Often Think That life is unfair !!! one of Those many is this. Because !!!!!! god give me the understanding to Understand why?POSITIVE THINKING To: Yvonne Suarez  Maybe not impossible distance. foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you '' 'Gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) Because there are moments in my life are obscure and feel That Difficult it is to live!. I remember you as lloravas carnal With pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva Already happen, do not worry. You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is Very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel That my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, Because You llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People eat into your life for a reason (the supreme power, Because if exite). And also as nothing is forever Have to leave.  It is the MOST Pure and beautiful That I found. Love is the strongest force the world .... Clearly a Woman Who Seemed accustomed to the finer things in life. Her coat was new It Seemed I HAD never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others HAD done ....    "Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To His surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She Smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.   "Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just eaten from dining with the president ... Now go."   The woman smile Broader Became even.   Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under His arm. "What do you do, ma'am? "Asked the angry man.   "I tell him to leave me alone" !!   Just then a policeman to a meat to. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" Asked the officer ..    "No problem here, officer, Said the woman .. "I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me?" The officer scratched His head. "Yes, Old John, has-been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want With Him?" Asked the officer ...   "See That coffee over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while."   "Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then I felt strong hands grabbing him by the arms and Lifted him up.   "Let me go, officer, II did nothing .."   "Let Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in His ear. "   Finally, and With some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the coffee shop and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. They It was Almost noon, Most people HAD Already eaten lunch and the food group HAD not yet come ...   The cafe manager beef over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?   And esta man is in trouble? "   "This lady here brought` him to eat something," replied the policeman.   "Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!   Smiled With His Old Jack few teeth. "Lady, I Told You. Now, If They will let me go. I did not want to come here from the Beginning."   The woman turned to the coffee shop manager and Smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar With Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm That is two streets? "   "Of course I know them," replied the manager impatiently. "They have Their weekly in one of my banquet rooms."   "And a lot of money is earned over food supply in weekly meetings in Original?"    Asked the lady. ..   "What does that matter to you?"   "I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company." "Oh sorry !! Told the manager ...   The woman I Smiled again .. "I thought This Could make a difference in Their treatment. "   I Told the police, lowest Strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or Perhaps a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am," replied the officer. "I ' m on duty. "   "Then, Perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"   "Yes, ma'am. That would be better. "   The coffee shop manager turned on His heels as Receiving an order -.   "I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"   .. The officer saw him away And I opined "It certainly has put in place," I Said   . "That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for all this "   I sat across the table from her dinner guest. She stared at him ...   ? "John, do you remember me"   Old Jack Looked at His face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so -. I mean, I family find"   "Look John, Perhaps I 'ma little bigger, but look at me, "Said Mrs .." Maybe I look more plump now ... but When You Worked here many years ago I meat here once, and for That very door, cold and starving. "   Some tears fell down her cheeks ..   " Ma 'am? " the officer Said I Could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think That Woman Could ever be hungry.   "I had just graduated from the University of my people," Said the woman. "I had eaten to the city looking for a job but Could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when i left my last few cents and i had run my apartment, I wandered the streets-through was February. It was Nearly cold and starving, then a to to I saw this place and Among the Slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in His eyes the woman continued talking ...Love is the strongest force the world ... and the pain of a broken heart can be unbearable.ALWAYS. I always wanted to ask? What You Had feelings for me? you think of me? Because you never Could, oh Did you express your feelings for me. not till now I think That was the best I Could do. Having HAD the opportunity to express my feelings tell you. (And if Were to be found Because It was too strong, and it was very Difficult). Actually That was lloque felt. I feel good !! And for me it is MOST important. Since then a to to sorry, That was the best I Could Do, and I can say That the world Gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something That did not need to Have More. And I closed a stage in my life, Which was not locked. Because I do not know I had the opportunity before? The questions and answers are Unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!Today, I can tell you. Thank you for coming into my life, and God really tube Reviews Reviews Reviews having a purpose for Which you came into my life. I sincerely hope you're happy wherever you find (I always wanted). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, That from now on not expect to find in my life. If for some reason you Have to get back to my life, it will be Because it is written!. I'm not resisting life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because I can check again That everything is possible. Thank you !!  ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.  LIFE IN EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE AND RISK !!!Loving:Carries the risk of Being misunderstood rechasado oh.Not loving:Carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!Not Having money:runs the risk of Being taken advantage of UNO. And UNO That can not defend andHave to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to Develop Their talents, and bellesa felicity in the world and create.Having conocimiemto:Runs the risk of Being Criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing That ONE is better than others oh The more intelligente That Other.Having money:It Involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and just just just thus create injustice and infelizidad.Not Having conocimiemto:That risk has the advantageUNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying ITS Seguera Because You can not see Their ignorance.Living:With bears the risk of dying   .KNOW HOW MUCH LOVE? MessageIf you are in love with A person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person.If you find Someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, That love meat feel honored and touched your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return.If you fall for someone, and That person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You will know it in due time.Remember that you '' 'do not choose to love. YOU CHOOSE TO LOVE YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life.Feels like it fills you to overflowing, and Then find ways to share it.Give to the person WHO Gave birth in your life. Give to others Who are poor in spirit. Give it around the world of all forms you can.You can not deceive you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes Distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything.Remember this, and keep it in your heart. LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you '' 'stay.You can only embrace it When it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if I chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. That Be glad it has Entered into your life at some point.And remember, if you keep your heart open, I will come back to you.It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, a day to love him, but It Takes a lifetime so you can forget. Message    Wise What   ?Know, That jealousy Toward a person Happen When You love her.Know, That people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.Sabi as, That people are always defend others MOST needed to defend them. Know That the Three most Difficult words to say are: I love you, Sorry and help me, people Who Say They are the ones That really need or feel, and Those That Are MOST need to assess it it it, for They Have Said. Know, That Their People Who spend time, to give company to others, or help, are the MOST in need of your help and Your company.Know, people who wear network are more confident in themselves.People Who Know That dress in yellow Are Those That Their beauty enjoy more.People Who Know That dress in black are Those Who want to go unnoticed, And They need your understanding and your help.That Know When you help someone you back, That help to double.That the People Who Know MOST need of you, are not They tell you.Know, it is Easier to say what you feel if you write That if you tell the person in front. Know, That has more value if you say in front.Know, That has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and youKnow That if you ask something with great faith, and faith alone That will see the positive side, you will meet things.Know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really knew you'd not marveling at what you can do With It.But do not believe everything I tell you, until, I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything That I Told you and that you '' 'can help, give your help, and see that you' '' will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.ACCOUNTS ALWAYS KNOW ME ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !!! "Someday we will move the world are crazy ... or Already moving" TE PASO If the whole world MESSAGE ... Will Remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I 'm sorry I made you feel bad "," Forgive me, "" I Love You "," I believe you "You You care" and even sometimes "Always love you but I Never Told You. "1. Attitude Happiness is a choice That can be done anytime and anywhere. My thoughts are what make me happy or unhappy, not my Circumstances. Be able to change yourself, and the world will change you.Remember That the only thing you can check in the world are your thoughts .. 2. The Body  My feelings are Influenced by my position. Proper posture Generates a happy disposition.It también está Important that you '' 'exercise, it frees us from stress and Generates the secretion of endorphins, Which make us feel good. Always look up and you can only laugh, because i know no one WHO has-been reliable to mourn In That position.  3. The Moment Happiness is not in years, months, weeks, even days. Only you can find it in moments. "Today is yesterday's tomorrow" ... plus life always has the right to be surprised, so learn to live the present without any of the traumas of the past or future expectations. Remember That happiness is not a destination but a journey. Enjoy every moment as if it Were combined your past,  your present and your future.  4. Our Own Image  I must learn to love myself as I am. Believing in yourself Gives results. The more you know yourself, the higher your advantage over others.Hammarshold said: "The most Difficult path is the path within" ... but at Least Once in life, we must travel.  5. GoalsYou know what the Difference between a dream and a goal? A goal is a dream with a specific date to become reality. A dream is just a dream, That something is out of touch ... so dare to dream,But Also Those dare to make dreams come true!. "Aim for the moon, even though mistake Because, get to the stars ..." And Difficult When You put a goal or think you Have an impossible dream, Remember That success is just reward, Because what counts is the effort.   6. The HumorThe smile is Very Important to improve increase Increase Increase self-esteem. When we smile, but do not feel anything, our brain Sees it as a sign That all is well and SENDS a message to the central nervous system to release the the the a substance called beta-endorphin, Which Gives the mind a positive response. They say a smile costs less than electricity, but Gives more light. And With Every smile sow hope.7. ForgivenessWhile resentments and hatreds Have you, it will be impossible to be happy. The wonderful thing acerca forgiveness is not releasing any other of His guilt, but it frees you from That Suffering.8. GiveOne of the true secrets to be happy is to learn to give without expecting anything in return. The laws of energy will treat you more than what you give. If you give hate, hate you receive, but if you give love, love invariably Receive.Only He Who learns to give is on track to discover the true happiness  9. Relations  Synergy is joining forces and walking together to get things done. Whenever two or more people come together in a spirit of collaboration and Respect, OCCURS synergy naturally. Understand the people around you, your friends want as They are,without trying to change them, Because When You feel bad, true friend will be there to support you and give you all her love. So cultivate your friendships, They are free us!. Friendship, like MOST Should feelings flow naturally.  10.La FeFaith builds confidence, Gives us peace of mind and frees the soul of His Doubts, worries, anxiety and fear.But do not panic when in doubt, well said Miguel de Unamuno. Faith No Doubt That faith is dead "They say that wise man Becomes When you learn to laugh at yourself laughs, laughs merrily ... and the world laughs. You!    MEMORIES
           ONE    .. reap what you sow   .One morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless Man Who Looked slowly and looked ... "John Greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John Said. "I was behind the service counter. He Approached and Asked if I Could work for something to eat." "You dumped me it was Against company policy." continued the woman .. "So, you made me the largest beef sandwich i had ever seen ... Gave me a cup of coffee, and Went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you '' 'get into trouble. Then When I Looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, That I Knew Then everything would be fine. "" So you started your own business? "Said the old John. "Yes, I found the same work late. I Worked very hard, and I Went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business Which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to make a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I 'm sure you'll find something for you to do something in the office. "She Smiled. "I think even I Could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live Until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John." Were there tears in old man's eyes. "How do I can thank you? I asked." Do not thank me, "the woman replied." Give glory to God. I brought` me to you. "Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman Were arrested and before going every man for himself ..." Thanks for all your help, officer .. "Said Ms. Hernandez." By Otherwise, "the officer Said," Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .. "..... That God is so great it can cover the Entire World With His love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God Takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go. Only 1 of 2 things will happen, or you've holds your When you fail, or will teach you to fly! That God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can shut That. .. And remember to be a blessing to others.


A THINKING    POSITIVETo: Yvonne SuarezMaybe not impossible distance. foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you '' 'Gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) Because there are moments in my life are obscure and feel That Difficult it is to live!. I remember you as lloravas carnal With pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva Already happen, do not worry.You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is Very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel That my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, Because You llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People eat into your life for a reason (the supreme power, Because if exite). And also as nothing is forever Have to leave. is the MOST Pure and beautiful That I found. Love is the strongest force the world ...   Love is the strongest force the world ... and  the pain of a broken heart  can be unbearable.  ALWAYS   I always wanted to ask. What Have feelings for me did you? you think of me? Because you never Pudistes, oh quisistes express your    feelings for me? not till now. I creeo That was the best I Could do. Having Had the opportunity to express my feelings dises you. (And If They Should be found Because it was way too strong, and it was very Difficult). Actually That was foulbrood felt. I feel good !! And for me it is MOST important. Since then a to to sorry, That was the best I Could do, and I can desir, the world Gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove nesesitaba Have not something more. And I closed a stage in my life, Which was not locked. Because no opportunity Nose tube before? The questions and answers are Unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!   Today, I desirte. Thank you for coming into my life, and I really aber tube God had a purpose for Which you came into my life. With all my heart that you '' are happy wherever you find (always desie). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, That from now on Hespero not find you in my life. If for some reason you Have to get back to my life, so will be writing Because esta!. I'm not resisting wing life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because I can check again That everything is possible. Thank you !!? v = jl_ilig9SmQ & amp; amp; amp; feature = youtube_gdata_player 

ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.             no sheet !! LOL !! it is true:-)LIFE IN EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE AND RISK !!!Loving:Carries the risk of Being misunderstood rechasado oh.Not loving:Carries the risk of losing the best of life !!! Not Having money:
runs the risk of Being taken advantage of UNO. And UNO That can not defend Themselves and unavailable to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to Develop Their talents, and bellesa felicity in the world and create.Runs the risk of Being Criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing That ONE is better than others oh The more intelligente That Other.It Involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and just just just thus create injustice and infelizidad.Having conocimiemto: Having money:Not Having conocimiemto:That risk has the advantageUNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying ITS Seguera Because You can not see Their ignorance. Living:With bears the risk of dying   .

Wise Message What?
Know, That jealousy Toward a person Happen When You love her.   know, That people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.   know, people always defend the others are Those Who need more than defend.   Know That the Three most Difficult words to say are. I love you, Sorry and help me, people Who Say They are the ones That really need or feel, and Those That Are MOST need to assess it it it, for They Have Said   know, That Their People Who spend time, to give company to others, or help, are the MOST in need of your help and Your company.   You Knew That People Who dress in red, are the safest of themselves.   People Who Know That dress in yellow Are Those That Their beauty enjoy more.   Know That dress in black People Who are Those Who want to go unnoticed, And They need your understanding and your help.   Know That When you help someone is you back, That help to double.   That the People Who Know MOST need of you, Are Those That do not tell you.   know, it's Easier to say what you feel if you write That if you tell the person in front. Know, That has more value if you say in front.   know, That has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and you Have to pay money.   You Knew That if you ask something with great faith, and faith alone That will see the positive side, you will meet things.   know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really Knew you'd not be marveling at what you can do With It.   But do not believe everything I tell you, until, I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything That I Told you and that you '' 'can help, give your help, and see that you' '' will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.   ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS KNOW ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !! ! "Someday we will move the world are crazy ... or Already moving" TE PASO MESSAGE ... If the whole world Will Remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I 'm sorry I made ​​you feel bad "," Forgive me, "" I Love You "," I believe you, "You You care" and even sometimes "Always love you but I Never Told You. "

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for Been Here and special time to share this special moment and celebrate this With This now grown up man. This time sharing with me is priceless. I would like to say a few words. Given I thank Mother Nature for the privilege to give me the life of my own, and to trust me with this life. As you know That we are born without knowledge, yet we get the knowledge and the experience in the process of learning and getting the purpose and the path in life. Dear are if I am sorry I hurt you in any form or shape in the process of becoming a mother to you, Because You Were my first child and I was a new mom with no experience. I know you are now a grown up men for the society, but to me That is only in number of years, Because You will always be my baby in my heart, and I will always cherish the memories That I Have When You Were a child . I always remember the phone calls we ended up with I love you That more! and Either you or I would say I LOVE YOU MORE AND MORE AND MORE! AND WE GO BACK FOR AND WITH MORE AND MORE AND MORE !!!!!!!.
Happy birthday my son. With love your MOM.
If You Could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?
I would say 'Act Now': When young, we think 'We have all the time in the world'.
Life is a learning curve and the more we experience, the more we 'evolve'. I do not think we are ever to finished product. So, 'Act Now' Instead of over thinking or trying to get everything 'right'. With Where I am at in personal my 'evolution', I am asking myself "Why did I take so long to initiate A, B or C '. Of course, it's good to plan, to think things through. Sometimes (most times? !.), though, our brain gets in the way Maybe it's better to 'Shoot now - Aim later!'
None of this is news ... but I Have Recently Been thinking about all the time Where in the world 'you've gone - so Act Now are my two words.
ACT humanely.
"I CAN".
1 - Teach Them to Work and be Responsible - I grew up doing jobs each day in my family. I Knew That I HAD to do in Original jobs and I Worked hard at them. Were there days Sure That I whined or did not want to do them, but I always did them. I Knew That I wanted my kids to have any available hard work ethic and to learn to be responsible. Not just for Their Own things, But Also for our household. I have always felt That When You teach them to work hard and be responsible, as They Grow up They will be confident in Their abilities and good members of society willing to help others. A few years ago I read a book called "The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent" by Marrilee Boyack. It is by far one of the best books I have ever read acerca teaching your kids to be hard workers and be responsible. Another book That I really like is called "The Entitlement Trap" by Richard and Linda Eyre. Both books teach Such Great things! 2 - Encourage them but do not push them - I think: sometimes it is so hard not to push our kids to want to do what we think They Should do. This happens Because usually we parents want them to do What They did as children, or They want to live vicariously-through Them Because They Were not reliable to do it as a child. I was a pretty well rounded child, I clogged, sang, danced, and played sports. A few months back we got a basketball hoop. My boys Were Quickly drawn to it, but my daughter has no desire to play basketball at all. At first I Encouraged her to play with me, but when i Realized she really did not want to I Decided not to push it. She can kick the ball and play soccer, but as far as throwing and shooting a basket, she really does not care. We need to let our kids do What They want to do and Encourage and support them in it! 3 - Do not be nitpicky - No kids are going to be confident if Their parents are always nitpicking Their every move. I remember the first day my daughter wanted to do her own hair ... It Looked awful. Or the day That my son got himself dressed and was wearing two different kinds and colors of stripes. This is something I had a very hard time with at first. It's Important for kids to learn to do things on Their Own. So let them. That does not mean you can not teach them. I have since my kids acerca Taught matching clothes and simple hairstyles They can do if They do not want me to do Their hair. 4 - You as a parent need to be self-confident - Obviously We have to teach by example. It Is Such a thing: sometimes hard to not say negative things acerca yourself, but how in the world are our kids going to Have Confidence and good self esteem If They do not have any parents are showing them how That! 5 - Listen to, spend time with, and support each child - This really needs no explanation. Each kids individualmente needs you to spend time with them, listen to them and support them In Their additional activities, school work and everyday life! 6 - Teach them to make goals and work hard to Achieve them - I think this is one of the MOST fun things to teach my kids. Whether it is reading a book, running a mile, doing a project. We have sat down individualmente whos With All of our kids (well the older ones) and written out Their life goals. They Have them hanging in Their Rooms So They can see them daily and work hard to Achieve them. 7 - Teach them They can do hard things - One of the biggest things Taught We have our kids is That They can do hard things. Lately esta HAD Become One of our family themes. We say it all the time. My kids just started Track Club-through the summer, it meets eleven week but They Also Encourage the kids to run a marathon-through the summer. So we Have Been running one mile four days a week on top of going to track. Some mornings They whine, and say They do not want to do it, but I Encourage them nicely. "We can do it, it's just two short laps around the block". And They Do It and by the time we are done They are happy They did it. 8 - Remember no child is the same - Each of my four children are different. They learn differently, They play differently, And They need to be disciplined differently. Our children are not cookie cutters of each other. They are very very different. Some Might need additional help in school, Some Might need a little more time with you each day. You know your children, look at each of them and see Their needs. 9 - Always let them know how much you love them - Showing our kids we love them is one of the biggest ways we can teach our kids to Have Confidence and a Good self esteem. Children Who Do not feel shy and loved get nervous around others. They have no sense of Belonging Which Affects How They feel acerca themselves. 10- Show them you love them by spending good quality and quantity time with them, listen to them, support them and Encourage them. But MOST importantly tell them how much you love them.

this is it!
Take a Steve Jobs or Walt Disney or Henry Ford. All titans of Their industries, Understood That They All learning can not be confined to the schoolyard. For in Original men, and the pioneers before them, personal growth is Closely tied to learning how your mind works, and conditioning your psychology for success.
 5 instruments
** In many parts of the world, one of the first lessons was Taught That Shaman Weather is working. Learning to Control the weather is an integrated part of a Shaman's training. ** A shaman was expected to call in the rains When needed, and if I Could not, then a I would not get much RESPECT. When I was Taught how to check the weather, the first thing I was Taught was splitting clouds. ** It's really a very easy technique and MOST people can do it after practice. ** Go outside and pick out a cloud. Stare at it and take slow deep breaths. ** Do not force the breath, just allow it to be deep and natural. * Now send out from your Third Eye (area in the forehead and Between the eyebrows) a beam of white light to cloud. ** Visualize (with eyes open) the cloud splitting into two, and mentally or command it to do so Will. ** IT May take afew seconds or minutes, but if esta technique is done properly, the cloud will usually we split. ** Once you Have Learned how to do esta, you are well on your way to becoming a weather worker, and in the future I May teach you how to bring in the rain, winds, or sun. Just be careful not to jump ahead of yourself. ** Weather is Something That Takes working practice and guidance from an experienced teacher, Because You May end up Causing a flood in your area (grin). ** May the Gods hunder help ya! Blessed Be
It is the most pure and beautiful that I found. Love is the strongest force the world ...clearly a woman who seemed accustomed to the finer things in life. Her coat was new. It seemed he had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others had done .... 
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To his surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just come from dining with the president ... Now go."
The woman smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman came. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" asked the officer ..
"No problem here, officer, said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched his head." Yes, Old John, has been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want with him? "asked the officer ...
"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while. "
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then he felt strong hands grabbing him by the arms and lifted him up.
"Let me go, officer, I I did nothing .. "
"Let Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in his ear. "
Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the cafeteria and They sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was almost noon, most people had already eaten lunch and the food group had not yet come ...
The cafeteria manager came over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And this man is in trouble? "
"This lady brought him here to eat something," replied the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Old Jack smiled with his few teeth. "Lady, I told you. Now, if they will let me go. I did not want to come here from the beginning. "
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar with Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm that is two streets?"
"Of course I know them, "replied the manager impatiently." They have their weekly in one of my banquet rooms. "
"And a lot of money is earned over food supply in these weekly meetings?"
asked the lady. ..
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company." "Oh sorry !! told the manager ...
The woman I smiled again .. "I thought this could make a difference in their treatment. "
He told the police, who strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or perhaps a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am, "replied the officer." I'm on duty. "
"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better. "
The cafeteria manager turned on his heels as receiving an order -.
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
The officer saw him away. And he opined. "It certainly has put in place," he said
. "That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for all this "
He sat across the table from her dinner guest. She stared at him ...
"John, do you remember me?"
Old Jack looked at his face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar."
"Look John, perhaps I'm a little bigger, but look at me, "said Mrs .." Maybe I look more plump now ... but when you worked here many years ago I came here once, and for that very door, starving and cold. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
"Ma'am?" the officer said he could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think that woman could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," the woman said. "I had come to the city looking for a job but could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when I left my last few cents and I had run my apartment, I wandered through the streets was February. It was cold and nearly starving, then I saw this place and among the slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in his eyes the woman continued talking ...
Love is the strongest force the world ... and  the pain of a broken heart  can be unbearable.
I always wanted to ask. What feelings did you have for me? you think of me? Because you never Pudistes, oh quisistes express your feelings for me? not till now. I creeo that was the best I could do. Having had the opportunity to express my feelings dises you. (And if they should be found because it was way too strong, and it was very difficult). Actually that was foulbrood felt. I feel good !! And for me it is most important. Since then sorry, that was the best I could do, and I can desir, the world gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something not nesesitaba have more. And I closed a stage in my life, which was not locked. Nose tube because no opportunity before? The questions and answers are unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!
Today, I desirte. Thank you for coming into my life, and really I tube aber God had a purpose for which you came into my life. With all my heart that you are happy wherever you find (always desie). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, that from now on Hespero not find you in my life. If for some reason you have to get back to my life, so this will be because writing !. I'm not resisting wing life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because again I can check that everything is possible. Thank you !!
KNOW HOW MUCH LOVE? If you are in love with a person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person. If you find someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, feel honored that love came and touched your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return. If you fall for someone, and that person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You know what a good time. Remember that you do not choose to love. LOVE YOU CHOOSE TO YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life. It feels like it fills you to overflowing, and then find ways to share it. Give it to the person who gave birth in your life. Give to others who are poor in spirit. Dalo around the world of all forms you can. You can not fool you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything. Remember all this, and keep it in your heart: LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING. Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you stay. You can only embrace it when it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if he chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. Be glad that it has entered into your life at some point. And remember, if you keep your heart open, he will come back to you. It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, one day for wanting it, but it takes a lifetime so you can forget.
Wise What?
Know, that jealousy toward a person happen when you love her.
know, that people seem to be very strong, are the weakest.
know, people always defend the others are those who need more than defend . know that the three most difficult words to say are: I love you, Sorry and help me, people who say they are the ones that really need or feel, and are those that most need to assess, for they have said .
know, that people who spend their time, to give company to others, or help, are the most in need of your help and Your company.
You knew that people who dress in red, are the safest of themselves.
know that people who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty more.
know that people who dress in black are those who want to go unnoticed, and they need your understanding and your help.
know that when you help someone is you back, that help to double.
know that the people who most need of you, are those that do not tell you.
know, it's easier to say what you feel if you write that if you tell the person in front. Know, that has more value if you say in front.
know, that has more value, costing you do or say, than it costs you and you have to pay money.
You knew that if you ask something with great faith, and that faith alone will see the positive side, you will meet things.
know, you can make your dreams come true, like love, money, health, if you ask in faith, and if you really knew not you'd be marveling at what you can do with it.
But do not believe everything I tell you, until I see for yourself, if you know someone who needs anything that I told you and that you can help, give your help, and see that you will return to double or help yourself to yourself, and see the results.
ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS KNOW ??? ... AT THE TIME, TIME AND PLACE THAT YOU NEED ME, CALL ME, I WILL BE WITH YOU !! ! "Someday we will move the world crazy ... or already are moving" TE PASO MESSAGE ... If the whole world will remain available twenty four hours, all phone lines, chats and emails saturating people would call someone to say, "I'm sorry I made ​​you feel bad", "Perdoname", "I Love You", "I believe you," You You care "and even sometimes" Always love you but I never told you. "
·         I would like to take esta opportunity to thank you for Been Here and special time to share this special moment and celebrate esta With This now grown up man. This time sharing with me is priceless. I would like to say a few words. I thank Mother Nature for the Given privilege to give me the life of my own, and to trust me with this life. As you know That we are born without knowledge, yet we get the knowledge and the experience in the process of learning and getting the purpose and the path in life. Dear are if I am sorry I hurt you in any form or shape in the process of becoming a mother to you, Because You Were my first child and I was a new mom with no experience. I know you are a grown up men now for the society, but to me That is only in number of years, Because You will always be my baby in my heart, and I will always cherish the memories That I Have When You Were a child . I always remember the phone calls we ended up That with I love you more! and Either you or I would say I LOVE YOU MORE AND MORE AND MORE! AND WE GO BACK FOR AND WITH MORE AND MORE AND MORE !!!!!!!.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill Gives us a Simple yet powerful statement: "The great leaders of business, industry, and finance, and the great artists, poets, musicians and writers all great Became Because They developed the power of self-motivation . "
Message KNOW HOW MUCH LOVE? If you are in love with A person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person. If you find Someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, feel honored and touched meat That Love your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return. If you fall for someone, and That person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You know what a good time. Remember that you '' 'do not choose to love. YOU CHOOSE TO LOVE YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life. It feels like it fills you to overflowing, and Then find ways to share it. Give it to the person WHO Gave birth in your life. Give to others Who are poor in spirit. Give it around the world of all forms you can. You can not fool you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes Distinguish the difference, but if you look at. your eyes will tell them everything she Remember all this, and keep it in your heart. LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you '' 'stay. You can only embrace it When it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if I chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. That Be glad it has Entered into your life at some point. And remember, if you keep your heart open, I will come back to you. It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, one day for wanting it, but It Takes a lifetime so you can forget.

* Steps The Chances Your Love Will Last Forever   
  Find the right person. In order to build a love that will last an eternity you need the right partner, no surprise there. You will Have Heard the time-worn saying That Opposites Attract, well it's true, They Also Have happen to the worst statistics for break-ups. You want to find someone Who You Have something in common with, you shared Interests That you start of with a common bond and give you something to work on. If you do not have any Interests or any shared common ground, then a you will start of your relationship With The temporary bond FORMED by infatuation. You do not know who you are going to fall in love with, but Having an notion of what can work match will give you a better chance for a lasting relationship. Know that you 'like your partner. You do not just need the right partner, you need to be reliable to like them as well. Your partner has to be your best friend, the one that you 'can confide in, turn to, and the one Who is always there for you, standing by your side. Nurture trust. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust. Trust is something that you 'give freely to your partner, but it is a very fragile thing and if you betray your trust spouses it can take a long time to regain it. If you want your love to last an eternity, then a start your relationship as you mean to go on by Being totally honest With each other. You need to be totally open and honest With Each Other Which Means sharing your feelings and emotions, Hopes and dreams. In a loving relationship,, Although You Can Have Your own private thoughts you do not keep secrets from each other (apart That is for what you are getting them for Their Birthday and Christmas). Being open and honest With each other will bring you much closer together. It Might feel intrusive at first, but what you get from sharing will more than outweigh any discomfort. Have realistic expectations of your partner and your relationship. You Have to be reliable to accept That the fantasy of an perfect romance that you 'acerca read in books is not going to happen, so do not waste your life looking for something That does not exist. Accept your partner for WHO They are, the good bits and the irritating ones, after all, That Is the person that you 'fell in love with. Do not go trying to change your partner into something That They are not, Could you drive them away or change them into Someone who do not love you. Just as you Have to accept your partner Also you need to accept your relationship for what it is. Again, trying to change it to fit some will destroy something perfect fantasy That Could Have Been Otherwise very special. Come up with a shared vision of the future, something that you 'can Both Towards work. This can be Achieved by setting joint goals, where to live, When to start a family, the list is endless. Have a number of goals running at any one time. Every time that you 'Achieve a goal then a September a new one. This way you are Both working to and looking to the future. It will give your relationship a sense of permanence and continuity. Talk. If you do not talk to each other, then a the next many years however we are going to be seriously boring. If you do not talk then a you will start to distance yourself from each other, and the longer it goes on the Further apart will go Until you reach the stage That your relationship breaks up your. Communication connects you, it binds your lives together, it transmite who you are to your partner. Without communication you would know nothing acerca your partner, Their likes and dislike, what They Need, When They need help, and When They just need you. If you want your love to last an eternity You Have to comunicate. Communicate your love. It's not good Being madly in love with someone if you are incapable of communicating your love to them. If They Do not Know (Which you need to Demonstrate by word and deed) that you 'love them then a Why Should They invest any love or emotion in trying to build a relationship with you? The fact that you 'love and appreciate them needs to be Transmitted to them each and every day, for all eternity. Do not just tell them that you 'love them, words are cheap, show them. Hug them, hold them, hold Their hand, touch them, tell them that you 'love them, leave them cards to find, call them, email them, it does not matter what, just let them know. Do not make this a routine thing, it Will Become meaningless if you do, do it Because You want to, and do not do the same all the time, keep it fresh, exciting and interesting. Keep your lives interesting by making sure that you 'do things together. You could Pursue Those Interests shared or find new ones, go on dates, find new things to do, new places to see. It's not always easy to find the time, so I synchronize schedules. It Does not Have to Be anything elaborate, a walk in the park or going for a coffee can do you the world of good. Tips How to tell That your love will last an eternity? There is no way that you 'can tell for Un certain, but if you follow the above then a you've got a chance. The best thing to do, and I know That I keep saying it, is for both of you to commit to creating the best possible relationship that you 'can.
Teach Your Children To Have Good Self Esteem
10 - Teach them how to learn of Gods love for them - When a child learns of God and his greatness and Then learns of how someone so great loves them so much, it Helps to give them a sense of Belonging in the world. Having esta sense of constant love from one Who is so great Helps them-through the hard times in life Their Struggling withnegative When They are self talk and Doubt. I think by following in Original 10 steps you will for sure raise confident children with a good self esteem .
Make sure you tell someone that you 're looking for a long-term relationship from the onset .  The worst thing to yourself You could do is fall in love with Someone who hits the road three months later Because They're not ready to settle down . You should tell someone you are looking for a relationship after the first few dates (it's a bit desperate to discuss this on the first date!), Or as soon as you know you're interested in esta person. 
Do not be in a rush to commit; just make sure you're on the same page Both. Let them know that's all you're doing. And bear in mind that you 'need to use your common sense When sounding out commitment issues; after all, nobody wants to discuss marriage on the second date! 

10 Do some reality checking as you get to know your date better. As the relationship evolves and you're becoming closer, how do you know esta That person is "the one"? Love can leave you giddy and can lead you to overlook the "little things" that can be rather big whos eleven things you try spending your life together. Things to find out before you're ready to declare esta person your "ideal mate" include: Are they moody or do they hide things from you that you 'Should reasonably expect to know? Are there money issues? Financial disparity and financial problems can cause you a lot of heartache, so honesty on This point is a must. Do you enjoy spending time together for long periods? How does your date act around his / her own family and your family? Are they respectful, disdainful, interested, switched off? Their responsiveness is an issue for you? Do they seem To have the same mind as you acerca Having Having kids or not, acerca pursuing a career, acerca volunteering overseas for five years? All of These things matter! 

Do not settle for less than ideal! If you discover this is not the right person for you, do not hang on to them or convinces yourself it'll get better or you're too picky Being. You know what you want in a mate (Already you've listed it above). You'll find it too. And when to you do, it will be great! But on the other hand, do not be a perfectionist and demand impossibly high standards of the other person. Try to appreciate quirks but not settle for someone you will not be happy with. Tips If you're very young and / or religious - before you're intimate, make sure you're Both-committed to a relationship. Meet Their family and let them meet yours. Hang out with them and Their friends; invite them to hang out with you and yours. It May sound silly to do all of this before you even think acerca Being intimate, but the way someone behaves in social or familial situaciones May Realize you make esta person is not for you. Listen to your friends' opinions acerca your new love, but do not take all of them to heart. Hear them, Consider them, keep the ones That are valuable, and discard the rest. Remember friends are only human. They can make errors in judgment and They can Also get jealous. Use your own good judgment and common sense! If you're looking for a woman, look at her mother and check out the mother's relationships With men, and look at her father to see what she will expect from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Be aware however I, That Reflect esta May not work with any staff person growth May Have Done. That her parents ALSO CONSIDER May be the antithesis of what she factotum believes and wants. If you're looking for a guy, look at His Father and His Mother how I Treated etc., and look at His Mother to see what I have Expects from you; it will tell you everything you need to know. Again though, esta does not always work Reflect growth to any staff person Might Have done. 

When looking at anyone from an abused background, look at How They behave Instead Toward children, pets, people weaker or subordinate to Themselves, stressful situaciones and Personal Conflicts. Many people from abusive backgrounds Become strong and gentle but many others perpetuate the abuse. If dating a recovered alcoholic or addict, years in recovery is a good benchmark. 

If They stick WITH RECOVERY for three or more years, things will usually we only get Better With them. Enjoy your single status for a while. Fretting about it will not change it but getting on With loving your life is guaranteed to bring people into your sphere WHO May prove of interest to you. Think about whether or not you think there is a need for a pre-nuptial agreement. Even the perfect matte can turn out not-so-perfect Circumstances under unforeseeable. In This day and age, you can never be too safe.

Do not be afraid to ask your potential matt to get an HIV test or to have any available background check. Just be willing to Provide the same information. If you're going to ask someone for esta information, be careful When you do it. 

Waiting three months and Until You've Already built a trusting, loving relationship Beginning in May to tell them you do not trust them and end a good thing. Asking too early May make you seem a little crazy. 

The Appropriate time to ask is at the Moment When you are sure you want to be more-committed to this person than just as a social companion. Never try to change or expect somebody into your ideal. It has never worked!

Life is  a struggle between good and evil, honest and dishonest loque what works and does not work, positive and negative, love and hate. The POSITIVE people thrive and are happy and are dedicated to doing well and take pleasure in helping others to enjoy of life. The personasNEGATIVAS is discovered because they fail and are dedicated to doing evil (negative). The negative person is discovered that is continually complaining and criticizing. Always angry about something and nothing like as it looks in the mirror loque not you just see. Not to hate, we must have him hurt and avoid it. Someone contagion terrible disease negativitis and will destroy your life and can not sifrutar just suffered.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill Gives us a Simple yet powerful statement: "The great leaders of business, industry, and finance, and the great artists, poets, musicians and writers all great Became Because They developed the power of self-motivation . "
So many of us believe That after a college education the learning stops. But as Jim Rohn eleven said: 
  "Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune. "
Personal Success
That is personal success?
  To me, it is the progressive realization of my goals.
  What Is Happiness?
It is a mindset, a byproduct in the proseo. A positive mental attitude. Happiness consists in doing good.
  Where to find personal success and happiness?
They are people with organized mind. With true desire to act! Deseo (a fiery, intense passion, obsession motivates you to act).
 Motivation: Create an enabling environment for the person concerned can see the path to achieving your goals.
The goals, correctilla is important.
Life is a game, you need action, with daily planning.
Positive Attitude
Be Decisive
 Action! Act: Implement your ideas. Run your ideas. As decided achieve, and decided to pay the price necessary to achieve your goals.
Goals takes commitment. Goals, planning their goal in life.
  He who knows and does not act is a failure!
  "Action is the USE of Knowledge".
  A) Decision: The power of decision is something we developed
 Gradually throughout our lives.
 No one can find loquee can not display. It is the process of learning. (Time)
Success is not static, it is dynamic
Nobody can define your success !!! Do not let it, they would be canceling your inner liberated, "free will"!
It is personal, and enjoy every step, On the way to realization of my GOALS!
B.) Alternatives: are a direct consequence of your freedom.
The byproduct in the process, an action that you ejecutases.
C.) How to eliminate hatred past experiences.
The 4 elements of humanity.
Consisting of:
Being "YO"
Formula mental status 5 instruments to communicate with the outside world (outside of a person)
Smell Tactical Visual Auditory Sense
Technique Triggers
1.) After being (I) the word, is more important.
  The word communication, which has the information and communicates to the outside world is a winner!
Communication HOW we communicate to ourselves, is very important, if we communicate well.
Types orientation mechanisms for communication.
  1.) Duplication Physiologica2.) Approach alejamiento3.) Internal and externa4.) Equality diferencia5.) NO verbal language carries a high percentage (90%) (Movement of the body) .6.) Need Possibility *
  Proper communication is important! *
  Only need to communicate what the person can understand. We think much of loquee we say, to never say everything we understand / know.
Only we must communicate loquee the person can understand his MENTAL acurdo situation.
A.) Education * you are not your thoughts be careful what you feed your mind *
B.) Beliefs: You can only do if you think you can do!
* Our environment
* Education
* Past Events
C.) Results of our past
Every thing, cause, and effect (cause all things effect)
Everything everything.
Life has a price! Accept nothing FREE
Pay the price! Do not take something that does not belong.
If you get something for free, actually paid a higher price. Perhaps you paid with humiliation (s) with your self-esteem lowered.
The word free is the most expensive word in the dictionary of the universe.
Everything in life has a value (a price).
This is the universal law of cause and effect.
The formula for success.
* Decide exactly is loquee want in life?
* Decide how much and what is the price?
* The loquee is going to sacrifice,
* Mentally before you start the process steps displayed things that could happen and solve the mishap in the path of the road, enjoying the process with optimism, doing everything with wisdom and good intentions.
Optimism: Modify your thoughts in your mind. The concept of self, our conducta.Tú're not loquee you think you are. Loquee think, that's me loquee you are!
The reality is in our mind, and that is subjective, depending on how we perceive the external world.
Your brain needs down time
Step one
Mega to do list:
Everything you need to do in long and short term.
All Things That needs to do down.
This will empty your mind.
Then take a break for an hour or so
Step two
defining your Desires
Write all the things that you 'ever wanted.
Everything that desire !!!! Imagine That perfect life that you 'want !!!
Take a break and go away.
Step three.
The Fear Factor
Write it down whatever fear you have, and write down so you can empty hour mind. This will bring the fears on to the surface.
Take a break and comeback them. Read aloud all Beginning from the first list. Exam fear your entries and think of solutions.
Find your solutions Think you on ways to solve.
To Me Is Progressive Achievement
My Goals And Enjoying The Process. There is Dynamic Static.
The Human Mind Is More Complex And The Amazing Of All Creation Of This Planet Asta Date. Success Has No Correlation I went Level Of Intelligence. Only Ser Practice And Put Time, Because It's A Process Learning to Succeed, Have To Be
Ready To Understand The Message.
? Self Improvement You Want Be The Most Effective PosibleEl Success Is Created By Self: A Chain Is Made Things Right Time On A Chain nobody can define your success. Is not forced, it is desired. The process of success is very intimate human being, It's personal human beings are free by nature. He and He alone decides what to do with his life. The man can decide someone decides for him, but even then He decides to decide for The ...
People want but fails loquee expected to achieve much difference loquee want to succeed but expect to fail, and so fails.
Anyone who really wants to live a successful life lived a successful life regardless of all the bad stuff happens. Because he has decided to be successful has decided succeed. Determined, motivated, creating the right environment for you like motives, you decide to build, and take the path of your choice. Only emotion creates the passion needed to convert a simple desire an obsession that lived minute by minute's your decision loquee motivates you, intensely excited, for only one emotion: is your decision loquee you motiva.Crea the enabling environment for the interested can see the situation clearly last way and the new way deciding pay the price. Only emotion creates the passion needed to convert a simple desire an obsession that lived minute by minute.
The power of decision is persistenciaPerseverancia: Persistence is one of the factors which wants success in vidaReceptale: a positive attitude do not take anything for free! to succeed: you need to have a burning desire to achieve your goal to finish your purpose) Personal Success: depends on the person you ask
MARCH, 2008
Advanced abundance money.
Knowledge: if important study at night (and polished) for conocimento is easier, understood, suffers less money to spare! all need help from birth ata we die! when can solve the problem (when one does not know suffers + = the problem
1. science is the search for truth. Fear is a tool of man.
2. Poverty is a bad habit.
3. who has no money, is because it has excuses.
4. know much does not produce wealth.
5. Disease I already! is an enormity!
6. gratitis: nothing is free!
7. Take off the gratitis, do not take anything for free
Faith is the "external elixir Which Gives Life, power
and action to the impulse of THOUGHTS.
To GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Nothing is impossible for God! Everything is possible!
IDEAS AND CREATIONS FORMED AN IDEA IN YOUR MIND "FORMS IN THE INSIDE of your mind, self, the invisible elixir.My gift to you: The fastest way to create a life on your terms
From: Books of Napolion Hill
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I am proud because i choose to validate myself-who I am, who I ve been, and who I will be.  That, I believe, is the deepest kind of self-love. And we all deserve it.  

  UNO reap what you sow ...
 One morning a well dressed woman stood in front of a homeless man who slowly looked up ... and clearly looked at the woman who seemed accustomed to things
good life. Her coat was new. It seemed he had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was: "Just wanted to make fun of me," like so many others had done ....
"Please Leave me alone !! growled the Indigent ... To his surprise, the woman continued in front of him. She smiled, showing his white teeth dazzling flashes.
"Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," replied sarcastically. "I have just come from dining with the president ... Now go."
The woman smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What do you do, ma'am?" asked the angry man.
"I tell him to leave me alone" !!
Just then a policeman came. "Is there a problem, ma'am?" asked the officer ..
"No problem here, officer, said the woman .." I'm just trying to help him to stand ... Will you help me? "The officer scratched his head." That's old John, it's been a fixture around here for the last few years .. What do you want with him? "asked the officer ...
"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'll give you something to eat and out of the cold for a while."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I do not want to go there!" Then he felt strong hands grabbing his arms and lifted him.
"Let me go, officer, I did nothing .."
"We Viejo, this is a good deal for you," the officer whispered in his ear. "
Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the policeman took the old Jack into the cafeteria and sat at a table in a corner of the cafe .. It was almost noon, most people had already eaten lunch and the group for food had not yet come ...
The cafeteria manager came over and asked. "What is going on here, officer?" "What is all this?
And this man is in trouble? "
"This lady brought him here to eat something," said the policeman.
"Oh no, not here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for my business !!!
Old Jack smiled with his few teeth. "Lady, I told him. Now, if they will let me go. I did not want to come here from the beginning."
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled .. "Sir, are you familiar with Hernandez and Associates ?, banking firm that is two streets?"
"Of course I know," replied the manager impatiently. "They have their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms."
"And a good amount of money you win with the food supply in these weekly meetings?"
asked the lady ...
"What does that matter to you?"
"I, sir, am Penelope Hernandez, president and owner of the company". "Oh sorry !! said the manager ...
The woman smiled again .. "I thought this might make a difference in their treatment."
He told the police, who strongly tried to hold a laugh .. "Would you like to make us a cup of coffee or perhaps a meal, officer?" "No, thank you, ma'am," replied the officer. "I'm on duty."
"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"
"Yes, ma'am. That would be better."
The cafeteria manager turned on his heels as receiving an order. -
"I'll bring the coffee for you right away Mr. Officer"
The officer saw away. He said: "It certainly has put in place," he said.
"That was not my intention," the lady said ... Believe it or not, I have a good reason for this. "
He sat across the table from his guest to dinner. She stared at him ...
"John, do you remember me?"
Old Jack looked at his face, the face of it, with rheumy eyes "I think so - I mean, I find familiar".
"Look John, I'm maybe a little bigger, but look at me," said Mrs .. "Maybe I look more plump now ... but when you worked here many years ago I came here once, and for that very door , starving and cold. "
Some tears fell down her cheeks ..
"Ma'am?" the officer said he could not believe what I was witnessing, do not even think that woman could ever be hungry.
"I had just graduated from the University of my people," the woman said. "I had come to the city looking for a job but could not find anything with the broken voice the woman continued. But when I left my last few cents and I had run my apartment, I wandered through the streets was February. It was cold and nearly starving, then I saw this place and among the slightest chance to get something to eat. "With tears in his eyes the woman continued talking ...
"John greeted me with a smile". "Now I remember!" John said. "I was behind the service counter. He approached and asked if I could work for something to eat." "You told me it was against company policy."
He continued the woman .. "So, you made me the biggest beef sandwich I had ever seen ... gave me a cup of coffee, and went to a corner to enjoy my food. I was afraid that you meddle in problems. Then when I looked and saw you put in your pocket the price of food at the cash register, I knew then that everything would be fine ".
"So you started your own business?" said the old John.
"If I found a job that afternoon. I worked very hard, and I went up with the help of My Father God. Then I started my own business which, with the help of God, prospered .." She opened her purse and He pulled out a card. "When you're done here, I want you to go and pay a visit to Mr. Martinez. He is the director of personnel of my company. I'll go talk to him and I'm sure you'll find something for you to do something at the office".
She smiled. "I think even I could give you a preview, just enough so you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you recover .. If you ever need anything, my door is always open for you John."
There were tears in the eyes of the elderly. "How do I can thank you? He asked.
"Do not thank me," the woman replied. "Give glory to God. He brought me to you."
Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman were arrested and before going every man for himself ... "Thanks for all your help, officer .." said Ms. Hernandez.
"On the contrary," said the officer, "Thank you. Today I saw a miracle, something I will never forget. And ... And thanks for the coffee .. ".....
God is so great that it can cover the whole world with his love and yet so little to get into your heart. When God takes the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.
Only 1 of 2 things will happen, or

he holds you when your you fall, or will teach you to fly!
God closes doors that no man can open and God opens doors that no man can shut ... And remember to be a blessing to others.
One of the saddest moments of my life, knowing it would be better to cease to exist and could not understand why? an angel who did not live on this planet than with pain and sadness, because there is no reason to stop there !!! It can not be .. yes, I often think that life is unfair !!! one of those many is this. because !!!!!! god give me the understanding to understand why?
 To: Yvonne Suarez
  Maybe not impossible distance. Foulbrood if imposble stop thinking about you. Now you're not here. I agradesco by the experiences dejastes me. Conoserte I was very happy and thankful that you gave me the opportunity to share a little of your life. Yvonne was a privilege for me to share moments with you. Whenever I feel no desire to move forward, not wanting to live, I feel sad and depressed (to you I can not lie) because there are moments in my life that are obscure and feel it is difficult to live !. I remember you as lloravas with carnal pain, and I remember Desias me, but it is happening to me, oh meva already happen, do not worry.
 You dejastes many lessons I'm trying to learn, and todabia is very difficult for me. Thanks for the love, thank you for your smile, thank you for your kisses for your abrasos. When I remember you and I talk with you I feel better, I feel that my problems are nothing to loque your vivistes in your last days. Many veses questione to myself, because you llegastes my life? Now, I understand! People come into your life for a reason (the supreme power, because if exite). And also as nothing is forever have to leave.
  Love is the strongest force the world ... and the pain of a broken heart can be unbearable.
ALWAYS: I always wanted to ask. What feelings you had for me? you think of me? Because you never could, oh Did you express your feelings for me? not till now. I think that was the best I could do. Having had the opportunity to express my feelings tell you. (And if were to be found because it was too strong, and it was very difficult). Actually that was lloque felt. I feel good !! And for me it is most important. Since then sorry, that was the best I could do, and I can say that the world gave me a chance to be reborn again !!! It is as if I remove something that did not need to have more. And I closed a stage in my life, which was not locked. I do not know because I had the opportunity before? The questions and answers are unnecessary now. Things happen for a reason!
Today, I can tell you. Thank you for coming into my life, and really God tube having a purpose for which you came into my life. I sincerely hope you're happy wherever you find (I always wanted). Today I wish you all the best of this life for you !!. Likewise, that from now on not expect to find in my life. If for some reason you have to get back to my life, it will be because it is written !. I'm not resisting life, I'm just being realistic, and for me is one of the ways to live to the fullest, every day (today) MI present. This was one of my wishes come true now, it's like I have a life full of illusions. Because again I can check that everything is possible. Thank you !!
  ACCOUNTS WITH ME ALWAYS "You'll know it's for you"? March, 2011.  IN LIFE EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE AND RISK !!!
Loving  carries the risk of being misunderstood rechasado oh.
Not loving:
carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!
Not having money:
runs the risk of being taken advantage of UNO. And that UNO can not defend and
have to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to develop their talents, and create bellesa and felicity in the world.
Having conocimiemto:
Runs the risk of being criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing that UNO is better than others oh The more intelligente that Other.
Having money:
It involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Not having conocimiemto:
That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe and pass through life without enjoying its Seguera because you can not see their ignorance.
with bears the risk of dying .
If you are in love with a person who is not in love with you ... do not blame yourself. There is nothing wrong with you, but love did not choose to rest in the heart of the other person.
If you find someone who is in love with you, and you do not love, honored that love came and touched feel your door, but gently refuse the gift you can not return.
If you fall for someone, and that person is in love with you, and love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or blame. Let go. There is a reason and a meaning. You will know it in due time.
Remember that you do not choose to love. LOVE YOU CHOOSE TO YOU. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes to your life.
Feels like it fills you to overflowing, and then find ways to share it.
Give to the person who gave birth in your life. Give to others who are poor in spirit. Dalo around the world of all forms you can.
You can not deceive you love ... not hide or deny the love ... maybe nobody in your eyes distinguish the difference, but if you look at your eyes she will tell them everything.
Remember this, and keep it in your heart: LOVE HAS ITS OWN TIME STATIONS AND THEIR OWN THEIR OWN REASONS FOR COMING AND GOING. Yu can not bribe, coerce, motivate or insist that you stay.
You can only embrace it when it arrives, and distribute to others. But remember, if he chooses to leave your heart, or heart of the one you love, there's nothing you can do, and there's nothing you must do. Love is and will always be a mystery. Be glad that it has entered into your life at some point.
And remember, if you keep your heart open, he will come back to you.
It takes just a minute for you to gaze at someone, one hour to like, a day to love him, but it takes a lifetime so you can forget.
 Message  Wise What ?
It is the most pure and beautiful that I found. Love is the strongest force the world ... v = jl_ilig9SmQ & amp; feature = youtube_gdata_player


carries the risk of being misunderstood rechasado oh.

Not loving:

carries the risk of losing the best of life !!!

Not having money:

runs the risk of being taken advantage of UNO. And that UNO can not defend themselves and have to work for duty and waste your time. And you can not be free to develop their talents, and create bellesa and felicity in the world.

Runs the risk of being criticized and misunderstood. And fall into the trap of believing that 
UNO is better than others oh The more intelligente that Other.

It involves losing risego And take advantage of the power of money
 to oppress others and force them to do loque not combiene them and thus create injustice and infelizidad.
Having conocimiemto:

Having money:

Not having conocimiemto:

That risk has the advantage
UNO and one can not find and discover the truths of the universe 
and pass through life without enjoying its Seguera because you can not see their ignorance.
with bears the risk of dying .

Happy birthday my son. With love your MOM.
If You Could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?  I would say 'Act Now': 
When young, we think 'We have all the time in the world'. 
Life is a learning curve and the more we experience, the more we 'evolve'. 
I do not think we are ever to finished product.
 So, 'Act Now' Instead of over thinking or trying to get everything 'right'. 
With Where I am at in personal my 'evolution', 
I am asking myself "Why did I take so long to initiate A, B or C '. Of course,
 it's good to plan, to think things through. Sometimes (most times? !.), 
though, our brain gets in the way Maybe it's better to 'Shoot now - Aim later!' 
None of this is news ... but I Have Been Recently thinking acerca 
Where all the time in the world 'has gone - so Act Now are my two words.
·      FEAR NOT.
·      DO GOOD
·      BE HAPPY
·      GIVE BACK
·      THE DAY EVERY DAY MAKES IT: Liveable, Manageable, ENJOYABLE.
·      LOVE LIFE
·      BE PATIENT!
·      ACT humanely.
·      NEVER QUIT!
·      KEEP GOING!
·      AM SPECIAL!
·      GROW UP
·  LET GO.
·  "I CAN".

Plus the 3 to master your life
1). The power of thought.
2). Desire: the
3). Faith: Visualizing and believing. In the attainment of desires.
4). Autosuggestion: The medium for influencing the subconscious mind.
5). Specialize knowledge: Person experience or observation.
6). Imagination: The workshop of the mind.
7). Organize Planing: The crystallization of desire onto action.
8). Decision: The mastery of PROCRASTINATION.
9). Persistence: The sustained effort necessary to induce FAITH.
10). Power of the master mind: The driving FORCE.
11). The mystery of the sex Transmutation.
12.). The subconscious Mind: The connecting Links.
13). The brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for thought. 
14). The Sixth Sense: The door to the Temple of WISDOM.
15). How to outwit the six ghosts of the fear.(clearing the brain for riches)
16). The devil's Workshop. (the seventh basic evil).
IF you repeat a million times the famous Emil Coue Formula:
 "day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better"
 without mixing emotion and faith with words, you will experience no desirable result. 
Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts that have well mixed with emotion or feeling.
Querido Mundo

Querido Mundo, la mujer que está leyendo esto es hermosa, elegante y fuerte y la quiero mucho.
 Ayúdala a vivir su vida al máximo. Por favor promuévela y también sus objetivos para que exceda sus expectativas.
 Ayúdala a brillar en los lugares más oscuros donde es imposible amar. 
Protégela siempre.. levántala cuando más te necesite y has que sepa cuando camina a tu lado; 
Ella estará a salvo siempre.